Albs own server?



Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Mids are just crap, they are little challange really.
They do have better classes, but their players just suck.
Hibs are extremely overpowered, and their players suck. But they are so overpowered, each class has an I win button.
Really, Albs are not even zerging the past weeks, yet those moronic asses still claim we do, and because of that they have to come into Emain with 4 fg at a time.. Yes Hibbies.. no need to deny it...
Please, go press your instant aoe mezz buttons, and then please go complain about Alb zergs some more... Sad tossers.
Only reason why Albs hold their strength relic is that it is defendable, and we have the numbers on our side. But somehow Mythic has forgotten that our classes should match the Hib and Mid classes.. not just because of numbers...
Regards, Glottis

Oh and LOL stupid stupid moany little boy (and i actually thought i moaned a lot)



it's simply down to:

one group of Albs goes to odin's, gets ganked at amg by 4fg mids.

these 4fg mids are there together because those individual groups all got ganked by 2fg who happened to meet up at the htk.

zerging/flocking is a natural survival instinct - go with the tribe.

If more than 1fg from a single realm enters the same frontier they'll more often than not end up running around together... if only because the death of one lot signifies where the fight is.

And two groups make the enemy say 'bah stupid zergers we need more for this' and another group appears since they hear there's action... it gets popular and suddenly there's 4fg camping your mg waiting for those 3fg that stormed them earlier.

If you want 1fg versus 1fg action - play Tribes 2. This is a realm versus realm combat game and there's little there to prevent buildup of forces.



A very nicely collated reply, and worthy of a retort..

I agree with almost all u say, as i do understand the game mechanics, and human behaviour reasonably well. Unfortunately that wasn't my point.

I was giving my honest opinion on 'zerging', which in my opinion is an Alb trait, and has been adopted by the other two realms purely as a combative measure.
5-8 fgs Albs turning up at Amg, not knowing what the actual position in Emain is, is how i understand 'zerging'.
Albion are the only realm who do this regularly in my experience, and for no apparant reason . Hibs do not organise 2-3 fgs + to go on an sortie to Emain, if no zerg presence has been reported.

Albion do not 'own' Excalibur any more, the balance of power has shifted. I just think that the zergs will get bigger and more commonplace among Hib & Mid, cos the new guys lvling their chars to 50 and entering into the foray, will accept zerging as the norm. Unfortunate, but a fact of life I think.
Might be interesting to hear people's thoughts on where this game will be in 6-9 months time, with regards to these issues. 'In the bin' is not considered a good reply :)


Yea, the whole "porting over to other realm", portalkeeps and milegates cause the zerg problem. Would be nice if there were either more ways to get to enemy realms or faster and smaller ports (and preferably to different locations)...


to bad the MG's serves like bottlenecks in RvR. These are to blame for many zergs... If 4-5FG hibs move on thier own and there is reports of inc albs/mids they will merge here more or less unvolenterly cuz they all want a fight.

But MGs are also the only place you can have a stand-off if a relic is removed from it's keep.

Maybe they should destroy the MGs and leave some ruins of them so it's easier to come through?

Bure Ygg

Hmm then i read these postes i begun to wonder if many ppl who play DAoC understand what RvR is, the whole game buildes on REALM v REALM not guild v guild or 1fg v1fg. so ofc Hibs shell "zerg" Emain for that is their borderland like Mids shell protect their borders and albion protect theirs but many ppl see it easier to stand on a teleport pad than run out to their border to defend your homeland.

why do u think they have built the MG's like they are ?:)

IMO it is to much FPSer who are playing DAoC who dont have to much feeling for MMORPG , this is not a new CS :) for if you want fast action you play FPS not MMORPG or any other RPG :)


I think the three realms are fairly even in RvR atm, and the RPs earnt over the last week reflects this.

As for the state of the frontiers ...

Alb frontier is deadly quiet unless a keep is taken then an Alb zerg will turn up at some point to retake, normally when those who took it are bored and have gone elsewhere.

Hib frontier is zerg land for the most part, you occasionally get 1-2fg running around but a zerg usually flattens them sooner or later.

Mid frontier is mostly 1-2fg roaming around with the occasional Mid zerg if too many Alb/Hib groups are about and you sometimes see an Alb or Hib zerg turn up when Emain has got too one sided.

I personally prefer to go to the Mid frontier as I get far more fun fights here than in most other places.

