1.60 = alb loving? 0_o



I should point out that Apathy generally loses.

But these changes are great IMO. Hibs and Mids have for far too long been at an advantage, and this goes at least some way towards rectifying that. As Apathy said, QC is not the all-conquoring ass-kicking tool that you seem to think it is - /face sure as hell doesnt work at 1875 range.

Cleric changes also nice, but to be honest, I wish they hadn't put in the Friar changes. Sure, the staff/enh friar is a cookie cutter with very little variation, but we NEED those resists from the enh line, which no doubt some clever little n00bs will respec away from to get the cool new toy.


Hot is healing like 60 per tick at 34 spec, so i think most will try it and forget about this spell as its more power effective to heal with baselines at 50 with default 20+ in rejuv (items and rrs included). Ofcause its a nice tool for powerleveling bg alts but that's about it.


Originally posted by Trubble

Bards insta AE lull is damn powerful. Range 2300, recast time 5 seconds, area of effect 325.... You can keep an entire group from casting every other spell untill they have used valuable seconds to spread out. I dont want to remove the spell from Bards, but trying to downplay its importance is just plain stupid.

hello my friend, are u an idiot?



I was answering to the guy who told healers have amnesia too, cos healer's one is not insta, is casteable, and so its useless.

fucking idiot learn to read or crawl back to ur hole.

regards, lofff


Originally posted by old.Sko

And albs get 6 support and 2 damage dealers.
Imagine rvr group with 6 bards and 2 tanks and you get the picture.

sorry what kind of group are u combining? *cough*


Originally posted by lofff

sorry what kind of group are u combining? *cough*
Typical alb rvr group if they want same support as hibs :p
Look yourself
1. Mind sorc
2. Earth Thurg
3. Minstrel
4. Paladin
5. Cleric
6. Friar
7. Damage dealer
8. Damage dealer


I only lose when you're around, you AoE whore! Gah.

"Don't worry, guys. Hibs only have 90% heat resists! I can AoE them all to death, honest!"



Originally posted by old.Sko

Typical alb rvr group if they want same support as hibs :p
Look yourself
1. Mind sorc
2. Earth Thurg
3. Minstrel
4. Paladin
5. Cleric
6. Friar
7. Damage dealer
8. Damage dealer

~wobbles around laughing~

Ah...dreamland...what you'll end up with is -

1. Body/mind sorc
2. Air theyurg
3. AFK LDing minst
4. 2-h Paladin with 50 chants who thinks it's okay for HIM to break mezz because he can kill anything before it takes the sorc down
5. Cleric - WILL insist on standing on your dead body and smiting
6. Level 42 friar with 18 rej (This would be my spot.)
7. Tri-spec wizard with the fourth best version of every spell going
8. Mercenary...with a shield

SOOO many ways to gimp your spec in Albion. :/



Originally posted by old.Sko

Typical alb rvr group if they want same support as hibs :p
Look yourself
1. Mind sorc
2. Earth Thurg
3. Minstrel
4. Paladin
5. Cleric
6. Friar
7. Damage dealer
8. Damage dealer

ok now lets see couple points:

typical hib rvr gorup:
1. Bard (less dmg dealing than sorc *edit* BARD IS NO DMG DEALING AT ALL THIS COULD HAVE BEEN MISSUNDERSTOOD *edit*, specially since body/mind sorcs are great dmg dealers and good CCers, root+mezz etc, see Grymulv)
2. Warden (no dmg deal at all lol, and ofc less than any theurg)
3. Druid (buffing/healing druids and clerics are preety the same thingie, essential of c)
4. tank1
5. tank2
6. tank3
7. caster1
8. caster2

Usually 1-2 of those tanks should b champs/heros or anything able to melee stun. And casters are the dmg dealers.. As far as i know friar and paladin suply perfectly the tank slots.

Now lets see this other set:

1. 34mind Sorc
2. Air theurg
3. Air theurg
4. Minstrel
5. Cleric
6. Pally
7. Friar
8. Extra tank

Now u have mezzer, 5sec bt, endchant, resists, buffs, speed, heals.. EVERYTHING and uber dmg dealers.



Originally posted by lofff
since body/mind sorcs are great dmg dealers and good CCers, root+mezz etc, see Grymulv)

Yes, 41body/34mind sorcs nuking hibs for 170(-230) is GREAT DAMAGE being DEALT!

