13 Dragon Drops Have Been Missed...



(to light)
yes read it, an I am still thinking the same thoughts...

anyway dont I dont know the guy so I could be well off the mark..

Anyway still definetly sounds like a control freak. Just let the damn things drop and whoever picks them up, well good luck to them.


Well done smythe, atleast u had the guts to be honest it appears some other members of your group do not share that trait.

Now what people are saying about the likelyhood of people gettin a drop are remote is true. I dont think anyone was there for the drops but the second that thing died everyone who was there thought DROPS! being a wiz there are a couple items i woudnt mind gettin my hands on, but there are other more prominent wizzys that will most likely get lucky.

This seems to be a case of oppurtunistic behaviour certain individuals saw the opputunity to keep those drops and took it, i know the rules for drop distribution and what was said earlier about the group who gets the drops should keep them is utter rubbish. The tactics involved for taking that thing down meant that there were groups involved who never even got near the dragon but if they hadnt done their part it would have been another victory for golestandt. So just because a group is full of tanks doin dmg does not mean they get the drops over the healers group

On the matter of AU only, imo being a member of AU does not ammount to eliteism yes it may be unfair that being a large alliance we have the manpower to put on such raids without requiring the help of other guilds. BUT! that does not mean that we prohibit them attending there were several guilds there who were not AU it is hard to keep a dragon raid quiet anyway so its near impossible to stop anyone from learning about it.

btw mallus....which drops are still missing??

Radghast <lvl 50 wiz>


Re: Items???

Originally posted by old.Aegis
This being the case I suggest anyone who is concerned that they didn't receive a drop should stick to xping in Barrows/Dartmoor/Lyonesse where their chances of receiving a drop are alot better than one in twenty for every hour and not turn up on events that are "Fun" and "Team Building" and having recorded a fine victory for a well organised raid then start the usual moaning, abuse and personal insults...

I think you hit the nail right on the head there Aegis, but contradicted your point in the process. We went on the dragon raid for fun yes, we went as a united Albion for "Team Building" as you put it. This "team" was destroyed at the very end because certain individuals decided the "team" had served "their" use and it was time for me, me, me.

People aren't so interested in actually receiving the drops, I know I'm not, it's the fact that we went out as a united force and were betrayed at the end by a select few greedy individuals.



If it were truly random then leaving it to fate would be a good idea.

However, as it stands, the groups of support healers/ressers would never get anything (which means no more dragon raids), and also ALL 16 DROPS GO TO THE SAME GROUP.

This makes it more like a lottery than a random, fair, share.

It might be acceptable if there was an even chance of any of the groups helping (including the backup ressers et al) getting it but even then it's a bit rough.

All Mallus is trying to do is get the drops shared out in a random(ish) way that's a bit more fair than the all-to-one-group that's done automatically.

Anyone calling him a control freak is just missing the entire point.

Is Hobbit selling his account on ebay? or is this just an urban legend... if someone notices it then post it here or send it to RightNow (heck post it here and I'll send it to RightNow, greedy shite should get what's comin to him if it's true).


Re: To Khalen

Originally posted by Belomar
Restricting raids to Albion United only is a bad idea. Please don't make AU an elitistic alliance, I think there is already a bit of resentment among those guilds who don't fit within AU. Albion is recovering from a serious bout of anarchy, let's not revert to disorganization. We need unity, not division.

That AU makes up an event doesn't mean you can make up your own.. It's like with guilds who makes guild events. Nobody asks someone from another guild to take part in it or like drophunts. And you know why? Because they know each other and know how they are and know where they stand. If I had a cleric with me and he decides to keep all the drops for himself instead of giving it to someone who could use it, I would have kicked him out of the group, doesn't matter if I needed him. There are plenty other good clerics out there who share the same thoughts.

I don't give a fuck about the drops. It's indeed the attitude he showed. Heck he's even selling them on E-Bay FOR THE MONEY. I really hope GOA finds it and bans his account for good.

And can people stop saying about elitism. I didn't make up the max of 20 guilds per alliance. That 20 guilds are in AU alliance doesn't mean any other guild wasn't worthy... And for someone's information we already working together with the second alliance. And I think it will be kickass to have 2 huge armies bashing Hibs and Mids.


First, well done Albs! :clap:

Originally posted by Fingoniel
If it were truly random then leaving it to fate would be a good idea.

Only prob is that this leaves out all the supporting classes and groups, only the pure 50 tank groups would have an actual chance of getting an item. What about the heler groups and spawn guard groups? Im sure u would appreciate a rez or that spawn is kept at bay...? Not all dragon groups focus on doing actual damage on the dragon, while their effort is no less important 2 the slaying off the beast....

