

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
loving the thane/friar changes, always nice to see a neglected class get lovin. assasin changes are kinda harsh - solo casters with brittles will be fucked over, might roll myself (another) assasin tbh with that kind of caster ownage :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2005
Thegreatest said:
you also get some heal procs in staff styles so it's not only the rejuv line.

1 positional chain (frontal and the lowest procs), rest are second in chain on reactional (counter evade) or positional


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The Friar proc buffs are just too weak, assuming you might spec 34 into rejuvenation for:

32 Prophet's Conviction - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 60 hit points. 1000 units range

With a 3.5s weaponspeed, you'd probably activate this proc once every 14 seconds or so. Per target this is less than 5 hitpoints per second! Okay, it may heal your entire group overall for 480 hitpoints - but only if all of them have taken damage. A single baseline group heal could do the same job.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
Imo mythic personel spend more time typin the changes them than actually thinkin about them.
Crit blade, ok sounds good. Rest of patch wont change a thing.
Just grab the nerf bat n finish off w poor choices like thanes n valks n big mistakes like bainlocks.
44 classes are just a mess.


I dont really see how that buffs thanes much, still the bastards of Mid.
as somone else said, more mezz breaking love for alb and hibs. :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
The Doom Hammer style does seem a bit op'ed come to think about it. Supposedly does it have a 10 sec recast timer, does 500+ damage and leaves you unable to use melee for 10 secs. You can still cast spells though apparantly.

Now imagine a solo Thane running in rvr. Anything that dont have any kind of ranged attack which does somewhat decent damage will get owned by thanes now. Its gonna be like: Use instants, use Doom Hammer, Grapple and wait out the duration then repeat the process. Not much to do about that :)

Also it does seem that Thanes will be able to frontload quite some damage now with: Debuff, casted dd, instant, Hammer of Doom and then possibly WoC to tip it off - thats gonna be pretty heavy damage done in a very short timespand.

Its starting to look quite ok, but im still waiting for that "something" that will make Thanes more desireble in groups.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
i read on the drunjken friar that the changes are kinda lame, if you want to make use of the heal proc things you need high rejuve, if you spec that way your staff is low so you will miss even more than you do. They then looked at specs which are viable and the heals are not from the top end spell's.

Kinda like someone saying "you get an uber spell but you dont get the points to spec for it, so you just get a mediocre one"


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I am eager to see a Thane slam someone, side style with the dd proc, followup with what appears to be levi type dmg proc, burning all his instants as well.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Bahumat said:
i read on the drunjken friar that the changes are kinda lame, if you want to make use of the heal proc things you need high rejuve, if you spec that way your staff is low so you will miss even more than you do. They then looked at specs which are viable and the heals are not from the top end spell's.

Kinda like someone saying "you get an uber spell but you dont get the points to spec for it, so you just get a mediocre one"

Damn was hoping the Friar heal procs would be in the buff line. Can anyone confirm what this?


Dec 22, 2003
partyanimal said:
Imo mythic personel spend more time typin the changes them than actually thinkin about them.
Crit blade, ok sounds good. Rest of patch wont change a thing.
Just grab the nerf bat n finish off w poor choices like thanes n valks n big mistakes like bainlocks.
44 classes are just a mess.

HOnestly what more do you want than fall off on on a shit delving cone spell? Blood from a fucking stone?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Bahumat said:
i read on the drunjken friar that the changes are kinda lame, if you want to make use of the heal proc things you need high rejuve, if you spec that way your staff is low so you will miss even more than you do. They then looked at specs which are viable and the heals are not from the top end spell's.

