1.81 the balancing patch! what would YOU like to see change?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Mythic seems to have commited to addressing class balancing issues.

interested to here peoples thoughts on

a) what you think they might change
b) what you think they should change


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2005
wohoo! first post

ok.. i want them to open up the classes.txt or whatever file they have all the info bout the classes.. then do CTRL-f and search for warlocks .. then delete every single hit :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Make bonedancers insta spells not interrupt and I would be quite happy actually. Same goes for dps-debuff ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2004
I want a new island, like zergamon - just smaller - and where you cant engage pvp combat. But a nice little island, where people from the 3 realms can meet, hug each other and give <3.

As of class changes. Give more grp aoe defensive abilities to bards and clerics.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I want an I-win button. Something I can use every 30 minutes that lasts 10 seconds, and any damage received goes straight back to the person dealing it. Would be good to see some of those casters get their fireballs back where the sun don't shine :>

Make assassins have a purpose to this game apart from annoying fg's.

Make soloers get lots more RPs per kill.

Make fg's unable to kill soloer's in certain areas.

I think the game is pretty balanced tbh, but on the other hand, a RR2 hib stealther almost killed me today, so maybe it's time for some shadowblade loving! :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
illu said:
but on the other hand, a RR2 hib stealther almost killed me today, so maybe it's time for some Scout loving! :> Oli - Illu

yes indeed scouts need realy abit love.

the ns i met was rr3, and he won 1 out of 3 fights, wtf?!?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Matmardigan said:
yes indeed scouts need realy abit love.

the ns i met was rr3, and he won 3 out of 3 fights, wtf?!?

Such blatent misquoting! :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
remove banelord from mid casters

bd body debuff to not interupt

some defence ability for clerics, to put them in line with drood rr5 and healers phaseshift (yes i know about the rr5, but doesnt help vs magic dmg)

intercept from sm pet lowered (hi grawen :) )

remove warlocks

nerf osrils 2h savage

all i can think of atm, tired etc :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
a) Absolutely nothing. They wont make any changes that are needed.

b) Cap casting speeds or make them suffer a similer penalty to melee style-swing speed damage reduction.

Nerf all instant class abilities except for RA's.

Cap SM intercept pet chance at 30-40 %

Nerf Grapple/Bodyguard and FZ.

Stop bonedancers being able to summon 2 of the same kind of pet so theres only ever 1 healer.

Nerf brittle guards, no more then 1 up at a time.

All the usual baseline stun yadda yadda...

Remove Vanish.

Increase Crossbow range.

Decrease the height to range bonus ratio.

Give Armsmen something to make them worth grouping :(

Give friars spread heals.

Give theurgists Nearsight in the earth line.

And of cause, nerf Warlocks.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Give friars the powers to offer endurance reg for the whole group!:m00:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Kagato said:
a) Absolutely nothing. They wont make any changes that are needed.

b) Cap casting speeds or make them suffer a similer penalty to melee style-swing speed damage reduction.

Nerf all instant class abilities except for RA's.

Cap SM intercept pet chance at 30-40 %

Nerf Grapple/Bodyguard and FZ.

Stop bonedancers being able to summon 2 of the same kind of pet so theres only ever 1 healer.

Nerf brittle guards, no more then 1 up at a time.

All the usual baseline stun yadda yadda...

Remove Vanish.

Increase Crossbow range.

Decrease the height to range bonus ratio.

Give Armsmen something to make them worth grouping :(

Give friars spread heals.

Give theurgists Nearsight in the earth line.

And of cause, nerf Warlocks.

sooo.... all alb classes are perfectly balanced ? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Nerf to all lifetap spells. Either 3.0 casting time OR remove the hidden bonus that lifetap spells get and half the amount of life returned. And nerf summoning mastery. Give sb's crush spec perhaps. Remove physical defense from heretics.
And removing banelord from all mid casters AND from heretics kthx. Nerf the bainshee dd. Maybe give it 50% higher power cost or something, more in line with other baseline dd's, or simply nerf the damage of it. Nerf bainshee taunt interrupt, maybe make it range 700 or something. Give healers a worthwhile rr5 ra. Make shamans get a ghetto haste buff maybe. Fix the hib reinforced armor, to make it have the correct magical vulnerabilites/resistances. Nerf leather armor's vulnerability to heat, so it's only 10%. Make warlocks making new chambers cost the power cost of the spells put into them. Make the warlocks cursing line of spells be modifiable by casting speed OR reduce the fixed casting time to 3 secs so that it might be worth specing. Give mentalists spread heal and group cure disease and group cure poison in mentalism line, I dunno, something more, but it can't be overpowering either. Increase recast time of bd lifetap to 8 secs.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
What Kagato basically stated. Nerf WL's back to the Dark Ages! Remove all insta's apart from RA's. Give mid same mezz as sorc. Banshee interrupt to < 1000 distance and nerf the CAOE to reduce dmg the further away you are from it. Like Ice Wiz PBAOE.

