1.81 the balancing patch! what would YOU like to see change?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
gwal said:
fuck off?

remove BLs from casters (mainly BDs)
lower SM intercept rate
put a timer or lower range or smth on bainshe taunt

fuck off?

(whoaa i do look cool now!)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
give wardens spec grp heal already!

make it possible for em to spec shield or atleast reintroduce MoB.

Give the "unique" things alb has to both mid/hib like they did in the old days with endurance regen song from bards.

fix tendril spam plix


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Eversmallx said:
Give luv to chanter light spec
Delete warlocks
Give Hib a class with a decent lifetap
Remove Banelord from casters
Remove high intercepting sm pets :/
Give clerics good rr5
Chance chanter rr5 to root or pet demez, not needed or important or anything just our current one is very situational
Make sorc mez range 1500 (w/o toa bonuses)
Introduction of a solo/duo area which can only be entered if you are solo or in a duo :p
Bonus rp's for killing someone solo

... etc :p

I dont see how its even remotely possible for a hib to whine on sorc bolt range?
Hibs have Speed of Sound on their primary cc class which probably is the most retarded move mythic has ever made. :p
10 min timer, always up, any group inc and bard insta sos and voila, cc immune group ;D
Remove sorc bolt range, sure but give sorcs better armor than cloth, ~2k hp's and insta cc then. :p

And if anything chanters should be nerfed *hint* dps debuff *hint* But yea, light line needs some sort of utility, but so does wizards


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
A few things on posts I have seen

Giving Bards/Healers same mez range as Sorcs. OK, give Sorcs instant mez.
Make Sorc pet not attack when rr5 is used. It wasn't nerfed enough?
Make an area where fg's can't attack soloers. OK, make an area where soloers can't leech/add on a fg v fg fight as well.
Remove Warlocks. Yes please

I hope they look at Wizards, they have recognised that some tweaks are needed, I hope this patch introduces some changes for my favourite class.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
censi said:
I really dont understand why the other realms go on about the bainshee though.

Like they gotta fix that CAOE going through walls and shit. thats just bug abuse.

Bianshee look like a nice class to me, BUT, a combination of 2 things make it retardedly hated.

LoS issues in combination with the no AE-Dropoff on CAOE.

I don`t think Mythic can solve the LoS issues without rewriting a large part of the game engine... As it is there are just too many times that a single bianshee can, and does, turn the tide in a keep/tower battle by some intentional or unintentional CAOE spamming through a wall.

That ability not only to hit, but to kill large groups in seconds in an unfair way, through the no AE-dropoff, makes it so hated.

Giving CAOE ae-dropoff like any other ae-dd would bring its damage output overall more in line with other ae-damage spells (pbaoe or ranged) and would solve the killing through walls effect to a taking damage through a wall.

Stupid fix ? maybe, but i don`t see them solving the LoS issues, and it would take away 90% of the hate against bainshees imho.

Should they be compensated ? yes, lowering the cast time to 2.5 sec (like pbaoe) or slightly increasing the delve, say to 225-240 or so seems like a fair trade of for making caoe subject to ae-dropoff. even some other compensation might be in order, or is it just that in comparison to other hib casters they are just lacking the OP baseline stun ?;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Gibbo said:
Make Sorc pet not attack when rr5 is used. It wasn't nerfed enough?

and SM pets can't attack and intercept at same time aswell ? then it's more than fair enough, hate haveing a ML9 SM pet stuck on me and still can't hit the wanker SM (hurray for ML 3 warlord xD)
and the pet can intercept even while mezzed and stunned, 100% pure skill with 90% life returned on life drains ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
-Freezingwiz- said:
and SM pets can't attack and intercept at same time aswell ? then it's more than fair enough, hate haveing a ML9 SM pet stuck on me and still can't hit the wanker SM (hurray for ML 3 warlord xD)
and the pet can intercept even while mezzed and stunned, 100% pure skill with 90% life returned on life drains ;)

