1.81 the balancing patch! what would YOU like to see change?


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Eeben said:
Liloe said:
Clerics can stun+buffshear, sooo OP..
How much damage can a cleric do while target stunned?

Well...I guess he can deal around 400-700dmg which can't be healed up by DI....also the target hits weaker, slower and misses more often in the case of a tank....I call that passive dmg. It's like asking how much damage a bonedancer does. Not much, but it hurts and thus helps the group =)

Eeben said:
Liloe said:
On my healer I always have an assist macro for the mages so I can stun for them, means they can just nuke away without caring, sooo OP again.
The time you use to stun you could have used on something else? Hib dont need 2 classes for it like other 2 realms.. an if its not that op why not just move it to druids?

Druids have to buffshear, shammy does that in mid and shammy also can care for ae interrupts ( I will do that aswell, but there is always one pure interrupter ) so with 2-3 pure healers in grp I think I have a second spare to cast that stun =))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Corran said:
Haha.. how can you compare pbaoe insta mezz to 1500 range insta mezz? And how can you compare it being in a spec line that sub par to being in the Main CC spec line of mid/hib?

And no realm as CAE like a banshee.. which alb class has aoe nuke that has no fall off? That is the imbalancing part of it.

Read what i am writing ffs. Instead of just blatently trying to misunderstand wtf is going on. im NOT comparing albs insta mezz and saying its just as good. all im saying is (now read this carefully and perhaps read it more than once)... hand out the "unique" stuff to the other realms aswell. Unique being those spells/stuff that NO other realm has. Let me give you some examples(yes i know i already did) Albs Spec AF buff, no other realm has that, Mezz reduction buff/chant. Celerity(can be discusses). Petspamming to mid, which only alb/hib has. you see?

And for the CAE part.. jeez, it has no dropoff, wow. It has a lower delve than pbae and slower cast time, i have been playing a spectral guard bainshee to rr8 and i can personally tell you that is not nearly as good as PBAE from whatever class, you just wont kill fast enough. Now alot of ppl will disagree and whine like they did in 3rd grade, and it will be from the same ppl that have a bainshee walk up to them and start CAE nuking while they walk away from the bainshee instead of walking one step behind him. Only thing overpowered about the CAE nuke is that the coding at some milegates/twrs/keeps suck so you can hit through, and that needs to be fixed anyways. i wouldn't cry if ice wizzy pbae/sm pbae/warlock pbae got changed to CAE instead. Infact, i would be like this irl -> \o/


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gamah said:

well it can drop speed - but it should not put me in combat so i cant stealth :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Danamyr said:
Fuck me - that's the most retarded suggestion I've read yet. Doesn't the Abom behind the panther give it away? :wanker:

chill out dude.
get a life.
Dec 31, 2003
VampiiricMist said:
wohoo! first post

ok.. i want them to open up the classes.txt or whatever file they have all the info bout the classes.. then do CTRL-f and search for warlocks .. then delete every single hit :)

agreed, and do the same with bains, vamps, and all other shit Cata classes. After that they can start working on caster vs melee balance atm its not fkn working. Give meleers 4 brittle gaurds that abs 1 nuke each and then magical BT and i'd say its fair.

Fkn OPed casters ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Forfid said:
chill out dude.
get a life.

you do know that comments like "get a life" make you look horrible stupid? :)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Calo said:
you do know that comments like "get a life" make you look horrible stupid? :)

like a guildie on Carnac said: "I guess we're all addicted and play too much, but at least we admit it" ( not 100% the words, but it's the meaning =)) )
Dec 31, 2003
illu said:
I want an I-win button. Something I can use every 30 minutes that lasts 10 seconds, and any damage received goes straight back to the person dealing it. Would be good to see some of those casters get their fireballs back where the sun don't shine :>

Make assassins have a purpose to this game apart from annoying fg's.

Make soloers get lots more RPs per kill.

Make fg's unable to kill soloer's in certain areas.

I think the game is pretty balanced tbh, but on the other hand, a RR2 hib stealther almost killed me today, so maybe it's time for some shadowblade loving! :>

Oli - Illu
You say a rr2 hib stealther almost killed, u wich means u won? less qq then :p

also i agree with u stealthers need a role in the game else then beeing rp food for the clueless zergs. Would be nice if MoS was DELETED from the game also, no archer should be able to see an assassin like some mos 4-5 archers do now, plain and simpel fix.


