Will this mean less whine from albs?
i think that sorc change will be viewed closely personally, its avery very big change putting the best mezz in game at bolt range, out instas are only 300 radius and last around 10 secs max on mez and 4 secs on stun, you will have a bolt range qc 1:12min mezz, they should have gave you a comparable insta mezz tbh
Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Sorcerers don't WANT instamezz.
Originally posted by Arthwyr
you've been lauging your asses off long enough about the fact that albs main cc is in crap armor and has no form of an insta whatsoever and the moment things look a bit brigher on the CC alb horizon you start about to giving us an insta all of a sudden. Tough luck, your time to suffer.
Originally posted by lofff
scouts are overpowered, nerf. U_U