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Hehe,two grown up family men fight like kids in the playground,only using fancier words :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

39k $ to start? You must be working for the Library of Congress...
Quick research on the web states an average of about 20-25 k $/pa for a librarian...

But I actually don't care. Contrary to what you believe, I do not measure the worth of a person by his/her annual income.

The picture of you that began to form was/is the picture of an elderly man, spending all day in front of his computer, surrounded by trash, empty plates and most likely a couple of filthy cats/mangy dog... oh, I forgot the "unhappy with his life" part.

Hey - I can play hobby shrink, too.
I also give a flying fuck if you get a degree in advanced Ikebana or mandoline playing.

If you want perfect service - start your own business and try to provide said perfect service.

My company has an average customer satisfaction percentage of about 65%... which is good compared to other providers.
My point? Can you satisfy the other 35%? How representative is that percentage? How many customers did participate in the poll?
How many of them had a bad day or gave us bad marks because, for example, his/her bill was too high in their opinion?

GOA's service is improvable but it is not particularily bad... especially not in the way you describe it.
Did you ever consider that the poor game performance you suffer from results from a crap machine and a shit connection?

I used to play DAoC on a PIII/700/512 until I got my new machine and the only time I suffered from bad lag was in large RvR encounters.
Did I have any lag since I got my new machine? Not once.

GOA's service was bad in the early days... now it is above average. Whenever I've had a problem that had to be solved by CS, my cases were handled in a satisfactory way.
I never claimed they are perfect (look up "Uncle Sick, event(s)"). But GOA's CS is not the anti-christ you are trying to portray them as.

You are simply the kind of person that complains just for the sake of complaining.

If at any time you wish to start acting as an adult of rational mein, I will make you the same deal I make others:

Stop being all jovial and patronizing.. ok? Just because you try to come across all reasonable now doesn't mean your previous posts weren't full of shit.

EDIT: I will do fuck all, old man. The pic was in said thread for weeks. If it's gone meanwhile it means that I used the space for something else...
One or two people *insert sarcasm* might have seen it to validate that I was on a picture with a female person and two children. Might have been a fake pic I found on the web somewhere, of course.

Oh... the use of "d00d" language - damn straight - I talk like that in-game all the time. Didn't you now that I am a well know d%dZ0r?
It has its positive aspects, too.
Lookee: foad Glendower



Originally posted by Derric
Hehe,two grown up family men fight like kids in the playground,only using fancier words :)
Quite entertaining really... a bit like Jerry springer. ;)



FYI, I just upgarded both of our computers to P4, 2.56 Ghz, with 512meg of PC2700 (333Mhz) memory and 533 fsb with Geforce4 Ti4200 64 meg DDR vid cards.

Interesting that you consider someone in thier 30's "elderly".

Or stacks of program CDs, textbooks, reference materials, and printouts "trash".

And of course you dont care about others, that was apparent from the beginning, and in almost every post you ever make.

Your moniker is certainly appropriate.

I knew you couldn't handle rational, polite discussion for long, you ill-tempered, uneducated, bigoted, little hostile bitch. And you have the nerve to call other people vulgar, lol.

Dont give lame ass excuses for your BS, or your inabilities and nasty temper, or blame others for your failures and frustrations, just own them like a man at least.

65% customer satisfaction is flat out dismal, bud, but with your attitude, it isn't surprising. My customers are VERY rarely EVER dissatisfied, and on those vanishingly rare occasions they aren't at first, I make it so they are, and usually it doesn't take much effort, so dont cry to me about how mean and unfair all your customers are. Talk about a whiner.

With that sort of benchmark, no wonder you are happy with GOA and Mythic.

Edit: <bows to the audience in return>



Did you know he was planning to run for congress or something over here in the US???

