Cylian said:any chance to spawn those chests in other towns too ?
think that's one of the main reasons everyone is there.
For Mid I'd suggest Jordheim, Mularn, Vasudheim, Nalliten. Easy to get to from Aegir and all in different zones.
Oldfaravid said:hmm ive made everything right im even at character creation and have made the char i want to play... only one problem nothing happens as i press PLAY...
Probably means 1499 regular players are logged in and the last spot is reserved for a GM.Ocalinn said:yeah, giv chests in the capital cities! and whats with the 'your account is invalid' thing?
Requiel said:All the Gorre zones except for the frontier zones are running on old machines. I'd recommend varying your starting position and logging into the capital city or one of the starter towns close to it rather than contributing to the population which is causing the SI zones to crash.
Flimgoblin said:For those having problems with the instructions on how to get to Gorre:
Copy C:/Mythic/ToA (or whatever you've called it)
into C:/Mythic/ToA_Test
download from this link
unzip it into C:/Mythic/ToA_Test
use windows explorer (window key +E) to navigate to C:/Mythic/ToA Test and right click and drag camelot.exe to your desktop.
Select "Create Shortcuts here".
doubleclick the new shortcut.
Gorren said:TBH its aloud of old bollox for 1 why make 1 server for 2 why make its limit 1500 when its clearly obvious more than that will want to play it for 3 its rly buggered me off how people have taken bb's on there when real people could be playing i could go on and 1 of my main points is people wont log off theyll just go afk IMO GoA have planned this BETA server very poorly