And Grymulv is 50 body. He's a poor wizard with a shitty mezz who spends all day in Emain. :p



Its funny how the hib group has 3 named classes, and the alb group has 7.
I must say that alb group would indeed rock, but to get 7 specific classes in 1 group compared to 3 is a WAY rarer occurence
Not to mention the hordes of albs that would never get a group since there is only 1 free spot pr FG to fill with other classes

Your groupsetup must be said to be 100% unrealistic comparison really, please do an alb contra hib group comparison using same amount of fixed classes instead if you wish to discuss the point


i think grymulv is 48body/24mind, which was the best sorc spec for ages, but with mezz nerfs, 24mind aint enuff.

Anyway getting the body AEroot is preety nice. And trust me, grymulv does hurt, when i say "see: Grymulv" am not basing it on rp ranks, its just about the times ive met him at emain, and him been a good player with a good class/spec.

Anyway the 41/34 spec still hurts (baseline lifetap..) at least f u compare it to the bard dmg dealing power ;p


Originally posted by old.Nol

I really have no idea why you guys bother to help level minstrels if they're so crap at grouping, but moving on. A bard fills so many rolls in support, for exmaple, primarry CC, primary endurance, secondry healing(sometimes primary) and interupts.

Some of these functions are impossible(no really) to perform at the same time. An example of this is Body Resist Chat - you cannot play it while playing speed, you can not play it while playing endurance. Body Resist Chant is basically useless, unless you are running around the gorge waiting for Alpha to come beat you up.

Two minstrels log in... only one is useful.
Two bards log in - voila you have two things going on.


I must disaggre, 2 minstrels in 1 group is a very good plan. They are simply extremely good support classes.


Originally posted by Celt/Quib
Its funny how the hib group has 3 named classes, and the alb group has 7.
I must say that alb group would indeed rock, but to get 7 specific classes in 1 group compared to 3 is a WAY rarer occurence
Not to mention the hordes of albs that would never get a group since there is only 1 free spot pr FG to fill with other classes

Your groupsetup must be said to be 100% unrealistic comparison really, please do an alb contra hib group comparison using same amount of fixed classes instead if you wish to discuss the point

u got a point there, but its just a different point of sight, u need those classes to make a "perfect" alb group, but f u luck sum1, u still have almost a perfect alb group. And its not that lots a ppl will b waiting for the free slot, its more about ppl PLAYING the named classes?

in hib its exactly the opposite, most support stuff is on 3 PLAIN SUPPORT classes, not much ppl enjoy playing those classes, u NEED those classes, f u lack one of em, ur group is mediocre, f u lack 2, ur group is gimped, f u lack 3, u have no group. And i do play bard in rvr more oftenly than champ btw, rolled it cos guild need'd more bards in rvr.

Get urself an usefull class and sum good friendly players and make good gorups, no, albs do roll 1million armsmen, fire wizzies and infiltrators instead :rolleyes:


Loff you're forgetting that 34 mind sorc mezzes just dont stick. :/
Compare it to typical 44-47 music bard :/


Let me spam some more :)
Also note how albion cannot possibly utilize pbae in rvr groups without loosing support classes.


And in reply to lofff, its only natural if the support is spread out on 7 chars that we loose less support for each class we miss out on. However i have NEVER been in this group setup, please tell me if you can say the same? Have you NEVER been in a group with all 3 classes?
I have only 1 or 2 times playing DAoC been in a group with 6 of those chars, rest of the time you can compare to playing with only 2 of the 3 hib support chars in lost support
(loosing out on 2+/7 support compared to 1/3 is about the same)


Originally posted by lofff

hello my friend, are u an idiot?



I was answering to the guy who told healers have amnesia too, cos healer's one is not insta, is casteable, and so its useless.

fucking idiot learn to read or crawl back to ur hole.

regards, lofff

Loff, your posts are hardly worth reading and even more rarely worth replying to (damn i replied...). This post you just made shows why. I was quoting and replying to Nol and the discussion he was doing.

Best regards, Trubble


Originally posted by old.Sko
Loff you're forgetting that 34 mind sorc mezzes just dont stick. :/
Compare it to typical 44-47 music bard :/


my bard has the 2nd last mezz yet and serves as well as the last one, am of c going for the last one since mezzing is about the only thing bards are for, run songs, mezz and try to survive.



dont forget that alb group has to all be rr5+ and have all the ra's needed to counter the hib/mid baseline/spec abilities



Originally posted by Celt/Quib
Let me spam some more :)
Also note how albion cannot possibly utilize pbae in rvr groups without loosing support classes.

get an ice pb instead of 1 air theurg (5sec bt ---> 10sec bt, no big loose) or instead of the extra tank, bit risky.


