1 Day ml1 to 8 sunday 25th june (a real ML rush)[E]

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One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
thergador said:
no i said i would do it after ml8 tonight thanks for proving my point about not listening

is that not what i just said? :p

skaven said:
zeus did say he would reattempt it on pryd after the raid for anyone willing.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
btw raid back on time now :) infact we 15 mins ahead

seems odd the whiners leave and we make up lost time due to them laggin


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2005
Give them a break ffs atleast they are trying, if you dont like the way its done piss off and run your own. It's that simple


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
thergador said:
i have lead 216 mls and 4 ml rushday
<------ is amzeus but i lost my old FH details

didn't zeus sell/give away his account?
still seamed rather n00bish, ie you said rezz and buff up, then moved the zerg, without w8ing
you dont w8 for ld'd ect,
people have internet connection problems/computer problems, and your expecting everyone to be running on 'deep thought'?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
psyco said:
didn't zeus sell/give away his account?
still seamed rather n00bish, ie you said rezz and buff up, then moved the zerg, without w8ing
you dont w8 for ld'd ect,
people have internet connection problems/computer problems, and your expecting everyone to be running on 'deep thought'?
nah my cousin played it while i was on DDO
and tbh m8 if i waited for every lagger ect we would still be on ml4

next time its simple though if peeps dont like my raid style they dont come there was still 160+ on all mls bg capped on some of them

and i anit here to mother every single alb in the game i said i would help with ml's not change the nappys and hold there hands (i only got too hands)

any way 90% of the peeps on the raid got ml1 to 6 so far bar too bugged steps (i not a csr so i cant fix them)

but i dont force any one to come, :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2006
Well thank for the various replys. shame most of you cant read.
I have been playing for a long time and this was the worst lead raid ive ever been on. calling ppl noobs is not good, LAG is not generated from you pc, its ling condition and the amount of ppl trying to connect to DAOC server (ask them ). btw i do know what im talking about there, as im qualifyed to tell you.
No one has seem to have read the screen shot cutting there. where he moans about other ppl and they systems but has the same problem with his (sorry bb system).

come on guys get real.
and yes nidnightangle you was ggranting credit. were they all in your guild or alliance by any chance. these thing were noticed and commented on. and im now reporting them on here.

The funnyest part was when Zeuspally said he could not grant credit and then granted it to himself. (2.9 i believe)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Jordiex said:
Well thank for the various replys. shame most of you cant read.
I have been playing for a long time and this was the worst lead raid ive ever been on. calling ppl noobs is not good, LAG is not generated from you pc, its ling condition and the amount of ppl trying to connect to DAOC server (ask them ). btw i do know what im talking about there, as im qualifyed to tell you.
No one has seem to have read the screen shot cutting there. where he moans about other ppl and they systems but has the same problem with his (sorry bb system).

come on guys get real.
and yes nidnightangle you was ggranting credit. were they all in your guild or alliance by any chance. these thing were noticed and commented on. and im now reporting them on here.

The funnyest part was when Zeuspally said he could not grant credit and then granted it to himself. (2.9 i believe)

lol guild has 2 peeps on riad from it(me and midnight) /as was rvr stop here's your rattle lol and i was last grant credit i could do (you can only grant credit for 50% of the peeps that got credit)

and ml1 to ml8 in 10hours is good so dont bother coming as your not welcome NOOB

oh and FPS lagg is due to your pc


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
seriously, if you get upset by someone calling you a noob you should take some fresh air in from outside.:m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
thergador said:
nah my cousin played it while i was on DDO
and tbh m8 if i waited for every lagger ect we would still be on ml4

next time its simple though if peeps dont like my raid style they dont come there was still 160+ on all mls bg capped on some of them

and i anit here to mother every single alb in the game i said i would help with ml's not change the nappys and hold there hands (i only got too hands)

any way 90% of the peeps on the raid got ml1 to 6 so far bar too bugged steps (i not a csr so i cant fix them)

but i dont force any one to come, :)

ok i apoligize for acusing you of being inexperianced
still think you should have alowd time for ld's and rezz's, i know it would have delayed it, but it would have kept people happy.
one last thing, there was alot of 2-3man groups could have been alot easyer to do if there was more fg's, i wasn't there at the start, but did you urge them to group up properly?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
sorted all bug abr 2.9 which if peeps, and they post here ill sort thing out for you all


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2006
Is Zeuspally a child? i do have to wonder after the pms he has sent me. and all his excal friends. also locking to bg is very childish it made me laugh

Unfortunatly I have been told that he has asked ppl to pm me and post here to be derogative to me. (imaturatity rule i guess for him)
and what does Zeuspally believe the minimum spec of pc to play DAOC and minimum spec to go one of his raids?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
thergador said:
i have lead 216 mls and 4 ml rushday
<------ is amzeus but i lost my old FH details

From what I saw (I wasn't on the raid but watched my housemates screen a bit) the leadership was leaving alot to be desired.

Before anyone feels the need to shout, yes i've lead successful 1 day rushes in the past.

