Albion Efficiency & Alliance



Im not going to go too deep into this, as im sure its been talked about more than Jabba the hutts Arse in gay clubs round the country.....but......Albion really should have 1 main alliance, covering all the main RVR guilds.

Anything else just curbs reaction times and efficiency.

I cant say too much atm as I have been away from home fo r4 weeks and have no knowledge of the current political feelings etc.

Last time I was playing, several main guilds were spread over 3-4 Alliances, which is just like the old Russian chain of command in terms of reaction times...IE - fkin slow.

When I played last...LOE mainly just took to the field in conjunctioni with SOTL in joint trhough any kind of pigheadedness or anythign else untoward, but simply coz anythign else was a pain in the arse to organise.


Check the Midgard forums to have an idea about 1 big alliance and then look at the Unity alliance and see 2 guilds are missing that you might not be aware of?


... well I'm all flamed out from my input over in the Midgard area, but perhaps Vayasen would care now to offer the rest of the Unity alliance his own explanation as to why LoE left the alliance they were in a few weeks ago, and then come here proclaiming that one big alliance is the way forward...?

All I know is that Tyrion had an argument with the GM of a guild which wasn't in the Unity alliance, and then asked for LoE to be removed from Unity, which I did after confirmation from Hrodelbert, who Vayasen had advised me was in charge during his absence.

Go figure



Just to stick in my two pennies on the subject.
I would personally love to see one large alliance. This fragmentation is killing us as a realm. Last night was a classic example. All the guilds turned out to meet the midgard threat across our frontier, but then each alliance decided to do it's own thing regardless of the others. I was in the command chat, and almost nothing was being said. People were simply not talking to each other.
As a result the combined midgard force was able to pick off each guild one my one, when we could easily have overcome them if people had put their egos and lust for personal realm points aside.
As for the withdrawl of LoE from the alliance, I am sorry to see it happen, and very disappointed that the rank and file were not even consulted, just informed. And we had to fight to get an explanation too.
Overall, I think Albion is in a very sorry state, and have removed myself from all RvR activites until it's resolved. IF anyone's on excal/hibernia, look me up. I may be back, maybe not.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by vayasen
Albion really should have 1 main alliance, covering all the main RVR guilds.

That is where I see a problem with such an alliance. To me, 'one big alliance' means just that, an alliance which covers the whole of Albion. All or nothing. If it becomes an alliance which only recruits those guilds seen worthy, then it's an allaince of 'elite' guilds which I'd rather not be part of.

Now you have to see the irony in your guild leaving an established alliance, only later to call for 'unity'(no pun intended... well, heh, I lie ;) ).

The idea for a single alliance in Albion has been discussed before, but it didn't get much further. Everyone likes to play the game in their own way, so they find like-minded players and form guilds. They find other guilds who share the same values, and form an alliance... and so over the months, this saturation takes place. The last time this discussion was held, the three largest alliances were the Unity, Knights and EC. All three had completey different playing styles and imo, were not compatible.

Things have changed now, and a single alliance does make sense in some ways, not least because the majority of the servers lv50s have jumped into LoE or SotL.

From what I hear, the GM meeting which preceeded LoE leaving the Unity, was distracted by someone's bad attitude, who later called for the resignation of LoE. I confess I'm only working with rumours here and I may be entirely wrong and he was probably showering everyone with blessings and such. Although I expect you have access to chatlogs from the meeting, if not, I'm certain they can be provided. Personally, I don't hold anything against LoE as their main GM was away. But along with many people, I'm sure, I do want to hear what you have to say on the matter.

As it stands, two of Albions biggest guilds walk out on an alliance, which admitedly, they were a big part of. Now if these guilds call for a bigger alliance to be run under their terms, I will definately vote against it.


... well I'm all flamed out from my input over in the Midgard area

Hope you didnt take my comment as a flame, certainly wasn't meant to be anyway. :cool:


so are we gonna start seeing some albion love spreading about the place now...............

I truly believe that as a massed unit, organised and honed we could seriously do some damage.


Dont want one alliance,just my opinion though.Leaving it there.


dunno, aslong as I don't have to look at an alliancechat ever again I'm happy :) (former EC-chat really scared me and during a month now I've had no alliance-chat at all and that have been really nice). Someone gotta watch it tho and let me know whats going on through /gu (only the important stuff of course) :)

IF there will be a big alliance I really hope it will be used for relic-issues only, and no 'Looking for ape at tanglers'-messages or other non-critical stuff (eg. one guy sais 'hi' and 300 people responds .. ack!) ..