Jan 19, 2004
Id say nerf the vampire fumble debuff , hot , or effectiveness debuff, or make it so that it doesnt stack with ml9. Also id like zerks to get better styles. Want cb to work vs melee stun.

Make warlocks chambers have same type of casting like twf (2sec where u have to stand still, then cast), fix lifetap, or remove it completely. Fix strafing and runthrough

(ok this aint really only balance but well)

Cap brittleguards at 2, not 4


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Most importantly there have to be some basic changes which will affect more than just a single class. While there is the one or the other stupidly overpowered class (ie bonedancer) it's usually general concepts, which make them overpowered.

1) Interrupts: only damage spells should interrupt; resisted damage spells should not interrupt. A WoW like system would be nice but won't happen.
2) Overall decrease in dps: spells are cast way too fast atm. The problem is that with the current interrupts you need this extreme dps in order to make mages viable for damage dealing. With the changes proposed in 1) the mage dps (and also melee to a minor degree) could be lowered.
3) Classes and their roles: with more and more abilities added to the game (MLs, artifact abilities, soon CAs) some classes have been boosted while others have been left behind. In particular the heavy tanks of all realms need to be boosted as well as the pure damage mages of the three realms. Lifetap and pet casters should pay for their increased survivability with (significantly) lowered dps. Maybe introduce some passive synergetic effects (if no heavy tank is in group melee damage is reduced by 10%; same for a pure damage caster with magic damage; this rule won't affect solo people - not really thought through btw ;) )
4) Lifetaps need to be reevaluated: 3.0 sec cast time and 179 delve at lvl 50 would be appropriate considering that all other dual component spells (debuff+dd; snare+dd) follow the same scheme while being generally less useful. Lifetaps have to be put into speclines. Baseline lifetaps to be replaced by a standard 2.6s lvl 50 179 delve dd. Only 1 lifetap caster per realm.
5) Banelord: overpowered line mainly due to interrupts - would be fixed by 1). If no such changes are made then only the classic light tanks (merc,BM,zerker) should have access to it.
6) Reevaluation of ML abilities: boosts (stormlord) and nerfs (banelord, ml9 convoker) are necessary

concerning a few issues that have been mentioned repeatedly in this thread:
- Bainshees: the only necessary change that I see is to slightly modify the taunt (either lower the range or give it a recast timer or make the casting interruptable). Other issues like the dd hits too hard (4 delve higher than runemaster/wizard spec nukes) are just random whine. Putting the dd into SG specline and adding a standard baseline dd would be an option. CAE is perfectly balanced from a class design PoV - the only thing that makes it overpowered is bad coding (collision detection).
- baseline stun: Completely irrelevant for fg fights but overpowered in siege situations and fights between small groups (1-4 ppl). Hard to fix really.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Forfid said:
chill out dude.
get a life.

Don't patronise me.

I am extremely sensitive about Necromancers in RVR - I react strongly when people post stupid fucking sugestions about my Class without stopping to think.

I make no apologies for that TBH, so you can think what you like.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Garbannoch said:
1) Interrupts: only damage spells should interrupt; resisted damage spells should not interrupt. A WoW like system would be nice but won't happen.

Might aswell remake the whole game then, as this is the very essence of support characters. Take interupts away from them and what reason would there be to play them anymore?
Bard a perfect example, after initial mezz, what is his job then? Run around with only the insta dd on his qbar and the occasional demezz?
No thx, play wow instead, don't drag it to daoc. :)

Garbannoch said:
2) Overall decrease in dps: spells are cast way too fast atm. The problem is that with the current interrupts you need this extreme dps in order to make mages viable for damage dealing. With the changes proposed in 1) the mage dps (and also melee to a minor degree) could be lowered.

Just imo, this removes the essence of casters aswell, it's a part of the class to stay away from the interupts to get your job done fast. If the first idea went through, a caster with bodyguard could just stand in the middle of a fight with perma-moc aslong as he's nuking the other casters to avoid them damaging him. Personally i don't find the mage damage to be overpowered as it is atm, exception is wit relics ofc which is just stupid.

