Jordiex said:I have been on raids with midnight before and no issues there. I i dont think ppl were blaiming him at all.
so 2.9 was bugged no blaim is bieing given there to any1 either.,
The issue is Zeus' attitude towards his fellow players and the lack of espect he shows them. I dont believe he has the qualifications he claim, as lag has very little to do with the pc, that he keep claiming.
if you have a lag issue and post a right now they send you ping plotter to trace where the issue is along the network.
thergador said:if any one can tell what else i need to do to raise my game then fair enough
Jordiex said:I have been on raids with midnight before and no issues there. I i dont think ppl were blaiming him at all.
so 2.9 was bugged no blaim is bieing given there to any1 either.,
The issue is Zeus' attitude towards his fellow players and the lack of espect he shows them. I dont believe he has the qualifications he claim, as lag has very little to do with the pc, that he keep claiming.
if you have a lag issue and post a right now they send you ping plotter to trace where the issue is along the network.
I am also sorry that he is ignoring the posts where I have asked him questions to statments he has made. i now feal he is either unable to answer these as he has no idea what he is saying.
The points i have made regarding his leadership aye not all from me, but other players as well.
The title of this thread is incorrect as the only true word in it is rush.
It has been commented that as ML2 took soo long he started to rush the rest. to the extent he ingored requests for credit and wait for ld ers and dead.
I hope he achieved ml8 as he will be one of the eew that did.
I am also aware that he requested people to post on this thread against me in BG as I had a friends still in the bg. I of whom was worried as quote"they are saying nasty things about you".
I did try to rejoin the bg long before the lotto, but was unable to join(wonders why) as i had pmed him.
I asked if he had a problem as i had heard what he was saying in bg and he replyed no it was I that had the problem. and continued to say that i had lost my dummy and fallen out of my pram.?
I then started getting silly pms from othe excal players (why only excal playesr>?) who i will name as I have recorded this information.
I would still like Zeuspally to answer my questions regarding what he thinks the basic system for running DAOC is. and the spec of pc needed to run in 1 of "his" raids of 200 ppl. (which is causing a lot of lag) which again for Zeuspally information is caused by congestion over the network (reduced bandwith) mythic can handle at 1 time. but then again he has a degree in this so should know the basics at least about packet loss.
if you have no problems with midnight then i suggest looking at your log as it was mid night that was granting credit not.thergador said:oh and FPS lagg is due to your pc
Golena said:Looking through the other comments on the thread i'd say the first thing to do is remember that while leading raids is stressful attending laggy raids where you are in danger of going LD in the hope of getting the credit you need can also be stressful.
It's very easy to lose your head with 20 people spamming for credit, especially if you think the raids running late. Often simply being sympathetic towards people goes along way, if someone's spamming or getting on your nerves, simply take the piss out of them in front of everyone. Having the fact they are being an idiot pointed out very obviously in front of everyone normally silences them for a bit. Just make sure you do it in a fun way. The second you get pissed off with the zerg, there's going to be trouble.
As raid leader your the person who should try to stay calm and know what's going on. My first tip would be to scrap the CG system that seems to of been implemented recently. It's frankly a terrible idea. Leave the BG open and let people talk in it. That way when you need to get a point across you can lock it and everyone can see what your writing.. it's a fast way to silence the zerg when you need to regain control. Having a CG, you have no way of stopping the spam during difficult times, and it brings absolutely no benefit.
Other than that just remember that doing 8 ML's your going to encounter at least one issue. Never plan timescales assuming everything is going to go perfectly to plan.. I notice from your initial post you allowed 30 mins for ml2? While I agree that it's perfectly possible to do ML2 in 30 mins if your well organised, i'd never rely on it happening that fast for the days timescale. If the first LD that happens puts you behind schedule then your always going to be rushing to catch up, which isn't good for a relaxed raid. If your going to be spending 8 hours raiding, people should be having fun, not rushing to keep up all the time.
Alb needs good raid leaders atm so I hope you stick with it and keep running them tho. I've always said, and always will say that the only ability a raid leader needs is to look at stuff that went wrong and improve it for next time, which you seem to be doing.![]()