2.9 only grants credit to half the BG about 50% of the time you do it. For someone who's lead 216 ML's before not having 2 sets of the 2.9 items before you leave the haven is a rather foolish mistake. I personally had 3 sets for the last raid I ran, only 2 were needed tho.

You also appeared to completely lose control when anything wrong happened. If you can't stop a BG from killing the moirai minions then you still have work to do on leading raids. Blaming the idiots that turned up is just weak leadership. Every ML rush will have 50% of the raid not listening or whining, it's up to you to control them.

Grant credit can be macro'ed and done very quickly without slowing down the raid more than a minute at each step while people are rezzing/buffing. Complaining that granting credit is taking too much time is just another way of blaming others for your failings.

Gratz on getting through the 8 raids, but if you can't take critism and just shout, piss off if you don't like it or ffs bugged game, then I don't hold out much hope of you getting any better in the future.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2006
Zeuspally i am getting worried about your pm(weird) and btw what qualifications do you hold in the computing field to state that lag come from you pc?
8 mls in 10 hours is not bad if done correctly. but half the ppl missed half the steps cos bg leaders went deaf when they were asked for credit. and at 1 point said they would no longer grant credit.
If any can get a screen shot of BG chat which they have locked i would be intrested, as i believe there is some very intresting comments in there. which would account for the pm's im now getting from Excal players.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
lotto results
1: Witan (986)
2: Wow (985)
3: You (979)
4: Bettemand-Prydwen (978)
5: Paincaster (970)
6: Qlinx (948)
7: Deadwish (937)
8: Valglin (936)
9: Cannolo (932)
10: Tzic (925)
11: Grifa (913)
12: Dalen-Prydwen (901)
13: Lunny (884) (Duplicate roller: 2)
14: Syrenia (862)
15: Midnightspirit (813)
16: Veronii-Prydwen (792) (Duplicate roller: 7)
17: Onys (766)
18: Awesomepowers-Prydwen (697)
19: Pyroma (695)
20: Smilingapple (656)
21: Danaava-Prydwen (655)
22: Manimal (654)
23: Qii (632)
24: Lullah (629)
25: Asae (625)
26: Bullfighter (599)
27: Dmoskus-Prydwen (596)
28: Knockknockyourdead (551)
29: Silentwalker (548)
30: Robbert-Prydwen (531)
31: Susimies (404)
32: Scaryfish-Prydwen (394) (Duplicate roller: 2)
33: Frikysbibleman (360)
34: Drow (314)
35: Eikoan (309)
36: Migold (300)
37: Soultwin (273)
38: Fila (259)
39: Mocshear-Prydwen (250)
40: Scudz (220)
41: Leagion-Prydwen (215)
42: Sevier-Prydwen (197)
43: Bosha (181)
44: Hoddseigh-Prydwen (154)
45: Bowl-Prydwen (112)
46: Reptar (59)
47: Snowbell-Prydwen (37)
48: Zelgadis (29)
49: Fredrikas-Prydwen (28)
50: Coldsnap (19)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Jordiex said:
Zeuspally i am getting worried about your pm(weird) and btw what qualifications do you hold in the computing field to state that lag come from you pc?
8 mls in 10 hours is not bad if done correctly. but half the ppl missed half the steps cos bg leaders went deaf when they were asked for credit. and at 1 point said they would no longer grant credit.
If any can get a screen shot of BG chat which they have locked i would be intrested, as i believe there is some very intresting comments in there. which would account for the pm's im now getting from Excal players.
locked bg to do lotto lol


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Jordiex said:
Zeuspally i am getting worried about your pm(weird) and btw what qualifications do you hold in the computing field to state that lag come from you pc?
8 mls in 10 hours is not bad if done correctly. but half the ppl missed half the steps cos bg leaders went deaf when they were asked for credit. and at 1 point said they would no longer grant credit.
If any can get a screen shot of BG chat which they have locked i would be intrested, as i believe there is some very intresting comments in there. which would account for the pm's im now getting from Excal players.
oh and btw i have a degree in internet computing and an mphil in computer


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Jordiex said:
Zeuspally i am getting worried about your pm(weird) and btw what qualifications do you hold in the computing field to state that lag come from you pc?
8 mls in 10 hours is not bad if done correctly. but half the ppl missed half the steps cos bg leaders went deaf when they were asked for credit. and at 1 point said they would no longer grant credit.
If any can get a screen shot of BG chat which they have locked i would be intrested, as i believe there is some very intresting comments in there. which would account for the pm's im now getting from Excal players.
oh and btw i have a degree in internet computing and an mphil in computer forensics and a phd in the same and i currently doing resreach in to cyber profiling


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
thergador said:
sorted all bug abr 2.9 which if peeps, and they post here ill sort thing out for you all

i don't understand what this means, but if it's some sort of clue to a ML2.9 i would be very happy since i missed that step.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Golena said:
From what I saw (I wasn't on the raid but watched my housemates screen a bit) the leadership was leaving alot to be desired.

Before anyone feels the need to shout, yes i've lead successful 1 day rushes in the past.