A solution, however timetaking would b 2 devide participants into classes, and lotto the items between all the participents who is intended 2 use the item. No guild, no "I've spent this and that much time in emain and such" This would atleast solve the class specific items on a fair basis, and the only thing that counts is that u participated in THIS raid...

Just some Mid thoughts on the subject, guess we'll have the same prob when our time comes.....


Were people really having a go at Smyte whose only sins were to (a) pass on drops in the best way he thought possible and
(b) dare to defy the AU alliance rules?

What a surprise.

All Smyte did was stick to standard drop distribution rules, the ones all players stand by. If he didn't know about prior agreements then why tf are people flaming him?

If you want an AU only event (which some of you elitists seem to favour) then meet somewhere less conspicuous than Cornwall Station as you are bound to get many many people joining in as it, well, it looked interesting. D'oh! And for those of you with this separatist attitude don't be too surprised if some of the other alliances totally lose interest in whatever AU get up to. There's probably more players not in AU than in it.

For those of you not in AU take heart. There are guilds out there with seige crafting skills and experience, trade masters, good organisation and many many members, with regular events, alliance keep raids and some really high quality people. They just didn't join in with the zerg. Keep an eye out for them in game.

Organisation is as much in the execution as in the planning. If an event leads to problems then IMO it wasn't well executed. You should have had AU members only as group leaders and turned auto-split off. That way you could have been sure of keeping the loot in-house. To make sure no rogue groups turn up then like I said above - meet somewhere out of the way.


Originally posted by old.Nightrider
First, well done Albs! :clap:

Only prob is that this leaves out all the supporting classes and groups, only the pure 50 tank groups would have an actual chance of getting an item.

eerr no ;) drops go to group that does most dmg as far as i know and tanks do possibly the lowest damage of all classes

they just take it ;)

group of 8 wiz nuking would out dmg probs 32 tanks :p


I cant believe how selfish some people are. From what I have read - this alliance should get all of the items listed and then everyone else should have their accounts terminated. It seems to me that some people in that alliance are generally better human beings than some of these other idiots.

Smyte - you are a disgrace. How dare you take items that clearly were not yours. Ignorance is no defence here laddo.

Long live the alliance - they are generally better people than you. They also seem to be wittyer and more intelligent than the rest of albion. </joke>


Seriously tho - keep this thread up - its had me in stitches for 20 minutes now. Lol@tantrums.

If you can organise a dragon kill - surely you are big and strong enough to organise the drops without throwing the teddy out of the pram. Actually - this thing happens on Pryd as well - mainly small children saying ME< ME< ME...

Anyway - please chill out before you have a heart attack.


Well my addition to this post is that Soll is talking shit


Originally posted by Tigerius

You're not bothered to listen to the person who made it happen? You're not bothered with the buisness of AU yet you participate in raids they organise? This was an all Albion event, and yet it all comes down to the one person who made it happen, it could have been anyone else but it was him. If you want to participate you should recognise that.

Sorry for quoting this from way back, but have just joined this thread.

If it was An albion wide event how come It was only because I saw a mass of people on the off chance in cornwall that I actually knew something was going down? - Not every guild on this server is in the AU. ( If it was posted here in barry's world i apologise and take back the above.) I also recently posted about how drops would be split to guilds that were not in the AU - surprise surprise it was not answered.


Originally posted by Farnis

Smyte - you are a disgrace. How dare you take items that clearly were not yours. Ignorance is no defence here laddo.


Anyway - please chill out before you have a heart attack.

He hardly took the drops - he distributed them fairly as he saw fit - which is exactly what would of happend had he given them to mallus.
Like someone previously said - if you came on the raid looking for drops then stick to barrows. imo drops were just a bonus, if you got them grats and gl - if you didn't then take heart from the dragon that just fell at your feet ;)


Originally posted by old.Nightrider

Only prob is that this leaves out all the supporting classes and groups, only the pure 50 tank groups would have an actual chance of getting an item.

Said exactly the same thing in the next sentence ;) read my whole post! :) :p


"Were people really having a go at Smyte whose only sins were to (a) pass on drops in the best way he thought possible and
(b) dare to defy the AU alliance rules? "

--- (a) When you attend A DRAGON RAID, you should take the hint that this is something special, and the drops coming from it is considered special. On top of that when people are yelling "GIVE THE DROPS TO MALLUS", what do you do? Do you ignore, and think that normal droprules apply here? I refuse to believe that a person attending this raid failed to get the information about the droprules and failed to even ASK what to do, when all the people around him was yelling what to do with the items.
--- This has nothing to do with daring to defy any rules, this is a social matter. You don't ignore messages ALOT OF people are yelling. If you are unsure, ASK. When you go to a foreign country which drives their cars in the opposite lane, do you continue to drive it like you would at home? Or do you ask what rules apply, and follow them. "Nah, this isn't something special, I'll just continue to drive like I'm used to."
>>> In Rome, you do like the Romans. <<<

"All Smyte did was stick to standard drop distribution rules, the ones all players stand by. If he didn't know about prior agreements then why tf are people flaming him?"