Garbannoch said:
5) Banelord: overpowered line mainly due to interrupts - would be fixed by 1). If no such changes are made then only the classic light tanks (merc,BM,zerker) should have access to it.
It's fine as it is atm imo, just remove it from mid casters.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Chronictank said:
-Give berserker a positional stun LIKE EVERY OTHER LIGHT TANK

mercs too plz! ;)

ye if we spec crush we get a stun.. but its not a positional insta-stun and does crapish dmg (compared to dw styles) while trying to land the chain.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
tbh, in D&D casters can cast nearly without interrupt and when they annoy you, you simply grapple them :p

Ok seriously, Garba has some points, but Eregion is not wrong aswell. I agree that resisted and all sorts of debuffing spells should not interrupt in any way, but cc spells should, wether they're instant or not.

I also agree that Banelord needs heavy fixing cause combined with the funny interrupt bug it makes casters life a living hell ( that nice bug where someone hits you once or uses an ability once and no matter what you do, you stay interrupted for about 10s, even when you move a bit, /face etc. ). Crap enough to have an ability that reduces casting timer that much, they shouldn't interrupt on top of that, just do their stuff.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Sollac said:
1.have an idea re the warlock chamber stuff..

why not have it that if they have chambers ready then it costs power to hold them .... ie id you see a warlock running around then it costs 25% of the cast power to hold that chamber open and ready.

ok would still mean instant death to first in range, but the chances of a warcock getting the chambers refilled is sim as lack of power.

So... I load my chambers at xxx keep, run around in a grp for 5 mins before we find alb/hibs and lose 25% for that? Would only make small stops to give self pom.

Warlock fix would be to lose the chambers and give dex modified casts, otherwise they are fine, still have rangless and powerless on the current cast speeds. Or make other specs appealing apart from the 50/20 and 43/30 hex specs. Oh and if this is the case bring LT delve to other caster levels. This would make them a glorified sorc without mezz and speed and charm ability and debuff and root and determination and mezz cure etc etc


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Mas said:
Warlock fix would be to lose the chambers and give dex modified casts, otherwise they are fine, still have rangless and powerless on the current cast speeds. Or make other specs appealing apart from the 50/20 and 43/30 hex specs. Oh and if this is the case bring LT delve to other caster levels. This would make them a glorified sorc without mezz and speed and charm ability and debuff and root and determination and mezz cure etc etc

But with spreadheal, PBAE, nearsight, specced DoT, specced lifetap and ofcourse the UI primer, which you seem to forget quite happily, but is the biggest 'I-Win' in most cases. If I survive the chambers, the frontload, I should have a fair shot at winning against a Warlock. At the moment, due to the UI, thats not like it is. I get chamber-dumped, survive with abit of luck, run into melee and when U think 'Ok now I got you, you're on my terms now, in melee' you suddenly see a caster who has higher DPS in melee then you have in melee.

The problem is: The warlock-concept is entirely broken in the current DAOC-game. It's an outcast, because of having abilities which dont fit the normal DAOC-ruleset.

They should give warlocks some 'normal spells', remove chambers and UI, give them access to MOC, remove Banelord, make their spells-castingtimer affected by DEX, no need to primer Hexing-spells anymore (that becomes optional), give them quickcast, and then you would have a functional, balanced, utility caster.

At the moment its a frontload caster, without interrupt-fear, and having a higher DPS then any other normal caster who's interrupted. People who complain that Warlock doesnt have the normal sustained DPS always forget the fact that a normal caster has to MOC to do ANY damage (DPS) when interrupted and trade in 25% dps with MOC3 + 30 RA-points, on a 10 minute timer.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Puppet said:
But with spreadheal, PBAE, nearsight, specced DoT, specced lifetap and ofcourse the UI primer, which you seem to forget quite happily, but is the biggest 'I-Win' in most cases. If I survive the chambers, the frontload, I should have a fair shot at winning against a Warlock. At the moment, due to the UI, thats not like it is. I get chamber-dumped, survive with abit of luck, run into melee and when U think 'Ok now I got you, you're on my terms now, in melee' you suddenly see a caster who has higher DPS in melee then you have in melee.

The problem is: The warlock-concept is entirely broken in the current DAOC-game. It's an outcast, because of having abilities which dont fit the normal DAOC-ruleset.

They should give warlocks some 'normal spells', remove chambers and UI, give them access to MOC, remove Banelord, make their spells-castingtimer affected by DEX, no need to primer Hexing-spells anymore (that becomes optional), give them quickcast, and then you would have a functional, balanced, utility caster.