My post clearly said without loosing support.

Advice :
You should really not make the mistake of taking the discussion to a constructive lvl, from a hib point of view your better served if you just get flaming instead.


Originally posted by Trubble

Loff, your posts are hardly worth reading and even more rarely worth replying to (damn i replied...). This post you just made shows why. I was quoting and replying to Nol and the discussion he was doing.

Best regards, Trubble

Sorry but no, u were quoting me and literally u said "trying to downplay bards amnesia importance is just plain stupid" refering to my post, showing us that u cant read properly since i was just pointing at healer's amnesia not been insta.

I dont care f u think (its YOUR opinion) my posts aint worth reading and/or replying, just dont quote/reply me, or at least dont till u have sth to say (just sth to say, no need to b intelligent reply)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

Two minstrels log in... only one is useful.
Two bards log in - voila you have two things going on.

Considering your realmies are running around on sorceror speed, I think groups would be gagging for a minstrel.

Do all you think a minstrel is worth is speed song? No wonder no minstrels want to group.


Originally posted by Celt/Quib
My post clearly said without loosing support.

Advice :
You should really not make the mistake of taking the discussion to a constructive lvl, from a hib point of view your better served if you just get flaming instead.

instead of rushing with easy answer/teasing just try and read properly, losing extra tank does not mean losing support, losing 1 theurg does not mean a big loose and is prolly better than losing extra tank.

Problem with albs is u cba to try and play properly, whinning/bitching is easier.


soh hib groups be happy with 10 sec bt and 2 dmg dealers?



Originally posted by lofff

Problem with albs is u cba to try and play properly, whinning/bitching is easier.
Eeh you just make me say this :
Albs looks like newbs
Mids looks very rude
And Hibs look like they are full of .... themselves :p


Its nice to see you can atleast take advice lofff

No need to comment on your suggestion of taking out the extra tank really, if you think opening yourself up to a 90% reduction in the entire groups dmg output for 60 seconds if the common chanter class uses their RA is a balanced group im afraid your wrong.
Already that very nice group is kinda heavy on caster dmg, if it runs into a hib pbae group its dead 9 of 10 times.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Yes, coming to a halt IS difficult with lag and no way to ensure a complete stop than /face, thanks to Mythic. Not a problem with...INSTAS!

The fact is that you have got them. And you use them. And they help you win. Whether it's instamezz or instalull, for too long now they have given you an advantage over Albion CC. The winds of change are blowing over this continent...and they are farting in your general direction.

No whinging about "We didn't WANT instamezz" existed before the proposed sorcerer changes. Insta was all fine and dandy and any Alb complaints were met with the usual crap about skill and "Do your job properly!".

Well, I do do my job properly. And sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose. It comes down to resisting or having purge ready, mostly.

It's too bad that 1.60, if it goes live as listed, will force bards to come up with new tactics. It's too bad that the old lull and cast won't be very effective unless you are actually paying 100% attention.

It's too bad that the changes to sorcerers, if they go live, will make a good sorcerer even better when combined with the abilities, tactics and skills that had to be learned to counter instas. Regardless of whether bards the world over asked for those instas, they are widely used. If you don't like them...stop using them and petition Mythic. After all, have sorcerers not been harrassing Mythic for a year now?

You're stuck with instamezz for now. You won't ever get QC. And even if you did get QC, you clearly wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.

"WTF? I move and interrupt the spell I was casting? QC IS SUPPOSED TO BE UBER FFS!"

The sound of one hand clapping is the same as whatever number of braincells you have bouncing off each other.

Zen > Insta > QC


Strange, I play with lag and find coming to a halt quite easy, I take my finger of the button...then put it on instawin button. Something your dextrous fingers might have a problem, no wonder you don't want instawin.

I am not complaining about sorceror's getting loving, it is a class that has required loving for some time. I am merely illustrating that sorcorer's are long longer the gimpy class you try hide behind.

I never asked for QC and I don't think bards should get it. I do however feel that the Insta should be removed and replaced for something more useful like a pbaoe snare, or a secondry castable root, in lines with both other primary CC classes. I also think that end song is a load of bollox, other then that I am pretty happy with my class.

Finally, I was beating people without instas for a long time before they got implemented, I recall back then there were other excuses. I THANK GOD, that you no longer have a wanky excuse to hide behind, and look forward to its hasty implmentation.

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