Originally Posted by Mark Jacobs
As you might have expected, Mythic has been talking to GOA for the entire day about today's events. GOA is still our partner and no matter what the difficulties are right now, we must act as partners. I expect you'll be hearing more shortly.
P.S. The key Mythic personnel (including yours truly) have been involved in these discussions since way too early this morning. Hopefully that will give you some comfort on how seriously we are taking things.
I know and I do understand and I've been on it since 8:30AM today. And those who know me know how much I hate being in work mode at that hour even under the best of conditions which today certainly is not.
Cheers and have a good night.
no its still not working for me even tho i got to enter my key then it 414 me then logged me out and cant patch
and patcher says authentication failed....
MarkJacobsEA said:Folks,
I just got off the phone with senior management at GOA and I know you'll be getting lots of information shortly. I know it doesn't make today better but I can assure you that leadership is very aware of the situation and they are doing/going to do something about it. They are not at all happy about the situation either.
I won't say trust me on this because right now, our European fans have no reason to have any trust. I will say though to see what transpires before launch, during Open Beta and then, if we launch well, I hope we will regain your trust.
Got to key entry and entered my CE code and it says code not valid!!!!
I'm so angry!!
Did someone post sayin it works anyway?
Info on the way peeps, shortly.
Spurred on by others impressive results I've managed to refresh enough times to get a working login prompt, hashed together a login macro with a program to enter my details and beta key quickly, and now i'm patching too
Spurred on by others impressive results I've managed to refresh enough times to get a working login prompt, hashed together a login macro with a program to enter my details and beta key quickly, and now i'm patching too
omg "Your key has been activated" lol !