1.81 the balancing patch! what would YOU like to see change?


Loyal Freddie
Jul 11, 2004
here is alittle thing i would like changed nothing much really but hunters need something done about that 2h spear that get evade so much worst i goten is 9 times in araw sure hunters can hit hard but comon i should not lose a fight when i get a rr5 inf down to 30% befor he even hits me ones and then i get 4 evades against me in araw and 4 plain misses that is with a WS of 1653 and no str/con or malice purge them

ps excuss spelling dyslektic cant spell that good


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
as I understood Censi this was more about what you THINK would get done, not your wishlist for christmas =))

Well a new set of TL reports will come in now aswell, so what I expect is the following:

-artis will be looked at, seeing that many players complained that getting them+scrolls was too boring

-some ML steps might get BG status and/or be easier

-ML pathes will most likely be looked at, especially long complained banelord and if Valkyrie TL qq's enough, why not Stormlord aswell.

I can't give an exact prognose on what will happen, but I think there will be a lot of class tweaks. My personal guesses are Spiritmaster, Sorcerer, Friar, Bainshee, Warlock, Vampiir and I hope Valkyrie :p

I don't think there will be much for heavy tanks.

There might be some RA tweaks, but only very minor imho.

Ofc don't take my word on that, but this is what I personally guess will happen.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Give cold debuff in the darkline for SMs and RMs.
Old zerk damage and old quad % to savages.
PBAE to all mid support.
More pets and shorter timer on lifetap for BDs.

Remove the heat debuff from chanters and cabbas.
Remove the insta heal from droods/clerics.
Remove sos from bards and insta mezz.
Remove grapple from alb and hib realm.



Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
took some idea's from all u guys, which could be changed imo.

Cap casting speeds, similer penalty to melee style-swing speed
Change brittle guards ability, no more then 1 up at a time.
Change Grapple/Bodyguard ability, put grapple on a 30 second -1 minute cool down
remove ML9 pets from RvR zones
Make caster insta spells not interrupt
increase utility of heavy tanks
change some RR5 abilities,
increase the arc of melle range so strafing about isnt as effective
make baseline stun, well, non baseline, not only for hib casters, everyone
sort out cone spells going through walls.
change FZ timer, like all other ml abilities.
givf bard and healer same range with AE mezz as sorc
some shadowblade loving, crush spec perhaps


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Profion said:
Give cold debuff in the darkline for SMs and RMs.
Old zerk damage and old quad % to savages.
PBAE to all mid support.
More pets and shorter timer on lifetap for BDs.

Remove the heat debuff from chanters and cabbas.
Remove the insta heal from droods/clerics.
Remove sos from bards and insta mezz.
Remove grapple from alb and hib realm.


u forgot remove CC imunity from mid CC


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I really dont understand why the other realms go on about the bainshee though.

Like they gotta fix that CAOE going through walls and shit. thats just bug abuse.

but the class itself. Its just seems like good to me. I mean its a nuker with a nice group ablative. And literally thats it (u got the ranged taunt, the uninteruptable pbaoe snare (level 20)? In a group scenario a light eld to me would be much better in a solo scenario then any other mage is better to solo with that the bainshee.

U know im trying to think neutrally but I cant see why its considered OP at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
sm pet intercept rate hard capped at 33%
bd instas, chanter instas dont interrupt
strafe/run-thru/window-drag fixed
bonus to-hit on flank ;<
pally end regen 1500 or 2k range
shammy insta disease on 2min timer
delete the warlock class
2min reuse timer on grapple
nerf bainshees
fix moc+bof/warguard for sorc
nerf vamps
gifv wiz luvvin
fix cabby pet speed buff
nerf winstrels
giv heavy tanks of all realms a group ability or boost dmg ~10%
make agramon 2x the size and lower some of the hills
introduce a solo zone or an arena where ppl can duel (yes for rps) and if u hit someone already in-combat u instaport back to the pk/entrance, buffbot npcs that give full range of capped buffs.
...and many many more!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
U know im trying to think neutrally but I cant see why its considered OP at all.

