1.60 = alb loving? 0_o



Originally posted by Puppetmistress

Yeah, just as odd giving 2 realms insta-CC and the third none whatsoever.

Oh wait, we've been telling this story since a few patches and I was always told I am wrong. Stupid me...

i have always said its not fair alb not having insta cc, you deserve insta cc but this kinda mezz at that range isnt the way to go, i want them to give alb insta cc so you can see how effective it really is.


At least at small scale battle between Albs & Mid/Hibs...

We will stand more of a chance again.
Still....if bard/healer etc get the insta button in before the sorc...he's dead anyway

and killing a sorc takes like 2 hits?, bard is a bit harder, and healer can take some serious beating - gaining time for rest of his group - before going down.

Even if it seems overpowered...sorc cast mezz -> grouppurge + insta purges + resists = at least 1/2 or even entire group can kill the sorcerer within the next 5 seconds

Albs get some tools back now to make them a bit more powerfull in RvR, and you can say what you want....it is needed.
The times i have been in a "pefect" alb group and come accros some hibs or mids...most of the time 1/2 or more of the group dies to insta purges, mezzes, stuns etc etc etc...

There was a time when Mids > Albs > Hibs... now it's Hibs>Mids>Albs :rolleyes:

Most people i know are playing alts (including myself) cause the RvR atm just sucks when you're not in a decent RvR group/guild

Well...things seem to get better for Albion now, wonder how long it will last :) (now fix the damn enchanter pets once and for all...all petclasses have been fixed..except..yeah you guessed it)


i understand what your saying in regards to the insta but like most of the posts in this thread when it comes to this range, people are referring to insta amnesia from 2300 at speed 5, or GP then insta. Dont forget middy doesnt get these tools, just hibs, so if it might not effect the hibs at much it will certainly hurt the mids, especially the pac healer who specs to cc and thats pretty much it. They should just give albion an insta aoe mezz on one of your classes and let it be done.


have no real id, but didnt the sorcerer get mezz resist in patch 59? so now albs got longest range AE mezz and prolly best resist vs mezz?

I have no idea how good it would work in RvR and to lazy to check on vnboards for what the americans are saying about, but thought it would be nice to mention it in the discussion as everyone is saying what the midgard and hibernia CC got and not what the sorcerer can do (mezz resist).


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

It's hardly an "instawin". It still has to be cast. It can still be countered by amnesia. It will help only with fights in which Albs saw the Hibs from miles away.

Poor wittle bards...they'll have to find some new "tactic" other than steaming in at Mach 5, lulling and casting mezz at the same time. OH IT'S AWFUL!

Bards don't need QC, they need some kind of Skill button they can press in case it actually turns out all bards had fuck all to begin with.

You have shorter duration on your received mezzes, which by the way will make instas total unrealistic and you will be able to QC a mezz before bards come into range. Thing about QC, is no lull breaks it, thing about lull is it's considered an engage so bard loses speed, and will still not be in range to cast or insta.

Poor wittle sorcer, is now a no skillz twat, HOW AWFUL!

Sorry mate, similar to my instawin button, you don't get to choose what is labelled an instawin, we do. Basically sorcor's are gonna be packed on the shelf with the "no skills twat" label, because you have an uber cc spell.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Well, hardly a nerfbat to Bards, if one class is improved. They did not take anything away did they?
I still have doubts that the longer range weights up against the 206% speed and instant mezz that the bard has, as it takes about 3 seconds to get it targetted. Nice thing will be that a sorc can hang about behind the group a little, and mezz, instead of having to lead the group in order to get a mezz off.
But not happy yet, cause my scout is still gimped :)
Regards, Glottis

The mez duration that sorcer got the patch before is a nerf to bards, the duration on an insta on anything with high resists/determination is appauling.

Mate, you know as well as I do, that even the worlds most useless sorcer will have targetted and quickcast that spell before the bard is within any kind of range.

Lose TS = archer no longer nerfed, but I doubt Mythic will ever do it.


Originally posted by driwen
have no real id, but didnt the sorcerer get mezz resist in patch 59? so now albs got longest range AE mezz and prolly best resist vs mezz?

Not entirely. A sorcerer, if specced (close to) full mind can reduce the time the mezz lasts to 55% with this new spell. He can also reduce the time the mezz lasts on his group by 15%. These 2 songs/spells do not stack NOR can they be combined with speed.

A bard on the other hand has:

Hymn of Energy Protection +20% energy resists (sorc-mezz) and thus reduce the mezz of the sorc by 20% for his group.

I have no idea how good it would work in RvR and to lazy to check on vnboards for what the americans are saying about, but thought it would be nice to mention it in the discussion as everyone is saying what the midgard and hibernia CC got and not what the sorcerer can do (mezz resist).

Midgard lacks those resists on the primary CC'er (healer) that is correct.


Bards DO NOT get to use any offensive spell at speed. The majority of our spells get cast and you have to be standing still. Once our insta's are used, it is considered and engagement and we LOSE speed. Using Lull at 2000 means we lose speed at 2000, so you get a bard jogging at you from a considerable distance WHOOP!