Pet doesnt intercept when cc'd tho? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Give minstrels stubbed not chain and give them MoS
MoC is way to OP combined with lifetap
Cleric better RR 5 and give aoe stun in smite spec
End regen to friars or make pally chant 2 k range
Infis 2,2 spec points and a lower then lvl 50 evade stun
Necro pets vs melee chars is gai mode fix it
Give scouts selfbuffs like the 2 other archers
Remove duel specing for 2 h weps
Little bit more util on wizzys nearsight mabye

BD shorter range on instas 1 heal pet max no BL on a close to melee imune insta caster
Remove twf from BD give it to thanes
Healers have to much util compaired to the other 2 main CCers add celerity to that as the only realm who has it
Sbs give str dex based wep or make str main stat while lvling
Wl /delete yes
Sm pet intercept cap at 25% or make it on a reuse timer like player tanks have
Shammy with Moc 1 aoe root insta dis buff shears and no other job in a grp besides interupts is too strong compaired to other CC interupters shearers
as they have to heal demezz etc.
Pet spamming class in mid for faster high lvl pve
Give valks and thanes some love

Base line stun is way to OP 1v1 balanced in FG dont know what to do about it
1 more CC for bard root stun snare
Bainshee cone needs a fix
VWers taunt or anytime should have a to hit bonus
Animist bombers while camping tower keep fights are OP
Remedy on longer timer
Chanter rr 5 only good in pve useless in rvr, a tad better mabye
Little bit more util on mentas

All realms:
Give all realms a class like vamps or none for the ppl who doesnt have a BB
All heavy tanks warrior arms hero needs a bit of loving BL or charge would do the trick
Make caster dmg work like melee dmg with haste etc
ML 9 pets are a joke in all realms both in pve and rvr, no pet should out dmg a tank period nor out tank it in pve

Thats about what i can think of atm


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mastade said:
Give the "unique" things alb has to both mid/hib like they did in the old days with endurance regen song from bards.

fix tendril spam plix

Ok then.. give alb/mid CAOE spells with no dropoff
Give alb/mid casters baseline stun
Give Alb insta mezz on sorc
Give alb conc based end regen as well as pally rarely near the tanks that need it
swap minstral stun from single target insta to aoe insta so it like a healers.

cant be arsed to go on.. alb aint the only realm that has things others dont!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Corran said:
Ok then.. give alb/mid CAOE spells with no dropoff
Give alb/mid casters baseline stun
Give Alb insta mezz on sorc
Give alb conc based end regen as well as pally rarely near the tanks that need it
swap minstral stun from single target insta to aoe insta so it like a healers.

cant be arsed to go on.. alb aint the only realm that has things others dont!

all of which you have mentioned is available in alb, even tho CAE is another form of AE spells i dont see how its soooo overpowered, only imbalanced thing about it is the los issues as keeps/twrs/milegates.

alb has a form of stun already, alb has a form of insta mezz already, albs have end regen already.

im talking about Spec AF buff which only alb has and the mezz reduction buffs. Unique mate.. unique


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Profion said:
Give cold debuff in the darkline for SMs and RMs.
Old zerk damage and old quad % to savages.
PBAE to all mid support.
More pets and shorter timer on lifetap for BDs.

Remove the heat debuff from chanters and cabbas.
Remove the insta heal from droods/clerics.
Remove sos from bards and insta mezz.
Remove grapple from alb and hib realm.


agreee! :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Take away some buffs from the buffbot classes (shaman, clerics etc), and give them to classes without group abilities like armsmen, thanes, warriors, blademasters etc etc (group / conc based STR/CON on a thane for eg).

Move the stun off hibbie casters, give it to another class.

Reduce the exp loss when using pets on sorcs and other pet classes, its part of the class, why should we suffer for using pets?

Give delve info on mobs once you have killed say 10, so you know what its vaunerabilities are by /shift-i on the next one.

Give hunters the same range as scouts, even if we dont have the SPD on bows they do, the damage needs improving.