maybe u should try playing against some who know what they're doing? :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2005
I am an alb so dont blame me that I can only state my realms disadvantages. That does not mean others dont have any that need an alternation.

overlook all RR5 abilities
most of all RR5 armsman: wow being able to shoot a low range crossbow while running on a non end regen class is is is soooooo OP ;)
make cout RA non purgeable what ue to have an RA that does a 99% root and is purgeable ?!? leaving me disarmed 15 sec just to name 2

overlook some RAs like thornwead casters should not be able to get it imo

remove banelord from BDs

fix the Lie of sight issue not onlys for bainshe for all classes as long as the code is not bale to calculate a "Line of ight" or realize hrm there s a wall in the way might block sight hrm

nerf some OP ML abilities make them less effective

reduce the amount of RPs a fg gets when killing soloers to 1 RP or even 0

alter dmg tables and defensives to make fights last longer and make em more fun

omg make tanks more usefull for groups maybe alter the absorb so that it effects magic dmg i.g. or make more spells blockable

nerf SM pets intercept its a laugh

nerf warlocks its insane to have a class that can insta kill everything. wasnt there intended to be a 4 sec delay betwean discharging chambers? I still get hit 3 or 4 times instandly

there is so much more that neads an overview in general I would say

make fights last longer for more fun and alter them so that the skill of the player is coming more into the game

balance the classes pls pls pls balance the classes and the game will be more fun for everyone


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
- Remove BL from warlock/bd
- Reduce Intercept from pet or lower its abs(or doesn't intercept when ml9)
- Make all baseline LT nukes to 2.6 - 179delve with normal multiplier
- Turn the LT into normal dmg (ie not returning health) when moc'd or greatly reduce the health returned
- Increase root timer
- Take off base line stun and give root to hib casters
- BD instant debuff + DD not to interrupt
- Drop instant mezz and make the cast spd delve for bard/healers to co inside with the sorc mezz speed (hence not increasing dex for other areas i.e. healing)
- SB to get str/dex based weapons
- All NS/inf/sb to get 2.2 points per lvl
- Decrease scout range to hunter/ranger range
- Bring SB/Inf rr5 into line or change NS rr5
- Mana line on Mentas to get DD/snare 179 delve
- Warden cure disease/poison
- Warden/Friar/Thane be able to give group reduce end/end regen (which would help armsmen/thane more groupable and friars ofc)
- Bard to get root
- Some heavy tank love, either some major dmg increase as a class trait (like TW on BM same sort of reuse timer etc)
- Chanter instant dps-debuff to not interrupt
- Chanter to get base line dex debuff


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 24, 2004
2 Things

IMO there's two things EXTREMELY WRONG with this game...

WARLOCKS (totally remove, and not just nerf them 2% sometime in patch 2.24b in 2010)

HIB baseline stun - OP that you can just stun debuff nuke nuke... Either remove baseline stun from them, or decrease their nukes which I think wouldn't be fair.. just remove stun

Ofc there are other things.. And also alb abilities which I am playing, but these two are by far the worst imo... Bainshees taking a nice 3rd place not to forget..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
nerf vamps

Just remove the claw completly and maybe give them a little melee boost


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Akyma said:
givf healer base line speed !!
end reg from shamy no conc buff
remove WL casting speed cap
givf mids a pet spamer like other realms have
givf bard and healer same range with AE mezz as sorc
givf mids dps-debuff like the other 2 realm
givf hib a LT caster (after make stun no base :D )
make grey pets dont interrupt
remove str from healer items:m00:
make NS rr5 15 mins recast time
givf thane WS buff or fix it
givf zerks any time stun style like the other realms have in his charge tanks
givf zerk and svg flurry
givf svg charge
nerf pet ability with ML9 like chain stun, chain intercet, etc
GIVF A BG TO PLAY FG Vs FG, like colisseun, where u only can play FG Vs FG or assist like public.
drop mincer of stealth world
more utily to thane-warrior-hero-arsman
make vamp 2 mins timer on self buffs when they load a zone

fuck off?

