About Ceremonial twats and rest of a-holes.



i think every post regarding oggy points at me even thou i wasnt actually in emain at the time ? ok i was in gorge but ive stated my opinion on the matter and tbh these posts are just dragging on now tell you what il go own someone and make a i owned u thread maybe giv oggy some peace eh?


Originally posted by Envenom2
i think every post regarding oggy points at me even thou i wasnt actually in emain at the time ? ok i was in gorge but ive stated my opinion on the matter and tbh these posts are just dragging on now tell you what il go own someone and make a i owned u thread maybe giv oggy some peace eh?

Well not to b rude or anything, but can u concider go and learn where u should put . and start new sentence ?

Sometimes (most times) i must read your posts 5-6 times to make ANY sense. (and sometimes i cant never understand what u saying, but thats becuase of content and not b sentences)

If u have dyslexia or something its ok. But i really have hard time understanding....


OK eneq, here goes (I'm a he, but the way :) ).

About judging people, there's a big difference between someone like Hitler, and some fellow who just killed you inside a game.
Admitedly, I do judge, but I would never go as far as you go when you say:

"Its not like the rest of us that want to enjoy a couple of hours gaming with friends etc.
Why ?
Well they have no friends, Not here and not IRL.
So stop trying to make them feel ashamed. They dont have the capability (sp) to feel some emotions.

They dont have any pride, cant feel compassion, Dont know the meaning of standing up for principles.

They r angry about many things and want the rest of the world to feel as they do. Hurt, angry childish etc etc."

If that isn't judging the I don't know what is...

Next part, I DID read your first post, and all the replies. And it wasn't just targeted at you that you should stop bring it here, but look at what you yourself posted:


Why post it? We don't care?

What I don't like is the way you and some other people drag your garbagethrowing onto these boards, ruining the joy I usually get from visiting them, because allmost all these threads end up with both sides flaming eachother. As to linking those type of threads, well here's a few:
This very thread

Need more?

And justifying it by stating "if we do it several times maybe, MAYBE there will learn someday that they r acting in a stupid way." is just plain silly. By posting it, you are letting them know that they are having success in bugging you, so much success you have to even go on the forums and whine about it.

Next on the list, regarding wether people act in RL as they do IG, I will still say no. Because I like to crack a joke in IG as I do in RL does not mean that everything I do IG somehjow reflects on how I act in RL.

You can't booth people as a certain this or that based on how they play a game. You can take a guess, but you will probably allmost never be right.

Next on the list, which is probably a misunderstanding by you in what I wrote, as to wether peoples playstyle is the way they go about their real life. I can't really be more specific on this matter, but just because someone kills you 3 times in a row and then laughs about it, doesn't mean that he/she, in RL, acts in the same way at all.

Last item on the list, playing to escape RL.

Why is it when I say playing to escape RL, you imidiately see that as a RL being bad?

When I sit down and load up DAoC, I do it to have fun with my friends, not to discuss the latest bombing in the philipines, the big check I just got from selling an old summer house, the sniper in washington or the girl I just met when I was out clubbing last night. I play it to talk about the realm situation, the fat loot that just dropped, the upcomming raid on this or that or the latest guild event.

I've seen plenty cases thru my years with MMORPGs, where people can't manage to keep RL and IG life seperated, and take offence in RL because someone IG calls them and idiot, kill them repeadetly, interrupt their event or otherwise.

I admit, writing "Escaping" RL could be misleading as in trying to escape a bad RL IG, but that's not how it was meant to come out, read what I wrote above and see if you follow me.

All in all, still keep in mind I have nothing against you, or anybody else who visit the forum or play the game.


Well on many of the cases here i agree with eneq, that for some people this game is about ruling the world and for others it`s a way to relaax and get away from reality.

The ones that play this game to be the best are very often called idiots by others simply because they play the game at a different level than the rest of us. The only thing that (usually) makes them different from the main playermasses is that they are more of the competitive kind.

The other ones like me who play this game for the fun of it, for the RL people behind the computer who makes me laugh and relax after a long days work. We have a more relaxed way of playing this.