Kinda like someone saying "you get an uber spell but you dont get the points to spec for it, so you just get a mediocre one"

think it wil need a good test

i might actually try out 41rej 42 enhance 29 staff 7 parry

with 25% healing bonus on toa servers should be ok



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Well one thing is for sure. valks will never get a grp again with warrior and thane changes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Pera said:
such a fkin joke that they can only come up with these ridiculous changes... PA/BS/BS2 dmg increased slightly whoopedy Doopdy Doo... /Rude

Are you fucking retarded? Any stealthed attack (PA or BS) destroys BT, destroys Brittles and hits target for full damage. This completely negates Brittles and means if that caster has no MoC they are completely fucked.

Pretty good if you ask me...


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Damn was hoping the Friar heal procs would be in the buff line. Can anyone confirm what this?

Forget it, read the notes again missed the line about Rej line. Give more spec points! Want to keep the staff damage high :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Kraben said:
The Doom Hammer style does seem a bit op'ed come to think about it. Supposedly does it have a 10 sec recast timer, does 500+ damage and leaves you unable to use melee for 10 secs. You can still cast spells though apparantly.

Now imagine a solo Thane running in rvr. Anything that dont have any kind of ranged attack which does somewhat decent damage will get owned by thanes now. Its gonna be like: Use instants, use Doom Hammer, Grapple and wait out the duration then repeat the process. Not much to do about that :)

Also it does seem that Thanes will be able to frontload quite some damage now with: Debuff, casted dd, instant, Hammer of Doom and then possibly WoC to tip it off - thats gonna be pretty heavy damage done in a very short timespand.

Its starting to look quite ok, but im still waiting for that "something" that will make Thanes more desireble in groups.

All it does is make thanes quite sick in 1vs1 (especially in the scenario you describe) and not thát much more desired in RvR groups.

Friar love is almost useless, only good for PvE from my PoV. Warden didnt have troubles to get into groups on TOA-servers to begin with.

CS-attacks going through brittles is what I wanted to see, so thats nice. The increased damage from PA/BS is prolly implemented wrong. What they should have done is leave the caps as they are, but reduce the variance, basically giving a +10-20% to the typical PA's of now.

Now all they need to do is give archers the ability to whipe brittles and bubbles in 1 shot, and make speccing bow worthwhile (increase DPS)..


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Bahumat said:
I am eager to see a Thane slam someone, side style with the dd proc, followup with what appears to be levi type dmg proc, burning all his instants as well.


12 Frost Hammer - Pre-req: To side of target - Effect: 20 energy DD
25 Crumble - Pre-req: Ruiner - Effect: 50 Energy DD
39 Lambast - Pre-req: You parry - Effect: 75 Energy DD
50 Mjolnir's Fury - Pre-Req: Lambast - Effect: 175 Energy DD

Frost Hammer is the Side-positional (from Hammer-line) and has a 20 energy DD proc, the follow-up from Hammer is Demolish, and doesnt change.

Lambast and Mjolnir's Fury are from Hammer, Mjolnir's Fury is quite okay, but what thane specs 50 weapon atm? And if they do, how much parry they get, coz they need Parry to land Mjolnir's Fury in the first place.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Puppet said:
Now all they need to do is give archers the ability to whipe brittles and bubbles in 1 shot, and make speccing bow worthwhile (increase DPS)..

i agree penetrating arrow should kill off any bladeturn and brittles etc


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Gl killing a ML4 battlemaster 50 SC Thane as a meleer with these changes :p, Doom hammer, Grapple, Doom hammer etc... and that's just using Doom hammer.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Puppet said:
Now all they need to do is give archers the ability to whipe brittles and bubbles in 1 shot, and make speccing bow worthwhile (increase DPS)..

Agreed. Perhaps make it worthwhile speccing to 50 LB as well, seeing as Mythic clearly don't feel Scouts should stand a chance in melee...