As for the bottlenecking around milegates, I think the real problem is that the milegates are far too close together, had they placed them at opposite ends of the frontiers it would of forced groups to do stuff other than zerg from one milegate to the other.

I have noticed that ever since the last patch all three realms have taken a much more defensice stance and rarely bother with keep takes (unless its for DF access) or relic raids due to the numbers that are now required.


Originally posted by shilak

I have noticed that ever since the last patch all three realms have taken a much more defensice stance and rarely bother with keep takes (unless its for DF access) or relic raids due to the numbers that are now required.

This appears to be the main problem, as u rightly pointed out. Because of the difficultly in taking an opposition keep by 1-2 fgs <smaller guilds for eg>, this has taken another option away for peeps who enjoy this, and forced them into the usual places in RvR, creating even more of a zerg situation.
Last night my grp arrived in Emain, to be welcomed by 8fgs Albs @ Amg. And yes, as i was lying there chewing grass, i was able to get a good estimate. 2 of my grp disagreed with me, and suggested it was more like 10fgs, but i'm not one for exaggeration :)


Originally posted by scoutguy

hahahaha when did you last go RvR man albs mainly zerg these days to try and get past amg in emain and hibs and mids also zerg like hell so plz update your knowledge and as for the popuation thats probably right for the ppl playing low lvl alts ect in alb not not alot like PvP and dont go RvR or have mains in other realms on diff servers so enough of this stupid old whine plz and deal with the zergs this patch made everyone zerg as mythic slowly but surely nerf the shit out of any class that can solo so everyone has to run in a herd
Sorry, got bored reading this post half way through the first line. Never heard of puncuation and the use of paragraphs, commas and full stops?

Mythic didnt create the zerg, and having now met a lot of ppl from other servers (german and french) it seems the genuine opinion that all albs zerg, camp the AMGs (called gate1 or wall 1 on them), never come out of their TK until theres 4-5 fg there etc etc etc (see the rest of this post).

So this isnt an excal problem, seems its server wide. Maybe theres truth in the fact that the alb realm is gimped in all directions, or maybe they are all just crap players / monkies on whaky baccy / art students / drugged up laboratory hamsters (delete as appropriate).

Yes theres crap players out there, yes chars are all gimped in one way or another, yes Glottis_Xanadu is a spotty 37 year old virgin, yes we all zerg, yes we all camp the amgs, yes we all grey gank.... but the albs do it all 200% better than the rest of us. :p



Long live odins :clap:

now go play in bg 2 and 3 :D


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
...........or maybe they are all just crap players / monkies on whaky baccy / art students / drugged up laboratory hamsters (delete as appropriate).

Amazed how some ppl still coming up with the TOPIC: "Its proved that crap players around the whole world play albs, there r even psichology studies about this. Smart ppl plays mid coz well theyr smarter. We r l33t, u sux, blablabla..."


Well if scientists around the world say so, must be true. BTW, even hibs are smarter than j00.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus

That one is getting quite old, especially when I regularly witness some of the following:

- 3-4fg mids moving from mtk in emain
- LA moving in 2FG, sometimes joined by 1-2FG others
- Strife getting wiped by 2-4FG mids in odins
- FC, HB, Strife and other alb guilds moving in 1-2FG both in emain and odins

LA only trys to avoid other fgs of hibs, and you know that. And you always run around in 1-2fgs my arse.


Albs own the server? That explains why people are always blameing them when zones crash and for horrendous lag. Well, i demand that the server be brought up to standards asap. You have been warned albion, don't make me kill the bunny.


Originally posted by AquArius

cos I think Hibernia have a better strategy, simply cos we play as much as possible with a fg and not as part of a zerg.

Simple math, statistics or just plain common sense tell me (and the rest of the thinking world) it is simply NOT POSSIBLE to have one realm (in this case) Hibernia to use 'better strategy'.

Or do you think it's decided when your mom puts you on this world you go play Hibernia, Albion or Midgard?

It's just plain BULLSHIT when you say 1 realm has better strategy.

Ofcourse it's very hard to admit we're all the same in the end BUT some realms have a few benefits which makes them 'slightly' more suited for RvR.

I am an Alb but I played a bard and was quite successfull AoE-insta amnesia a fg of Albs at range 'too far away' kick in speed 6 (speed 5 + sprint) and AoE-mezz the fg of Albs. Did I become more 'skilled' by playing Hibernia and do I suddenly loose that kind of skill and strategy when I start up my Alb-character?!

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