Can't wait to see the debates.


glendower you have a completly different line off work and you are also way more closer to your customers, so satisfying them is ALOT easier. Mobile communication company's for example have to consider cost vs service or cost vs quality off connection or reach. Some people will go to the company and later on be displeased or because you went for higher service you are getting a high bill or getting a lower bill but ppl dont like your service.
For example with GOA, to get better service they would need to up the subs, but then other people would whine about that. Besides there are the people who whine just to whine :p. But to glendower if you dont like goa stop giving them money?:p


Possibly you are correct, but even so, I have never heard of any such company over here having that low of customer satisfaction.

Perhaps it is because we are a larger country and have more competition, so the companies are more attentive, or perhaps they have more capital and better quality infrastructure, so less problems.

I do know that no company I am aware of would consider 65% to be acceptable in terms of level of satisfation.

Going away without a fight never solves anything, and although I HAVE cancelled my accounts (they will run through the current subscription at the old rates, which will put us in the ballpark for new games to come out), it is not just GOA, who have a minor role in all of this, but rather Mythic who is responsible for most of the game issues. I feel that only by being vocal with the issues, and not just bending over with spread butt-cheeks and a smile will it ever get any better.

GOA is responsible for being weak on infrastructure (servers, bandwidth, etc), and the tech that goes along with them.

Every time there is lag and crap connections, I ping them to two servers on two different machines using two different ISPs, and yet it almost always (95%+) shows the big latency bumps at France Telecom and Wannadoo on both machines.

Here's another example of the piss-poor CS they give us (now at 20% MORE cost!!):


The lag in RvR is just a crap design feature of the game engine. Maybe the third expansion will finally upgrade it enough to actually play.


originally posted by uncle sick
My company has an average customer satisfaction percentage of about 65%... which is good compared to other providers.

tadaaa :D


How is that relevant to GOA having poor customer satisfaction then?


got me puzzled there :), I just used goa as an example to show thats pretty hard to get a really good satisfaction rating for companies :). Glenower is just determined that GOA has bad customer satisfaction allthough except for the few probs with customer service and the occasional zone crash everything is fine with me:). Allthough they handled the SI key input rather badly people having to try and log in every 5 mins even at 4 am :p.


No, you aren't following the posts.

I didnt say that at all.

I have no idea what the CS satisfaction rate is for GOA, but I dont think they would take a poll, lol.

I will say that I personally am not happy with thier service, but that is not really in relation to CS, but more in the nature of the infrastructure/game environment/patching, etc. The refusal to upgrade all the servers equally is rather a slap in the face, dont you think?

I find it a bit lame that they cant get Ice sorted in a day or two, also.

Ideally in this type of scenario, you shouldn't NEED CS if all is working well.

The 65% thing was Uncle Sick saying that is the rate for HIS company...apparently he considers that a triumph, and the only reason it isn't higher is that his customers are perverse or something. It was my take that if he considers this a "normal" level of satisfaction, that he is tolerating a great deal of half-assed quality of work and service, therefor to him GOA's service is not all that bad.

All things are relative I suppose.

I agree also about SI, and that is one of the reasons I didnt bother to buy it.

Uncle Sick(tm)

You might wrap your drivel in fancy words but at the end of the day you are still talking shit, Glendower... :m00:
And you certainly are one to talk about nasty tempers... laughable. Other than you I don't try to appear caring.

You are sersiously comparing a mobile communications provider with a fucking public library?
Your customer!? Ha-ha-ha

A company with millions of customers compared to a... pisspot library?

65% is the average. Need that in italics? It is the b-a-s-e customer satisfaction and if you had a fucking clue you would know that 65% for base customer satisfaction (and that includes every aspect of CRM, like helpdesk, correspondence etc.) is a good rating.
Nothing to be „triumphant“ (fucking LOL) about but nothing to be ashamed of.

Just like your fantasy salary most of your statements are most likely far away from hard facts.

And please... lets not talk about the supposed customer service in the US. I lived and worked in Maine for eight years, so I assume that I have at least some grasp of the glorious 100% satisfaction US service industry.