2.9 only grants credit to half the BG about 50% of the time you do it. For someone who's lead 216 ML's before not having 2 sets of the 2.9 items before you leave the haven is a rather foolish mistake. I personally had 3 sets for the last raid I ran, only 2 were needed tho.

You also appeared to completely lose control when anything wrong happened. If you can't stop a BG from killing the moirai minions then you still have work to do on leading raids. Blaming the idiots that turned up is just weak leadership. Every ML rush will have 50% of the raid not listening or whining, it's up to you to control them.

Grant credit can be macro'ed and done very quickly without slowing down the raid more than a minute at each step while people are rezzing/buffing. Complaining that granting credit is taking too much time is just another way of blaming others for your failings.

Gratz on getting through the 8 raids, but if you can't take critism and just shout, piss off if you don't like it or ffs bugged game, then I don't hold out much hope of you getting any better in the future.

i solved the issue with the buggs for the bg bar 2.9 which i have said will sort and if the critismu is constructive and not person insults ill take it ie like taking more than one set of 2.9 items, which is vaild and i accept that 2.9 went wrong and yes not bringing more than one set was daft. but like i said earier in the post ill help peeps get it

but tbh afaik the peeps on the raid that stuck with it enjoyed the raid and ofc i know i cant please every one all of the time but i have screenies that i could put on here but i really really cba to defend my point

if peeps think i was a bad leader they will not come to my future raids so ill let the feet do the voting tomorrow on artie raid


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2006
Well im glad your qualified, then you would know that LAG is in from your pc, but from lack of bandwith D'oh basics. just wondered if you could find you backside with both your hands, with all those qualification i doubt it as you dont know what your talking about.
And I have asked you 2 questions and you have not replyed to either.

Quote from raid" You noobs dont read / listern" oh thats you btw. practice what you preech. you certainly did not listern to ppl in bg. SO does this make you the biggest noob going?? (thats the 3rd question, but you dont have to reply to it) ppl can make their own mind up


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2004
thergador said:
sorted all bug abr 2.9 which if peeps, and they post here ill sort thing out for you all

Missed credit for 2.9, will you do this one again soon?

And thx for a great raid btw :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
thergador said:
if peeps think i was a bad leader they will not come to my future raids so ill let the feet do the voting tomorrow on artie raid

Just to clarify i'm under no cirumstance saying you were a bad leader.

I think you lacked a little bit in planning and that meant that you were put under more pressure than you were probably ready at the time to deal with.
It's easy when stuff starts going wrong to make a wrong descision or to lose control a bit of things. It's all stuff that i'm sure can be sorted out in future raids.

I do think there's a tendency for raid leaders these days to blame the people in the BG slightly too much however. The last few raids i've been on i've seen raid leaders shouting at people in the BG for doing the wrong thing, despite not telling them what to do at any point. There seems to be the impression that since 80% of the BG have done it before there's no real need to "lead".
If your going to run a big high profile ML rush like this one, blaming people for lagging and telling them it's their fault for coming is rather harsh, and a sign that your not actually in control. Either inform people in your first post that your not going to wait for LD's and if there computer isn't great not to bother showing, or plan for the fact at the start that people are going to LD quite a bit. With grant credit there's no reason LD's should slow you down much these days, as long as you plan correctly for them.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
Golena said:
Just to clarify i'm under no cirumstance saying you were a bad leader.

I think you lacked a little bit in planning and that meant that you were put under more pressure than you were probably ready at the time to deal with.
It's easy when stuff starts going wrong to make a wrong descision or to lose control a bit of things. It's all stuff that i'm sure can be sorted out in future raids.

I do think there's a tendency for raid leaders these days to blame the people in the BG slightly too much however. The last few raids i've been on i've seen raid leaders shouting at people in the BG for doing the wrong thing, despite not telling them what to do at any point. There seems to be the impression that since 80% of the BG have done it before there's no real need to "lead".
If your going to run a big high profile ML rush like this one, blaming people for lagging and telling them it's their fault for coming is rather harsh, and a sign that your not actually in control. Either inform people in your first post that your not going to wait for LD's and if there computer isn't great not to bother showing, or plan for the fact at the start that people are going to LD quite a bit. With grant credit there's no reason LD's should slow you down much these days, as long as you plan correctly for them.

ty agian m8 and i didnt shout i bg when bg kill minions or i cant rememeber nameing any one melf i thought i spammed dont kill then when they did i said ok np we just just her, but may be i did shout sorry if i did was a little stressed i guess i had my son asking me Questions to so i had to be with him and carrying my obligation to what i had promised to do .

i have seen bg kill minions on many others raid if i recall they did it on eggys once or twice but hey i knew i arnt up to the standards of eggys riads but like you said ill learn and if albs want me to carry on leading mls artie raids ect then ill carry on if they dont come then ill let some one else do them.

As for the LD/lag due to lower level system i thought it was common sence but again point taken and will included a discalmer next time. As i like i said if you cant move or stick due to lag then i wouldnt try to go on the raid

but ty for your comments m8

oh and i had pruchased every item need for ml1 to 8 thought i had planned with macros, rough timing, ect but if any one can tell what else i need to do to raise my game then fair enough
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