13 Dragon Drops Have Been Missed...



yayayaya Fight more

Sell the loot, keep the money if u cant stop fighting =)


Just made a new thread on dragon loot distribution, go take a look there


As well as the names of those not giving up loot could we have the guilds they belong too. We should be excluding these guilds from everything until either the items are handed over or they are booted from the guild.



Grats on taking out the scaly bastard Albs.

Small point...dragon dropped 1 mithril on the US server as well as 16 items...did it do the same here? I did hear GOA had nerfed that one.


I personally am quite happy to trust mallus to lotto it.
Perhaps we could go around asking random low-levelled people to say a number from 1 to 100 or whatever?

Sod it, too much argument over mere items. We killed the dragon and we're sitting around here arguing over loot... pffah!

Maybe i think that only because he dropped nothing i want, though ;)

edit: better yet, someone with an alt on prydwen ask a few people for numbers =P


it can't be hard to find the loot i mean we all know which group picked it up and there are numerous screenshots about all the loot.
not that i can see anyone really ninja looting unless they just plain daft.
one they are known so can't get away.two,unlike EQ loot in this game are not so important as to risk the wraith of realm mates.
as for doing a lottery on it well can't work as everyone in albion will say i was there.even if you did by some miracle get all the names all they have to say is oh i was linkdead then but there.i was there and i can't prove it!
so basically get the loot and share it out like you want so far it distrubutes well amongst the guilds.
i personally am just happy that i did the last thing on my to do list apart from getting that elusive 50 in DAoC.so even if i do leave tomorrow i can say i killed that gimped looking dragon on DAoC.

Smyte Pee

Had Trouble logging on so here goes...

Ok first and foremost ALL Peeps helped slay the dragon. Not just the Attacking Group or the Healing Group or Guarding Group or the S Club Group.

Next before i went their i was not aware of the share loot details supposedley implemented by AU. Which i am not a part of, so in my eyes does not apply to me.

Our group had various peeps in it. If memory servers me Justinian/Illuvator/Smyte Me/Andrew and after that i dont remember.

I ended up with 4 items of loot. From memory they where Magus Robe thing. Helm of the opposition. Cloth Cap. Sturdy Bp Af98 thing.

At this point i gave Justinan the Af98 Bp plate and said i had no use for it and i gave the Robe to Illuvator a sorceror.

The other 2 items i gave to Zoyster later on that night as i think hes a Wizz(one of the more famous ones) and he was their. I also passed the inf helm to him which imo was crap anyway.

From lvl 30 onwards in Barrows i was always told DROPS STAY IN THE GRP. Now i dont know Mallus or Malius and i dont recognise him as any leader as such etc.

So i was saying to the Tank/Sorceror in our grp as far as i am concerned the Drops Where Random and luck decided who got what.

I got nothing, do you here me winging!! Is everyone missing the point. I thought the whole thing was a Group effort and it was fun to kill a dragon together and the experience(as in playing the game not xp experience) was a good old laught watching peeps get wiped out by AOE from dragon.

I personally dont like the Idea of one person decidiing who gets what? I mean how can u share or give 16 items(not sure on total) amongst 100+ peeps and god knows how many guilds.

So a Cloth Cap gets given to say GOL and they say have like 30 Mage Types(made up figure). Who decides who gets it? Or do they take turns. Ie Ok Zoyster you can wear it this weekend and Outlaw can wear it the next..

IMO The best way is random. If you got something(i passed everything on) then good luck to you. If you got nothing then it was a good laugh but nothing lost or gained.

Its a shame all this has boiled down to is the drops in this game. Not the fact that we ALL and emphasize all not just AU helped defeat the dragon.

So people track down the peeps who have the drops and harass them. Each person bar Zosyter could use the drop, bar the inf helm he has.

Hope that clears some of this hoo haa up

Smyte Pee


The lotto thing is a good idea..

Hehe i dont agree with the level exclusion thing but what the hey some items may con orange to lower lvls than 45.

Am i right in assuming that if peeps wherent their for whatever reason they still get entered in lotto?




you contradict yourself.. you say that one person deciding is crap, yet you pick the persons to give loot to - even ppl outside your group..

I think just going there and killing the dragon was epic yes.. but.. do you really think ppl are going to keep going, if one group gets loot? you yourself recognized the fact that there were healing groups and so on.. will they keep coming back in groups of 7 healers and a minstrel if they have no chance of getting anything?
you obviously havent thought your post through before writing it...

Glad you postet though - atleast it cleared a few thing, and I do agree on a few of your comments..


Originally posted by Smyte Pee

From lvl 30 onwards in Barrows i was always told DROPS STAY IN THE GRP. Now i dont know Mallus or Malius and i dont recognise him as any leader as such etc.

If you're exp'ing and something drops ..... yes.
Or do you think we are exp'ing at dragon oO ??

And Mallus organised this raid.


Earlier today i gave the last 3 drops i got to Brommix <Herfølge Boldklub> who promised to give them to Mallus :)

so i now have given all the drops i got at the hunt to the leader.

hope they will be split fairly.

