6:0:0 ... Game over man ! Game Over !



Re: Boring

Originally posted by LLLLSoul
Yep RRs are boring. I dont know about you guys , but iam playing the game to have fun. Not saying you should stop taking relics just cause of that=). But the fact remains. We'd either 6am ninja or just tag alone as it is or just move to excal .

Some ppl perhaps dont find it booring.
Some ppl perhaps find 1fg rr9+ gank squad vs 1fg random low rr booring and start zerging.I dont like zergs but can understand why they are there.

We all have diffrent opinion try to accept that. If you then decide to take it 6 in the morning i find that boring but accept it ,then the ppl who like planning RRs will have fun again (thats not me btw).

I dint like QQ either but whts your obsession about telling everyone they are kids.Ignore em or dont take em so serious.

One more thing about that OP realm talk. Some stuff in mid are OP but u have OP stuff in Alb/hib aswell. Dont tell me we are the only realm with OP stuff!! At least i can admit it.



First of all iam RR3 myself.So first half of the post is hardly directed to me?:)

Second.What is fun about RR.Unless you are a leader maybe.A regular rr raid member is just a mindless robot.You stick and in fights you just pick nearest target and spam 1 button. If you find rrs fun please explain what is so fun about them.


Re: ZZ

Originally posted by LLLLSoul
First of all iam RR3 myself.So first half of the post is hardly directed to me?:)

Second.What is fun about RR.Unless you are a leader maybe.A regular rr raid member is just a mindless robot.You stick and in fights you just pick nearest target and spam 1 button. If you find rrs fun please explain what is so fun about them.

setting your alarm clock!


Why the big deal? Mids used to have all 6 relics all the time back in the old days. Of course, that was when it was dark age of stungard and only the mids actually went to RvR mostly...


No 6 relics for joo anymore! ;)

sing with me!

No six relics for joo anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)

Roo Stercogburn

2 power, 2 strength... and uber guards are back.

And a lot of fun over the weekend with some major assed RvR in our backyard :)


No six relics for me anymooooooore =)

grats Hibs and.. well ok grats to the albs aswell.
I wonder how you albs managed to get a relic,due to yourself u cant do shit without str relics! =) .Guess u can if u have the will

and LLLLsoul i wasnt flaming u ,,just pointed out ppl have diffrent opinion on whats fun (it was me being blury sorry).

Roo Stercogburn

I think actually Albs have held the various strength relics for longer than the other realms combined during the existance of Prydwen.

Might be interesting to see stats on duration of various relics held and by what realm.

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