US style service?: Min wage waitresses who kiss your ass up and down to get a little tip because she can hardly break even with her costs of living, daycare etc... or try to get a decent plumber, any sort of technician...

Just like with everything in the US, the supposed "service" is just superficial and flashy with nothing to back it up when matters are getting more serious/in depth.
I used to call it friendly incompetence.

Alright – time for you to get fishy again, Glendower.
To make up another CEO salary for your assistant librarian position , excuse your grubby shed, answer questions with questions... or throw some temper tantrums about GOA's terrible service. I am sure they will do their very best to be of service.

Just be yourself.

Oh, and before I forget it - there was a poll on there very forums about GOA's service a while ago.
And the overall customer satisfaction was positive until one of Wannado's routers fucked up, causing severe lagspikes.
All the kids, just like you, suffering from withdrawel, filled the forums with their whines and temper tantrums and, of course, divebombed the poll, lowering the average satisfaction by far.

A one time incident. Catch my drift about polls now, wanker?


Originally posted by old.Glendower

Did you know he was planning to run for congress or something over here in the US???

Can't wait to see the debates.

Sickie or Jerry? :p

<gets popcorn and watches the show>


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

You might wrap your drivel in fancy words but at the end of the day you are still talking shit, Glendower... :m00:
And you certainly are one to talk about nasty tempers... laughable. Other than you I don't try to appear caring.

I am sorry that you feel using average college-level vocabulary is "fancy". I will do my best to dumb it down for you.

I must say you are succeeding admirably at that last bit. Your lack of caring about anyone else's concerns or desires is readily apparent.

How wonderful you work in a service industry.

And you still spout tripe without any support, meanwhile becoming hysterical when you cannot prop up your fallacies.

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

You are sersiously comparing a mobile communications provider with a fucking public library?
Your customer!? Ha-ha-ha.

Here again we have a wonderful demonstration of the outcome of a failed education. Your reading comprehension and retention skills could use with some polishing for certain.

My library job is for one of my degrees ( I have a triple major). I am a "student assistant" and work part-time there at the hours I choose for 9.25$ per hour and college credit. The assistant librarian I spoke of is my direct supervisor. The college library is the most extensive in this section of the state, and is part of the California Library Network, connecting dozens of libraries across the state (population 35+ million).

What I was comaparing to is the customer satisfaction rate of my own personal business. And yes, it is true that I deal with all of my customers personally, and only rarely have a need to hire employees or subcontract, so it is easy for me to make sure they are happy and that good communication exists throughout the process. That is one of the reasons that I choose to run my own business(es). Not only do I get to do interesting work that I enjoy, I like doing a good job and (unlike you, obviously) being certain that the folks I deal with are pleased. Of course this allows me to set my own schedule also, which is important since I spend a great deal of time caring for my wife.

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
A company with millions of customers compared to a... pisspot library?

65% is the average. Need that in italics? It is the b-a-s-e customer satisfaction and if you had a fucking clue you would know that 65% for base customer satisfaction (and that includes every aspect of CRM, like helpdesk, correspondence etc.) is a good rating.
Nothing to be „triumphant“ (fucking LOL) about but nothing to be ashamed of..

Our collegiac library system easily has millions of customers. You just dont realize how much patron flow there is because you apparently never visit one yourself. My personal business customers number only in the hundreds, however, I make sure that each one gets the same level of caring service irregardless.

And your original statement was:

My company has an average customer satisfaction percentage of about 65%... which is good compared to other providers

So here we have yet another example of you trying to backtrack, dissemble, and justify.

Seems to me then that your industry is crap, abusive of its customers, and needs some reforms.

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Just like your fantasy salary most of your statements are most likely far away from hard facts...

"Most likely"? Is that supposed to be an argument to support your "I am just mad because we dont have the same values or agree on many things so I am going to be an abusive prick to you at every opportunity" position?

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

And please... lets not talk about the supposed customer service in the US. I lived and worked in Maine for eight years, so I assume that I have at least some grasp of the glorious 100% satisfaction US service industry.