Leave warlocks alone, and make anyone who cries nerf them from now on have to go through the "new player induction" thing.

Make all debuff spells non interupt.

Fix LOS on all the things we have asked to be fixed in the last 3 years.

Give us the "Veteran Titles" like the US.

Theres more, but its coffee time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Kagato said:
Nerf Grapple/Bodyguard and FZ

Not bodyguard...otherwise trying to stop 3 or 4 charging zerkers from squishing Favail, Aads and Perri (in whichever order they choose) will give me serious brain ache (not to mention ear ache) :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Give solo people more rp's than usual per kill.

Nerf the bainshee CAOE spell, dmg is to high for the radius.

Let warrios when using RR5 to fight back rather than not being able to do anything. :cheers:

Give warrior TWF.:worthy:
Or maybe give two sets of TWF per realm since hib have 2 classes that can use ST why not give the TWF ability to other classes to. Like warriors.

Warriors cannot use testudo when they have dropped TWF. ( makes it fair.)

Nerf reaver RR5 ability.

Reduce caster dmg, it should be the same as melle, the faster the weopon the less it hits. So i don't expect a caster to have like a 1 second cast time and still hit for 500 dmg a hit.

Make MoC3 timer longer, getting stupid now that every caster i meet has MoC3 and only on a 10 min timer. Or when using MoC make cast times slower.

Reduce castable stun time on hib caster base line stun. 9 seconds is abit to long from my point of view.

For theurg air pets, there should be a stun immunity timer, so you don't get chain stunned.

Improve sb's dmg. To that of hib/alb assasins.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Remove some abilities from RVR zones they unbalance game (ml9 pets).

tweak RA's for all classes. some are OP, some are gimp, some screw up other (realmates) RAs. fix that.

Give heavy tanks a purpose for RvR.

Give theurgist some love (earth spec is crap).

Remove shapeshfit on necromancer shade form.

Remove all buffs/end/powerregen/resists castable or chants from RVR zones. (i know im crazy).

Fix the bainshe CAE DD and bolt (not reduce damage*, just fix it so it cant pass thrue walls).
*its a cone AOE not a PB, so the distance to target is not importante. If u fix it make it a PBAE instead.

Give bards root or stun.

increase casting speed cap to 1.5s like all tanks

remove all instant spells.

Fix the known bugs (dont just say can't reproduce that, wth we pay u for good service, get good professionals to fix the bugs).

Make realm missions to PVE zones too.

Give the battlegrounds "l33t" relolling stealters a /kick in the butt and a msg go to real RvR instead.

i'm working and i cant write more... boss inc


Dec 22, 2003
Valgyr said:
Give minstrels stubbed not chain and give them MoS


Wholdor said:
Take away some buffs from the buffbot classes (shaman, clerics etc), and give them to classes without group abilities like armsmen, thanes, warriors, blademasters etc etc (group / conc based STR/CON on a thane for eg).

Haha I can just see loads of afk armsmen at sauvage now :D!

My Fixes would be

Remove BL from BD's/Warlock
Change BD Lifetap to 700 Range
Decrease Chamber effectiveness of warlocks (One spell chamberable)
Make the warlock "Moc" into a chance to not be interupted spell, say 25% 50%, 75% for highest spec
Hardcap the SM's intercept pet to 30%
Give runemasters a magic ablative like Bainshee
Give SB's access to a dex/quick debuff posien

Reduce taunt range to 1500 on Bainshees
Remove Remedy from NS's
Fix cone going though walls on bainshees
Reduce bard cast timer on AE Mez

Increase groupability of Minstrel (Battlemaster line)
Increase confuse to 1500 range (Minstrel)
Fix necro los issues
Increase the viability of the Wizard earthline
Allow sorc's to moc when BOF is up lol..