--- This is going to be the excuse everyone will use.
In Rome you do like... etc...

"If you want an AU only event (which some of you elitists seem to favour) then meet somewhere less conspicuous than Cornwall Station as you are bound to get many many people joining in as it, well, it looked interesting. D'oh! And for those of you with this separatist attitude don't be too surprised if some of the other alliances totally lose interest in whatever AU get up to. There's probably more players not in AU than in it."

--- AU is not an apartheid system. You are acting like it is because it has got a lot of guilds in it. "Oh, this is big and mighty, let's have a go at this." This is a perfect example of people not wanting an authority, anarchy which is so popular to support these days. And no, I'm not an authority myself. Too bad that evolution untill this date has let authorities survive. A lot of people need and want guidance and organisation. This is needed now because no working suggestions apart from the union was possible to make work, not in a large scale anyway.

"For those of you not in AU take heart. There are guilds out there with seige crafting skills and experience, trade masters, good organisation and many many members, with regular events, alliance keep raids and some really high quality people. They just didn't join in with the zerg. Keep an eye out for them in game."

--- There was never an intention to lock out non AU guilds, the reason it was executed within AU was because it is a much easier and faster way to get information spread out ingame. This even an ignorant eye like you have to acknowledge. 200 people listening to one is much easier than from mouth to ear on a much thinner chain of people.

"Organisation is as much in the execution as in the planning. If an event leads to problems then IMO it wasn't well executed."
--- Situations are everything, you can't come after it has happened and yell it's either black or white. Grayzones still obtain the largest spaces.

"You should have had AU members only as group leaders and turned auto-split off. That way you could have been sure of keeping the loot in-house. To make sure no rogue groups turn up then like I said above - meet somewhere out of the way."

-- Soll's post has got to be the most biased and ignorant reply in this thread. Try to zoom out and change perspective.


Well sorry for those who were not contacted bout the raid. 1 person messaging 50+ guilds with lvl40+ members isn't very easy. I did ask others to spread the word and for the most part, it resulted in a good turnout.

PS I should have all the items apart from the 'Heart of the North' and 'Robe of the Magus' tonight (don't expect to get them back). Lotto will probably be done on Sunday evening so start entering ;)


Zoomed out, changed perspective.

Hmmm. Nope, still don't see what I as being biased about.

1. I was defending Smyte who in my opinion was trying to do the right thing.

2. There are a couple of posts suggesting that these things should be AU only further up the thread. If AU members want to be elitist then feel free - just try not to make your lives complicated by inviting non AU members at random - I thought I was making constructive comments.

Please flame me back as I'm not reading this thread anymore. I wasn't on the raid and find it really funny that the most self important alliance on Albion/Excal can't even sort out a few drops.

I am not having a go because you're the biggest alliance - I'm not even sure that you are - in fact I don't even know whose in the AU - all I know is that you claim to be the biggest alliance - which kind of points to a teeny bit of arrogance anyway.

Zag Barr

Still would be nice if you posted the stats of the items ;)

Or maybe direct me to a working database? I couldn't find any cost free documentation about most of these items. game.banshee wants too much money and alkhazaam sucks.


Originally posted by soll

I am not having a go because you're the biggest alliance - I'm not even sure that you are - in fact I don't even know whose in the AU - all I know is that you claim to be the biggest alliance - which kind of points to a teeny bit of arrogance anyway.

Look at this thread


Look at the Guilds of the people there and then compare this with the AU members, if you don't know which Guilds are in AU ask a lvl50 in game, chances are they're in AU and could tell u.

It isn't arrogance it's a fact.

Not sure what this has to do with distributing the drops from the Dragon but there u go.

Smyte Pee


All i can say to u is please stop flaming me like the fecking shit stirrer(spelt wrong no doubt) u are.

All peeps have got plenty off good points. Hmm and u really think that i pay attention to 100+ peeps texting various messages about whatever. Most probably patting each other on the back and saying well done.

And can you explain what i done wrong?

Hmm just cos i did not immediatley look for mallus in a crowd of 100 peeps. With the rest of the drops i had on me and then passed them to Zoyster who before that night i had never spoken too i just see him and outlaw a lot (like they are married or something in emain).

Its quite sad that i pass on the drops and even named the peeps in my group who have the items, like some grovelling little snitch.

