A Question to the NON-Daoc Members


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
[QUOTE='Shy]Getting rid of the OT DAoC forums will just spread the spam to other forums imo. Keep us contained in the loverley warm hole we are acustomed to! :D[/QUOTE]Oh so you know you (they, whatever) spam? Why do it?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
Maybe a stupid question, but: If you don't like DAoC and those who play the game ( :( ); can't you just NOT read the forums dedicated to DAoC?

Just because what people post there doesn't live up to your holier-than-thou standards doesn't mean there aren't people who enjoy it. Otherwise they wouldn't post there would they? As long as they leave your section of the forum alone, what harm do they do? I played (and play on and off) DAoC and I enjoy reading and posting in the DAoC General OT forum. I wouldn't dream of visiting Excalibur OT for instance, because the kind of drivel posted there doesn't interest me the slightest. But this doesn't mean I feel the need to dictate to those that DO post there how and what to post. Or remove the section entirely.

Can't we all just get alooooong?
Unfortunately as it's one forum software the minority cause damage. For example this one game due to its volume of posts ruins the "View New Posts" feature of the forums as the new thread levels are just "overload" style at times. I still suggest that DAoC forum grouping is made "Opt-In" that way us olds won't join the group, wont see any of it & won't care anymore and the DAoC lot still get to spam the shit outta each other. But I just get ignored a lot for my suggestions.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
MYstIC G said:
Unfortunately as it's one forum software the minority cause damage. For example this one game due to its volume of posts ruins the "View New Posts" feature of the forums as the new thread levels are just "overload" style at times. I still suggest that DAoC forum grouping is made "Opt-In" that way us olds won't join the group, wont see any of it & won't care anymore and the DAoC lot still get to spam the shit outta each other. But I just get ignored a lot for my suggestions.

No Rob, I am looking at doing that via the joinable group membership. Trust me, looking at lots of stuff etc


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Deebs said:
No Rob, I am looking at doing that via the joinable group membership. Trust me, looking at lots of stuff etc
I'll let you off then :) (just this once obviously)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
TBH Deebs, take a break - DAoC forums are giving you guys 10x more visible work, it's clearly not worth having.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
Maybe a stupid question, but: If you don't like DAoC and those who play the game ( :( ); can't you just NOT read the forums dedicated to DAoC?

Just because what people post there doesn't live up to your holier-than-thou standards doesn't mean there aren't people who enjoy it.

We don't, that's the problem, they still affect us, and how our forum works.

By the by, I'd love to know how many people have donated their £10 to DBs and TTD for the running of this place - and what proportion of those are DAoC-ers.

V few I'll bet.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Wile E. Coyote said:
Just because what people post there doesn't live up to your holier-than-thou standards

I shudder to think of the DaoC forums if you think that our standards are holier than thou :eek6:


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I have some test forums up where I will be playing around trying to figure out the daoc / us issue.

Somehow I will get there :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Deebs said:
I have some test forums up where I will be playing around trying to figure out the daoc / us issue.

Somehow I will get there :p

We could all turn into Daoc'ers. Then there would be no more them and us.

Remember to look at both sides of the arguments ;)

/me runs........away


Dec 22, 2003
Sar said:
We don't, that's the problem, they still affect us, and how our forum works.

By the by, I'd love to know how many people have donated their £10 to DBs and TTD for the running of this place - and what proportion of those are DAoC-ers.

V few I'll bet.


Me! :D But I don't consider myself as a DAoC spam whore :(.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Deebs said:
I have some test forums up where I will be playing around trying to figure out the daoc / us issue.

Somehow I will get there :p

I had an idea! Yes, I get them sometimes!

If I'm not mistaken, I think these forums use the same base template as Prydwen.Net? So I'm guessing this will be possible.

On there we have secret forums (so the enemies aren't able to read our relic raid plans ;) ), and also separate private alliance and guild forums, and to be able to access these forums there's an option in the User CP that allows you to tick a box and sign up for the forums you'd like to read.

So if you could do something like that here, like leave all the general ones as standard, make the geeky ones - *ahem* I mean the tech forums - and the specific gaming forums as an optionable sign up, then anyone who wants to access them chooses so of their own free will and can't complain. The rest of you don't have to worry, and also the threads won't appear in the "most recent posts" section.

Hope this all makes sense, if not, flame away!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Sar said:
By the by, I'd love to know how many people have donated their £10 to DBs and TTD for the running of this place - and what proportion of those are DAoC-ers.

V few I'll bet.


I donated the £10 also :) Ooh, and I play DAoC! :flame:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Clown said:
But it doesn't stop you lot coming here :(

I'm only here to contribute to the discussion, I haven't spammed or flamed here at all. I'm quite a nice person once you get to know me, just unfortunately I now have the reputation :(


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Not a lot of love in this thread!

I guess it boils down to what people want from a 'community'. Do they want a work-avoiding haven for a few regulars, or a wide ranging community for players of all online games... warts and all?

I like it warts and all, with moderators to deal with any offenders.

To the original question; I'm afraid the DAoC users of these, or BW's forums, do have a bad reputation. Of course only a small minority of players actually post here, but they contain a large proportion of the txt-messaging generation (not a group to be dismissed out of hand... they grew up with instant messaging, etc).

If some of the 'older' regulars care to think back a few years, it's clear that the behaviour on the forums then was every bit as wild as it is, apparently, in the DAoC forums.

Maybe they're just getting old and grumpy?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Shy and CyFr are two of the DAoC-ers I can stand as it happens (there are others like Trog and Wij ;) etc).

It's the spamming hordes I'm on about. If they'd pay their way then they'd have a right to feel hard done by, but as it is, they're using up the most bandwidth and d/base time with their spamtastic shite.

I don't have a problem with the fact that they play the game (as I mentioned in another thread, I played it myself shortly after its release for about 4 months), but it strikes me as odd that the majority of the people in those forums seem to think that post-farming is a respectable past time.

For fuck sake you uber-gimps go out and get laid.

Even I managed it ffs.


Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Xtro said:
Jupitus, Jonaldo, Cyfr, Filmgoblin, Silverhood, etc etc - top geezers who "crossed over" to general bit of the forum without a hitch.

So now I am reduced to "etc."? :(

Oh - and to stay on topic. I stopped playing DAoC for the exact same reasons teh tw0g did. It's not really a bad game and I admit being somewhat addicted to it for some time but if the Massively Multiplayer part houses 90% asshats then it's just no fun. I ran a three people guild ffs.. :D

I come across less idiots playing CoD on a random server.....


Dec 22, 2003
*Gloats at being mentined where as Uncle`Sick was not* (Krypt > Sick! :p)
Hmm.. I've just realised I also find myself in a 3 person guild, well 4 now (Im sure you people with normal lifes will know what a guild is ;) )

I Basicly can't stand half of the player base.. or at least half of the ones that post on the forums.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Sicko mate, I don't even think of you as ever linked to DAOC thats how much I lub you! ;) :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
This thread is getting old and is just going over whats already been said and used to flame. Just get rid of it already.

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