

It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
whoodoo - the main difference between the warlock and the sorc is the sorc can be interrupted.


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
hmmm a reason to spec back to crit strike :D

Not looking forward to my bain nerf but hey we'll see how it goes


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Puppet said:

12 Frost Hammer - Pre-req: To side of target - Effect: 20 energy DD
25 Crumble - Pre-req: Ruiner - Effect: 50 Energy DD
39 Lambast - Pre-req: You parry - Effect: 75 Energy DD
50 Mjolnir's Fury - Pre-Req: Lambast - Effect: 175 Energy DD

Frost Hammer is the Side-positional (from Hammer-line) and has a 20 energy DD proc, the follow-up from Hammer is Demolish, and doesnt change.

Lambast and Mjolnir's Fury are from Hammer, Mjolnir's Fury is quite okay, but what thane specs 50 weapon atm? And if they do, how much parry they get, coz they need Parry to land Mjolnir's Fury in the first place.

a thane will beable to spec 50 hammer, 50 sc, 27parry, 10 shield.
also saw a test on vnboard with a thane frontload 2000 dmg in 2 sec, with one 2h style, instant dd, instant pbaoe, rr5, WoC and doom hammer.

and if target aint dead after that frontload, just grapple him and wait for doom hammer to be back up. and you can spam doom hammer to it land (if it get blocked/bladturn) you can instant cast it again, but the dd can be resisted.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Lejemorder said:
a thane will beable to spec 50 hammer, 50 sc, 27parry, 10 shield.
also saw a test on vnboard with a thane frontload 2000 dmg in 2 sec, with one 2h style, instant dd, instant pbaoe, rr5, WoC and doom hammer.

and if target aint dead after that frontload, just grapple him and wait for doom hammer to be back up. and you can spam doom hammer to it land (if it get blocked/bladturn) you can instant cast it again, but the dd can be resisted.

Well suppose a thane doing that should reroll Warlock. Seems to me if you spec like that, you're better off as warlock.


Jun 9, 2005
old.Whoodoo said:
Any Thane love is good, albeit Mythic seem to be still pushing them towards PvE rather than opening the arms of the RvR community groups to them.

The Warlock nerf I do and dont agree with, not because I have one and dont want it nerfed, but when I compare the dmg output of other casters, I fail to see the problem. A fire wix can hit me for 1100+ damage with 1 bolt and follow it in 1.4 seconds (max cast speed and dex) for another 800+ without batting an eyelid. A sorc can hit me for 6-700 dmg every 1.12 seconds with his LT, as an average caster with 1500ish HP, im toast in no time. The same can be said for runies, dark SMs, elds, chanters, all can kill a warlock in under 3 seconds. The damage output on my lock tends to be 700ish per chamber at 43 WC, admitedly, 50WC will give 30% more damage, and here I do agree with the 3 second timer, but for higher spec curse WLs, 2 secs seems fine to me.

Ill prolly get flamed for this, dont bother, I can hear it already, just putting my point across.


such retarded logic, warlock can cast dd spells faster than any other class at 1500 range due to the ui primer, albeit at a high power cost. Going by your logic you should be able to drop elds, chanters, sorcs etc faster than they can kill you (without the use of chambers) since the wl lt is higher delve. Add chambers to that and its still not even close to being balanced. /cues baseline stun whine.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 15, 2004
i wonder when this patch will go live on EU servers, bacuse i do like the look of the assasin changes, lets face it what assasin wouldnt.

now make way for the casters etc to create endless whine threads, its been a while for them lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Puppet said:
Well suppose a thane doing that should reroll Warlock. Seems to me if you spec like that, you're better off as warlock.

its not that bad a spec, 175 dd (with energy debuff, topped that people dont really cap energy) is very high, levi is about 150 delve (cba to check) and that can hit for over 400 on the proc alone. a thane specced like that with a fast/celerity 2h'er, plenty of moparry etc could outload a lot of damage with that style tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Puppet said:
Well suppose a thane doing that should reroll Warlock. Seems to me if you spec like that, you're better off as warlock.

what is wrong with a pure 2h/sc spec? and why roll a warlock if you main is a thane?