Apr 5, 2004
I dont play a gimp or an assasin (regulally) so not much of interest for me in this patch. One thing that puzzled me though was the banespike nerf, dont think anyone saw that coming? As far as i knew nobody was complaining that it was overpowered (and if they were they can take a long walk off a short keep wall, 15 minute recast for a 10second bonus? >.>)

The only possible way i could imagine this going was that mythic were listening to the BL whine about how long the recast timer was, and decided that in order to reduce the timer, decided the damage bonus needed to be nerfed (fair enough). I dont know if they forgot to implement the timer change or what but 15% damage for a TEN SECOND bonus (approx 3 melee swings, assuming the target doesnt strafe/isnt a SM :p) on a 15 minute timer? hmm

Luckily it seems im not the only one thinking "wtf" looking at this change, so maybe mythic can be slapped to their senses.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I agree, I don't believe the Banespike nerf was needed at all, sure it's a great ability to have but it's not something that will make you cry irl, like a warlock :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I still cant see Thanes getting alot of groups with these changes. And their soloability doesnt really increase very much either. Valkyries should have gotten love at the same time as well, they truely are the most useless class in mid atm. I actually suggested a while back valkyries get pretty much the changes they are now testing for friars and wardens (healing proc spells).

Wardens and Friars already get groups (for resists and BG/grapple etc), so their changes will only serve to make alb and hib groups alil stronger compared to mids.

Assassin changes seem nice, and nice to see they are doing something to nerf warlocks and bainshees as well (could increase recast to 4 sec imo, then again i would like to see a hardcap of 2,5 sec or so on normal spellcasting speed as well).


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Or you could spec 44 rej 49 enh (the real group RvR spec) and still get some vital melee procs for if you run with a tank group?
And the friar Hot will be increased also so the 44 rej 49 enh spec will probably be the new FotM anyway.

yeah , so we become a Clericwana be.

Ehh no.

If we where given 2.0 points instead of what we have at the moment, then yeah. Seeing as Wardens and thanes get this anyway , and friar's are "Supposed" to be on the same table as them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Any Thane love is good, albeit Mythic seem to be still pushing them towards PvE rather than opening the arms of the RvR community groups to them.

The Warlock nerf I do and dont agree with, not because I have one and dont want it nerfed, but when I compare the dmg output of other casters, I fail to see the problem. A fire wix can hit me for 1100+ damage with 1 bolt and follow it in 1.4 seconds (max cast speed and dex) for another 800+ without batting an eyelid. A sorc can hit me for 6-700 dmg every 1.12 seconds with his LT, as an average caster with 1500ish HP, im toast in no time. The same can be said for runies, dark SMs, elds, chanters, all can kill a warlock in under 3 seconds. The damage output on my lock tends to be 700ish per chamber at 43 WC, admitedly, 50WC will give 30% more damage, and here I do agree with the 3 second timer, but for higher spec curse WLs, 2 secs seems fine to me.

Ill prolly get flamed for this, dont bother, I can hear it already, just putting my point across.

The bubble breakage thing blows too, now brittle guards and bubble will only be affective against archers and tanks, another ToA ability going to pot here (like cure NS going specline to seers and ML9 doing bugger all on standard casters!), after over 18 months of TOA they now want to piss around, bit like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted IMO.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
We run with a valk in our RvR groups sometimes and I have to say them being gimped is total shite IMO. They are seriously good interrupters, and have totally changed fights that we've had. In a tank group, they really help fighting hib and alb caster groups.

I dont think the thane love is all that good. Speaking to a few thanes, they dont think its gona help much. The stealther changes are really good. FINALLY balances the assassins how they were meant to be originally. (ns get magic, infils get 2.5spc points, sb get 2h'ers). Now that 2h PA works, its a real boost for SBs. The remedy nerfs is really good too, puts Stealthers back on a level playing field (and I say that having played a NS too).

Never really played or learned much about Friars, so im not sure how those changes really sum up, but I never considered them gimped in anyway. In fact same goes for Wardens, never had problems fitting one in my groups back on hib.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
I disagree that these changes will do nothing for groupability of a thane. With these changes in, I'd rather have a Thane bodyguarder than a warrior bodyguarder. Maybe that's just me...

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