30mph limits illegal


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Well, if people start taking them to court, I guess they'll have to.

I seriously doubt they'll refund people through their own good will though.


Dec 17, 2003
Oh, for fucks sack. Words cannot express how angry things like this make me.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
law loopholes so kick arse </sarcasm>


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Speed limits anger me. They were put in place to control the muppets who can't drive at speed. I can drive at speed, I don't see why I should have to slow down cos everyone else on the road is incompetent.

I've never stuck to a speed limit in my life (except if there are nasty Gatsos around). Oh and I have a clean licence.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
One day you'll be in or cause an accident and then your views will change (unless you're stoned at the time, then you probably won't know what's going on and you'll most likely be concentrating on the pretty, pretty birdies circling your head). :)

And anyway, isn't it more important to protect the unlit roads than the lit ones? Or is that me being stoopid...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bodhi said:
Speed limits anger me. They were put in place to control the muppets who can't drive at speed. I can drive at speed, I don't see why I should have to slow down cos everyone else on the road is incompetent.

I've never stuck to a speed limit in my life (except if there are nasty Gatsos around). Oh and I have a clean licence.

not enough vitriol to warrant getting banned.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
Bodhi said:
Speed limits anger me. They were put in place to control the muppets who can't drive at speed. I can drive at speed, I don't see why I should have to slow down cos everyone else on the road is incompetent.

I've never stuck to a speed limit in my life (except if there are nasty Gatsos around). Oh and I have a clean licence.
Catsby would willingly place large amounts of cash that the "muppets who can't drive at speed" would echo you insofaras "I can drive at speed, I don't see why I should have to slow down cos everyone else on the road is incompetent"

Which is why Catsby believes we call them muppets. Catsby apologises for pointing out that by your own logic does put you in an unfortunate category.

Catsby can only hope that you were being silly.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I sort of agree with Bodhi, except I respect the 30mph limit in built up areas, and most other places come to think of it. What annoys me is the governments insistence on using skewed figures to demonstrate that speeding is a major cause of accidents, when in fact it isn't. If a pedestrian walks out into the road without looking, and gets killed by a car doing 35mph in a 30, whose fault is that?

Its also useful to note that if speeding cameras actually worked, the number of fines and penalities issued would be dropping month on month. They're rising. So they don't work.

They should stick more of those electronic signs up that tell you to slow down (the radar controlled ones).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
They're not helping cut speed, because most people are stupid :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
From what Catsby has read, he has mainly seen that the pressure groups and the government do not mainly claim "Less accidents" (which is true, cameras in accident blackspots do dramatically cut accidents). Instead, Catsby has seen them claim that lower speeds cause less damage to the person hit. But the fact is, as far as Catsby is concerned, it's easier to stop before you hit something at lower speeds.

Inability to stop in time is the biggest cause of death on our roads. One in three deaths could have been avoided if the driver had gone slower in towns and on rural roads. In government surveys, 70% of drivers break 30mph speed limits. Always remember...

Drive at 20mph or lower.
In areas where you are likely to come across cyclists or horse riders, drive at 20mph or lower. The faster you go, the harder you hit. At 20mph a pedestrian you knock over stands a 90% chance of surviving. At 40mph they stand a 90% chance of dying.

Being good at driving.
Just because you think that you are a good driver does not mean to say that you can drive faster. The place to test your reaction times is not on the road.

Catsby finds it rather hard to argue with that.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
caLLous said:
One day you'll be in or cause an accident and then your views will change (unless you're stoned at the time, then you probably won't know what's going on and you'll most likely be concentrating on the pretty, pretty birdies circling your head). :)

And anyway, isn't it more important to protect the unlit roads than the lit ones? Or is that me being stoopid...

I had an accident about 4 months ago. I was completely sober at the time (first tiime driving clear headed in about a year aswell heh). If anything I drive faster than I did before the accident, but then again I did buy a faster car :)

Anyway, speed limits are for idiots who havent mastered the art of matching speed with vision.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
it doesnt matter how fast or slow your going, if little johnny decides hes going to leap out infront of you so he can nick some poor 5 year olds pocket money,it is unfortunatly the drivers fault (driving without due care and attention?)

i say bring back the green cross code man,and the speed limits can fook right off :kissit:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
I had an accident about 4 months ago. I was completely sober at the time (first tiime driving clear headed in about a year aswell heh). If anything I drive faster than I did before the accident, but then again I did buy a faster car :)

Anyway, speed limits are for idiots who havent mastered the art of matching speed with vision.

