I can't register, i use the same E-mail and log in as i used on the site for beta, log in, go to the validation page, type in my details, and it tells me my E-mail AND login are invalid?? Got no idea if the code is valid as it's not checking that as far as i can tell...
Do i need to register again on the goa web site or something, use a different E-mail address (hotmail.co.uk atm as i am about to move house/ISP and my current ISP e-mail will be cancelled in under 10 days)?
Can someone tell me wtf i have to do to get registered on this unholy abomination of a flash based web site?
And yes i am using IE 7 not firefox 3, had massive problems registering in Beta with FF3...
Editted in:
Great, now the website isn't even responding at all, oh well, i got things to do this morning, be back in an hr or 2 to try again. GOA are beyond imcompetant, lets just Hope mark Jacobs sacks the lot of them after finding some replacements who can actually run a relatively simple online registration system without it falling over.
I got mine in max 5 mins, same with most peeps I talked with. I typed wrong 1 time first and then it took 1 hour for error message. Could be why people are not getting mails. o and 0 error mebbe.
try to register again.. I didn't get my mail for about 9 hours then I registred the code again and got it 2 min later... the strange thing is that when I registered my item code it didn't accept them according to the mails I got to my gmail.. but when I change the mail to the one that the account was registred on I got it right away.. might be something like that... 'cause when the code faild I got mail to both the one it's registred on and the one I gave in the form for the code... strange but try it out...
turns out you can't use capitals to start your login or e-mail address, talk about ludicrous. GOA please fix that asap to save yourself many more people like me being unable to register.
I went to the website, pressed "Code", entered the same account login/email/password as I did for Open Beta, entered the Head Start reg-code and pressed submit..
1 minute and 23 seconds later I had an email from GOA saying I'm registered for the Head Start.. no problems
guys i pree orderd my game form game and i got 3 codes with them i have been able 2 activate 2 of tehm but the 3rd one starts PSEXBM and is not been accepted any one have the same problem ? and maybe soem one out there has a n idea of how i can contact GOA?
I just tried this afternoon for my second account, I was copy and pasting the code so I know it was correct - first two attempts I got an invalid code email, third time it worked fine.
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