WTF is up with all these lame-ass WL's?


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2004
Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.

If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.

I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".

Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.

Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Zordo said:
Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.

If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.

I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".

Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.

Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.

im about to push the "ICARE" Button.

I pushed it :<


One of Freddy's beloved
May 29, 2004
Zordo said:
Sorry but cant hold my peace anymore as these fucktard Wl's keep fucking up the game. Sick and tired of em launching their "i-win" combos on my arse and it takes me longer to actually prepare for battle than having a fight.

If i can bother going into i-rvr again facing these mofos i will let it be public for now that i will add on any of u who plays this retarded classe and nuke, stab, whip ur arse and send multiple arrows into ur tiny WL backs everytime i see an opertunity to do so, and i will do so with a big fat grin on my face even if it will make me dig for worms in the dirt of albion.

I actually enjoyed all aspects of this game, and have been for the last 3,5 years, until it became "the dark ages of crapaloc".

Now albion i urge u to toss these bridge-camping mid fuckers outta our frontier once and for all.

Now ,that was my 1st and last whining post ever on these forums.
Email mythic with this view tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2005
well tbh, it is getting kinda redicilous, been rvring tonight, at oriens bridge etc, and u just cant solo there, if u attack someone, 5 warlocks on horses etc come by to add on u etc, go in a duo, same stuf, what does it take to get rp's these days lol


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
The warlock class should have been still-born through it's own arse rather than make it into this game.
But they have been nerfed on US servers latest patch.

But tbh, you know whats worse than warlocks from my persepective?
Sorcs with ML'ed pets

Go out with another stealther and see a warlock, and theres an unspoken understanding that one of you will probably die when you attack him, the other one is gonna get some rps, it's an acceptable risk.
When it comes to the sorc, things aint so certain.

I hate spiritmasters and cabalists too, and people who buffshear me, and that tiny split second after you know that those scouts (and jimmythepost :p ) are still in range and the next 3 arrows and quarrel are gonna kill you.
I also hate buffed necro pets, and people who bob up and down in water to break my los when I fight them, I hate reaver bombs, and monster rezzed albs popping into the lords room 2 secs after someone gave me a 10% rezz, I hate that casters get traps and archers who are supposed to be "out-doors" types don't. I hate it that I have to PvE and do ML's to be competitive for an RvR game.

I love when my SoM and ML10 mainhander proccs over and over, and my malice debuffs people, or when I get 3 mists up from traitors, or I manage to kill a pet caster with just my bow.
I love having camo up and getting the drop on assassins and critashotting them outta stealth.
I love standing stealthed at the bottom of a bridge with a critshot pre-drawn and a scout pops ontop of the bridge with 30% hits left, I love it on the odd occasion I kill an equal/higher RR assassin without using IP.
I love little moments like helping Kalloth kill a Bonedancer a week or so ago, and hugging eackh other on his corpse.
I love the evade animation, and the sound of a PA, and speedbursting after a runner and the sound and look of snow shower when I catch upto him.
I love my guildies, and the excellent people like ziz, leroli and jatagan who give me a a wee PM when I come on and ask how things are, I love /gu chat and reading the late nite spam on /as (especially bladesong's)
I love killing whispers after he throws everything he has at me :p

All in all, this game has more pluses than minuses
And this is my first and last whine/love post on these forums :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
A WL is what it takes to get rps or 7 archer friends rdy to leech on everything that move;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Nothing new here, warlock is the class for the 'i cant compete in rvr with anything else' player and hopefully the coming nerf will nerf em so bad that noone will ever want to touch one again.
According to some rumours i've heard atleast the warlock population on the US servers drastically dropped after the nerfs xDD


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
/agree its totally shite, must be 10 WL's on oriens bridge right now.

Sooner they nerf that class into oblivion the better. Not slept properly for 2 days so a bit moody anyway ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Septina said:
Nothing new here, warlock is the class for the 'i cant compete in rvr with anything else' player and hopefully the coming nerf will nerf em so bad that noone will ever want to touch one again.
According to some rumours i've heard atleast the warlock population on the US servers drastically dropped after the nerfs xDD

it did ! :D tbh its quite nice, because you dont get added on lots :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Septina said:
Nothing new here, warlock is the class for the 'i cant compete in rvr with anything else' player and hopefully the coming nerf will nerf em so bad that noone will ever want to touch one again.
According to some rumours i've heard atleast the warlock population on the US servers drastically dropped after the nerfs xDD

Aye im sure Takhy's healer and Arumos's RM fall into that category too ?

Usual septina rant, seen it in other posts. What makes him mad about a class in his "current" realm, is it cause they make more rp's than you? Will look forward to more of your whine in 1.82 im sure you will freak when they can kill blue con lvl 42's.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Mas said:
Aye im sure Takhy's healer and Arumos's RM fall into that category too ?

Usual septina rant, seen it in other posts. What makes him mad about a class in his "current" realm, is it cause they make more rp's than you? Will look forward to more of your whine in 1.82 im sure you will freak when they can kill blue con lvl 42's.

Aye, they both are r0xstar players on their other two classes xD
And no, i couldnt give a shit about the ammount of rp's they make, what does make me furious about this retarded class is that there is NOTHING 95% of the people that face a warlock can do.
A warlock will unleash their full frontload damage UNINTERRUPTED vs most targets without the person having the slightest chance to retaliate. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Mas said:
Aye im sure Takhy's healer and Arumos's RM fall into that category too ?