2 excamples of this:(both experienced myself)

1. We are in a XP group and are having fun, allways someone comes with a fun coment that makes us laugh, suddently the highest level player dings. Then one player(will not mention his name) tells her that she has to leave the group now cause it will destroy his xp. The rest of us would like her to stay, we don`t mind a little lower xp as long as we had a fun group. After a long argument the 1 player( the one who told her to leave) disbands from the group in the middle of a fight and when we are all dead he laughs at us and tells us we should have listened to him.....

The rest of the group got really mad at this player, but in a sence i could understand him, he wanted xp fast, and we had other priorities. Sure the way he laft was stupid, but still, we should be able to understand his position aswell...........we all play the game differently and we must be able to make it anyway

2.we have all just been killed by pulling 1 to many mobs. Right after we are rezzed and hit/end/mana is full the one player yells that we should fight. We tell him that we all have rezz sick and will not be able to kill the mob. He says he needs xp quick before he is meeting guild for RvR. Suddently, with 7 players who have stated they are not ready, he pulls. We all quickly disband cause we will never be able to make those mobs and let him die.........He flames us, we rezz him and he leaves.

Both has here done a stupid thing, to greedy for xp usually means death. But still even if he did the stupid thing of pulling, we all should have tried to help........but then again, the game is played differently. He needed XP, we didn`t wan`t to loose XP

It is as simple as that, most of us are quite alike in RL but someones are more competative than others, don`t flame them for that. The more you guys flame them the more stupid they will act even if that was not their intention to begin with. I believe that much of those player attributes are created by all the complaines they have gotten which they did not deserve!!!

Shivadur - Founder and RvR Commander of Ilfirin-Arda


Originally posted by eneq

Well not to b rude or anything, but can u concider go and learn where u should put . and start new sentence ?

Sometimes (most times) i must read your posts 5-6 times to make ANY sense. (and sometimes i cant never understand what u saying, but thats becuase of content and not b sentences)

If u have dyslexia or something its ok. But i really have hard time understanding....

People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones...


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones...

Is that a all swedish expression or ?
AS i said in that post it wasnt a flame or anything. I tried to say it in a polite way.

I have hard time reading his posts sometimes due to lack of punctaution (sp).

If u have hard time reading my posts ill try tp repost them in better english.
But then i need to use dictonary and stuff. Take time..

I think envenom (he being a manager ans such) can the language better. But maybe to lazy to do it correcrly.


To Ragnarrök1978
Yes i do judge, I never said i didnt,
Of course envenom have friends IRL AND IG
But them friends rnt the same as i have becasue my friends wont stand him.

I agree it was little to much "power" into them sentences. Should have typed another phrase. But i think u got the meaning of it.

And about posting here when u think some twat ruining the game.
YES u shoulp post here. Why ?
Well like i said it earlier if u get angry u should get it off your chest. Posting is a way to do so.
Secondly its good warning to others about them. Like the scammers that opreate here. WE have a few names here that tries to scam u. So u saying we shouldnt post names and what they do ?

Without that warning GM´s maybe invite peeps that just in for taking money and stuff.

And thirdly. There actions SHOULDNT go unnoticed.
Feck if they acting like twats peeps should know about it.
Then we cam always discuss whats a twat and etc etc.

"By posting it, you are letting them know that they are having success in bugging you, so much success you have to even go on the forums and whine about it."
Trust me i dont let em bugg me.
Why ?
well becasue i think IRL they r sad and lonely peeps needing a a game to let steam out. But i did explain that earlier and wont get into that.

"why is it when I say playing to escape RL, you imidiately see that as a RL being bad?"

Well as u admit there might b better words then Escape ;p
Relax springs to mid ;p Thats what i do when playing. And having fun.

AS i c it we have 1 thing thats separate our thinking.

I think that your personality is the same IG and IRL.
U dont.
WE can never say who is right and who is wrong.

I can only say i play IG like i act IRL.
And i think many of my friends do.
I Didnt really got the impression that NP and Envenom is roleplayers. But maybe im wrong.
Spamming a dead body 30 times with laughing u must know there is some terrible wrong with that person IG and IRL.