Shows how much you know...amnesia DOES interrupt QC. It's happened to me countless times. How do you think I beat wizards in duels? :p

Looks like QC isn't something you don't really understand and so you're ready to whinge about it till your face goes blue. Fine with me. Coroner's Verdict - Asphyxiated by stupidity.

1875 range is too far to /face. Coming to a complete and proper stop so casting can begin will probably mean that the enemy will be within 1500 range by that time anyway. Or...OH NO...the charging bard will have to look for the one who is casting in the distant and be ready to do something about it. Perhaps chaincast his bugged instant amnesia. And I use "cast" in the pejorative sense: holding down the numeric key for whatever amnesia is on isn't the same as proper casting.

Anyway. Let's wait till we actually HAVE 1.60 or any of us have even TRIED the new changes. And then you can cry about getting your ass kicked.



And can the crap about losing speed upon casting. Bards aren't the only ones that happens to. The same goes for minstrels and all casters with speed...like sorcs.

Sorcerer can't even run speed and mezz resist chant at the same time.

QUICK! Mention the woes of weapon swapping!

"Noooooo! I have to click multiple things! I can't cope! I want INSTASWAP!"



Originally posted by Puppetmistress

A bard on the other hand has:

Hymn of Energy Protection +20% energy resists (sorc-mezz) and thus reduce the mezz of the sorc by 20% for his group.

If a bard plays one of the mezz resist chants, it cannot play any song, which includes endurance song. So what is the likelyhood of ever coming across a group that has the body resist chant. Twice in a year of playin DAOC have I been in a group that played the chant, once was this morning at 6 am when I was in a group of 5 with 3 bards oO ... ooo I am sure everyone was terrified of us,


Originally posted by old.Nol

If a bard plays one of the mezz resist chants, it cannot play any song, which includes endurance song. So what is the likelyhood of ever coming across a group that has the body resist chant. Twice in a year of playin DAOC have I been in a group that played the chant, once was this morning at 6 am when I was in a group of 5 with 3 bards oO ... ooo I am sure everyone was terrified of us,

Same goes for the sorc: He cannot run his speedsong which is often the primary speedbringer in a group (yes! it is!) especially since theurgists have speed but cannot stack it with PBT. And it takes close to 3 seconds to CAST PBT so it's no option to run speed and when you encounter the enemy you shout PBT on (looks at wardens...)

So we basically have the same problem, only in another form..


u do whine about our overpowered classes, f we made groups as u do, we would b running at chanter speed with 7tanks in group, or 6casters with 2 tanks or... any other shit..

combine ur classes :wall:


Originally posted by old.Nol
Bards DO NOT get to use any offensive spell at speed. The majority of our spells get cast and you have to be standing still. Once our insta's are used, it is considered and engagement and we LOSE speed. Using Lull at 2000 means we lose speed at 2000, so you get a bard jogging at you from a considerable distance WHOOP!
Ever tried to use _yellow_ instruments? It will give you approx 10 seconds of speed after insta launched to close up.


Re: Re: some facts

Originally posted by old.Sko

See - you can have same tools. You just dont want to spec for them, because you want high killcount not support to your group. Well, obviously hib's intelligence is lacking :p

Poster you quoted is a mid ^^


Originally posted by lofff
u do whine about our overpowered classes, f we made groups as u do, we would b running at chanter speed with 7tanks in group, or 6casters with 2 tanks or... any other shit..

combine ur classes :wall:
And albs get 6 support and 2 damage dealers.
Imagine rvr group with 6 bards and 2 tanks and you get the picture.


Re: Re: Re: some facts

Originally posted by stormriderx

Poster you quoted is a mid ^^
lol me and q have longstanding argument. And now its my turn to tease him :p


Originally posted by lofff
group wo minstrel (speed5) = gimped group.

What is the point in speed 5 if you camp AMG

even with casterspeed (speed2) it takes less then a minute to get to AMG.

Ofcourse it's great to have speed5, but it is not always available.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Shows how much you know...amnesia DOES interrupt QC. It's happened to me countless times. How do you think I beat wizards in duels? :p

Looks like QC isn't something you don't really understand and so you're ready to whinge about it till your face goes blue. Fine with me. Coroner's Verdict - Asphyxiated by stupidity.

1875 range is too far to /face. Coming to a complete and proper stop so casting can begin will probably mean that the enemy will be within 1500 range by that time anyway. Or...OH NO...the charging bard will have to look for the one who is casting in the distant and be ready to do something about it. Perhaps chaincast his bugged instant amnesia. And I use "cast" in the pejorative sense: holding down the numeric key for whatever amnesia is on isn't the same as proper casting.

Anyway. Let's wait till we actually HAVE 1.60 or any of us have even TRIED the new changes. And then you can cry about getting your ass kicked.