Usual septina rant, seen it in other posts. What makes him mad about a class in his "current" realm, is it cause they make more rp's than you? Will look forward to more of your whine in 1.82 im sure you will freak when they can kill blue con lvl 42's.
It's not hard to get rps if you run in a trio killing soloers, it just take time. That is not competing.

(I'm not saying anyone of these do this, but just becasue they have rps don't mean they can compete)

Why must you love your realms classes? A retarded class is a retarded class. Just like you're a retarded person. If you put yourself in Einsteins body you'll still be retarded.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Someone has to be the top dog. Right now it's warlocks. Before the warlocks it was basically sorcs.

The wheel spins and nobody knows where it will stop next. Ie. things will change, and I have no doubt that in the future another overpowered class will be introduced in the other realms.

Warlocks can be handy to have around, but most of the time they make fights pretty pointless.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
for a sorc to instawin he atleast has to use 15-10 min timers (soi + ml9 or moc), and thats only vs melee classes and some mages. warlock can just about instakill anything but vampiirs without using ra's.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Someone has to be the top dog. Right now it's warlocks. Before the warlocks it was basically sorcs.

The wheel spins and nobody knows where it will stop next. Ie. things will change, and I have no doubt that in the future another overpowered class will be introduced in the other realms.

Warlocks can be handy to have around, but most of the time they make fights pretty pointless.
Atleast you need to know what to do with a sorc. A warlock you just need to press chamber buttons and ui lifetap.(I'm not saying that is all to the class, just that it's what is needed)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
for a sorc to instawin he atleast has to use 15-10 min timers (soi + ml9 or moc), and thats only vs melee classes and some mages. warlock can just about instakill anything but vampiirs without using ra's.

Was about to say, and in some cases even purge if he gets slammed/stunned/mezzed whatever during moc, not to mention that a rr1 rog warlock will outdamage a mocing sorc by insane ammounts. :p

My sorc at the moment is specced 47 Body magic, got mom4, wp4, acu3 and most warlocks still outdamage me no matter what rr they are. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Septina said:
Was about to say, and in some cases even purge if he gets slammed/stunned/mezzed whatever during moc, not to mention that a rr1 rog warlock will outdamage a mocing sorc by insane ammounts. :p

My sorc at the moment is specced 47 Body magic, got mom4, wp4, acu3 and most warlocks still outdamage me no matter what rr they are. :)

But then again it is you septym8 :(


Nov 20, 2005
Septina said:
Was about to say, and in some cases even purge if he gets slammed/stunned/mezzed whatever during moc, not to mention that a rr1 rog warlock will outdamage a mocing sorc by insane ammounts. :p

My sorc at the moment is specced 47 Body magic, got mom4, wp4, acu3 and most warlocks still outdamage me no matter what rr they are. :)

thats because you dont have aom5 & em3


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
crap thread title but this one's actually an ok discussion :) bloody ell ;)


Jan 22, 2005
Oh my god Septina, give it a rest.

I can almost see the tears emerging from your eyes.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
What makes me laugh is that the WL players claim its a hard class to play - NO class that does not have either high class nearsight (one in each realm) or an instant stun can kill one 1-1.

I think i know how the WL class design conversation went.

Mythic Class Designer 1:"Hang on guys ive got an idea. You know this rediculous bodyguard SMs get from the pets? Yeah? Good good 'cause bear with me im not done yet - ive got another idea along the same lines. Lets give one of the realms an uninterruptible insta-nuke class that can dump 1500+ easily into any target without spec matter resists"

Mythic Class Designer 2:"Hang on isnt that a bit underpowered"

Mythic Class Designer 1:"Hmm youre right - how about we give them a set of spells that can be cast as if theyre on MoC, and include a lifetap component in some of them?

Mythic Class Designer 2:"That sounds better"

Mythic Class Designer 3(created bainshee):"Hmm uninterruptible spells you say..."

I mean seriously, even post nerf theyre going to be quite powerful still.

For those of you WL players, ask how you'd like a wizard to be able to insta3 nukes into you from 1500+ range?


Aug 25, 2005
Tesla Monkor said:
Someone has to be the top dog. Right now it's warlocks. Before the warlocks it was basically sorcs.

The wheel spins and nobody knows where it will stop next. Ie. things will change, and I have no doubt that in the future another overpowered class will be introduced in the other realms.

Warlocks can be handy to have around, but most of the time they make fights pretty pointless.

It wont be a support, or probably not a tank class, thats for sure.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Oh my god Septina, give it a rest.

I can almost see the tears emerging from your eyes.

Here you see the typical warlock player.

With the rough, I dont care, cry more, we are overpowered but we dont care , I dont understand what is wrong with my stupidly overpowered class attitude. Impressive. You should consider yourself a rolemodel for warlocks all over Midgard.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
its too bad you can't switch realm with your chars (deserting, costs 100 plats + all items or something + rr reset to 1, would be fun ;) ) would love to play a pure 2h critblade 1 shotting warlocks from stealth in 1.82

you could even use their main argument "after that kill iam useless" ... just imagin the whine

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