Are you taking the piss? I find it difficult to take you seriously, especially when you make such idiotic statements.

If you are being serious, then congratulations. I wonder how many accidents other people have narrowly avoided because of you?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
None spring to mind. You see although I may be travelling above the legal speed limit, I still know what's going on around me and where other drivers are, which is more than I can say for some of the supposed "safe" drivers who travel at the speed limit I see on a daily basis. I know fast and safe driving is a completely alien concept to most of you, but believe me it does exist. Not in resedential areas or outside schools granted, but on main roads definitely. I mean, don't little kiddies get told to stay away from main roads any more?

I tell you one last thing aswell. I bet when I'm driving "dangerously" I'm concentrating on the road an unfolding hazards a darn sight more than most of you speed limit plebs are.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm so cool, I can drive at 70mph in a 30 zone!

Fear my leet driving skillz!

*watches his willy grow*


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Yes. That's the point I was trying to put across.

(I very rarely exceed 40 in a 30 btw unless its late at night.)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The point you've managed to put across in actual fact, is that you are a bad driver Bodhi, and unable to control the speed you drive at.

Remember that accidents aren't always someones fault, especially the drivers involved, this is why they are called 'accidents'.

As the quote Catsby made says, if someone not paying due attention got in your way as you were speeding and you hit them, you will most likely kill them the way you drive. You might think 'their own fault for being so stupid' but no.. they would've survived if you were driving at a more reasonable speed.

If there's such a fucking rush to get somewhere, you should've left ten minutes earlier.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
tbh anyone who crosses a road,main or otherwise without looking to see if there is anything approaching in either direction deserves to get mown doing


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
JBP| said:
it doesnt matter how fast or slow your going, if little johnny decides hes going to leap out infront of you so he can nick some poor 5 year olds pocket money,it is unfortunatly the drivers fault (driving without due care and attention?)

i say bring back the green cross code man,and the speed limits can fook right off :kissit:

Well in that case, lets all drive around at 10mph when passing anything that little Johnny could leap from behind.

Honestly, 1 in 3 deaths preventable if the car was driving slower? How about 1 in 3 deaths preventable if the stupid dipshit looked where he was going as he crossed the road/whatever?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway, this is a good excuse to show you somethign I did tonight. Technical comments would be extremely helpful as most of you guys have played driving games and other stuff.

I used a m-s pair (pair of microphones that needs processing to get the stereo image), plonked it down on the tarmac on a stand behind the car, inbetween the exhausts (audi TT 225bhp), and recorded the lot through my mixer, onto an Archos AV400 (hard disc recorder).

Because it was night time, and because I can't monitor the sound and drive the car together, the audio isn't spot on, but its not bad for a blind attempt.

I also recorded some audio from the boot, but it was way distorted, easily fixable but its too late tonight :) Maybe tomorrow instead!

Revving the bollocks off

More revving and accelerating away

Drive past microphones (as if they're at the side of the road)


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Anyway, this is a good excuse to show you somethign I did tonight. Technical comments would be extremely helpful as most of you guys have played driving games and other stuff.

I used a m-s pair (pair of microphones that needs processing to get the stereo image), plonked it down on the tarmac on a stand behind the car, inbetween the exhausts (audi TT 225bhp), and recorded the lot through my mixer, onto an Archos AV400 (hard disc recorder).

Because it was night time, and because I can't monitor the sound and drive the car together, the audio isn't spot on, but its not bad for a blind attempt.

I also recorded some audio from the boot, but it was way distorted, easily fixable but its too late tonight :) Maybe tomorrow instead!