BUT thats my humble opnion.

BTW about the hitler thing,as i said, its a huge difference but u said that u didnt judge people. Just proofing (sp) u wrong ;p


I'd like to make a request.

Please stop harassing my IRL girlfriend whenever she comes online to play her beloved character VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR (lvl48 Thane) and accusing her of doing a AOE at the ceremony.

1. She was not there
2. We were out to celebrate her birthday and having dinner.

If you (maybe not YOU but someone you know) starts throwing out accusations about who and whom did what and when, do so with logs/screenshots supporting your statement and report it to RIGHTNOW for proper treatment from the people who runs the game (GOA). If you (or your friend/guildie) fail to do so, we will use all our powers and all our friends to put in a harassment report on anyone accusing VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR of such atrocities.

This is not a threat, it's a promise.

Thanks for your time, back to meaningless flaming.


Originally posted by helis
I'd like to make a request.

Please stop harassing my IRL girlfriend whenever she comes online to play her beloved character VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR (lvl48 Thane) and accusing her of doing a AOE at the ceremony.

1. She was not there
2. We were out to celebrate her birthday and having dinner.

If you (maybe not YOU but someone you know) starts throwing out accusations about who and whom did what and when, do so with logs/screenshots supporting your statement and report it to RIGHTNOW for proper treatment from the people who runs the game (GOA). If you (or your friend/guildie) fail to do so, we will use all our powers and all our friends to put in a harassment report on anyone accusing VERUCA LOTTASDOTTIR of such atrocities.

This is not a threat, it's a promise.

Thanks for your time, back to meaningless flaming.

Nice post.
Maybe u missplaced it by accident ?
Or u forgot to put a name to whom u talking about ?

I understand the post but why put it here ?
And next time when u accusing someone plz state name, makes it SOOOO much easier to figure out if i should b ashamed for my behavior. But in this case u cant adress me.
1, i never ever accused anyone for the oggy event.
2, cant PM a girl that plays another realm then Hib, Guess u play middy ?


"Trust me i dont let em bugg me.
Why ?
well becasue i think IRL they r sad and lonely peeps needing a a game to let steam out. But i did explain that earlier and wont get into that."

You do let it bug you since you yourself say it's a good thing to go to the forum to get it off your heart, so wether you want to admit it or not, they bug you enough for you to have to go vent on a forum, right?

"Well as u admit there might b better words then Escape ;p
Relax springs to mid ;p Thats what i do when playing. And having fun."

Relax from RL, that's a good one, will remember that one for sure.

"AS i c it we have 1 thing thats separate our thinking.

I think that your personality is the same IG and IRL.
U dont.
WE can never say who is right and who is wrong.

I can only say i play IG like i act IRL.
And i think many of my friends do.
I Didnt really got the impression that NP and Envenom is roleplayers. But maybe im wrong.
Spamming a dead body 30 times with laughing u must know there is some terrible wrong with that person IG and IRL.

BUT thats my humble opnion."

You're right, I can never make you believe what you just stated is wrong, no matter how much I myself believe you are wrong, I guess we are too far apart to ever agree on a point of view there.

I believe you cannot judge someone thru their actions in a game, you believe you can, so we're on each our side and to keep discussing it is pointless.

However, I still believe it to be a waste of other peoples time to go whine about something that happend IG, but here you add an important twist, namely scamming.

I totally agree that scammers should be pointed out with the intention of helping other people, but there's a huge difference between a scammer and someone who cheers 100 times at your corpse after having killed you.

And, no matter if you will believe me or not, when you go on a forum and vent after someone managed to tick you off IG, you just add more fuel to their fire. They do it to get attention, in their case any type of publicity is good publicity. I bet you they wouldn't do it if everybody desided not to let it get to them, and not to vent of public forums, their purpose is to piss you off in such a manner you have to go cry your heart out here.

Let us considor the case of how IG reflects the RL person behing the avatar done with for now. Instead I would like you to tell me just what good it does anyone but yourself, to go vent on a forum because someone harassed you in one manner or another IG.