remove BLs from casters (mainly BDs)
lower SM intercept rate
put a timer or lower range or smth on bainshe taunt


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I don’t think it’s as easy as saying “this class/ability is overpowered, it needs to be removed” – in many cases it’s all about context. I think the best way of comparing is to look at your average fight between the different realms in different categories, ie:

a) Small groups
b) 8 vs 8 fights
c) Zerg fights
d) Keep defense
e) Keep offense
f) Stealth roaming (either grouped or solo)

However, I don’t have the time to write a huge post! So, instead of saying what’s OP in Hib/Mid, which could take a while, I’ll do something crazy and say what I think is “OP” from my own realm, and therefore *could* be nerfed (not that I think it should be necessarily!):

*Spec AF buffs on clerics – all or no realms should have this
*Sorc RR5 – powerful compared to other caster RAs (at least in terms of survivability)
*60-second Petspam (earth pets) – very powerful with a decent theurgist
*Infils are far superior to Shadowblades
*Bolt-range mez is superior in head-on fights on flat land
*Reaver bombs are quite devastating, especially on low-RR groups without det
*Monster res is very powerful in keep fights, especially when mixed with Hand of God
*Level 50 baseline lifetap on sorc/cabalist + debuff + MoC = ouch


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Whispers said:
most of all RR5 armsman: wow being able to shoot a low range crossbow while running on a non end regen class is is is soooooo OP ;)

Kagato killed me with snapshot once :< (he allso killed my bb, evil beeing) :twak:


Jun 9, 2005
think bainshees need a boost really, maybe make the dd uninteruptable:)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
* Remove all instant interrupts except for Hybrids (Friar/Pala Taunt, Reaver DoT/LT, Thane DD's, Champ DD's/snare, VW DoT/snare etc etc). Remove also interrupt component from the Vamp powerbolt - they got charge as available RA already.

* Remove Banelord from Mid casters, instead of giving it to BD and WL give it to Valks and Thanes.

That's my biggest two.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
Kanim said:
think bainshees need a boost really, maybe make the dd uninteruptable:)

what makes em not able to compete with other casters?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Give luv to chanter light spec
Delete warlocks
Give Hib a class with a decent lifetap
Remove Banelord from casters
Remove high intercepting sm pets :/
Give clerics good rr5
Chance chanter rr5 to root or pet demez, not needed or important or anything just our current one is very situational
Make sorc mez range 1500 (w/o toa bonuses)
Introduction of a solo/duo area which can only be entered if you are solo or in a duo :p
Bonus rp's for killing someone solo

... etc :p


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
dunno why does everybody hate baseline stun in hib? I hope you realize that the other realms have it aswell, aye? and they don't need to give up one cast to stun someone.

Clerics can stun+buffshear, sooo OP.

On my healer I always have an assist macro for the mages so I can stun for them, means they can just nuke away without caring, sooo OP again.

I'm just gonna quote a fellow BM on that: "Stun feels like a small lag to me" and even as enemy I've never seen baseline stun as the major problem. I hate being stunned by clerics and hib mages equally and much worse is the fact that theurg pets / cabba pets / SM pets exist, they're sooo much worse for me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
1.have an idea re the warlock chamber stuff..

why not have it that if they have chambers ready then it costs power to hold them .... ie id you see a warlock running around then it costs 25% of the cast power to hold that chamber open and ready.

ok would still mean instant death to first in range, but the chances of a warcock getting the chambers refilled is sim as lack of power.

2. give all tanks the ra charge. for heavy tanks especially as this would make the arms, pally, hero, warrior etc more effective and more fun in rvr. as tanks do charge in combat, we dont just stroll into combat like now.

3. cant comment on casters, as dont play mine unless in pve.

4. remove vanish - er nope, need that to stay alive, in fact give vanish to scouts imo.

5. vampiirs are ok.

6. bainshees need to get spells sorted to stop wallbanging. or allow all classes with pbaoe to wall bang again to even the battlefield.