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Lejemorder said:
what is wrong with a pure 2h/sc spec?
Nothing. I've played my Thane like that since I rolled him and I love the spec, it's fun as hell to play. Sweet thing is, all the new Thane stuff so far fits perfectly with the Stormhammer Thane spec I use - 50 Hammer/50 Stormcalling/27 Parry/10 Shield. With decent gear, a Thane should now be a very effective damage dealer at range and in melee. And about bloody time, too.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
whoodoo - the main difference between the warlock and the sorc is the sorc can be interrupted.
And the Sorc has awesomely powerful CC and can charm, too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Lejemorder said:
what is wrong with a pure 2h/sc spec? and why roll a warlock if you main is a thane?

I ment you should roll a warlock if you wanna play with the 'I deal 2K instantly damage'-dumpthane. Alot more effective aswell :p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Svartmetall said:
And the Sorc has awesomely powerful CC and can charm, too.

still wl is very op'd, well it can unload alot of damage onto 1 target, then uniterupate casts for a few secs, but still supose they run oop :x


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Elitestoner said:
its not that bad a spec, 175 dd (with energy debuff, topped that people dont really cap energy) is very high, levi is about 150 delve (cba to check) and that can hit for over 400 on the proc alone. a thane specced like that with a fast/celerity 2h'er, plenty of moparry etc could outload a lot of damage with that style tbh.

In 1vs1 - yes. But as said, you can dump for 2K instantly, so why bother with MoParry and such. And in FG RvR, off-parry is useless.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Some people will never understand that the WLs low DPS after dumping, and lowish group utility are irrelavent, the insane frontload damage along with the ability to cast 5+ spells uninterrupted is what makes them stupidly OP in so many situations. Being crap in 8v8 does not justify being godmode in keeps, zergs and solo.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Kraben said:
Now it seems like Thanes are gonna battle casters for the spot in group. Our dd range on dd's has been increased and cast time lowered - BUT with Acuity buffs still not effecting us will mean a very low powerpool and even with debuffs no heartbreath-taking damage. Any spec nuker would still > Thanes on that department imo.

and spec nukers SHOULD > thanes when it comes to DD's. imo it was wrong to give thanes this sort of DD's in the first place. because most of the ppl thats playing one is wimpering on how much their DD's suck compared to spec nukers. thane DD's is a nice damage addition, nothing more. having us do full caster damage would totally ruin it for that class.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Void959 said:
Some people will never understand that the WLs low DPS after dumping, and lowish group utility are irrelavent, the insane frontload damage along with the ability to cast 5+ spells uninterrupted is what makes them stupidly OP in so many situations. Being crap in 8v8 does not justify being godmode in keeps, zergs and solo.

warlock is maybe mids highest utility caster, just people mainly focus on the chamber dumb where a good warlock can do alot more.

and the note about thanes are able to frontload 2k dmg has nothing to do with warlocks. i know the off parry style is useless in 8vs8, but thanes now have the longest range on a dd (not including warlocks range primer), whice will make em good bger in a grp.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Vell said:
I disagree that these changes will do nothing for groupability of a thane. With these changes in, I'd rather have a Thane bodyguarder than a warrior bodyguarder. Maybe that's just me...

1,81 heavy tank changes + RR5 + spec makes warrior still better than a thane as a BGer imo, thou maybe it wont make sense which one you take, other is better at interrupts, other lives longer etc.

Bout whorelocks... just play against em, experience the retardness of that class and you wont post stuff like that woodoo. I rather fight stuning - coning hib casters, lajftaping alb mages, "bodyguarded by my pet"tm caster than a caster that you cant outplay via interrupts.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 1, 2005
I didnt really want it but it bothers me that friars get a group heal proc and wardens doesnt, when clerics already have one and hib has none :D

[SS]Gamblor said:
If we where given 2.0 points instead of what we have at the moment, then yeah. Seeing as Wardens and thanes get this anyway , and friar's are "Supposed" to be on the same table as them.
Wardens get 1.5x spec points per lvl.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Lejemorder said:
warlock is maybe mids highest utility caster, just people mainly focus on the chamber dumb where a good warlock can do alot more.
Yes its a good thing that only about 2 warlocks out there have remotely skilled players behind them. Apparently almost no WLs know they even have NS let alone use it, which is why certain casters can beat them if playing well, same goes for unbreakable snare :) Their utility is still low compared to alb/hib casters IMO, but I agree they could make a lot more of it than most do.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
And the Sorc has awesomely powerful CC and can charm, too.

ooh! ooh! poor warlock all they get is powerless spreadheals and nearsight...

