A compromise?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No offence Lou but if people don't want to click the button I don't see why they should be mollycoddled, the more "layers" you put in to assist them, the more you remove them of any sort of responsibility for being responsible & you're actually creating layers of distance between the community and the mods.

It's also my POV that the longer this discussion drags on, the less will happen. FH may be a new environment but it's never going to be a "Fresh start", if it were then this discussion wouldn't even be taking place.

At GamesDomain (this is a distant example) due to BT's policys there were a butt load of regulations far more extensive than Game's CoC with clear lines of "what happens if you do X" & the whip was always there and cracked regularly. As before with BW it took an age for there to be general forum mods, but when they were finally introduced the forums settled down. My honest opinion is that this tyrade of bs is only ever going to effectivly stop with either heavy moderation (booo, hiss) or segragation. I prefer option two as it's more effective & the realities of life mean that not everyone is going to get on all the time.

*shrugs again*


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
I think having different rules for each sub forum is going to end up very messey, and just encourage insular behaviour with each sub forum - i.e. people not wanting to stray into different forums because they don't understand the rules too well. Also, giving the E&E's the ability to lock threads is going to cause nightmares too I think - it's bound to cause a clash with the moderators, and you all know what they say about too many cooks.

The original E and E idea came about because the forums were becoming so damned evil and bitchy, and complaints were (quite legitamately) coming in about people's language and conduct. Some people seemed quite unable to report a post, yet more than happy to sit around wearing sack cloth, beating their chests and wailing about the posts being made. The EnE idea was to ensure that each community had a vocal member that felt able to liase with the mods and explain that little sub community better, and discuss any problems or issues. It was never thought up as mini mods, but more community liason.

I think the idea of giving community representatives the ability to make stickies and polls in each sub DAoC community is a great idea, but I think the ability to create rules and close threads is just going to cause too many problems. The DAoC forums don't need seperate rules, the general CoC applies, and everything above is just a matter of forum ettiquette rather than rules cast in stone.

I completely agree with every single bit of that.

Code of Conduct said:
Spamming is evil because it clogs up our forum with needless messages and eats away at the bandwidth we use to download pr0n. Spam and you will burn in hell, probably get banned or, at the very least, have your post count edited.

So, why are the spammers still around?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
MYstIC G said:
No offence Lou but if people don't want to click the button I don't see why they should be mollycoddled, the more "layers" you put in to assist them, the more you remove them of any sort of responsibility for being responsible & you're actually creating layers of distance between the community and the mods.

It was never intended to replace reported posts made by people, but simply because each seperate forum is a little sub community, and it isn't practical to have a mod for each community. It would be anarchy. Therefore, whilst you have general DAoC mods, they aren't going to be as familiar with each community as the people active in it (reading and belonging are different things) so we were just hrming on ideas on how to address this. Have someone who felt in a position to chat to the mods, and point out things that were concerning their own little community. The fact is that lot's of people thought this was a very good idea, because lots of people felt the forums were being ruined by a select few, and they wanted to help stop this. Luckily, simply by mentioning we were thinking of this idea spurred people to care more about their community and think they could make a change, to report posts that should have been reported, so in the end the EnE idea wasn't necessary.

The thing is though, when you have letters from parents saying how horrified they were to read items in a forum, and you look and see its there in broad daylight but not a single person had bothered reporting it, then you _have_ to think of ways to try to address that. That's what the EnE idea was, an idea aimed at making things better, opening up lines of communication, but it was an idea that was never actually put into motion, simply discussed.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Again, that problem with the child arises from deflection of responsibility. I'm telling you the EnE idea is all well & lovely but it's a status symbol with no power & yet open to abuse (misguiding the admins, etc). I'm not going to keep going over old ground as I own the flim rights to your book and wish to mint it for cash in the future so I'll stop annoying you..... for now anyway ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It would be a status symbol, but that's not such a bad thing. If the E&E are elected via polls then a good candidate should be selected, and a sensible one can be garunteed if the mods chose the candidates.
I do think it will help the community a lot if they were in charge of making poll threads and stickys, but on second thoughts I agree that giving them any powers beyond that would be unwise.
I think it would be handy to have someone dedicated to just one sub forum, (and I don't just mean the DAoC forums) that could quickly bring any problems to the attention of the Mods.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I would gladly be the E&E for Excalibur off-topic. I played DAoC for quite a long while and posted regularly in the DAoC forums even after I quit the game and now tend to stick to the general forums.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jonaldo said:
I would gladly be the E&E for Excalibur off-topic. I played DAoC for quite a long while and posted regularly in the DAoC forums even after I quit the game and now tend to stick to the general forums.

that has to be the worst idea i have ever heard in my life. no one in Eot that has heard of you even remotely likes you and since your only power would be what the community thought you had earned out of respect, it would mean you would have 0 power and would be just some wanker trying to be the big man.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jonaldo said:
I would gladly be the E&E for Excalibur off-topic. I played DAoC for quite a long while and posted regularly in the DAoC forums even after I quit the game and now tend to stick to the general forums.
Except you never post there and a universally despised by the people in there.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
After those last two posts I'm confused as to why many general people dislike DAOCers...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Basically, they're asking us how we would like it if 'stereotypical doac poster' that nobody has heard of, and never posts in general, was made a mod on general...


