Are you happy with the new classic merge?

are you happy?

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FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
It would be nice to see if anything happens with that, I can understand why Mythic wouldn't want to / have the manpower to put this in action..but I wonder if GOA have considered it, or posed a question as to if it would be possible?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Mythic have done a lot of work to flatten the language requirements. A lot is possible now that wasn't possible a few months ago. Unfortunately it will take a very serious redesign practically from the ground up to get to the point where you can connect to any server with any language client and have all the server strings in your client language. As I said though a lot of progress has been made - for example the cluster wouldn't have been possible at all until recently as there were text fields in the character databases. By removing those, Mythic made clustering different language servers possible. Further down the line, I would expect to see more options become available to us.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Requiel said:
Culstering with a US server was impossible. The only realistic option to allow Glastonbury players to keep on playing their characters was a cluster with Salisbury. We knew it wouldn't be universally popular but we felt it was fairer than simply shutting down the server.

Would Mythic not even allow a character swap over there? As i see it each character is part of a database which is part of a file. Correct me if I am wrong or stupid to even go into this depth but nothing could be even considered for you and mythic to agree about even /rolling a character and copying the equipment over?


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
btw, the friday post last week covered a lot of servers but I am wondering if a cluster will be in the line up for Exc/Pryd anytime before LoTM?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
- English - said:
Would Mythic not even allow a character swap over there? As i see it each character is part of a database which is part of a file. Correct me if I am wrong or stupid to even go into this depth but nothing could be even considered for you and mythic to agree about even /rolling a character and copying the equipment over?
It's not as simple as just copying a character file to a different database.
Firstly you have to realise that we don't have 'classic accounts', 'Prydwen accounts', 'Excalibur accounts' etc. To be able to play on a US server you'd need a US account. We'd need to port over all your account details (which we aren't allowed to do by law) as well but then you'd lose the ability to play on other EU servers. Either it would be bye-bye to your characters on other servers or you'd need to open a new account to continue playing characters you were already paying for once. In my experience asking people to pay twice is likely to generate more complaints than asking them to get their head around German.

Let's assume for the moment though that we could share your account info with Mythic or you had an account there already to transfer to. Every transfer would have to be done manually, for every single character that wanted to move. Additionally you'd lose your guild and your house on the move too - including the contents of house vaults and CMs. Some players would read the news and create mule alts to hold their house vault contents - and each of those mules would need to be transferred too - some players wouldn't and would then raise hell when they realised that their collection of DS jewellery hadn't gone with them.

It's not a good solution for people who don't want to transfer either. We weren't looking for the best solution for individuals, we were looking for the best solution for the community as a whole. Moving people individually splits the community up and makes the choice not to move pointless. They can move to the US or they can stay on a server with no-one on it - if they don't want to start a new account then they don't have any other option but to abandon their characters. This way everyone gets a choice. You can play in German or you can leave but your choice doesn't make anyone else's choice harder.

Finally there's the issue of what happens further down the line. We could transfer everyone who wanted to go at the time. The remaining people would be told 'sorry but your server will be closed now' and then the server would close. Six months later someone resubscribes after a year away and can't access his character which is on a server that doesn't exist anymore. Cue further complaints.

The only fair thing we could have done is to cluster Glastonbury. That would either have been with Pryd/Excal or with Glastonbury. We felt (and overwhelming feedback on here and elsewhere backed this up) that Glastonbury players did not want to be moved to a ToA server but would rather keep playing the classic ruleset.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Stop reasoning with us and go program a multi-lingual server database!

I'm happy enough to play on this cluster but I'm really upset a lot of my guild don't feel the same way. In the space of three hours we had about a dozen people quit DaoC EU forever. - and look at the Glast population they're not alone. ( I totally acknowledge it is and will be still much higher than pre-cluster news tho )

Many of them didn't even know it was happening and I think the shock of it is what's caused them to leave more than anything :(

Shame really and I hope they reconsider because after only a few hours I'm getting my head round it all already and I'm sure they could too. Crafting is the hardest thing - and maybe questing too - but for RvR it's all second nature and beyond learning the names of the enemy races I'm already doing fine - though some races having two names for male and female it weird! :)

All in all, I'm happy as long as das zerg isn't as bad as it was last night and our community survives I'll stay.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Nate said:
btw, the friday post last week covered a lot of servers but I am wondering if a cluster will be in the line up for Exc/Pryd anytime before LoTM?
There are no plans to cluster Excal and Prydwen again for the moment. This is the number one question I've been answering this week. We will of course keep a close eye on the population but it's been pretty steady for the last few months despite what certain threads on FH may make you believe.

