Pipppi said:well sept u are great with teh tools. But agree alot with vodka too, not like i care about ego etc, but teh fights werent like that great, not to be expected from 3 nights of recording either with mostly crap action.
and censi why the hate? Im like the no adding whatsoever kindaguy, i even leave soloers that wudnt stand a chance 1vs1 vs bd, (not like i solo much tho, enjoy it but dont have time), altho there are always ppl that enjoy "adding" when im alrdy having a fair 3v1 fight or so (hi Puppet) and ofc those ppl dont really fall under me beniceto list. Not wajning tho or critising anyones way of playing. And yes the name is crap id change it if i could but honestly never thought this char wud be more then a thidranki char. When i rolled i really thought level 20 to 24 was a big deal i didnt wanna repeat just for name, no buff bot, hardly knew anyone on the server, no other chars on other accs to pl etc with. I dont really see how you got that picture of me besides my name, but i cant really state i have never ever added either, which i think you cant either.
i dont find roxbard that offensive, tho i dont take naming that seriousGamah said:NIce playing the victim, but someone that spams /laugh at every opotunity at my corpse?
You would change the name if you could? Must be why your bard is called "roxbard" I mean thats so much more mature xD once a cs kid..always a ?
Pipppi said:i dont find roxbard that offensive, tho i dont take naming that serious. But yea i really dislike some people playing this game, like you, dno what I had done but one day u pmd me about sumtin and after that u started making childish comments whenever i was near. I wouldnt treat anyone like that if they hadnt done somthing to me first. Actually i thought of you like a decent guy when we had a discussion about bds sum time ago, but you obviously had some problem with me.
Think the pm was about the emotespam from Roxbard, i said im sorry but it wasnt me playing, youll have to talk to Eregion about that.
Like i said i thought u were a nice guy until that day you pmd me and started sumkind of war vs our guild. Theres the reason i zerged you and laughspammed, bet u wud have done the same tho, well u actually did later. Like i said, i wont treat u nice if u r treating me like crap.
yes i think they are funny too! maybe you do get the irony!Gamah said:I actully PM'd you about the "war" between Rures and Severance, nothing to do with emotes. AFAIK I said nothing offfensive, although we call you slightly average bard its taking the piss out of your name and rightly so!
Name like pwnjoo isn't offensive its funny, that someone would desimate a char like that.
Pipppi said:Maybe someone should introduce you to irony Gamah
like that quote you have in sig, the quote in it self could be fun yes, but its not since its not seriously meant, so only thing fun about it is you not getting the irony, which isnt that fun![]()
i know who posted it, but i cant reveal his true identity!!!!Gamah said:How do you know it is not meant seriously? the guy was making a serious response in the thread fyi.
I know full well what irony is or have you missed the last 5000 of my posts?
Pipppi said:you can have the last word now mate, make the best of it!![]()
Belomar said:Stop churning out movies, people, I am falling behind here!![]()
i thought it was u and thaadi that emotespammed gamah after u zerged him :/Eregion said:What is the war between Severence and Rures about anyway?
Lol, nice tryPipppi said:Think the pm was about the emotespam from Roxbard, i said im sorry but it wasnt me playing, youll have to talk to Eregion about that.
Dracus said:Im SO sick of support/casters lagstrafing/runthru abusing 1 second and QQin at ppl adding the next....If you wanna show your "skeelz" in fg V fg combat why the HELL!!! would you resort to crap like this....
I dont get it anyway.
feril said:nice vid septina.. love the gfx editing, the music was good and hmm bad
Nice fights vs our grp