I state again, why post it here? And why should we care? :)


Now, in regards to helis's post, to put it here is as good a place as any, since the thread has alot of views. I think it's sad that someone innocent gets dragged into something just because others do not have their facts straight or thought long enough before going after that person.

Tell your girlfriend to put those people on /ignore and just forget about what they typed, they obviously haven't a clue what they're on about.


To Ragnarok1978
"You do let it bug you since you yourself say it's a good thing to go to the forum to get it off your heart, so wether you want to admit it or not, they bug you enough for you to have to go vent on a forum, right?"

Hmm how many threads i started about someone bugging me IG ?
Reread my first post.
And check the forum and u will c that i havent made any thread about it. So basically u assume (sp?) something about me that isnt true.

"I believe you cannot judge someone thru their actions in a game, you believe you can, so we're on each our side and to keep discussing it is pointless."

Aye i agree, but neverthless we did try !! ;p
And thats all we can do. We did it also in a kind of civil manner imho.

"Instead I would like you to tell me just what good it does anyone but yourself, to go vent on a forum because someone harassed you in one manner or another IG."

AS i stated earlier i havent got harrassed IG enough to vent here. But if i ever do i will post here. And u asking why.
Well first as i said many times. Its good to get off chest.
If i feel better i have really already done the good u asking after. But also let people know about some twats behavior.
Twat behavior shouldnt b tolerated b decent human beings.

"I state again, why post it here? And why should we care? "
I did post on "homepage for Transperent parents above 75" but didnt get any response really. So i tried here and got better respons really.
B replying the first time u really answer u own question.



Originally posted by eneq

Nice post.
Maybe u missplaced it by accident ?
Or u forgot to put a name to whom u talking about ?

I understand the post but why put it here ?
And next time when u accusing someone plz state name, makes it SOOOO much easier to figure out if i should b ashamed for my behavior. But in this case u cant adress me.
1, i never ever accused anyone for the oggy event.
2, cant PM a girl that plays another realm then Hib, Guess u play middy ?

It's not misplaced, i've posted this in all threads regarding the ceremony that got interrupted prematurely. Unlike many others here i prefer not throw pies into peoples faces. The "guilty" ones knows who they are and the reason for posting it is to stop the rumour from spreading. Right now i find this whole discussion way out of the boundaries for what this game stands for. Quite frankly, it sickens me to see how people treat eachother OUTSIDE the game, in game i don't care - /ignore works very well for most cases but in these forums.. ok, i can choose not to read it but most of the time it's good info and i don't want to miss that.

Thanes usually play Midgard

The other reason for me posting it widely on BW is that it's ruining the game for my girlfriend, a game she really loves. She's walking around feeling awful because people not knowing all the facts hearing X from Y who heard Z and PM'ing her ingame to ask "WTF were you thinking n00b" (maybe not that phrase excatly, but you know what i mean). I've told her to just ignore it but... well.. we're not all made of stone.


Re: Re: Re: About Ceremonial twats and rest of a-holes.

Originally posted by eneq

hmm what ?

This is very impressive post. I cant really comprehend the whole picture of it.

Judging from the rest of your replies, that's not surprising. Do some thoughtless ranting and piss people off, and then bless your ignorance that you don't understand the criticism. Ya your topic is a real contribution, my off-topic reply really shocks the foundation of all that is reasonable.

n00b 79

Judging from the rest of your replies, that's not surprising. Do some thoughtless ranting and piss people off, and then bless your ignorance that you don't understand the criticism. Ya your topic is a real contribution, my off-topic reply really shocks the foundation of all that is reasonable

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Hi mate :]


Re: Re: Re: Re: About Ceremonial twats and rest of a-holes.

Originally posted by Ensceptifica

Judging from the rest of your replies, that's not surprising. Do some thoughtless ranting and piss people off, and then bless your ignorance that you don't understand the criticism. Ya your topic is a real contribution, my off-topic reply really shocks the foundation of all that is reasonable.

Yay !!! i knew u had it in u !!
Feck u didnt change my qoute and replied with more words then ever !!!
Damn next post must b a masterpiece with the progress u showing.