Lower lifetap delves
Reduce ALL instas to 700 range (Except insta mez)
Make tendrials unspamable
Anything that doesn't do damage should not interupt casters


Sep 10, 2004
gife all classis more hp or all classis lesser dmg so ALL fight take longer


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mastade said:
all of which you have mentioned is available in alb, even tho CAE is another form of AE spells i dont see how its soooo overpowered, only imbalanced thing about it is the los issues as keeps/twrs/milegates.

alb has a form of stun already, alb has a form of insta mezz already, albs have end regen already.

im talking about Spec AF buff which only alb has and the mezz reduction buffs. Unique mate.. unique

Haha.. how can you compare pbaoe insta mezz to 1500 range insta mezz? And how can you compare it being in a spec line that sub par to being in the Main CC spec line of mid/hib?

And no realm as CAE like a banshee.. which alb class has aoe nuke that has no fall off? That is the imbalancing part of it.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2005
1. More ws for any st
2. Change ranger RA
3. less brittle guards or more time to make new one
4.the same as Illu except insta kill botom xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Corran said:
And no realm as CAE like a banshee.. which alb class has aoe nuke that has no fall off? That is the imbalancing part of it.

the cae is more zerg battles, where alb has monster rezz which interrupts everyone, and anyone freshly rezzed gets dotted and dies again soon after, and mids get warlocks with ml8/instant highest delve pbaoe chambers/ and self heal/group heal chambered ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Yurka said:
the cae is more zerg battles, where alb has monster rezz which interrupts everyone, and anyone freshly rezzed gets dotted and dies again soon after, and mids get warlocks with ml8/instant highest delve pbaoe chambers/ and self heal/group heal chambered ?

He wants all unique alb abilities to go to other realms, so alb need all the equivelent of mid.. that simple.. and as MR is alb unique ability he will want that no doubt.

Anyways... not bothering posting class fixes here it pointless.. Just send it direct to mythic so they can review it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Raven said:
lower the abs on a buffed necro pet, being nearly 100% melle immune is retarded.

I'd accept this if Mythic also:

1. Made the Abom Lvl 50 instead of Lvl 44

2. Gave Necros access to both PD and AoM

3. Gave Necros a 100% working version of Purge

4. Allowed Necros full use of all artifacts and potions when in Shade form

5. Give Necros a Lvl 50 insta LT instead of Lvl 44

6. Give the Abom some base Dex *or* make all spells cast faster

Until that happens, save your QQ and don't attack Necros perhaps?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Forfid said:
Remove shapeshfit on necromancer shade form.

Fuck me - that's the most retarded suggestion I've read yet. Doesn't the Abom behind the panther give it away? :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Olgaline said:
sooo.... all alb classes are perfectly balanced ? ;)



Jan 28, 2005
Check this out ! and calm down :p

Give crush spec on shadowblades.:worthy: :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004

Greatly increase "Out of Combat Regen rates" Mana End and Health


Increase LoS Radius to counter RunThru/Stafeing.
Standardise all Realms 3 baseline spells lines (CC type etc Spec Spells remain different)
Make Snare's unbreakable but with shorter duration.
Change Imunity Timers on Root and Snare to seperate ones.
Give key abilities like Near Sight, Disease, to two classes.


Add in counters to Stun Root and Snare (ala Demezz)
Give all healers a baseline defence spell
Improve secondary healers Healing lines


Remove charge
Change all Light Tank RR5 abilities to simular offensive abilities
Change all Heavy Tanks RR5 abilities to defensive abilites.
Increase positional Raduis to counter strafe
Redo style lines with secific counters/effects increase growth rate of low level styles so all styles should be viable @ 50


Stealth effectiveness should scale with movement (the quicker you move the easier it should be to see you)
Stealth effectiveness should be has its effectiveness checked by the amount of other stealthers in your radius check.

Master Levels

Complete redesign of what classes can recieve which lines
Redesign the lines themselves


Lots of Artifacts are deamed useless or unwanted were others are over farmed/camped. Improve those Artifacts that are mostly unused.

Remove XP from artifacts and change to scrolls unlocking the abilities instead. Scroll Number 1 Activates it scroll 2 the first 1/2 of the abilities scroll 3 the 2nd 1/2 of the abilities.

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