Elimate spamming by making a second spell kill the first and give immunity for 30 secs.

Stealther RA's. Hibs have only good ones, give Alb/Mid better RR5 abilities as they are pretty worthless right now.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Funny how in these threads you instantly know what realm/class a person is playing as these things will always be something like:
Buff the class I am playing and all classes I have in my sig.
Nerf the classes I do not play, nerf them hard.

What people also seem to forget is that if you nerf something you might end up making something else horribly overpowered.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
rofl, looks like theyve allready changed the patchnotes title :/


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.81 Release Notes
November 9, 2005



FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
only class i can really think of is banshee's :/
they are broken and need to be taken in for maintenance, a quick oil change and tirepressure check and they should be good to go

oh.! and take away soj from none support classes :p or make it
and do something about grapple..please.! longer reuse timer, and make it purgeable..;) or drop bg if someone uses grapple "as in cant do both at the same time" last option would prob be the best one :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Eregion said:
remove banelord from mid casters

bd body debuff to not interupt

some defence ability for clerics, to put them in line with drood rr5 and healers phaseshift (yes i know about the rr5, but doesnt help vs magic dmg)

intercept from sm pet lowered (hi grawen :) )

remove warlocks

nerf osrils 2h savage

all i can think of atm, tired etc :p

chanter dps debuff also, kthx!!1111 :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
nothing instant should interupt tbh!

and that saying, give bards castable amnesia insted of instant so they can interupt with it, a second form of CC on bard aswell, they are primary CC class of hibernia after all and all they got is mezz

please give paladin a bit more range on end (this I know wont happen cause Mythic are gay)

and yes, this is only the classes that I play myself :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 5, 2005
Tbh if mythic levelled the playing field completely, then people would get bored much quicker than if they're sometimes they're compeltely overpowered and sometimes very much underpowered....
Thus Warlocks/Vampiirs/Banshees/Bonedancers have had their overpowered-ness for long enough... imo remove all their armour, would fix a hell of alot :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
increase the arc of melle range so strafing about isnt as effective.

lower alb and mid life taps to level 45

make baseline stun, well, non baseline, not only for hib casters, everyone

Remove all instas, including warcock spells, make them a cloth wearing non speccing melle class with no self af/abs for all i care.

increase the utility of heavy tanks.

put a 1 guard cap on brittles

lower SM pet intercept to a 30% cap

Make the sorc RR5 ability break if thier pet attacks something

remove ML9 pets from RvR zones

remove the tendrils with stun immunity issue.

put grapple on a 30 second -1 minute cool down

lower the abs on a buffed necro pet, being nearly 100% melle immune is retarded.

fix the LOS issues for all casters

sort out cone spells going through walls.

lower the endurance cost for battlemaster styles.

not exactly RvR but fix it so that if you have hits or con on a weapon and you switch to a weapon that also has con/hits you dont lose the bonus for a split second, or remove hits/con from weapons.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
remove interupt from instant spells then I would be happy

- and banelord from casters


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
make FZ timer less, like 5minz
but if the target gets hit fz breaks.

fix bainshees cea

nerf LT hp return

more util for heros

give shadowblads better rr5.

fixx BDs, ffs 2 healers + 3 brittles + bubble and insta LT. too op.
remove the ability to use 2 healers.

no banelord for mages.

give hunters more util imo, too few around.

make druid and cleric buffshear as fast as shammy xD

give wardens cure disease and poison allredy ( and i mean now, i know its comeing whit 1.80)

grapple on a immunity timer. doesnt have to be reuse timer but the person wh got grappled cant be grappled for another 10 sec.

battlemaster styles are fine for wardens to do, but for other classes is pain whitout end reg. so make them more endu friendly.

make WL ungrpable. (fed up whit sbs and hunters grping whit wls)

make all instas not to interupt others, exept dmgg instas.

vamps need a work over. remove theyr vampiiric buffs, and make them like eny class out there, buffable.

ok, thats all for now. post some more later


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Funny how in these threads you instantly know what realm/class a person is playing as these things will always be something like:
Buff the class I am playing and all classes I have in my sig.
Nerf the classes I do not play, nerf them hard.

