Albion Random Group RvR Bible Project v1.0



Originally posted by dakeyras

There is one slight problem with this....its bollocks!!

Sorry but it doesn't work like that. AoM reads as a straight 3% but it isn't. AoM factors in after the initial resists have been calculated and so ends up adding as little as 1% resist in many cases.

Alot of peeps in US are demanding RA respec after this little gem was confirmed by Mythic. AoM1 for 1 point is debatable value. Going as high as AoM3 or even 2 is just wasted points.

If that is true - which I'm not particularly prepared to believe it is, since dark runies did NOT nuke me for 200 before i got AoM4 - then there is some major, major display bug in the works.
My resist screen shows me 38% body, energy, heat. 43% cold due to my racial resist. Up to 54% body/energy when cleric-buffed.
Furthermore, you either don't believe what you're saying or you haven't thought about it. Capped resist, 26%. 3% of 26%? That's 1% gain if you're very lucky and Mythic decided to round up for that particularly calculation. ;p

Anyway, to add a tip, for slash-spec people at keeps...
You can use side-positionals on keep doors, from the normal door-bashing position. With no end regen RAs whatsoever i can happily side-slicer the whole time and not have less than 2/3rds end when the door goes down.


Re: Re: reply - my dear friend apathy 8)

apathy maybe you start to teach the tanks what you would like us to slay for you ?
as far as i see you haven't that much experiance in killing
5K a week ? :lol:

a scheming Cow running around ??? think that say's enough.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Err...that guild page refers to a completely different game. ;)


hehe apathy

okie tired of this now - tried too use reasonable means but i guess its impossible with you
okie lets get few facts 1 yes i hit the celt my mistake sorry -dont make mistakes often but hey everyone does now and again and it was the first in god knows how many times.
2 emm okie hit celt - hammer proced a dot on first hit - no mezz possible-this wouldent be bad thing for the clever sorcerer too figure out - emm am i wrong thinking sorcerers dont have a nuke button - i dont know im not sure unlike apathy im not a expert on everyone elses class.anyway the baddass celt tank its doted and no mezz possible - nice dot btw 90 points tick - does great dmg -so i decide the mistakes done and i continue too hit - wow i get her down too nearly dead but she has ip -emm a few support nukes would have killed her.anyway apathy continues too try root and mezz a doted mob hes a he real clever guy as we know -the celt eventually reaches him and he stands there- yup apathy just stands there while hes getting the crap knocked of him - now ive seen clever casters when they get in trouble - the old sprint button gets hit and there out of there - but not our intellegent apathy .

i made a mistake i admit it - wasent the best descision ive ever made - but omg was it compounded by our very clever guy apathy. does he think fights happen in a nice robotic fashion where nothing bad happens i think not.

this is the last post i make on this subject - apathy your not half as clever as you try make out - and your intellegence rateing is nothing near your characters

macintosh lvl 50 armsman

as foot note too this ill have too consider putting away my nice hammer for rvr soo this dosent happen again.but we live and learn and will use a dd proc from now on when in groups 8)


Re: hehe apathy

All right, I will have to add my part to this now completely off-topic discussion (sorry, Quib).
Originally posted by macintosh
as foot note too this ill have too consider putting away my nice hammer for rvr soo this dosent happen again.but we live and learn and will use a dd proc from now on when in groups 8)
Macintosh, don't worry about a single-target DoT procced off a hammer, sorcerers really do hate me (i.e. my matter Cabalist) when I get off one of my AoE DoTs and then trail six angry Hibs after me before going down in glory(?).

/em tries to make up with the guild sorcerer (Iluvatur) :D

Seriously, DoTs can be a mixed blessing and should be used wisely, AoE DoTs (like all AoE effects) even more so. The high damage potential (with crit you can get 6 ticks of 250 damage each with no falloff) is tempered by the fact that it takes time to kill someone with them, and that they can be cured.


You didn´t say anything about the DoT in-game at all. Unless "i dud nofing rong" is the same as "Whoops. DoT´d it. Doh.".

I´d already nuked and drained it a few times, doing less than 200 damage each time. I could barely shift the health bar on the damn thing, something I am sure you couldn´t do either if you´d been at your keyboard and paying attention.

The reason I didn´t run away for the hills is because THAT is a stupid thing to do; run out of healing and nuking range...good plan! Totally eliminate any chance of group backup.

The cleric was already healing whilst I ran far enough away to get some AoE CC off to try and hit other things.

So you now admit you made a mistake. Well done. However, you now have to admit that you went on to make other ones - sticking to a tank even though there was sod all you could do (Not even slam, I bet...probably too busy trying to sidecrush from up the Celt´s ass.) Rather than scampering off to take care of a caster or support class.

And as for the 5k, that´s down from around times that. I´ve not logged on to play for about a week.

Also, it´s not about being an "expert in everyone elses class" (I have a crush armsman on one of my accounts though, funnily enough.) but about clearly knowing what best helps my char perform in combat.





This is a thread for constructive advice, not for some worthless discussion held in an offensive tone.

Take your petty quarrels elsewhere please.


Back on topic:

Advice for casters getting attacked by tanks:

Hit sprint and run directly through the tank i nthe opposite direction of then tanks facing.
Many tanks dont use stick, hence this will make them lose sight of you and waste time getting back on you.
If you have a hill nearby, this can help you shake tanks that were clever enough to use /stick (as mentioned in an earlier post).

Tactics for air theurgist:
When not being the primary CC of the group, it is often clever to hang back in the rear of the group and root/mezz purgers and nuke whatever your own tanks are bashing atm.


I updated the project with the input i got in this thread, thanks alot to all the people that helped me with my blank spots.
I didnt include all tips and tricks to every class, sorry if i left out something you find important. Just keep pestering me and ill include it hehe. I try to work from the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), since casual players dont want to read a ton of text, and the point is to have this read by all casual players.

Now the next step is get this on a web format instead of plain text, and to have everyone read and follow the guidelines in random groups. The best way to do this is if all the classes that rely on teamplay to work insists on all having read this.
Classes that spring to mind are cleric sorceror and minstrels, basically the support chars. So i beg of all the clerics sorcs and minstrels out there, start to join random groups ONLY if they agree to follow these tips of their class

IMPORTANT : i dont wish to force people to play my way, this is only for random pickup groups. The advices here isnt really mine, but the advice from all the good rvr players of the different classes that helped me with feedback in this thread. If you read this and find something is just plain wrong, dont be pissed at me, but instead write here what is wrong and why. This way maybe we all get better in time.


Bible is in the process of being webbyfied.


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Bible is in the process of being webbyfied.


Any progress ??? Or mayb a link to rough version ???


Can you include the stuff in the thread about driving in there?

bloody good stuff that :)


Just tested - it works now.

It will be moved to a permanent location soon.

The driving guide will be there too as soon as i get it pieced together.

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