Revving the bollocks off

More revving and accelerating away

Drive past microphones (as if they're at the side of the road)

That's really weird listeing to that. Sounds like I've got the window open and there's cars driving past. :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
The careful drivers, the drivers who abide to all speed limits strike me as the worst drivers out there. Oh boy they sure can drive at 10mph below the limit, but do they know that there is other dirvers behind them? Do they fuck. Do they know how to use their indicators? Do they fuck. Do they think their car will tip over if there is a 4mph wind blowing? Yes they do. Do they think that if its raining that they MUST drive at 7mph everywhere because their car will flip over and do a dukes of hazard type lunge towards a cliff if they don't? Yes they do.

Sorry, but I totally get what Bodhi is saying. I think the uber slow drivers drive so slow because their brains struggle to keep up after any speed above 10mph.

By the way I am talking about fast roads, roads that hold no danger to anyone apart from the drivers trying to overtake the ignorant fucks that are oblivious to everyone and everything around them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
The careful drivers, the drivers who abide to all speed limits strike me as the worst drivers out there. Oh boy they sure can drive at 10mph below the limit, but do they know that there is other dirvers behind them? Do they fuck. Do they know how to use their indicators? Do they fuck. Do they think their car will tip over if there is a 4mph wind blowing? Yes they do. Do they think that if its raining that they MUST drive at 7mph everywhere because their car will flip over and do a dukes of hazard type lunge towards a cliff if they don't? Yes they do.

Sorry, but I totally get what Bodhi is saying. I think the uber slow drivers drive so slow because their brains struggle to keep up after any speed above 10mph.

By the way I am talking about fast roads, roads that hold no danger to anyone apart from the drivers trying to overtake the ignorant fucks that are oblivious to everyone and everything around them.
I agree, but I thought this was about 30mph limits. These are the roads that are generally around populated areas, schools etc.. I've got nothing against driving at 100+ down the motorway as in theory no-one will be crossing or even walking nearby. I fail to see what's impressive about being able to drive at speed in residential zones though.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
All you have to think is could you sleep at night if you kill a child I guess.

But adding to my argument, the people who do 15 mph in 30mph zones just infuriate the drivers behind them causing them to try and do silly overtaking.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Oh god......don't even get me started on BMW X5 drivers. I fucking well go a different route if I am behind one of those airhead carriers.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Tom, those audio clips are amazing mate! More of those please! The turbo spooling up would be a nice one to hear.

Re topic:

People should drive at the speed limit, end of. However, I do see a bit of Bodhi's/Trems arguments. It's not the people that speed that bother me, since I often do 35 in a 30 or 45 in a 40; it is indeed (as mentioned) the tards that:

a) don't indicate at roundabouts/junctions causing other drives to engage Jedi mind powers to guess where they are going or what they're doing.

b) don't give way, it makes me want to hunt them down and stamp on their face

c) don't have the slightest fucking clue about lane positioning, or change lanes without indicating - or worst - drive into your lane cutting you up and they get upset when you beep and shout "COCK" out the window.

d) don't drive at the speed limit when the conditions are perfectly safe - i see this a lot on single lane roads where i stay that are 50mph. Some people just dribble down at 40 or lower which is causing just as big a hazard as driving too fast.

If you're driving at 40+ in the wet with parked cars on both sides in a reasonable 30, you need your head examined. What i really fucking grudge though is getting caught speeding (which I did) in a temporary 40 mph (was doing 64), on an empty motorway, at 12am. Fucking scumbags. There are times where 70mph is too slow on the motorway I feel.

On the subject of going too slow, there was an article on the news about drivers who drive too fast on country roads as they felt it was safer. The number of fatal accidents of drivers going into the back of slow moving farm vehicles is shocking. So thats a combo of too fast and too slow, but it hinged on the fact that slow moving vehicles are indeed a danger to the law abiding and those who drive too fast.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm a safe driver. I drive at the speed limits almost always (except on the motorway where I'll do 80 usually). I didn't have an accident 4 months ago. I also have not had an accident yet *touch wood*. I'm also not a slow, shit, annoying driver. Bundling together them with safe drivers is like saying gays are kiddy fiddlers, it's a crock of shit. I always do the speed limit in residential areas/built up areas, I only slow down for rain if visibility is impared, I always move over to the left lane of multilane roads if I'm not overtaking anyone, I'm constantly aware of the cars around me and so on and so forth.

Why is it fast driver or slow and annoying granny driver with so many people?

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