OK, this aint pretty but this is how I see things.

Unity. Sucked. Badly.

I dont blame anyone perticulary, 'cause I know all in the alliance were guilty.
I remember Nilo saying once, (Not a exact quote) "I hate this thumbrolling"... Talking much but not enough actions. Loads of nominations but then they never did anything, except occasional "keep retakes" or something as vain.

Strong, experience leaders is something we all need. Democracy doesnt take nearly as far in war the Monarchy/similar. Someone who knows what he's doing, how to do it and above all, get others to do as said. Thats the hardest part.

The problem is, even if alb had loads of dedicated players, they lack the leadership. There are plenty of wannabe leaders who actually dont have a clue how to act, talk or organise. TBH, I think Nilo was one who actually could do these things. Plenty of other people, currently in lead positions are trying to, but just lack the skills to do it. Its not an easy job, I know.

IMO, SotL and LoE leaving Unity was for good. We all know, both guilds are two of the most powerful guilds in the Realm. You cant deny that. I got the feeling we were contributing alot more in common events such as Relic Raids etc, mostly organised by us. We left the rest in our shadow so to speak. Now that were gone, Unity has, I repeat has to organise things themselves. I heard they took out Legion already, good well done... Continue that route, It'll take you far.

P.S. If I dont make sense at some point, blame 5am.
P.P.S My views are not SotL's views, Im not SotLs spokesman, these are my personal views.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Wicoa
so are we gonna start seeing some albion love spreading about the place now...............

I truly believe that as a massed unit, organised and honed we could seriously do some damage.

You mean a chaotic nervbreaking stuff which leads to whining and quitting again? suuuure ;X


A month or so ago i and alot of my close friends would have said yes to a big alliance, now, probably not.

Really is getting to the point where the big guilds are getting BIG, and know it all too well. Fair play to them, they have got many members, they are strong when together and so on and so forth.

What this leaves room for is alot of bad apples, and just because you are of a certain level, doesnt mean after a while your views and attitudes can turn friend ships around, and create wars between guild/friend-structures.

Too much backstabbing within the realm, not enough taking a step back and realising that everyone needs to be involved, guild/alliance regardless.

Cant change the way the big guilds think of themselves, but if some of the more tosser'ish among you could take your head out of your own arse for 5 minutes, alot of things could be resloved.

Hey ho, another dawn, aother day.


Originally posted by kr0n
IMO, SotL and LoE leaving Unity was for good. We all know, both guilds are two of the most powerful guilds in the Realm. You cant deny that. I got the feeling we were contributing alot more in common events such as Relic Raids etc, mostly organised by us. We left the rest in our shadow so to speak. Now that were gone, Unity has, I repeat has to organise things themselves. I heard they took out Legion already, good well done... Continue that route, It'll take you far.

Well said indeed and reflect my opinions totally.
(Not that they matter of course :p )


the unity would work if evry1 would stop trying to be leaders and for once let someone else tell them what to do...


To counter the threat from a huge single alliance enemy calls for a huge single Albion alliance. Unfortunately the more people in an alliance the more talking and debate takes place over what happens, which as Kron says can be very frustrating.

Although I do tend to forget it at times this is a game (reputedly) so it is difficult to tell would-be leaders to shut the hell up. Maybe with time good leaders will come to the fore, certainly Jupitus is an excellent leader.

The present state of affairs with a number of mini alliances seems rather daft and any (non flaming) discussions on the way forward seem worthwhile.


Certainly a big alliance might help in working together as a realm but I don't think it's a solution with the alliances we have right now since it seems that the existing alliances all have a certain view about how they want to play the game.

A huge step forward would be just to increase communication between the alliances and start doing more things together, this could be something simple like an inter-alliance Legion Raid to an inter-alliance keep or relic raid.

If the existing alliances start working together more and more this could lead to people learning to listen to others and learning how to work together.

Just my 2 cents


There isn't an absolute need for one alliance, I'm sure Albion can cope fine without one.

It doesn't require a single alliance to do raids, keep retakes and anything else this game has. At the times needed, we can easily form a chatgroup and organise what we want. Most guilds expect different things from their alliances, having just one alliance would only cause problems with /as spam.

If you want to communicate with other guilds/alliances in this realm, try the Inter-Alliance forums. If your alliance isn't represented there, sign up and follow the instructions. So far the following guilds are represented:
  • Unity of Albion
  • Knights of Albion
  • Eternal Circle
  • Valiant Fury
If you've got anything to say regarding the realm, the Inter-Alliance forums can be the best place to say it. Really helps with communication if all the alliances are signed up there.

