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- #61
ps. Healers need serious love...I challenge anyone to say we don't without using 'omfg ae stun' as their sole arguement.
Originally posted by old.Elrond
ps. Healers need serious love...I challenge anyone to say we don't without using 'omfg ae stun' as their sole arguement.
Trolls = first to be targeted and die, dmg shield and add pretty crappy ones. AE dot is spec, higher cave spec, means lower aug/mend spec.Originally posted by old.Zuljin
and DoT, and AE dot, And heal, and have Specc buffs, and give dmg add, and give dmg shield, and be trolls :>
Originally posted by old.Elrond
ps. Healers need serious love...I challenge anyone to say we don't without using 'omfg ae stun' as their sole arguement.
Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Niljindil my little friend..yes pbaoe disease is nice.. but we are not allways fighting pure tanks you know...you try and out sprint an minstrell..an infil who just hit u with snare poison , a caster HEHEHE..a bard..ohh guesse not.. a druid then.. ohh guesses not..how about an archer.. did I mention Caster...Yeah it works great against arsmen, blademasters and such but against peopel with ranged attacks , speed , or mezz or root..its just not very good you know .. And yes Ichor is a great RA..but at 14 points its bloody expensive
Originally posted by Gekul
Giving it range is ok, but taking conc too?
Originally posted by hiban
Nah, they will actually strengthen left axe... Since it takes so much end and the headless zerkers cant stay close to the shamans, mythic thought:
"Hmmm... ok, lets REMOVE the end cost for left axe styles totally. since it soon has to take some activity keep shaman alive and stay close to him". Also zerkers and shadowblades will get self stackable dex/con/str buff (midgard only). Zerkers get perma hamster mode as well.
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.60b Release Notes
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Midgard changes:
The berserker class no longer have endurance cost on their "left axe"- styles. They will also have permanent "berserker mode" and a stackable self dex/cons/str buff (comes automaticly when downloading patch) So no panic.
Shamans get nerfed
No changes to the rest of the classes
It will be raining over here tomorrow
Im hungry
Albion changes:
We have now decided (through lottery) that the Albion realm will be deleted from our servers. If you want to play in that realm, you will have to arrange that by yourselves, we dont have time to play games here, we actually WORK here ffs!
Albion classes will NOT be nerfed- They will be deleted. Since the realm will be deleted, we figured that we had no use for the classes in it.
Hibernia changes:
Hibernian casters will now have 251 af self buff. Instead of the old bugged 250 af buff
Quest changes:
We are planning on removing all albion quests, since noone will be allowed to play there anyways.
Originally posted by klavrynd
kinag, the lol? etc remark was to mister "WHAT ELSE CAN THEY DO" (old zuljin)
Originally posted by hiban
Nah, they will actually strengthen left axe... Since it takes so much end and the headless zerkers cant stay close to the shamans, mythic thought:
"Hmmm... ok, lets REMOVE the end cost for left axe styles totally. since it soon has to take some activity keep shaman alive and stay close to him". Also zerkers and shadowblades will get self stackable dex/con/str buff (midgard only). Zerkers get perma hamster mode as well.
Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.60b Release Notes
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Midgard changes:
The berserker class no longer have endurance cost on their "left axe"- styles. They will also have permanent "berserker mode" and a stackable self dex/cons/str buff (comes automaticly when downloading patch) So no panic.
Shamans get nerfed
No changes to the rest of the classes
It will be raining over here tomorrow
Im hungry
Albion changes:
We have now decided (through lottery) that the Albion realm will be deleted from our servers. If you want to play in that realm, you will have to arrange that by yourselves, we dont have time to play games here, we actually WORK here ffs! *spills coffee all over the table*
Albion classes will NOT be nerfed- They will be deleted. Since the realm will be deleted, we figured that we had no use for the classes in it.
Hibernia changes:
Hibernian casters will now have 251 af self buff. Instead of the old bugged 250 af buff
Quest changes:
We are planning on removing all albion quests, since noone will be allowed to play there anyways.
Its 20 - and has been for a long time. Or at least it is for Alb clerics.Originally posted by Skrad
So they could well address the issue of 16 concentration buffs.
Albion Quests
- "Heart of Albion": Lady Nimue in Avalon Marsh seeks someone willing to gather the scattered shards of the Pendant of Hope.
Hibernia Quests
- "Two Ales, Ailish!" Speak with Iao in the Green Rose Pub in Tir na Nog. He seems to have lost his glasses and could use some help finding them.
Originally posted by Tasans
Aug shammies from pendragon report that 5 end5 buffs takes away 80% conc.