Smyte Pee


A) Whether mallus organised the raid or not i am not bothered. Anything agreed in AU is ur business and not mine.

B) I handed over items to other peeps in the grp i was in. What they do with it is their business, not mine.

c) I dont give a crap if i was xping or not. A drop is a drop and far as i am concerned it should stay in group that got it.

D) I think im quite honest letting u guys know who got the drops. I didnt have to tell you who i gave them too.

E) I wish now i never even got the drops in the first place. The whole fuss over this is so riduculous. Will someone please close this thread once and for all :(


Originally posted by Smyte Pee

A) Whether mallus organised the raid or not i am not bothered. Anything agreed in AU is ur business and not mine.

You're not bothered to listen to the person who made it happen? You're not bothered with the buisness of AU yet you participate in raids they organise? This was an all Albion event, and yet it all comes down to the one person who made it happen, it could have been anyone else but it was him. If you want to participate you should recognise that.

B) I handed over items to other peeps in the grp i was in. What they do with it is their business, not mine.

But you didn't, you said it yourself?

c) I dont give a crap if i was xping or not. A drop is a drop and far as i am concerned it should stay in group that got it.

So you don't percieve all on site as 1 big group all helping to achieve this, but rather that your specific group through the roll of a dice get all 16 drops that 100 others worked for? Can we bit a bit more open-minded here :/

E) I wish now i never even got the drops in the first place. The whole fuss over this is so riduculous. Will someone please close this thread once and for all :(

I don't see your problem here, YOU didn't get the drops, you ended up carrying them for a bit. They were never at any point your responsibility but meant to be turned in for somewhat even distribution. Why did you instead of turning them over to someone trusty on site instead choose to distribute them at your liking? Don't tell me you acted this way and expected everyone to accept it?

Sorry, but think before you act next time if you want less trouble.


Why are you flaming Smyte, all of his points are his opinion and valid points. He gave Zoyster the Cloth Cap ( who has now handed it to Mallus), yet he doesn't really know Zoyster that well, so it wasn't preferential treatment, it was his way of distributing the drops in a fair manner without alot of fuss. He has also been extremely honest.

I will say this tho, I want to see the drops go to ppl who will utilise them and not go to log on once a week ppl who just want to show off their bit of l00t and stare at it all day (on the days they do log on that is :D ).

PS There will be many more raids and many more drops :clap:


Originally posted by old.Outlaw
He gave Zoyster the Cloth Cap ( who has now handed it to Mallus

what happend to the robe then? :)

and your right.. someone ective should get the dros.. but how will you ever know who that will be in a week from now?:)


Dunno what to say really. Doing my best, I am only human and can't please everyone. If people don't think I am trustworthy and capable of fairly sharing out the drops then it is time for someone else to lead a dragon raid. Why can't people just accept the way the items are going to be distributed and stop bitching? Many more raids will be done and I am sure over time every guild, no matter how small, will get a drop that can be used by one (or more if the guild wants) members if they can actually put the item to it's best use (Eg. Don't want a guild with only s/s armsman getting a polearm so they can just use it everyone now and then to look pretty).

As for unguilded people. Easy solution, either join a guild, or don't come to any raids in the future. You will not get any drops solo as no drops will be given directly to individual players, but rather to guild leaders to do with as they please (eg. maybe let each person who wants it use it for a week then pass it on, or just give it the most deserving person in their eyes).

This was the first time we have actually managed to kill the dragon, so obviously there was a lot of uncertainty of how drops are split, etc. Hopefully in the future people will know what will happen with the drops, and if they dont agree with the system, they are not to turn up.

Smyte Pee

Ooo think before i act tigerius and exactly what ya gonna do? Sounds like a threat...Unless u can back it up.. Shhh plz :)

At the end of the day i passed on drops not my concern never was. As for organising well done to mallus i have no idea of the effort and time involved i was passing cornwall and heard their was a raid on dragon.

I was stating my opinions in the above post's and i am entitled to them. Like every other individual i am sorry i am not lvl 50 and can not be taken more seriously.

As for the robe see Illuvator a sorceress lvl 43 i think not sure. Hes in some spanish clan(Rhombos something).

The bottom line was i trying to say it was suppose to be i guess a fun event and IMO(Yes my opinion) its turned into a farce about drops.

I was just gratefull to see the dragon die:0


You may angle it any way you like, but the only farce here is that 4 people decided to take a hike with the reward.

Smyte Pee

If u had red previous posts u would have heard that Zoyster has handed the stuff in i passed too him on to mallus. Why did i pass to him? Cos hes the only high lvl wizz i ever see in emain, i dont know him to chat too but i knew he would pass it on.

As for the BP for tanks. A previous post by justinan said he will pass it on. So i guess the only thing not accounted for is the robe. Now all someone needs to do is speak to illuvator about the robe. Whether he passes it on to mallus i dont know.

Smyte Me
4th Season - Semi Retired Cleric due to upcoming nerfs in future patches.


