Item restorations in last 3 weeks

When did your Items get restored?

  • No items ever lost

    Votes: 78 27.2%
  • Items restored previous to last 3 weeks

    Votes: 54 18.8%
  • items restored in last 3 weeks

    Votes: 9 3.1%
  • items still missing

    Votes: 146 50.9%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Yes, it's another poll but there did seem to be some actual support for this one :p

Following lack of any sort of estimated timescale/amount of reports left, and as GOA missed their last 'deadline' (they didn't actually post a date, but some basic maths indicates when they would finish if they kept working at the same pace). Voting options are self explanatory I hope :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
It is a disgrace that this issue has not been resolved by now. What makes the matter worse are the generalised comments from GOA regarding the replacement issue that do nothing but infuriate.

If i'm not mistaken it was stated over 2 months ago that "The majority" of refunds/replacements had been carried out. What the hell has happened since then?

Exactly how many restores are remaining?

How many GOA staff are actively working on the restores?

Simple questions requiring simple answers, come on GOA get your arses in gear!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
My Minstrel was still Wiped last week when i checked, i finaly got bored waiting and rebaught the items and redone the spellcraft kit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2005
Also still waiting. I would like to speak to a GM about this as it is an absolute disgrace. I've updated rightnow around about 8 times in a calm and coherent tone giving relevant information and it was blessed with a "this will be dealt with as an urgent matter" reponse. This was 2 months and 3 weeks ago.

Seriously, Kemor, or Requiel, or any GoA employee who reads this needs to take heed of customer advice and get working on this asap. What sort of business can you call yourselves if it takes 3 months to fix an error that should have been contained long, long ago?

In my opinion customers that have waited past the 2 month mark for item restoration should definately be entitled to either ingame or free subscription compensation for the time wasted due to YOUR errors. It's getting to the point now where it is just downright ignorance and incompetance.


Dec 22, 2003
GoA are working constantly on item restores.
They haven't *stopped* doing them, there are just a lot of them to be done, so it takes some time.
Updating rightnow when its not needed, ie asking whats taking so long, will only bump you down the queue.
Kemor dosn't work for goa anymore.
The GM's are aware that its taking a while to do, but its a lot of work, especially for a team the size of the UK one, and yes, before you ask, they have, and as far as i am aware, are still borowing members of the other gm teams to help.
Its not an error, its item restoration. There is no easy way to fix it, just be glad you arn't in the US where they would have wiped the items from all charachters.
How do you contain corruption of the large majority of charachters on a server?
Especially, as you incorrectly assume it was their fault. It was a bug in the program that messed up, not a goa person.
Its not ignorance, as they are more than aware that players are still missing items.
tbh, its not incompetance either, they are doing it, however, there are laws against making GM teams work over 70 or so hours a week. Theres only so much the GM's they have can do.
And in answer to the question forming in your mind, they cant just hire new people to help, as it takes atleast a month to train someone how to use the tools they use, then you have to teach them to understand the whole "leet speak" players, i'm sure, have used in their RN's
For example, how does someone, most probably from france, who isn't familiar with the game interpret
"ye m8's i l0st my gov, cs, erinys, and perhaps a scalars too, but im not sure about the scalars. Defo missing 2 immo's and a ml7 shield. gif back asap plz"


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ie asking whats taking so long, will only bump you down the queue.

No that sounds like something people on this forum would do not IT professionals.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Tilda said:
And in answer to the question forming in your mind, they cant just hire new people to help, as it takes atleast a month to train someone how to use the tools they use,

Hallo! we're like 3 months from the incident, it would have surely worthed to hire new people, dont tell me about training for 1

Tilda said:
then you have to teach them to understand the whole "leet speak" players, i'm sure, have used in their RN's
For example, how does someone, most probably from france, who isn't familiar with the game interpret
"ye m8's i l0st my gov, cs, erinys, and perhaps a scalars too, but im not sure about the scalars. Defo missing 2 immo's and a ml7 shield. gif back asap plz"

i replied correctly, without any l33t stuff you presented here, it was simple, clear, and still you didnt give a ****.


Dec 22, 2003
Bubble said:
No that sounds like something people on this forum would do not IT professionals.

As understand it, updating a RN reply moves you down the list automaticly as it then takes your new submission date as the "time sent in" and so you move down the other RN's with a "time sent in" older than yours.

Righthandorf, do you have a clue about how employment taxes, interviews, contracts, state payments etc, work in france?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Pry came back online 5th September for item restorations.

That's 74 days ago.

74(days) x 7(hours) x 2(GMs) = 1036 working hours

Say 70% of these hours were put into Prydwen restoration, that's 725 man hours for restoration work.

I think there were about 1000 chars stripped? (that's a guess, might be inaccurate).

That's about 44 minutes per char restoration.

Say each char lost, on average, 10 named drops/artifacts.

That's about 4 minutes per item. In that 4 minutes, they'd have to:

-Check Rightnow details
-Crosscheck against server logs
-Restore item (which isn't as easy as drag-n-drop)

Obviously, they have other things they need to do as well, and there are variables such as importing other GMs to help, but you get some kind of idea as to how big a job it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
got my valks items today.
still thou missing example catlas downfall bracers, stoneheart cloak what need when kill dagar but anyway just ok items.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
eggy said:
74(days) x 7(hours) x 2(GMs) = 1036 working hours

There are more than 2 GM's working on it

Tilda sais they still 'borrow' GM's from other servers.