If you die to a sorc with a warlock 1v1 you need to do a couple of things:

1. Farm some zergs for enough RP for purge.
2. Get a suit that's not entirely RoG.
3. Stop picking on people 11 RRs above you

Unless you play massively stupidly, are very unlucky or are RR1 in rogs you should never ever lose as a warlock 1v1 vs a sorc, or indeed vs just about anything else.

Edit: forgot to mention everyone's best friend "luck" :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Interface Changes

- When right-clicking on an ability (spell, style, etc), there will be an "Info" button available which will do the same thing as pressing the Delve key.

- When right-clicking on an inventory item, there will be an "Info" button to delve it, but there will also be Salvage, Craft, and Repair buttons that will be highlighted if any of those are valid options. For example, if an object is fully repaired, the Repair button will be disabled.

- If the object has a /use or /use2 ability, these will display beneath the buttons in the mini-info window. The icon and name of the spell will be listed, and the icon can be clicked and dragged to the quickbar. This can then be used to active the /use or /use2 ability directly. The tooltip for one of these icons on the quickbar will have the name of the spell which item is the source of the ability. Moving an item in your inventory which has a /use hotkey in the quickbar should properly update the hotkey so that it still works.

just tested this on pendragon and this change is really nice, no more fumbling with use2 or other macros, just right click on the item and drag the the ability.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Lejemorder said:
Interface Changes

- When right-clicking on an ability (spell, style, etc), there will be an "Info" button available which will do the same thing as pressing the Delve key.

- When right-clicking on an inventory item, there will be an "Info" button to delve it, but there will also be Salvage, Craft, and Repair buttons that will be highlighted if any of those are valid options. For example, if an object is fully repaired, the Repair button will be disabled.

- If the object has a /use or /use2 ability, these will display beneath the buttons in the mini-info window. The icon and name of the spell will be listed, and the icon can be clicked and dragged to the quickbar. This can then be used to active the /use or /use2 ability directly. The tooltip for one of these icons on the quickbar will have the name of the spell which item is the source of the ability. Moving an item in your inventory which has a /use hotkey in the quickbar should properly update the hotkey so that it still works.

just tested this on pendragon and this change is really nice, no more fumbling with use2 or other macros, just right click on the item and drag the the ability.
I agree, I think it's good they finally put time into the interface. DAoC's UI is still very old and stale and it really could do with a little touching up. Minor things like this should have been implemented way earlier. Same as the fact that the default release timer window doesn't have a release button.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
well i like those macros atm... cant test pendragon couse dont have a US acc.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Warden changes are disappointing, everytime revamping wardens is discussed, one thing always comes up and is always thrown out....shield spec.

Wardens damage is the worst of the hybrids, their defence capabilities are hopelessly outdated and we get a pants little heal proc that is too small to make any difference to the huge damage dumps most classes are capable of in rvr.

Warden love? Ignored again imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Aoln said:
lag hammers of d00m are back :eek:

And I bet peoples comp specs havent changed one bit over the last 3(?) years its been since the graphics got nerfed. :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 24, 2004
Reason for leaving .. ToA was a pain in the ass. Now with the changes to artifacts & scrolls coming (1.81) and now this boost to 2H PA, I am very tempted to dust off the old shadowblade. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Cwini said:
... now this boost to 2H PA, I am very tempted to dust off the old shadowblade. :) ...

SB's still having DEX as primary, QUI as secondary and STR as third stat gaining points while leveling.

SB's can only use STR weapons and dont raise more than 15 in STR from lvl 1 to 50, while other realms assasin classes can use thrust/pircing weapons and have DEX as primary. DEX raises 45 points from lvl 1 to 50.

Sorry, but I doubt the asassins will be balanced.

SB will do considerable more damage pr hit with a 2h weapon, they have always done that. But they will also swing very slow, use one poison at a time and die fast imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Leahc said:
SB's still having DEX as primary, QUI as secondary and STR as third stat gaining points while leveling.

SB's can only use STR weapons and dont raise more than 15 in STR from lvl 1 to 50, while other realms assasin classes can use thrust/pircing weapons and have DEX as primary. DEX raises 45 points from lvl 1 to 50.

Sorry, but I doubt the asassins will be balanced.

SB will do considerable more damage pr hit with a 2h weapon, they have always done that. But they will also swing very slow, use one poison at a time and die fast imo.

Who cares about swinging slow or 1 poison when u 1-shot ppl?

I 1-2shot alot of ppl as it is already with 2-hander. With this boost I´m gonna rock.

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