Personally there weren't any good drops for myself but enough for my guildm8s ofcourse. I think next time just invite the guilds from the alliance, at least they are trustworthy people who play for fun and not money or greed.


I'm afraid there is more than just the robes missing, I believe Hobbit still has some items.

Personally I'm not bothered about who ends up getting the items as long as it is fair. But, Smyte, this is not just about the actual items dropped it is about the attitutes of the individuals who decided to run with the loot. Did your group kill the dragon solo? I don't think so. 200 Albions didn't go kill the dragon to get your party some loot. If these individuals don't have the social conscience to do the right thing, then I want to know who they are and who the are affiliated with as I don't want anything to do with them again, who knows what these self centred players will do in a group.



To Khalen

Restricting raids to Albion United only is a bad idea. Please don't make AU an elitistic alliance, I think there is already a bit of resentment among those guilds who don't fit within AU. Albion is recovering from a serious bout of anarchy, let's not revert to disorganization. We need unity, not division.


Firstly congrats to mallus for a well organzied raid :)

Like many others i did not attend that raid with the hopes of gettin anything back, i just wantted to see that scally bugger drop for once. But i do find myslef a little bitter at the attitudes of some people. The fact that a few players think that they can just steal (someone find me a more accurate word, bet u cant) from there fellow albs. we are meant to be 1 realm against 2 others not 1 player against everyone else

I have no doubt that we will never see some of these items again and that is a shame, but i thinh that those responsible should be publicly named and shamed. i dont want anyone of that charachter in my guild or even in my group. so mallus plz you know who these guys are and im sure you have been talking to them since the raid it is clear now that they will not be returning these items, so plz post the names and guilds of the offending individuals for everyones information

my 2 cents

Radghast (lvl 50 wiz)

Tank Init

not a alb so i dont give a shit but dont the drops go to the GROUP that does the most damage ?

also aint there a option for autosplit so only the group leaders get the items.


I can't believe you're having a go at Smyte. He stated that he just heard there was a Dragon raid and went along to it, not knowing who had organised it or anything about the item lottery. Then, when he recieved items, he distributed them to people he thought, for the most part, may have a use for them as opposed to keeping them and then trying to trade them. That sort of behaviour should be applauded not flamed.

As for those of you who think that only AU members should be allowed on dragon hunts in the future and unguilded people aren't allowed to have any item drops if they turn up and help I think you're elitist twats. I'm glad I'm not part of AU if that is the majority attitude and if I joined a guild who then joined AU I'd leave them out of principle. This is a game people, a game that anyone who pays their subscription fee has a right to enjoy, you don't have special rights or a more important opinion just because your guild is bigger or you have more level 50's. Grow up.


Some credit must be taken for orangising this, but staking a claim on all the drops is as absurd as it is unworkable...

The word, control freak springs to mind...

Part of the incentive for anyone taking part in a dragon raid is that small chance they may end up with something very special..
(compare it to winning the lottery in DAOC terms)

Its seems to me that the person trying to claim these items, for distribution as he sees fit, is far more selfish than anyone deciding to keep a single drop for himself..

You can also be sure that the distribution of these items will be calculated to benefit the individual in question...


Ah now u really are talking shit Censi, read Mallus' post about distributing the drops then go slap yaself a bit then come back



And the Saga Continues...

Smyte said that he didn't know about the rules, and as such didn't know that all drops were to be turned onto Mallus. I'm wondering why noone in his group told him that? Several AU members there.

And Smyte, I understand that you're tired of being accused of stealing. BUT to say that you don't have to follow the rules because you're not an AU member is outright bullsh*t! You follow the rules like everyone else, or you stay away. Granted, you didn't know the rules, but next time, you do! And it wasn't AU who decided the rules, AFAIK. It was Mallus, the organizer, whu just happens to be in AU.

And I don't understand how the receiver group members could miss the "give-drops-to-Mallus" talk that was being yelled EVERYWHERE!

And how could the ppl who got the items from Smyte all have missed that point too?

Seems to me ppl have a tendency to forget when it's to their own advantage!

And making the raid a AU event only, I find a bad idea. It will split up Albion in factions, and we need to stick together.

Finally, I think it's crap that Smyte claims that all loot goes to the finder group. Some ppl will never have a chance then!

Screw it - I'm outta here!



Originally posted by Khalen
I think next time just invite the guilds from the alliance, at least they are trustworthy people who play for fun and not money or greed.

if we can make it our own it would be the easiest way, :clap: :clap: :clap:



Just read through the above 3 pages of completely irrelvant pish (well to me 'cos didnt go on the raid hehe) when it occured to me really having spent 20 minuts or so trawling through it all (as I am sure other ppl will do as well) that if u were on the raid and did not receive an item that your odds of actually getting one were less than one in twenty for what is an hours work...

This being the case I suggest anyone who is concerned that they didn't receive a drop should stick to xping in Barrows/Dartmoor/Lyonesse where their chances of receiving a drop are alot better than one in twenty for every hour and not turn up on events that are "Fun" and "Team Building" and having recorded a fine victory for a well organised raid then start the usual moaning, abuse and personal insults...

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