", my off-topic reply really shocks the foundation of all that is reasonable"

Well u agree u off-topic so why posts in first place ? A hidden urge to b seen or just angry at me from earlier posts ? U feel u must reply because of ......??
Just wondering if u could supply a answer, i would really b thankfull.

"Do some thoughtless ranting and piss people off"

Well its a matter of opinion but i think we came to a really interesting topic about if IG playstyle reflects IRL personality.

My somewhat rude beginning post did have a purpose and frankly im interested about some of the replies i got here.
Im sure not all agrees but hey u dont have to read it.

But as u did and your progress in posting i would love to hear your toughts in this issue.
What do u think about this matter.
Do IG personality really reflect RL personality ?

But keep in mind that plz only post if u have a real opinion and not just reply becasue u dont like me.

AND read the above posts and replies and come up with something new plz.
I think u all know i hate repeating me.

"and then bless your ignorance that you don't understand the criticism. "
Well i think i understand what people r saying but i dont agree with that.
As me and Ragnarok agreed on we dont share same belief in some things and thats cool. I would really hate to live in a society there all always think same.
Some peeps agree with me adn some peeps dont.

Thats life


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: About Ceremonial twats and rest of a-holes.

Originally posted by eneq

Well u agree u off-topic so why posts in first place ? A hidden urge to b seen or just angry at me from earlier posts ? U feel u must reply because of ......??
...me being convinced I can educate people like you to stop shouting out your anger every time something happens that you don't like. Frankly (which I always am), the things you accuse me of are exactly the things that you display in your posts.

My somewhat rude beginning post did have a purpose and frankly im interested about some of the replies i got here.
Just think how cooperative people who have been had you made it a more civilized beginning.

Do IG personality really reflect RL personality ?
It's the same personality, but with the focus on different aspects. IG behaviour has different repercussions/rewards than RL, and so you have the chance to explore different ways to behave and might find that ingame you find another way more rewarding than in RL. You type words instead of speaking, you have other means of non-verbal expressions, and thus the reactions to your behaviour are different than in reallife. In fact, it's what roleplaying is about, even if you don't actually roleplay the character you created in game. You explore different parts of your personality. Same thing on a forum, really. For all I know you are a sensible, self-controlled individual with a great sense of humor in RL. But on this forum, you've adopted a kind of behaviour that you may not express in real life at all. Seeing I only know you on this forum, my opinion of you is based on that, while you base your opinion of you on both your behaviour here, and in real life. If you do not realize that your behaviour on this forum comes across as that of an angry infant that screams and insults before he thinks, then you should read your replies to the people who critisized you for it again and consider if that is the impression you want to make. I'm sure you'll conclude that my supposedly off-topic reply actually hit the mark quite well.



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: About Ceremonial twats and rest of a-holes.

Originally posted by Ensceptifica

If you do not realize that your behaviour on this forum comes across as that of an angry infant that screams and insults before he thinks, then you should read your replies to the people who critisized you for it again and consider if that is the impression you want to make. I'm sure you'll conclude that my supposedly off-topic reply actually hit the mark quite well.

Good comment, covers one of my points quite well.

If I were to judge eneq purely based on the way he appears on these forums my conclusion would've been somewhat the same as the one you state above.

However, I don't :)


To ensceptifica

"me being convinced I can educate people like you to stop shouting out your anger every time something happens that you don't like. Frankly (which I always am), the things you accuse me of are exactly the things that you display in your posts."

Well seems we have similiar goals here but different targets really. U try to educate me and im trying to make u post better replies. And quite frankly reading your 2 last replies i think im a great teacher. ;p

Just to point a few things out.
Im not angry at anyone. I dislike several characters in the game but that dont make me angry at them. In my life thats a HUGE difference. Dunno if its in yours.
Even Envenom can tell u that even if i told him he should go and and drink the toiletwater, i still ressed him in emain. I didnt laugh at him when he was dead before me, I ressed his sorry as. (when he was hibbie that is).
U assume im angry when posting. Dunno why really.

As i stated in first post this was for them that was angry on NP and Envenom and twats like them.
Its no point being angry on them. They wont change if u keep flaming them. If i post about Envenom childish behavior when he spamms /laugh and how he play this game. He would only say "well i pay my ***£" " i can play however i want etc etc " "hehehe nooooob" And things like that.
The only way to defeat twats is to understand WHY them being twats.

