AF buff broken? Or.....

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Well I noticed and I know some other people have that Casters are been hit for almost or cap damage. I took some Screenshots to show you what I mean, all these are from 2 trips in emain.

958 bolt dmg

before bolt would hit for 600/700 with lucky crit

203 unstyle 1h and 470 style 1h

1h style would be around 2xx never that much even with a crit

Another 958 bolt

same as before

471 of normal bow shot

normal bowshot would hit for around 2xx / or low 300

Another 958 bolt from a diff wizard

seems bolts hit for the same no matter what caster fires them

840 PA

PA before would do 400/500 never 800 even with crit.

Btw I have max heat resist and all melee resists are above 18%

Also This


are you casting the right spells? With the patch your spell lists probably been rearranged slightly, and the spells on your quickbar might not be the correct ones (lower level/completly different spells).


No its defo not that i checked when I right click spell icon it says lvl 50(AF) lvl 41(ab)


yep its broken having the same probs here =/

it looks like there is no af + due the buff looks like we are runing around with 240af ..... its a prob. all mages have in daoc right now...

i hope they will fix it soon


thats one bug i don't mind :p
more of those :clap:

Roo Stercogburn

Interesting, might explain how a couple of my brief forays into the frontiers.. were even more brief than expected. I'm going to near zero health on a single hit from just about anything and everything.


Even though i do find that i do alot more damage to casters, casters do shedloads of damage on me as well , so something must be terribly wrong


Yeah its broken Im sure. Tested it out on hill scrags. Let a hill scrag attack me with shields down: hit between 100-150 damage. Did same test but with shields up (over double AF than before) and was getting hit for the same damage.

Me sniffs a caster slaughter on the horizon :) And yes I was using the level 50 shield diamond enhanced, this is surely a nasty bug.


Yeah I can see some truth in this, been hitting blue con casters for horribly amounts like 180... as Cleric!

Also seen my own casters go down fast but well, that goes so fast anyway I don't notice much change.



Cant say ive noticed any difference myself, blue casters always were oneshot kills for me, and yellows always were left with about 1/6-1/5 health.... no different now...


Cant say ive noticed any difference myself, blue casters always were oneshot kills for me, and yellows always were left with about 1/6-1/5 health.... no different now...

Work it out 958 bolts with capped heat resists, so without the cap resist I would be getting one shoted from every bolt. I have 1068 hps which is quite nice for a caster with out any +Hit RA's, its broken or something is :mad: .

Could caster pls test it by logging and attking a green or blue con mob then rooting/stun/mez it then casting AF buff and see if the damage changes, then cast your AB buff see if there is any change. Then if there isnt send the logs to Rightnow.


Yeah, I remember Alaron was saying the same thing last night.


I think it must be bugged atm, as I have been pretty much hitting cap on every caster I hit since patch i think..

Old Nicodemus

In my quick journey into emain last night I was attacked by an Inf from the side and killed in one blow. Now I had all my shields and buffs up and I get one shotted.

Pre patch it would have taken the same inf 2 attacks to kill me, with all my shields and so on up.

So something has to be bugged somewhere.

Anyhow grats to the Inf that got me. ;)