The Real Redi

IMO, SotL and LoE leaving Unity was for good. We all know, both guilds are two of the most powerful guilds in the Realm. You cant deny that. I got the feeling we were contributing alot more in common events such as Relic Raids etc, mostly organised by us. We left the rest in our shadow so to speak

hmm, ive felt this for a while, and this does nothing to quench that fear of eliteism in the realm...

If either guild actually worried about the status of the realm, more than how many RPs there guilds out pace the others buy, why start acting so eliteist? Why quit the Unity over an argument? Jesus, you think that back in the day all meetings of alliances of clans/guilds/families etc went off without a hitch??

I would be happy to enter an alliance of Albion, but it will only work if its ALL the guilds united in pride and humility enough that theres no elitism, no back biting, no snide comments, and no acting like any guild is more important than the others!

If even one decides that they are too important to be wrapped up with such trivial things, and are more than capable of doing what they like, when they like, then a realm wide alliance wont work...

As someone mentioned earlier, its all or nothing, it wont work if only half the efforts put in...

oh, and there are good leaders in Albion, its just some let personal grudges and professional pride get in the way of admitting it. I can name at least 4 that i expect youd tell me were 'arseholes' or 'obnoxious' or something equally as pointlessly insulting, but i can guaruntee you that each of those has the backing of many many people, and the opinions of a few angry people wont change that...

besides, to finish this post, we'll never be a decent RvR force as a whole, until albions learn to STOP RUNNING AWAY!!! :(

At the hib zerg yesterday, at the AMG in emain, the hibs came in and someone yelled 'get behind the milegate!!!' (a pointless move as it would have become the usual stand off at the MG <sighs> ) and half ran back thru the gates, leaving about 20 casters and a couple of tanks stood alone. After the hibs had wasted most of our arses the front side, then people came back thru the gates, to be picked off... <shrugs> STOP RUNNING!!! stand your ground; it gives more targets to spread the attacking tanks thinner, it provides at least a blin of cover for the casters, and you might not actually die!

but then again, im not 50, so i dont count... ;)

The Real Redi

hmm, that came out much angrier than id intended :D

heh! Barrysflame getting to me :flame:


The only one who is calling for a big alliance is Vayasen and he has been away recently and not seen what has happend. I'm pretty certain that you won't see SotL trying to unite the realm as we tried once (through Nilo a while back) and too many people wanted to be in charge of their own smaller alliances rather than just another cog in a bigger one.

Fair enough. You won't have to worry about "voting no" to any alliance proposed by a bigger guild because it won't be happening. Having seen the amount of red tape this realm can generate and the number of people who want positions of power I should say that you have to do what works for you.


The dark side flows through you redi.... you're bitterness shall grow until we match the dark lord jadow.

There are some superb leaders in this game who really do know what they are doing at all times even under pressure.

I do find alot that it takes an effort to organise alb's, they don't inherently want to group together in one mass unit, it takes one individual to start a cg and make sure everyone is in it.

Personally I prefer guild raids......... totally organised, one command voice and excellent experience to help us win some epic battles.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Overall, I think Albion is in a very sorry state, and have removed myself from all RvR activites until it's resolved. IF anyone's on excal/hibernia, look me up. I may be back, maybe not.
I'm in hib/excal, usually on my mentalist...


Hmm, when LoE and Sotl where in unity, you killed the legion how many time without asking any other guilds in the alliance to help?

I have allways goten the impresion the Sotl especialy done their own thing, even after the rest of us turned 50.

So nothing has realy changed (for me persoanly anyways)...

And if im not totaly wrong... PL helped plan and lead most of the relicraids...

And you cant blame guilds not doing anything... when everyone joines you guys when they turn 50 anyways, its just recently that PL and other guilds could do things on their own...

Its natural for a guild to feel like they dont fit in when they have 30+ lvl 50s online and all the other guild in the alliance have 5..

I think this gives everyone a fresh new start, and i think its good for albion. I have a feeling things will change even more when the PvP server gets here...


Originally posted by old.Velo
Hmm, when LoE and Sotl where in unity, you killed the legion how many time without asking any other guilds in the alliance to help?
That would be because they were guild raids, not alliance raids. It's not compulsory to invite the whole alliance on every raid...


Originally posted by Danyan

That would be because they were guild raids, not alliance raids. It's not compulsory to invite the whole alliance on every raid...

Ofcourse not, i just mean that you did most things with loe anyways, without involving the alliance...