MY theory is that they need to b twats becasue of RL issues.
But its MY opinion. I dont force it on others. BUT u cant either force me to rethink using stupid replies.

The IG and IRL is really same thing. IMHO.

Yes i agree with u, that my rude beginning was little to much. I admit it. BUT this thread have made me a better poster. I will post things again and then maybe (only maybe) i will have better words and more suitable phrases.

"then you should read your replies to the people who critisized you for it again and consider if that is the impression you want to make"

IF someone replies to me in a nich and thinking manner i will response in a good manner. Like this post.
BUT if u post stupid things like qoutes that isnt mine and 2 sentences post that dont progress the discussion then i will flame u so much i possible can.

No i dont think your off topic post did hit the mark.
It made u look stupid in my eyes. But maybe that was your mark.

this last post actually erased u looking stupid in my book and i think u b a clever human.
Your toughts about the RL and IG discussions is intelligent and have good angles.

Seems we have almost same way of looking at it.
The diff is that i think RL reflects IG


ive said over and over why i laugh spam its nothing personal its just something i like to do to some ppl not everyone just some.

and if that anoys you well u should look at ya self and think why am i getting anoyed over a game? coz thats all it is


Why do you claim to use logic thinking if you make connection's betwean things that dont have any prooven correlation, nor can be seen as axiomatic truths? If you trust your own judgement that heavily (as to consider it always true) i suggest you look into probability theory abit more, you'll find alot of logic based models working against your instinctive sense of order.


Originally posted by Envenom2
ive said over and over why i laugh spam its nothing personal its just something i like to do to some ppl not everyone just some.

and if that anoys you well u should look at ya self and think why am i getting anoyed over a game? coz thats all it is

Envenom both u and me know that /laugh spamming is just 1 of your many bad sides.
U say that u roleplay and u want to b the "bad" char. But u have done so many stupid things both in Hib and on mid.
Why do u think whole of OBS and Hib cheered when u left.
Its not becasue u wanna play the bad person. Basically its your personality. U r a spoiled brat with no thinking capacity.

Take a look what people r telling u in posts and maybe back down from that "its all others fault." and start looking at yourself.

But if u dont want to its your right.
GL IG and RL
P.s i will still flame every stupid posts u do D.s


i know u will enechanter because thats the sort of person u are u like looking for ppl to flame? maybe thats why obsidion order were glad u didnt join Dulak for 1 was glad because of ur selffish ways and kicking him out of a group something he never forgot.

go read on hibs forum about my attitude etc what other bad sides do i have? im a cunt when someone is a cunt to me nuff said really on that so anything else ene?

because to be fucking honest i dont see any problem im a chilled out guy spamming wohoo big deal am i the only 1 that does it? no i dont fucking think so u tit and yes im calling u names now enechanter because to be frank ur someone who doesnt like to loose an arguement? thats why ur dragging this thread on and on and on


Crumbs... your pixels stomped my pixels! Chill out... you'll forget this game even existed in 10 years time. Unlike that kid at school who bullied me and I'll never forget him........



Glad I chose Prydwen :)



Originally posted by eneq
Im not angry at anyone. I dislike several characters in the game but that dont make me angry at them. In my life thats a HUGE difference. Dunno if its in yours.
In my life, when someone swears at people the way you do, they are angry.

U assume im angry when posting. Dunno why really.
Imagine someone telling you the things you posted in real life (take the title of the thread for instance). You're fooling yourself if you think you wouldn't consider that expressions of anger. You may not have written it intending it to be that way, but that's the way it looks.

Yes i agree with u, that my rude beginning was little to much. I admit it. BUT this thread have made me a better poster. I will post things again and then maybe (only maybe) i will have better words and more suitable phrases.
Ah good, so you DO understand why I assumed you're angry ( ; Then my work here is done ( ;

BUT if u post stupid things like qoutes that isnt mine and 2 sentences post that dont progress the discussion then i will flame u so much i possible can.
There was a reason for putting the quote like that and the reply being so short. I guess it was too subtle for you (seeing your average post, I take it being subtle is not your strongest trait).