At the moment its a frontload caster, without interrupt-fear, and having a higher DPS then any other normal caster who's interrupted. People who complain that Warlock doesnt have the normal sustained DPS always forget the fact that a normal caster has to MOC to do ANY damage (DPS) when interrupted and trade in 25% dps with MOC3 + 30 RA-points, on a 10 minute timer.

Sounds fine to me, it wasnt convenient that i didnt mention UI, just the fact that we dont get MoC balances it out as it has huuuuge power draining effect, so the most toad 50/20 spec will only get 6 casts out.

Drop chambers and UI and give dex modified casts on all spells such as LT, snare, dot, NS and give MoC... even ill drop banelord for Soj line, cant say fairer than that, oh and let their pom be used for realmmates too on the same 1 min last.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
most important things are already mentioned<:

-nerf pet intercept
-no more banelord for casters
-nerf warrior rr5
+some side styles for berserkers

-nerf chainstun on airpets (10s immunity timer)
+givf armsm. some love

-bainshee tauntspell should not be uninterruptable

+25%basedet for hybrids (paladin, champion, valewalker, thane, ...)
-con buffs should give pets hp, not abs (at least in rvr zones)
-tendrils stun should not be affected by stun immunty timer
-no more instant interrupts


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Konah said:
mercs too plz! ;)

ye if we spec crush we get a stun.. but its not a positional insta-stun and does crapish dmg (compared to dw styles) while trying to land the chain.
thats just it mate, zerkers cant get it in any line ;)
the most they get is a snare in hammer spec


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Kagato said:
b) Cap casting speeds or make them suffer a similer penalty to melee style-swing speed damage reduction.

That gave me a thought - how about making melee cap the same way as casting speeds do? (i.e.40% of base swing time, or some other number to keep it balanced) so that there's actually a point in using faster weapons rather than going for the slowest you can wield.

This wouldn't be intended as a nerf ;) (though I guess it probably would have to be to change anything) so adjust numbers as you see fit.

And then up the cast cap to 60% instead of 40% :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Remove BL from all casters including heretic and equalise across the realms giving BL to pre SI melee/melee hybrid only if it stays. Have a good look at banelord itself and consider removing it.

Hardcap casting speed like melee.

Remove intercept pet and make it have self pbt pulse every 6 secs and catch 1 hit per pulse or something. 3 brittles plus self bt plus pulse still hard to fight solo for example. That or halve its hitpoints and abs.

Remove making any pet higher than its current level.

Repair chain stunning fag pets.

Give extended immunity to disease.

Remove grapple in current form, rethink it, applying immunity.

Replace bainshee taunt into different specline and remove the lower levels, lvl 43 highest one could be only one. This will lower caoe damage as wont be able to go over 31 SG that way. Gives a choice, sacrifice damage for taunt.
Put high delve dd in a specline and give a baseline damage spell maybe with low snare with less delve 179 or below.
Remove traps from stealthers.

Make no debuffs interupt.

Fix Alb Moc/Bof on Sorc.

Give twf to melee mid hybrid. Hardcap all instant spells to a fixed minimum re-use timer.

Fix heavy tanks so they cant be f8 killed like anything else, ie make them heavy tanks and far more difficult to kill. Do not give hybrids baseline stoicism, allow heavy tanks to have proper grouping options, or give banelord to heavy tanks.

Equalise all realms end regen, same range, chant and consider possibility of different classes with it, warden/thane/friar etc.

Put something in warden nurture line thats inline with 21st century, not 1221. Similarly with friar spec line. 49 in a line for a cc resist buff, rest of line almost useless in todays rvr.

Remove moc for anything other than nuking or healing, no moc debuffs/shears/disease/cc. Rename them to something like mastery of damage concentration and mastery of healing concentration.

Relook at RR5 abilities.

Look at over reliance on master level lines to balance or fix classes.

Do something to stop artifact camping and selling, instanced, prevent a char from enetering perhaps if placed an art on cm/traded one. :p

That'll do, won't happen but..


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 26, 2003
Nerf grey con pets with 100% chance of interupting caster.
Do something about Warlocks.
Make Armsman , Hero , Warrior needed in groups.
Remove all instant CC.
Nerf Determination again
Givf something funny in my smiteline :)

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