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't think pez and loxely could have handled that any better. Made me chuckle :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Clown said:
Basically, they're asking us how we would like it if 'stereotypical doac poster' that nobody has heard of, and never posts in general, was made a mod on general...
the "E&E" of exc. OT would have only some mod right on that forum alone. So not even on any other DAOC forum, let alone some forum that has nothing to do with DAOC.
So no that isnt what they are asking.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
What they want is if one of the 'eot crew', ie. their buddies could be given some kind of moderator access so they could get away with more than they already do.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
That is entirely wrong. I do not want one of the eOT regulars to become an E&E member for the purpose of the regulars getting away with murder. If you actually read my suggestion, which you have clearly not done but just recognised the oppotunity for your own gain, I say that the E&E members would only get the powers to make stickys and to make polls and that I make this suggestion for every sub-forum on Fredddyshouse, not just eOT.

Your attitude and inability to read my suggestion through is example enough of how poor you would be as the E&E member of eOT.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
What 'we' are suggesting is just to impose what Damini suggested, I seriously doubt damini meant for it to be used as you suggested Jonaldo. The only thing this has to do with eOT though, is the fact that loxley suggested using it as a test ground. I think thats a good idea as if it can work (read:survive) there then it can work anywhere.

However if you're really against that idea. Then why not suggest another forum to test it in, or another way around the problem. The fact is that, regardless of what people think of the DAoC communtiy here now, it will get worse once BW closes. It would be nice if all 'extra measures' were at least properly considered before such a time so that these forums dont plummet to the same level as those on BW.

To be honest though, I think E&E would only be nessicary on the DAoC boreds, not general - nor anywhere else. We are the biggest community after all, and to be fair we do have a truck load of (literally) immature players.

So personally I think its worth trying out, I also suggest its not tried out in eOT - to appease a few people, what harm could it do?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
That is entirely wrong. I do not want one of the eOT regulars to become an E&E member for the purpose of the regulars getting away with murder. If you actually read my suggestion, which you have clearly not done but just recognised the oppotunity for your own gain, I say that the E&E members would only get the powers to make stickys and to make polls and that I make this suggestion for every sub-forum on Fredddyshouse, not just eOT.

Your attitude and inability to read my suggestion through is example enough of how poor you would be as the E&E member of eOT.
Funny you should make that statement, without realising the fact that I did read through the suggestion fully and in detail. Nevertheless I offered myself as an option for this role and it's been made fairly clear that a select few wouldn't want that. However I don't fee l your continuing petty arguments really help your cause that much.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you had read my suggestion as you claim to have done you would know that I suggest that the people in the actual sub-forum elect a person to be E&E who actually posts in that forum. You do not post in eOT and you would stand no chance of being picked as E&E. Why you thought you would be in any way good for the role is beyond me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Here follows a more developed scheme based on feedback.

Selection of E&E


  • The local moderator would select a list of forumers suitable for the E&E position. The E&E member would be selected by a poll in the sub-forum.


  • The local moderator would chose the E&E member.

Every sub-forum with a justifable posting population would have an E&E member. In order to be viable for running for E&E the person in question would have to be mature, generally popular and a regular poster within that sub-forum.

Role of an E&E member

  • To report any abusive posting or breaking of the CoC.
  • To represent the forumers.
  • To make stickied and polling posts.
  • To author a 'mini-CoC for his/her sub-forum.

Now, to clarify on the mini-CoC. These would not be rock solid rules in any sense, rather a posting guide for that sub-forum, with guidelines on ettiquette, spelling, grammar and what topics were suitable for that sub-forum. One of the issues, for example, in the DAoC forums is that most topics are posted in the Realm vs. Realm forum, whether or not they are about about RvR discussion. If a mini-CoC was written it would be a codified referance to just what threads belonged in that forum. This mini-CoC would be written by the E&E member, but would have to be agreed to by the moderators first.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I think it's a possible idea, all apart from the mini CoC. Maybe get all the mods together and all the forum users to discuss and devise a DAoC specific add on to the CoC, but different ones in different forums will be chaos.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
They would be just posting guidelines and not actual rules.
Then they would be breakable and pointless, and even then they would seem daunting to some and act as boundaries between sub-forums. We are the same community afterall...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
We're not though. I've encountered a huge amount of resentment just because I play DAoC.

In any case I don't think this would work to segregate the forums, rather help to define the purpose of each of them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
I play DAoC.
You play? you seem to be posting here :p
As for the idea of making a group of semi-mods, spies :p or whatever....it sucks.
Either you make a person a mod or not, something in between will not work in the end. Why you ask caus a: I would think with the amount of (according to the DAOC'ers that posted here) immature poster it would turn out to be an even larger flame war and the e&e would get sick of it.......no pay you kow :p

and b: it would set the forums apart.

As for extra rules for the DAOC forum :eek6: as if that wouldnt set them apart. Either the rules go for us all or they don't. If people cant work within those rules there is just one answer: ban.
And if the rules are not workable for the majority of DAOC players try and get a forum for just DAOC, and imho see it fail caus the rules are pretty nice.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I play in windowed mode so I always have access to the interwebernet.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't really understand this concept. Surely, the following is sensible:

Someone starts being a twat
Someone gets warned
Someone continues being a twat
Someone gets banned

I don't want this to sound like a flame, but whats so hard to understand about the above? Do you have to play DaoC to 'understand' twattery? Do we have to accept that some DaoC players are less intelligent, and therefore must have their own set of rules? If thats the case, then one of them should set up their own forum, and they can all fuckoff to there. Bigfoot and the others seem to be doing an ok job (I posted something naughty once, got warned, and accepted the warning). If you don't want to get banned, its quite simple, just don't be a twat!

Now I know that there are lots of nice, friendly DaoC players, and I enjoy reading what those guys post, but we shouldn't have to suffer the other cretins just because they can't regulate their own conduct.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Please, think outside of DAoC here, I meant this as an idea for all forums. It main issue as Damini mentioned is that a lot of serious stuff goes under the Mod's radar.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There may indeed be a solution (cos I'm great) \o/

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