Proof its broke,

green con

*** Chat Log Opened: Fri Nov 08 17:19:45 2002

[17:19:48] You target [the wyvern]
[17:19:48] You examine the wyvern. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:19:52] @@You say, "green"
[17:20:03] @@You say, "current AF 239"
[17:20:04] You target [the wyvern]
[17:20:04] You examine the wyvern. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:20:06] You begin casting a Suppress View spell!
[17:20:08] You cast a Suppress View Spell!
[17:20:10] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:15] You target [the wyvern]
[17:20:15] You examine the wyvern. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:20:16] The wyvern hits your arm for 97 (-13) damage!
[17:20:16] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:19] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:23] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:23] You resist the effect!
[17:20:23] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:20:23] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:27] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:29] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:31] The wyvern hits your leg for 125 (-17) damage!
[17:20:34] You resist the effect!
[17:20:34] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:20:34] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:35] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:38] You are hit for 93 damage.
[17:20:38] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:20:38] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:40] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:41] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:45] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:47] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:49] The wyvern hits your hand for 112 (-15) damage!
[17:20:51] You prepare to quickcast your next spell.
[17:20:51] You begin quickcasting a Annihilate Movement spell!
[17:20:52] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:20:53] You cast a Annihilate Movement Spell!
[17:20:53] The wyvern's feet are frozen to the ground!!
[17:20:53] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:20:59] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:21:05] You begin casting a Major Suppressive Barrier spell!
[17:21:08] You cast a Major Suppressive Barrier Spell!
[17:21:08] A shield surrounds you.
[17:21:09] Your friend, Gomez, just entered the game.
[17:21:19] @@You say, "current AF 489"
[17:21:22] You target [the wyvern]
[17:21:22] You examine the wyvern. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:21:25] That target is too far away!
[17:21:42] You target [the wyvern]
[17:21:42] You examine the wyvern. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:21:42] You begin casting a Sovereign Runebolt spell!
[17:21:46] You cast a Sovereign Runebolt Spell!
[17:21:48] You hit for 684 damage!
[17:21:50] You resist the effect!
[17:21:50] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:21:54] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:21:54] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:21:57] The wyvern hits your arm for 91 (-12) damage!
[17:22:00] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:01] The wyvern hits your leg for 112 (-15) damage!
[17:22:04] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:06] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:08] The wyvern hits your head for 139 (-19) damage!
[17:22:11] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:12] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:15] You are hit for 86 damage.
[17:22:15] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:22:15] The wyvern hits your head for 118 (-16) damage!
[17:22:15] You begin to heal faster.
[17:22:18] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:18] You are hit for 64 damage.
[17:22:18] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:22:18] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:22] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:23] You prepare to sprint!
[17:22:24] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:25] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:28] You are no longer ready to sprint.
[17:22:28] You prepare to quickcast your next spell.
[17:22:29] You begin quickcasting a Annihilate Movement spell!
[17:22:29] The wyvern attacks you and misses!
[17:22:30] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:31] You cast a Annihilate Movement Spell!
[17:22:31] The wyvern's feet are frozen to the ground!!
[17:22:33] The wyvern hits your hand for 119 (-16) damage!
[17:22:36] You resist the effect!
[17:22:36] You are enveloped by searing heat!
[17:22:36] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:40] You begin casting a Greater Rune of Shadow spell!
[17:22:43] You cast a Greater Rune of Shadow Spell!
[17:22:43] You hit for 698 (+94) damage!
[17:22:43] The wyvern dies!
[17:22:43] You get 10,819,318 experience points. (2,496,765 camp bonus)
[17:22:43] The wyvern drops a bag of coins.
[17:22:43] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:22:43] You must select a target for this spell!
[17:22:43] You must select a target for this spell!
[17:22:43] @@[Guild] Gomez: "tesla on?"
[17:22:47] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[17:22:47] @@[Guild] Mobius: "naw!"
[17:22:49] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!

*** Chat Log Closed: Fri Nov 08 17:22:51 2002

blue con

*** Chat Log Opened: Fri Nov 08 17:40:42 2002

[17:40:42] The fenrir guard hits your hand for 141 (-33) damage!
[17:40:44] @@[Guild] Cada: "heh"
[17:40:45] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:40:46] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:40:50] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:40:51] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:40:54] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:40:57] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:40:58] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:01] The fenrir guard hits your foot for 210 (-49) damage!
[17:41:03] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:05] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:09] The fenrir guard hits your torso for 161 (-38) damage!
[17:41:10] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:10] You prepare to quickcast your next spell.
[17:41:10] You begin quickcasting a Annihilate Movement spell!
[17:41:12] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:13] You cast a Annihilate Movement Spell!
[17:41:13] The fenrir guard's feet are frozen to the ground!!
[17:41:16] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:21] You begin casting a Major Suppressive Barrier spell!
[17:41:22] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:24] You cast a Major Suppressive Barrier Spell!
[17:41:24] A shield surrounds you.
[17:41:26] You target [the fenrir guard]
[17:41:26] You examine the fenrir guard. It is aggressive towards you!
[17:41:31] You begin casting a Sovereign Runebolt spell!
[17:41:34] You cast a Sovereign Runebolt Spell!
[17:41:35] You hit for 563 damage!
[17:41:40] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:41] The fenrir guard hits your torso for 181 (-42) damage!
[17:41:45] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:46] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:48] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:52] The fenrir guard attacks you and misses!
[17:41:52] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:56] The fenrir guard hits your torso for 167 (-39) damage!
[17:41:58] You've been in combat recently, the spell has no effect on you!
[17:41:59] The fenrir guard hits your torso for 171 (-40) damage!
[17:42:03] You prepare to quickcast your next spell.
[17:42:03] You begin quickcasting a Annihilate Movement spell!
[17:42:03] The fenrir guard hits your torso for 205 (-48) damage!
[17:42:03] Gyil was just killed by a fenrir guard!
[17:42:03] You have died. Type /release to return to your last bind point.
[17:42:03] You lost some experience!

