A Serious problem..



Right ok, i am getting a tad pissed off with some of this Abuse i am getting off the Servers, which for some reason has popped up on me unexpectedly.

Today i got all round abuse from Mider, calling me all the names under the Sun, what the fuck have i done to him or anyone else?

The other day Fudgemonkey had a quick snipe at me, again for a reason i dont know about

Have i paid for this sort of abuse?


Look I imagine Mider was joking, hes an odd chap sometimes with a strange sense of humour :D
As far as the rest, I dont want to seem horrible or anything but you do have a quite negative style of play you know, and saying lmao or whatever everytime you kill someone does not endear you to a lot of people my young friend ;) Only tonight we was on Aztec, you and me and 2 other CT's, wining easily against 3 or 4 T's, 2 of them hpb's. So what do oyu do? Buy an awp and shoot the HPB's from like 3 miles away. Stop and think. Will this make people like you ?
Im sorry to reply like this, but you did ask. I know you a bit these days and know your ok really, but a lot of people dont, and you wind them up sometimes.


Mider hurl abuse on a server?

I will never say 58 again heh


Lol he gave you a fucking good coating as I remember, but you knew he was joking right ? :)


Yeah I agree with Throddy, you know I don't mind you Gray and I have stuck up for you in the past and I will in the future if its called for. I see you as an important part of the CS playing experience and I used to love hearing your voice comm's(you've stopped them:(), you just need to realise people take this game seriously and if you poke fun at them it will just wind them up, but you have paid the same as everyone else so you are entitled to do what you want I guess. As for MIDER he really is not being serious mate, he's a rough arsed scouser biker and he has that kind of sense of humour, either you get him or you don't. FudgeMonkey I know fairly well and I bet he's had a go at everyone at one time or another, like Jobbie, Dolly, Prometheus and all the other very good players do at one time or another.


I would like to echo what Throd and Trem have said

But I can't. Your a cunt.



Originally posted by Tremor{KEA}
I see you as an important part of the CS playing experience and I used to love hearing your voice comm's(you've stopped them:()

as i say.. the house im in is getting as Extension Built which was in my Computer Room.. so atm im in the Living Room, so i dont fancy talking to a computer when people are in the same room (may think ive lost it ;))

btw, what has connection speed gotta do with AWPing someone? From what i seen Pings where stable and they wasnt lagging so i dont see the problem in it.

Mider is a scouser??!

and i love playing serious with the right people, but today i was pretty much accused of cheating because i got headshots round after round with an Aug on the fy_ server :(


Theres plenty of servers to play on, just dont play on the ones with people who you dont get along with. And at the end of the day, there is always a mute button.

I used to stick-up for you, and even managed to get you into the clan when you wanted to join, but then you Basically told all my team m8`s i was a liar.So dont expect with that kind of attitude that everything will be hunky-dorey, Because it wont !!!!!



I'm staying away from this one, b00bs me mate and he kinda doesn't lie Gray, best to leave this be I think.



Yeah Mider only kids really

Besides don't get on teh wrong side of a biker dood! :)


Heh yeah a biker dood who lives damn close to Gray as well:D

Its never serious Gray, no one really means it, even Prometheus is a nice guy when he's done complaining.


Gray tbh, most CS players should be used to this now. The amount of stick i've taken (especially on blueyonder :eek: ) is quite sick. Ever since BW went p2p i've only had 2 lots, 1 being the "58" :) and some bloke (can't remember his name) calling me a n00b weapon using **%@ even tho it was a usp and a carbine - classic Adz :)

Take it all with a pinch of salt


Super is a good natured guy, like the rest of us he just has fun, and laughs not at the difference in skill levels between himself and others (he is a good player), but more at the hilarity of a situation.

I'm still gonna spray his noob face everywhere though......


heh and im gonna "Spray" you with my S H O T T E H if you start ;)

whats this *58* incident??


after playing the other night i did notice grey getting a bit more stick than normal,and i drew my own conclusions to this if anyone would like my diagnosis please feel free to yell.

oh fuck it ill tell ya anyway.

you are a good player grey(dont get a swell)but to laugh all the time when you kill someone,whether it is at the situation or not is not going to go down well with people.you can kill me as many times as ya like m8 and you do a lot but it wont bother me,but some peeps take this game a litttle more seriously than me,and also whenever you do get killed(a rarity)theres always some excuse like "the sun was shining on my monitor"i mean comeone it was 1 in the morning ffs.lol.hence

supergreys book of excuses vol1 now for sale on barrys at a wonderfully cheap price of 9.99 or 50pence if ya have a gmae reward card


The reason i lol / rofl etc:

Its a game, its meant to be fun isnt it?

I do it in situations that where funny, like someone running round a corner and getting "raped" by several other people

I do it when they die from a funny weapon (Shotty, Knife, Mac10 etc)

I do it if i know the person who died and they died funnily


i know you do m8,but it isnt me who has a problem with you.:D


They have no right to hurl abuse for anything like that, thats exactly whats subs is trying to move away from.

If you cant take someone being happy about their kills then dont play online games, simple. Gloating and goating are part of online gaming.


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o bless u gray sticks and stones will breack my bones but names will never hurt me .can i cook u cake mybe :)


Wow ello m8 never thought Id see you on here :D Greetings !


Seriously thought Mider, it is against the terms and conditions you agreed to when you subscribed to harass and abuse other players. And that is exactly what SG claims you did to him.


Originally posted by Super_Gray[SG]
Right ok, i am getting a tad pissed off with some of this Abuse i am getting off the Servers, which for some reason has popped up on me unexpectedly.

Today i got all round abuse from Mider, calling me all the names under the Sun, what the fuck have i done to him or anyone else?

The other day Fudgemonkey had a quick snipe at me, again for a reason i dont know about

Have i paid for this sort of abuse?

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I find bad language offensive, could you please refrian from using profanities.



Re: Re: A Serious problem..

Originally posted by Silentb00b{KEA}
I find bad language offensive, could you please refrian from using profanities.


You saying that everyone on the Server should stop Swearing? I think everyone who plays this game has sweared somewhere along the lines.

But yesterday was different ie, one which sticks out:

Mider: hes a wanker
Someone: Why is he a wanker?
Mider: Coz hes fat

Et voila, thats the sort of abuse i dont want, you can swear all you want at me but when it gets that personal then i dont find it acceptable.


Hey wait a minute luvs. He was only joking, as far as Im aware he told you in person he was only joking. So leave it ffs. I told you Gray at the start of this thread my opinion, and nothing has changed. Chill out. have a d00b. (or whatever).
In the words of Tony Soprano.

Forget about it. ;)

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