Generic Poster

Originally posted by kr0n
I thought the Alliance was for RvR o_O

That would be why one of the earlier Relic Raids, only involved a select few players.

Hey! I even know the answer to that, it wasn't a Unity or even an sotl planned raid. It was a 'Nilo Raid', and Nilo just happend to be in sotl.

This may pass off as a resonable excuse to some people, but imo, it went against the objectives of an 'RvR' alliance. Yes it's a very old issue done and dusted, but elements of that raid have appeared time and time again.

I mirror everything Velo has just posted. Albion is very much a case of the 'rich get richer and the poor get poorer'. It doesn't help when players feel the need to switch guilds as soon as they hit lv50, treacherous bastards. Not all of them, I grant them that, but the majority are.

Why does it take people 50 levels, and countless hours of getting there to suddenly realise that they do not fit in their current guild?

/gu DING! lv50!!! :DDD

/gu I love you guys, I really do. But now I'm off for some real fun with UberGuild #98723.
/gu I am too stupid to comprehend my actions. My excuse that there isn't enough action in this guild, which is largely down to our former lv50s leaving, and because our following lv50s will leave also, this guild will never take off because you recruited a load off ungratefull motherfu
/gu FUCK!!! ran out of space and chopped half my fucking message. I repeat, my actions are that of an idoit and I will never understand the concepts of friendship and loyalty. I'm off to meet like minded players and because there are soo many of us, we will be teh Uber! OMG! EMAIN ZZERG, HERE I COME!!!

/gc quit


I very strongly object to people who feel the need to abandon their guild, the moment they find a place in bigger one with more RPs. This is an entirely different issue to what's being discussed, but it is relevant. Albion has a majority of wannabe leetists, that is the problem.

If a guild would reject me when I'm lv30, I won't join them when I'm 50. yes yes, I'm sentimental and believe in being recruited on your merits, and not on your level. But most of Albion are happy to become lv50 sluts and jump in the guild which pays them the most.

If everyone wants to be elite, or be part of that which is considered elite... you can take the spirit of Unity and piss on it (Unity, the word. Not the alliance).

(now for the topic on hand)

SotL and LoE generally keep to themselves. Only when they need additional support, will other guilds get a look in. That's the type of attitude which causes unrest throughout Albion. Players want to be out there as part of a team, not to fill the numbers. If you're talking about leadership, the new alliance will call people when needed, with a 'fuck them - if not needed' attitude. hmmm, sounds strangely familiar, even when in the Unity(alliance).

Is there a player, or guild which will involve LoE or SotL in their plans now, and expect them to carry out orders to complete the objectives?

Can LoE/SotL call on other guilds (from whom a number of their members have come from), and expect them to carry out orders when needed?

Leaderships works both ways. You need someone in command, and you need a group of people to follow orders. With so much pride and general idiocy, one of those is hard to come by.

There will be a minor tension in any realm-wide effort. So people calling for unity and whatever else should look to the real cause of the problem. Betrayed, used and rejected... there are plenty of reasons for hate out there.


be fair here.

Nilo (SoTL) tried to organise a single alliance a while back - no one was interested - i doubt that has changed now.

I personally dont think SotL/LoE is a bad thing for the realm, its somewhat bad for those guilds left in Unity but its not the end of the world. There was a lot of bad feelings left from early Unity problems which wasnt really helping the situation, now thats gone things can move on and the alliances will have to co-operate more (Unity/EC legion raid other night as example).

Only thing i would say re: "You cant deny that. I got the feeling we were contributing alot more in common events such as Relic Raids etc, mostly organised by us." think Unity relic raids were lead by Laird and organised by PL. Nilo has lead as many if not more of his own raids, but from what i remember they wernt organised within Unity and have the problems outlined in the post above mine.

Fact that SotL/LoE are now closer tied imo is a great step for the realm and a great step for them. It's less hassle for them for one thing, which for us will mean faster relic response times when it comes down to the crunch.


I would just like to say that SotL and LoE as the major lvl 50 contibutors to RvR there kinda is one alliance already across the realm, no alliance will ever be as strong as theres due to shear numbers of high lvls and classes/spec's to match.

It is a good thing for albion that the 2 most strongest adn influentual guilds in the realm are in the same alliance and now have stability not to mention jenkz's post above.

All in all if it helps SotL and LoE and makes htem more comfortable in the realm then its a good thing for everyone.

Maybe other alliances should merge if they are struggling with number and lvls. SotL and LoE have just pushed the other alliances together which aint a bad thing :D

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