Part of the furniture
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- Jan 21, 2004
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gwal said:fuck off?
remove BLs from casters (mainly BDs)
lower SM intercept rate
put a timer or lower range or smth on bainshe taunt
fuck off?
(whoaa i do look cool now!)
gwal said:fuck off?
remove BLs from casters (mainly BDs)
lower SM intercept rate
put a timer or lower range or smth on bainshe taunt
Eversmallx said:Give luv to chanter light spec
Delete warlocks
Give Hib a class with a decent lifetap
Remove Banelord from casters
Remove high intercepting sm pets :/
Give clerics good rr5
Chance chanter rr5 to root or pet demez, not needed or important or anything just our current one is very situational
Make sorc mez range 1500 (w/o toa bonuses)
Introduction of a solo/duo area which can only be entered if you are solo or in a duo
Bonus rp's for killing someone solo
... etc![]()
censi said:I really dont understand why the other realms go on about the bainshee though.
Like they gotta fix that CAOE going through walls and shit. thats just bug abuse.
Gibbo said:Make Sorc pet not attack when rr5 is used. It wasn't nerfed enough?
-Freezingwiz- said:and SM pets can't attack and intercept at same time aswell ? then it's more than fair enough, hate haveing a ML9 SM pet stuck on me and still can't hit the wanker SM (hurray for ML 3 warlord xD)
and the pet can intercept even while mezzed and stunned, 100% pure skill with 90% life returned on life drains![]()
Mastade said:Give the "unique" things alb has to both mid/hib like they did in the old days with endurance regen song from bards.
fix tendril spam plix
Corran said:Ok then.. give alb/mid CAOE spells with no dropoff
Give alb/mid casters baseline stun
Give Alb insta mezz on sorc
Give alb conc based end regen as well as pally rarely near the tanks that need it
swap minstral stun from single target insta to aoe insta so it like a healers.
cant be arsed to go on.. alb aint the only realm that has things others dont!
Profion said:Give cold debuff in the darkline for SMs and RMs.
Old zerk damage and old quad % to savages.
PBAE to all mid support.
More pets and shorter timer on lifetap for BDs.
Remove the heat debuff from chanters and cabbas.
Remove the insta heal from droods/clerics.
Remove sos from bards and insta mezz.
Remove grapple from alb and hib realm.
Septina said:Pet doesnt intercept when cc'd tho?![]()
Kagato said:Nerf Grapple/Bodyguard and FZ
Valgyr said:Alb:
Give minstrels stubbed not chain and give them MoS
Wholdor said:Take away some buffs from the buffbot classes (shaman, clerics etc), and give them to classes without group abilities like armsmen, thanes, warriors, blademasters etc etc (group / conc based STR/CON on a thane for eg).
Mastade said:all of which you have mentioned is available in alb, even tho CAE is another form of AE spells i dont see how its soooo overpowered, only imbalanced thing about it is the los issues as keeps/twrs/milegates.
alb has a form of stun already, alb has a form of insta mezz already, albs have end regen already.
im talking about Spec AF buff which only alb has and the mezz reduction buffs. Unique mate.. unique
Corran said:And no realm as CAE like a banshee.. which alb class has aoe nuke that has no fall off? That is the imbalancing part of it.
Yurka said:the cae is more zerg battles, where alb has monster rezz which interrupts everyone, and anyone freshly rezzed gets dotted and dies again soon after, and mids get warlocks with ml8/instant highest delve pbaoe chambers/ and self heal/group heal chambered ?
Raven said:lower the abs on a buffed necro pet, being nearly 100% melle immune is retarded.
Forfid said:Remove shapeshfit on necromancer shade form.
Olgaline said:sooo.... all alb classes are perfectly balanced ?![]()