US style service?: Min wage waitresses who kiss your ass up and down to get a little tip because she can hardly break even with her costs of living, daycare etc... or try to get a decent plumber, any sort of technician...

Just like with everything in the US, the supposed "service" is just superficial and flashy with nothing to back it up when matters are getting more serious/in depth.
I used to call it friendly incompetence

Now this is interesting... You do realize that Mythic is the one that produces the game, right? And I am saying their service is poor in many ways, and without "depth", yes? And that in fact many of the things I am complaining about could be classified this way (i.e. "flashy with nothing to back it up") as well?

Seems we agree on one of the original topics after all! Thanks so much :)

BUT.. I live on the west coast, not the east. A distance of almost 6000 kilometers. In addition, we were speaking about telecommunications providers specifically in that respect (and I assume you are referring not only to our discussion, but the sidebar I had with others. There are really quite a few of those in the US, and they tend to operate in regions. The gentleman selling mobiles at the local mall says his company enjoys a current satisfaction rate of 83% (I made him call and find out). There are many other places to look for this information as well, including Consumer Reports. 65% just isn't very good.

And with your rosy outlook on life and people, it is not too far of a stretch to consider that you would mistake simple freindliness, professionalism, and good service (of any sort, including by waitresses) for "asskissing".

But I happen to agree that the wage/support system in this country is disgraceful and needs a massive overhaul.

Personally, I tend to minimize costs by learning skills that are costly to buy (like auto mechanics, for instance), rather than try to earn the extra cash to pay someone else.

Your contempt for education, and the fact that you have done the same or similar work for decades means that this probably wouldn't work for you.

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Alright – time for you to get fishy again, Glendower.
To make up another CEO salary for your assistant librarian position , excuse your grubby shed, answer questions with questions... or throw some temper tantrums about GOA's terrible service. I am sure they will do their very best to be of service.

The assistant librarian position YOU created for me with your lack of comprehension you mean?

By "shed" you must mean my (paid for), 400sq meter, 2 bedroom (since we could actually read and follow the instructions on birth control packages, we have no children...I use the second bedroom as a laboratory), totally refurbished (new windows, stove, fridge, cooler, etc) mobile home? The one I moved into from my home and land along the coast (which I still own) for the express purpose of going to college?

What excuses do you think I need to make? lol!

I suppose you think I should adopt your mantle of overacheivemanship and work at a nasty, dead-end job that I hate for longer hours than I should; buy a bigger house than I need so I can waste money on that as well as additional taxes and utilities; and perhaps buy a larger car than I need for similar extra costs.

Wow, then I guess I could be as happy as you obviously are!

No thanks.

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

Oh, and before I forget it - there was a poll on there very forums about GOA's service a while ago.
And the overall customer satisfaction was positive until one of Wannado's routers fucked up, causing severe lagspikes.
All the kids, just like you, suffering from withdrawel, filled the forums with their whines and temper tantrums and, of course, divebombed the poll, lowering the average satisfaction by far.

A one time incident. Catch my drift about polls now, wanker?

ROFLMAO!!!!! This is priceless!!! "One time incident" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! :) Just HAPPENED to coincide with a CS poll! MUAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!

Maybe they should do another, lol!

Again, no link...(too bad, too HAHHAHAHAHHA!!!)

FYI, according to traces performed rather frequently, Wannadoo and GOA tend to have router problems a LOT. They are just too goddamn cheap to provide good systems or competent techs, and they just dont seem to care. Either way, this is a good example of why they suck, and in fact is most of my issue with them (infrastructure).

And there you go again, blaming the CUSTOMERS for the failings of the companies involved.

How pathetic. Quit venting your job burnout symptoms on others and go get some counselling. You need it. Or medication, perhaps.

Or both.

Edit: I couldn't stop laughing, so I added some more :)


Polling forums (such as these) does not give a good representation of the whole community so I doubt it would be particularly useful if they did do one.