Takes weeeeeeeee to long before this is solved imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
anthon said:
There are more than 2 GM's working on it

Tilda sais they still 'borrow' GM's from other servers.

Takes weeeeeeeee to long before this is solved imho.


eggy said:
and there are variables such as importing other GMs to help, but you get some kind of idea as to how big a job it is.


Dec 26, 2003
I think where GOA went wrong is when they said they had done most of the restores a month and a half ago - it created an expectation that there were just a few left which would be fixed shortly.

If you create expectations your asking for trouble if you fail to meet them.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
rynnor said:
I think where GOA went wrong is when they said they had done most of the restores a month and a half ago - it created an expectation that there were just a few left which would be fixed shortly.

If you create expectations your asking for trouble if you fail to meet them.

Indeed, with so many affected characters, you expect 'the majority' to be something like 90% fixed. Then a few days later everyone should be fixed.

But hey if you're still naked, no worries, game is still unplayable for peeps with gear, lag is just a piss-take.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
tbh the majority would only have to be 51% :p

wouldnt be the first time a company has used statistics in their favour :p

just out of curiosity, were inactive account affected too? ie, does this mean people could come back to have all their gear missing? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Regardless how fast/slow the progress of restoring characters is, what GOA needs to do is to have a weekly update on their progress. Whether it's included in the Friday news, or under its own header - we need to get updated via the official site.

A simple "and on the Prydwen character restoration frontier, we are happy to tell you that another xx characters were restored this week!" would go a long way to help the frustration and feeling of abandonment that i'm sure many afflicted players still feel. And if it's been a slow week, it would still help to hear that at least so and so many got helped. Example "this week was hectic here at the GOA office because of bla and bla, but rest assured we will continue to help Prydwen players as fast as we can - this week another xx characters have been restored".

If progress is being made, then please let us know about it! I bet it would cost very little time for them to sum up the amount each week and include the number in a little report to the community. It would give us a sense of work being done, and it would perhaps even give some more sympathies for the poor people having to do all this work.

Free, good PR for GOA - i don't see why they don't use it. At this stage, no news is NOT good news. Every single character that got helped lately would help people relax a little more and have faith that their turn will come eventually - and a weekly update would be so very, very worth it.

EDIT: Ormorof, as far as i've heard inactive accounts have been affected as well. I'm one of those who stopped playing 6 months ago and been wanting to come back for a while now. But as things are, i think i'd rather wait until they have sorted the active players before i resubscribe again. No sense in re-activating just to find out my chars are screwed unless it can get fixed shortly thereafter.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Glad someone posted about this - I was beginning to think everyone else must have their items back and just me still waiting :(

My Rightnow note was closed the day after I opened it, saying that they were aware of the problems and were working to fix them ASAP. As I've read on here that GMs say don't bump your request else it will go to the bottom of the pile again, I havn't touched it - but its been a number of weeks now and I've heard nothing.

Is everyone else's request (who is still waiting) closed like mine - or have I fallen through a hole and need to open another ticket?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
mine was closed twice within a day of opening both, with the same auto message that they were aware of it and working on it, heard nothing, had no items returned.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ormorof said:
just out of curiosity, were inactive account affected too? ie, does this mean people could come back to have all their gear missing? :p


I hadent played for more then 6 months and actvated after the server whent up again. I hade items missing.

Edit: And I'm still waiting for them ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
glad i have mains on excal tbh
my pry chars are all still nekid :p
i made a interim template for my mains, but its just not the same since you cant even reactivate artis


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
If the status of it says Closed next to it make a new ticket and make them aware of your items still missing, it SHOULD say "under investigation" next to it.

Mine was closed when I got the reply, said thanks for this bla bla bla then it was closed Oo

Still I think it's under investigation.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Still naked on my vamp.... and what are GOA doing about the remainder of the people with items missing? Ill tell you what they are doing...



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Takitothemacs said:
Still naked on my vamp.... and what are GOA doing about the remainder of the people with items missing? Ill tell you what they are doing...


Seemingly, or so the poll suggests.

GOA, give items!


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Im still awaiting restoration of some (granted low level) items, cash and armour, but truthfully ive just written them off and put the toon into retirement now.

I understand the sheer scale of the problem is boggling to the goa staff but there is a limit to the community goodwill and currently its stretched thin with the endless chain of recent problems.

If it were a free service i dont think people would be quite as upset, however i can name at least three people who've had their main chars entirely gutted for 3 months and then some now...

Between this and the current lag issues i think the company as a whole has to either pull its finger out fast or start losing chunks of its playerbase.

Unfortunately for GoA theyre a situation that has no "quick & easy" fix to it.Some final "goal" date or percentage accomplished would buy you guys some breathing room imo...


Loyal Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
There is a post from 17th of October where GM says:
"We have approximately 500 reports still to go which means we're about 80% of the way through the list. "

This poll shows something else - they are 25% of the way through the list - or maybe it is my bad english?
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