A reminder before you do an artifact encounter


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not going to mention names or guilds (you know who you are).

If you do an artifact encounter which drops on the floor, don't invite people to your battlegroup who want credit. Don't expect GOA to do anything, even if you've got battlegroup treasurer set:

Response (CM) 09/26/2005 08:41 PM
Hi There
Anyone in the BG has the same right to the drop.
Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Surely if you have treasurer up and there in the BG it will go to you? And if there not in the group that killed it they can't pick it up anyway


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Haggus said:
Surely if you have treasurer up and there in the BG it will go to you? And if there not in the group that killed it they can't pick it up anyway

This is incorrect, certain items drop to the ground and you could just be walking by and pick it up if wanted.. it isnt linked to the damage done to the mob etc. Cloudsong i know is like this, GoV may still be, SoM etc


Dec 22, 2003
GReaper said:
I'm not going to mention names or guilds (you know who you are).

If you do an artifact encounter which drops on the floor, don't invite people to your battlegroup who want credit. Don't expect GOA to do anything, even if you've got battlegroup treasurer set:

Yes, has happened to me before, now I dont let anyone join for credit..the cocks ruin it for everyone else. Think what you may about me on FH but in game I am a fair guy when it comes to loot or helping others if I am doing it, but unfortunatly I only get bitten once.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
Hi There
With encounters, anyone who is legitimately part of the encounter ( as in this case invited in) has as much a right to the drops as anyone else involved as far as the CoC goes. Any agreements that are made between players are just that, between players and we can not get involved in it. It would fall into the griefing category if he wasn't at all involved in the encounter and just ran in and picked it up.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

next time people ask they will get told to fuck off.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'd consider myself to be a fairly reasonable person, allowing others to join for credit if they need the encounter. However if GOA refuses to honour a battlegroup treasurer, the person who should receive all the loot from a battlegroup raid, then I doubt I'll be inviting people to battlegroups for artifacts in future.

I'm still willing to forgive this person if he does the honourable thing and gives the artifact to the battlegroup treasurer, otherwise I don't see any place for the player and his guild on any raids I run.

I said I wouldn't mention names or guilds....

....but it wasn't Brutality! :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
I see it fair to invite people who I know and are in a guild I reckonise. Otherwise I tend to kick them from the group and/or BG just after the arti has been droped.

I don't see why one person's actions from a guild should mean there entire guild are treated the same.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Arti encounter

Well Grim imho tell the name of the person, no point defending a idiot.
I dont exactly like the fact that ppl dont invite anymore to BG for credit, for it really helps ppl that really need it. But i understand and i agree with such decision.
There is no doctor/lawyer - patiente/client relation here so migh as well point the git ( not for flaming we had enough of that for the rest of winter) so that we know wich person NOT to invite.

Best Regards


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I dont see a problem inviting people to battlegroup for credit. If they try anything,, make like a blacklist or something and hang them out on a forum ;O)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
fettoken said:
I dont see a problem inviting people to battlegroup for credit. If they try anything,, make like a blacklist or something and hang them out on a forum ;O)

I rather not get burnt in the first place though... better to prevent it happening then having to deal with it after.

Im pretty good with arti's though, If i know someone i will help them out, If i know their guild GM personally i may help them out, If they some random person i dont know they it depends on the encounter but there a chance i wont-


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I invite anyone and haven't gotten fucked over yet. And I think that even if I would, I'd still keep on inviting people. Just not that guy until he apologizes and hands back the item or something else of equal value to show he means it.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Kinetix said:
Well Grim imho tell the name of the person, no point defending a idiot.
I dont exactly like the fact that ppl dont invite anymore to BG for credit, for it really helps ppl that really need it. But i understand and i agree with such decision.
There is no doctor/lawyer - patiente/client relation here so migh as well point the git ( not for flaming we had enough of that for the rest of winter) so that we know wich person NOT to invite.

Best Regards

a guy named Renix "ld'd" with the som

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