BTW lack of link is because it was on the old GOA forums which are no longer in existance, thus making linking to them on the hard side.

Still, how much do you think Jerry Springer costs to hire these days? ;)


Originally posted by Danyan
Still, how much do you think Jerry Springer costs to hire these days? ;)

who care´s, who needs springer when we got this?? ;)


Well, too bad about the poll not being available :(

But the fact that there isnt a link for you to vote in one that is updated monthly (a useful tool even if not published), and the fact that there hasn't been a NEW poll since these forums went up kinda lends weight to my stance that they really dont give a rat's ass what we think or if we are happy.

And last I saw on the news, Springer makes the BIG bucks for appearances...probably more now he is unoffically running for office.

Whereas on forum duty I work for coffee and peanuts..

<munch, munch>

<slurp, slurp>

EDIT: They could just do a pop-up poll for when you log in...that way everyone would get a vote, and only one per account. They did this rather often in EQ, but I doubt GOA has the tech skills to pull this off without problems.


As vastly interesting as the details are regarding which of you has the bigger dictionary and/or penis, cut the flaming please.



the flames are strong in this thread :eek:

elo glen btw - when you coming back to excal aint seen you or tree in a while :)


Hi Storm :)

I waved at you just yesterday, but you ignored me :(

Probably chatting up a storm ;) Everytime I look at Tree's screen and the scrolling chatbox, I shudder.

And Brinx, I will thank you to keep your penis fixation/assesments to yourself, and to keep mine out of them as well.

Always a great demonstration of hypocrisy to see a complaint about flames phrased as a flame.


Storm is blind. Or was cybering Noler, one of the two. :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Brinx
As vastly interesting as the details are regarding which of you has the bigger dictionary and/or penis, cut the flaming please.


If I sit in the tub, I can turn the light on and off with my dictionary/penis... and the switch is like 5 ft. away from the tub.

Booyakasha etc.


Glendower, this forum isn't a research paper. But nice try trying to sound more intelligent than Sick just to try to beat him in a petty argument.

It's a good thing you don't waste your intelligence anywhere, but on a European role-playing game forum.

I live in Oregon (the state above California). What college are you going to, and in what town?

(I'm just curious, I have friends at UC Santa Barbara I'm going to visit soon.)


Originally posted by decline
Glendower, this forum isn't a research paper. But nice try trying to sound more intelligent than Sick just to try to beat him in a petty argument.

It's a good thing you don't waste your intelligence anywhere, but on a European role-playing game forum.

I live in Oregon (the state above California). What college are you going to, and in what town?

(I'm just curious, I have friends at UC Santa Barbara I'm going to visit soon.)

Hey! Cool!!! :)

Heheheh. I am just having some fun goofing off on the writing here, dont sweat it. With finals it is nice to take a break from boring, 10-12 page reports and do some freestyling :)

Actually I participate in several things involving creative writing, but this is certainly the most acrimonious, hehehe.

I live just below Oregon in Yreka. I attend college at College of the Siskiyous. I moved here after completing 45 units of my ADJ degree from Brookings Oregon (right on the coast near the border with CA) because I was sick of the rain (over 144 inches per year!), and because this town is small enough to be comfy while also close to SOU and Chico State for when I decide to transfer for the 4-yr degree programs.

Currently Majoring in Adim of Justice, Human Services, and Alcohol and Drug Studies (the library sciences is just for fun).

Let me know when you go by and we can meet for pizza or something if you like :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

He is also currently developing a cure against cancer and SARS... just as a hobby, whilst trying to improve his handycap on his private driving range.

And if things get all stressy and he really needs to chill out, he puts on his white trash loser disguise and pretends to be the janitor in a public library.


You dont know the difference between a college library and a public library, Sick, because it is obvious you have never visited or attended either.

"Janitors" at the college make good money also, btw. We call them "maintenence personnel".

No shame in honest work...contrary to what you may try to say. Beats llying to people and/or making excuses for shoddy service any day :)
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