*** Chat Log Closed: Fri Nov 08 17:42:07 2002


I have released faster than ever these days, and quitting, because i got one bolted several times, molla at some point hit me for 1003 damage = dead kobold.
Tanks blowing my health so low in 1-2 hits´, hitting for 400-500 dam pr hit.
I have actually complained alot about this in /gu, so sorry for the people who had to listen to my whine.
I hope this is something which get fixed, as im not in the mood for getting killed by gimped scouts.


3 shot by yellow con ranger (mob) at keeptake with both shields up :(


On another note, has anyone had trouble with the GTAOE spell? I cant hit anything with it, I target some mobs, cast spell, they aggro on me, yet it does not show me doing any damage?

Trelawney Hope

Hi all

Kinda interesting to read this thread - I had posted my own experiences (before I saw this thread) on here:

As you can see - I have been 1-bolted and PAd for >1250 Dmg on a number of occasions since 1.52, and whilst fully buffed and with resists. This backs up what I have read on this thread - something I never had trouble with before the patch.

GTAOE is bugged but does work if you use F5 ground target and don't have any other targetted selected. If you DO have a target selected, friend or foe will appear to be nuked, whilst in fact the effect really takes place at the ground target location, and is indicated by a loot bag briefly appearing when the GTAOE is cast.

I'm almost relieved to see it's not just me...


Trelawney Hope
Hibernia, Prydwen


Question: Did GOA make a mistake in translating from American to English :rolleyes:
Was this a known error, in USA too in 1.52?

Anyone gotten answer from rightnow yet?


Self af biff isnt a bug. :/ atleast not as goa sees it.. they have sent some test results to Mythic tho... but dont think anything will change :/


Originally posted by Blue Ix
Oh and how come only hibs knew about forums? ;|~

Made by a Hib (Tenpit), mainly for Hibs I think. Though you're all welcome to liven up the Alb/Mid forums a bit.


GTAOE is bugged at the mo i know alot of people who dont do any damage.

also in thidranki my wizard was getting PAed for 700ish damage. and my own sb on exc only did 350 max before the patch. (had 23+5sword)

something is wrong.


I just got PAd for 1085 damage. Pfffft.



oh the joy
Buffed with highest ( self ) AF buff and Abs buff
Fullset Epic armors except for Ichor pants, all on 100% con

Also been bolted for 1000+ from Runies ( with Cleric buffs I get 42% Energy resist ) but didnt take any SS on it :rolleyes:


It's completely and utterly ridiculous. EVERYTHING is hitting me for between 300 to 1000 damage.


If this is "working as intended" then can Goa please clarify by saying "We intend all people to die in 1 or 2 hits for having the AUDACITY to play a non-tank class. All tank classes are intended to die within 3 or 4 hits. Only over-powered RAs and buffbots can give you a chance, but these require you to buy extra accounts and pay extended monthly fees. And aren't that much of a help anyway. As of 1.52, whoever gets the first AoE damage attack in is the automatic winner."?


You know what's next? Sub fees going up to £10 a month. :D



It's broken,
tanks see their damage double, sb's are hitting mages even harder then they alrdy were, bolt classes can practically 1shot all other mages.

Before patch 1.52 went live this bug was around on Pendagron for a while, however it was fixed in the final version of the patch.

It's bugged as hell, no need to investigate that it is.
Just fix it asap :)
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