And i still get shite from people like you Tranquill. All i can say is take a chill pill.

Its quite sad that there is like 80 posts on drops etc and not as many on what a wonderfull achievement it was for ALL peeps there too band together and take down the dragon.

My apologies to you mallus about not hunting u down on the spot and giving you the drops like i have nothin better to do. U did a fine job indeed getting this all organised and i know i would not have the patience to undertake this task.



"Please flame me back as I'm not reading this thread anymore. I wasn't on the raid and find it really funny that the most self important alliance on Albion/Excal can't even sort out a few drops. " -Soll

--- The alliance as it is can sort out the items, one person can sort out those items, if he get's them, that's kind of important, to get the items, right? Sigh.. You find this really funny, right. What most self important alliance? You haven't been in this alliance, how can you not be biased based on your limited information. I wouldn't say that I know more, but I will do some background research on all sides before I yell.

"all I know is that you claim to be the biggest alliance - which kind of points to a teeny bit of arrogance anyway. " -Soll

I would say that to claim that one side of something that shouldn't be "a side"(but an agreement between guilds) is what's arrogant.

So, when you sum up what you have said, it can be used against you. I wouldn't say that you are both self important, and the most arrogant one. But if you look at what is written by Soll, he has pretty much described himself.


I am not flaming you, I am purely showing what you could have done to prevent the chain of events that has happened which neither you or me wanted to happened. I am sorry if my post came out as a flame, but I don't know how people will accept what I write. I purely write what I mean, and how I think it could have been handled. Based on how I think I would have handled it. I do not put on puffy slippers when I walk the ground, I step right into it. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

"Its quite sad that i pass on the drops and even named the peeps in my group who have the items, like some grovelling little snitch."

-- It's great that you have named the ones that got the items(all honour to you), to give all the people who can use it an equal chance to get it. It can be that the ones you gave it to needed it the most, I would not know. But the dragon drops are something special, and I feel that it's not just the group that did the most output damage that should get the drops and decide who should get them. This is a realmwide matter.


well mistakes are made from all sides.
first no group owns a large raid drop.there is no luck of dice nothing here .sadly i know i get flamed for this most people in euro DAoC have only experience in games like diablo2 CS and at best UO.
this games do not prepare or teach people how large raid loot is shared.from my experience ex EQ players tend to do this much better.
having said that a lotto system would have worked if the people attending the raids were counted and names taken down.
post about people not part of the allience coming for raid are not counted .now here is where u make people like feel loot should be taken by who ever is lucky.
i was there and no time did i hear hey this is raid only for so and so rest do not come.in fact it was encouraged to have others there and after dragon went down to say oh thanks for coming and looking at this lame looking dragon that makes lady vox in EQ look like a star, but you have no chance for getting loot.
anyway hope you all get it sorted out next time.
points that might help
1) if u want to make it certain guilds only raid always make sure u shout this many times and ask people if they coming to expect nothing.don't make them lose exp and time and effort to be told this its rather rude.if they come then up to them they were warned but no one is a mule.
i expected nothing but many obviously did .my solo goal was to kill the dragon before my retirement that is close now.
2) if making it a FFA raid then get names down and if so and so did not register name with leader of raid before raid he is out of the lotto.
if its guilds only give to leaders of guild equal share or whatever u decide before hand.
3)as mentioned before combined effort kills belong to all those there.there is no luck this is not quake 3 or CS.i know many do not understand the concept of joint effort and rewards but got to learn.


Will post all the stats of the items as soon as I get all the drops I can. Only 3 more drops to get (other then the ones that have been refused) which should make it 14. See the list of items I have posted on 'Dragon Drop Distribution' thread, will update stats there tomorrow sometime.


[EDIT by Egon, Never mind, thought only 6 out of 16 items had been turned in but then i saw the post mallus just made :) no comments for me then. 14 out of 16 is good enough i think. but it still sucks at 2 people run off with some drops without giving people a fair chance to get it]


This Bickering Cheapens Me :sleeping:

We are not married u Bozo :cool: But a Wizard (Zoy) and Theurgist (Me :cool: ) combination means we both get speed, BT, and uber AE root - DD combination. When I am on the battlfield my only intention is to Gank, and not wander around bored and useless. :D

Drop Share on Sunday?? huh, I guess this means no - Golestand raid on Saturday :mad:

Hand over the drops U lame ass prats and let's move on :clap:


Originally posted by old.Outlaw

Drop Share on Sunday?? huh, I guess this means no - Golestand raid on Saturday :mad:

why not? we kill him again and split the double amount of loots afterwards in the lotto :clap:


Lets leave it for this weekend until drops have been sorted out. Everyone up for next saturday, same time, same place?

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