What people also seem to forget is that if you nerf something you might end up making something else horribly overpowered.

really dont c what will make other classes overpowert if they remove baseline stun, warlocks, nerf lifetap on bd's an an fix the debuff so it dont interupt an remove banelord from mid casters or give it to alb/hib casters also.. Nerf det again.. has been thinking could be nice if they removed banelord from all tanks an skald,mincer an bards only got it (then mincers an skald would be wantet in grp).. Not sure what classes should get soj maybe the healer classes..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
givf healer base line speed !!
end reg from shamy no conc buff
remove WL casting speed cap
givf mids a pet spamer like other realms have
givf bard and healer same range with AE mezz as sorc
givf mids dps-debuff like the other 2 realm
givf hib a LT caster (after make stun no base :D )
make grey pets dont interrupt
remove str from healer items:m00:
make NS rr5 15 mins recast time
givf thane WS buff or fix it
givf zerks any time stun style like the other realms have in his charge tanks
givf zerk and svg flurry
givf svg charge
nerf pet ability with ML9 like chain stun, chain intercet, etc
GIVF A BG TO PLAY FG Vs FG, like colisseun, where u only can play FG Vs FG or assist like public.
drop mincer of stealth world
more utily to thane-warrior-hero-arsman
make vamp 2 mins timer on self buffs when they load a zone


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
mid: remove banelords from cock an gaydancer, instant lajftap on longer timer and range should be tooned down to mincer one (they wont remove interrupt part anyhow..) debuff shouldnt interrupt though.
SM + ml9 intercept rate 0o0llol

alb: hmm, let them use bof and moc together xD? not many albs out so dunno, give some utility to wizards and clerics (nerf scout archery dmg cuz i hate them :[)

hib: fix dps debuff (amagad i wanna nerf myself ::(), nerf bainshee interrupt range ALOT and their DD should cost more power (at least by 1.5x), biased stuff inc::::> GIVE A USEFUL rr5 RA to enchanters, couse current one just waste of QB space... and lower heat debuff to cabalist highest body debuff lvl, which is 46 xD

all around: nerf LT damage (its just silly that i hit for less while using more mana than a lajftaper... or very similar which is mana wise is just retarded, i mean cmon, selfdebuffers should have the highest dmg by far due to the power cost), remove hp-leech effect while moc lajftaping

moc1 should effect shearing too, would make shaman abit more balanced as the solo interrupt-shear d00d got the upperhand compared to clerics-druids atm :|

Revamp of many old school classes... armsman/wizard - hero/mentalist/valewalker - thane/skald for example... so they might be an addition to current setups.

oh and revamp of many skill lines, some classes got only 1 decent line to spec in (like meh :D)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 3, 2005

givf mids a pet spamer like other realms have LOL

remove WL casting speed cap LOLX2 ( OP CLASS!!!!)

givf bard and healer same range with AE mezz as sorc LOLX3 (SORC HAS INSTA MEZZ?)

givf zerks any time stun style like the other realms have in his charge tanks
givf zerk and svg flurry
givf svg charge LOLX4



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Yrendan said:
givf mids a pet spamer like other realms have LOL

remove WL casting speed cap LOLX2 ( OP CLASS!!!!)

givf bard and healer same range with AE mezz as sorc LOLX3 (SORC HAS INSTA MEZZ?)

givf zerks any time stun style like the other realms have in his charge tanks
givf zerk and svg flurry
givf svg charge LOLX4


add your ideas not critic others. its just waht they think. add your what youd think would make the game more balanced.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 3, 2005

Ye soz for that :p

imo they should nerf warlock and bainshee dmg also remove banelord from casters....

give more love to armsman hero thane so they can grp more....
set remefy timer to 15 min.....

make all insta spells except dmg spells not interrupt.....

and casters should not be able to run around with 3 brittle guards

nerf chain grapple :(

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