Kindly don't impugn my intelligence, eneq.
"Cermonial twats" would be twats that were twats either as part of some ceremony, or were twats used for twatting during some kind of twat ceremony....
Fuck knows.

edit: Oh, just occured to me they could be people who did everything - like brushing their teeth, saying hi to their friends in the street etc - with really convoluted ceremonies. Thus making them twats.
The possibilities are so limitless...


Originally posted by stabba3
Why do you claim to use logic thinking if you make connection's betwean things that dont have any prooven correlation, nor can be seen as axiomatic truths? If you trust your own judgement that heavily (as to consider it always true) i suggest you look into probability theory abit more, you'll find alot of logic based models working against your instinctive sense of order.

Plz always say who u talking to.
Its many posts in this thread and i dont know if u talking to me or others using same thinking.
Becasue both the ones saying RL reflects IG and they who say opposite, use the same "model" of thinking.

U think all knows what axiomathic thruts r ? plz post on same lvl as others or u will dissapoint many peeps that havent yet gone to that lvl of school.
Axiomathic is the same as obvious. Or close to it. English isnt my first language. Whats stabba objects to is the link i put between IG and RL. He says (claims) there is no research between how u act IG and RL. Correct me if im wrong stabba.

Well logic thinking and me in same sentence often seems out of order. I know.
But what should i claim then ? That i dont use logic but....instinct ?

Of course every human uses logic when thinking. Even if the logic isnt same when u do it and i do it.

There r some really logical correlation (hope that word is rightsounded nice when u posted it) and the most obvious is that its same human IG and IRL.
Its not like u transform yourself into a werewolf (well in some games u do but u cant really do it IRL) whenever u start playing a game.

Or do u disagree ? OR do u disagree just because i dont show u a study of 100 k peeps in some obscure test ?

I always tought the use of Probability theory was under some other "tests" like Shroeders(sp?) Cat and stuff.
But hey i might b wrong

hmm if u dont know about the cat, i can assure u it wasnt harmed in any way during this tests


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Kindly don't impugn my intelligence, eneq.
"Cermonial twats" would be twats that were twats either as part of some ceremony, or were twats used for twatting during some kind of twat ceremony....
Fuck knows.

Sorry if u felt i "impugn" your intelligence.
But if u really read any of the posts u really should understand what twats and what twatting they did. Or rather u shouldnt twatting post.

I just did reply that way becasue u didnt progress the discussion really.
If u think its a twatting posts from the twatting beginning, u shouldnt twatting post in a twatting manner.

BTW the "impugn" isnt a flame, im just that bad at english i didnt know what word u was saying there. So basically its me flaming me for the lack of english education.


Impugn: to treat as if questionable.
Basically to impugn someone's intelligence = treat them like a moron. ;)
Anyhow, yeh, sorry for not contributing to the thread, I don't usually flame people who clearly don't speak english as their first language. Sorrreee


"In my life, when someone swears at people the way you do, they are angry."

Soz i didnt know i swear. Where did i swear ?, so i know what kind of swearing i should stop doing.

"Imagine someone telling you the things you posted in real life (take the title of the thread for instance). You're fooling yourself if you think you wouldn't consider that expressions of anger. You may not have written it intending it to be that way, but that's the way it looks."

Hmm soz here seems we have a big social difference. I cant really c that its looks angry. (the title)
But on other hand i posted it and i know my feeling when posting it. U only reads it. So its poss that u assume im angry. As u did.
So basically u make 1 error and thats assuming me angry and replies to that.
Me on the other hand now knows i should b more clear about making my state of mind known.
Next time i will (if i remember) state when im happy and when im angry.

"There was a reason for putting the quote like that and the reply being so short. I guess it was too subtle for you (seeing your average post, I take it being subtle is not your strongest trait). "

hmm i hope u noticed my reply and why i posted that "impressive" reply ?
It wasnt subtle but u manage to figure it anyway

BTW do take in account that English isnt my first language so i sometime (often) maybe get out the intent wrong.

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