7.get all teamleaders onto a server and have them all fight each other to make notes and advise mythic.

8. sort the line of sight issues with strafing and walk through, allow blocking and parrying for all tanks/melee classes from all sides....martial arts weapon users are trained for this are you saying that a expert swordsman could not parry a blow from behind? allow parry to work like shields and perhaps give parry a disarm ability for high specced parryers?

9. no new stuff just get the old stuff working better first


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
liloe said:
Clerics can stun+buffshear, sooo OP..

How much damage can a cleric do while target stunned?

liloe said:
On my healer I always have an assist macro for the mages so I can stun for them, means they can just nuke away without caring, sooo OP again.
The time you use to stun you could have used on something else? Hib dont need 2 classes for it like other 2 realms.. an if its not that op why not just move it to druids?


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
Make PA cut through brittles
Make Crit shot do the same
Give Sb's a str dex weapon line
Affect damage with cast speed
nerf the stupid ML lines and OP ra's

I dont believe there should be any one item that is so must have (malace charge is one example)

Lower all damage by 10% to increase length of time on fights. When you have a minor lag spike atm combat can be over and your on the ground face down.

vamps and WL's are OP.

ability to buy buffs from a merchant in NF (cured need for BB and allows those with only one acc to compete (if there is actually anyone with only one acc anymore).

Be very careful with the balancing issue, think that any change you will make will have a 10 fold difference in RVR and adjust values accordingly. So far RVR has been a see-saw between casters and tanks. is there really no middle ground?

for the love of god give stealthers some role in rvr.

like the idea of increased RP's for solo kills (anything that helps propogate more solo play and more small groups rather than opted FG combat has got to be good for the game).


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 24, 2004
liloe said:
dunno why does everybody hate baseline stun in hib? I hope you realize that the other realms have it aswell, aye? and they don't need to give up one cast to stun someone.

Clerics can stun+buffshear, sooo OP.

Ofc true that clerics can stun and buffshear, but that doesnt kill anyone... I was thinking more of a 1vs1 situation if a chanter/eld stuns his enemy he has basically won the fight. A cleric doesnt have quickcast, so all he can do is take your buffs in the stun period. Can't possibly kill you


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
-Nerf ML9 pets to work in PVE only
-Nerf crystal titon so it doesnt count as a player race, so you can stop banning people for it
-Reduce overall dmg on a vamp abilities
-Cap heretic dmg to 300/400 per tick
-Reduce bainshee dmg overall
-Fix Bainshees hitting through walls (they working on it atm but still)
-Fix Bainshee spells so they are reduced properly by resits
-Fix Bainshee caoe so the drop off works
-Make it so SM pets can only intercept when they arent CC'd (including roots, snares etc)
-Make all sm pets have chain armour
-Reduce all pets chance to stun to 10%
-Reduce duration on all melee stuns
-Chance FZ to 10 min timer as it is now purgable
-Fix BD pets in Bone Army spec so they assist on the target you select, not run off randomly breaking mez
-Remove the interupt on ALL debuff spells
-Implement a grapple immunity timer
-Fix endurance usage on left axe styles to be on the par with the rest of the spec lines
-Fix grapple so that if the grappler has cb up the stun isnt bounced
-Reduce all baseline stun durations to 5 seconds
-Give cleric some sort of insta cc, maybe a single target mez/root
-Reduce warlock dmg overall
-Give berserker a positional stun LIKE EVERY OTHER LIGHT TANK
-Give warrior/champ/armsman something more to make the grouplable again
-Increase Valkerie weaponskill, its pathetic as it is on spear atm
-Give wizards baseline speed to make them more groupable
-Put player names underneath their pets so they can be identified, thye ahev done it on the free shards with ease for yrs i dont see why mythic cant manage it

I liked the suggestion of nerfing brittle guards to 1

All i can think of atm :)

o yeah, boost items in Old Zones to drop Toa Like rogs, and high lvl bosses to drop better items which are in line with todays TOA and Cata drops

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