For someone that is supposedly intellectually superior, you have a minute concept of what a human is capable of at any given moment in time, unless taking some hugely powerful performance enhancing, time negating substance. Take a look through just this forum, and read about all the super things that a bard can do, seemingly all at the same time, just this thread mind you, not even the other 2000 threads with total crap about bards.

You started this shit with I quote "Sorcerers don't WANT instamezz.", because you're seemingly under the impression that bards are no skills lamers that just click a button and win. Fact is, bards were kicking arse long before we got the Instawin, and more to the point, bards never wanted the instawin. Nevertheless you harp on about this, as though this it is something that the useless twatts that play bards were begging for, when even now we are asking Mythic to take it back. Then again, I guess you're all skillz and tactics.

You got lots of loving in the last 2 patches, which in my opinion is a good thing, but sadly for you, you will no longer have the ability to hide behind the "crap class" logo when you lose.

PS I am really laughing over the fact that you find coming to a halt so difficult.


Originally posted by lofff
its not insta amnesia.. only use bards get from amnesia is to interrupt casters and such.. cos it is insta.. .. .

Bards insta AE lull is damn powerful. Range 2300, recast time 5 seconds, area of effect 325.... You can keep an entire group from casting every other spell untill they have used valuable seconds to spread out. I dont want to remove the spell from Bards, but trying to downplay its importance is just plain stupid.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Shows how much you know...amnesia DOES interrupt QC. It's happened to me countless times. How do you think I beat wizards in duels? :p
Oh, yes, but you are powerless against a good nearsight. :D Rematch? Anytime, anywhere!


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

Same goes for the sorc: He cannot run his speedsong which is often the primary speedbringer in a group (yes! it is!) especially since theurgists have speed but cannot stack it with PBT. And it takes close to 3 seconds to CAST PBT so it's no option to run speed and when you encounter the enemy you shout PBT on (looks at wardens...)

So we basically have the same problem, only in another form..

I really have no idea why you guys bother to help level minstrels if they're so crap at grouping, but moving on. A bard fills so many rolls in support, for exmaple, primarry CC, primary endurance, secondry healing(sometimes primary) and interupts.

Some of these functions are impossible(no really) to perform at the same time. An example of this is Body Resist Chat - you cannot play it while playing speed, you can not play it while playing endurance. Body Resist Chant is basically useless, unless you are running around the gorge waiting for Alpha to come beat you up.

Endurance is a fundemental requirement in any Hibernian group, our tanks burn through endurance, there is no ways at the cost of endurance that Body Resist is a viable option.


Originally posted by Trubble

Bards insta AE lull is damn powerful. Range 2300, recast time 5 seconds, area of effect 325.... You can keep an entire group from casting every other spell untill they have used valuable seconds to spread out. I dont want to remove the spell from Bards, but trying to downplay its importance is just plain stupid.

It's every 10 seconds and burns mana, I get to use it max 2 times a fight.


Nol, what did you say Scouts not being nerfed if they lost TS was about? What did you mean? I'd really like to know.


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Nol, what did you say Scouts not being nerfed if they lost TS was about? What did you mean? I'd really like to know.

My bad...I meant See Hidden.


Originally posted by old.Nol

It's every 10 seconds and burns mana, I get to use it max 2 times a fight.

Ah yes, catacombs has it listed wrong. The ae version has 10 sec recast time, its the single target version that has 5 sec recast time.


<grumble> I'd rather have missrates being fixed though <grumble> Or costs of Volley and Longshot. As it is now, to get Volley will cost you 24 realmskillpoints. That's more than IP. /rant


Muahahaha, Sorcerors dancing on tables, Bards crying in outrage, Healers drinking another pint, life is good :)


Yes, coming to a halt IS difficult with lag and no way to ensure a complete stop than /face, thanks to Mythic. Not a problem with...INSTAS!

The fact is that you have got them. And you use them. And they help you win. Whether it's instamezz or instalull, for too long now they have given you an advantage over Albion CC. The winds of change are blowing over this continent...and they are farting in your general direction.

No whinging about "We didn't WANT instamezz" existed before the proposed sorcerer changes. Insta was all fine and dandy and any Alb complaints were met with the usual crap about skill and "Do your job properly!".

Well, I do do my job properly. And sometimes I win. Sometimes I lose. It comes down to resisting or having purge ready, mostly.

It's too bad that 1.60, if it goes live as listed, will force bards to come up with new tactics. It's too bad that the old lull and cast won't be very effective unless you are actually paying 100% attention.

It's too bad that the changes to sorcerers, if they go live, will make a good sorcerer even better when combined with the abilities, tactics and skills that had to be learned to counter instas. Regardless of whether bards the world over asked for those instas, they are widely used. If you don't like them...stop using them and petition Mythic. After all, have sorcerers not been harrassing Mythic for a year now?

You're stuck with instamezz for now. You won't ever get QC. And even if you did get QC, you clearly wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.

"WTF? I move and interrupt the spell I was casting? QC IS SUPPOSED TO BE UBER FFS!"

The sound of one hand clapping is the same as whatever number of braincells you have bouncing off each other.

Zen > Insta > QC


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