There were several reasons why we clustered so many servers yesterday. One was to resolve population issues on some of the smaller servers. The other was to bring us into line with Mythic's servers and thus reduce patch delays. Currently all the US servers except for Mordred and Gaheris are clustered and US patches are designed for clusters (at least on regular and classic servers). LotM and later patches will be much easier to implement if we don't have to test clustered and non-clustered versions of the code for too many servers. As it is the Italian and Spanish servers are going to take disproportionately more testing than previously, having to do that for French and German as well makes life much more difficult.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Requiel said:
It's not as simple as just copying a character file to a different database.
Firstly you have to realise that we don't have 'classic accounts', 'Prydwen accounts', 'Excalibur accounts' etc. To be able to play on a US server you'd need a US account. We'd need to port over all your account details (which we aren't allowed to do by law) as well but then you'd lose the ability to play on other EU servers. Either it would be bye-bye to your characters on other servers or you'd need to open a new account to continue playing characters you were already paying for once. In my experience asking people to pay twice is likely to generate more complaints than asking them to get their head around German.

Let's assume for the moment though that we could share your account info with Mythic or you had an account there already to transfer to. Every transfer would have to be done manually, for every single character that wanted to move. Additionally you'd lose your guild and your house on the move too - including the contents of house vaults and CMs. Some players would read the news and create mule alts to hold their house vault contents - and each of those mules would need to be transferred too - some players wouldn't and would then raise hell when they realised that their collection of DS jewellery hadn't gone with them.

It's not a good solution for people who don't want to transfer either. We weren't looking for the best solution for individuals, we were looking for the best solution for the community as a whole. Moving people individually splits the community up and makes the choice not to move pointless. They can move to the US or they can stay on a server with no-one on it - if they don't want to start a new account then they don't have any other option but to abandon their characters. This way everyone gets a choice. You can play in German or you can leave but your choice doesn't make anyone else's choice harder.

Finally there's the issue of what happens further down the line. We could transfer everyone who wanted to go at the time. The remaining people would be told 'sorry but your server will be closed now' and then the server would close. Six months later someone resubscribes after a year away and can't access his character which is on a server that doesn't exist anymore. Cue further complaints.

The only fair thing we could have done is to cluster Glastonbury. That would either have been with Pryd/Excal or with Glastonbury. We felt (and overwhelming feedback on here and elsewhere backed this up) that Glastonbury players did not want to be moved to a ToA server but would rather keep playing the classic ruleset.

ok understood. Well anyway thanks for your time to reply to me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Goa = dead from neck n up... germans speak english, english peps dont speak german...


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
Im quite happy with the cluster. And I can add I feel better with german comunity than with old glastonbury comunity, I can pretty solo with my armsman or minstrel without getting adds from german players and any question I did to alchemist or weaponcrafters of my realm in english they helped me to solve it.
Good job from my point of view :) .


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
I cant believe the nerve on some ppl,when glast started everything was fine large numbers etc,ofc was expected some were just testing it an they gona leave but still a couple of hundreds were expected to stay which actually did happen.
Not long after ppl started whining about zerg,about french,about unbalanced realms etc,ofc very few ever did something to counteract zerg,most of them just whined and blamed somebody(except them ofc).
After that they started leaving for us classic or even salis,like those servers were perfect and free of zerg(no zerg or adds my ass).
Ofc when pop on glaston dropped couse of ppl leaving same ppl start whining couse pop is too low couse goa sucks couse they dont do anything about it,and they were coming up with a lot of ideas of which 1 was cluster with salis.
And now the same ppl who didt do shit about glaston altough it was in their power to save it ,all they had to do was to stay and play,all who blamed goa for doing nothing and asked for cluster with glast,all who left for salis or us classic now come back and whine that it sucks couse its in german,without even giving it a try or at least try to adapt.
Well no offence but i rather play with germans and french, then with a bunch of undecided ppl who never know what they want and their never satisfied.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Its the players who make a server healthy or not, many leaved Glaston because the Hib zerg, you cant blame GOA for that. Now Glaston/Salis are clustered in German, offcourse in German because Salis was a healthy server and like Requel said, the Germans didnt need us actualy. So instead of closing Glaston GOA did alot of work to cluster. Now ppl complaining about the German language, did you complainers played Glaston when the population at peak time was only 40 players or so? i dont think so. So no reason to complain, deal with the German language or go US classic or whatever.

I dont understand German that well but if you take some time to translate some important issues like stats, resists, realm ranks etc and print it out on a piece of paper you can manage yourself in no time.

Im RvR i dont have a big problem, cant recognize all enemies rr but have to figure that out.

Crafting is abit harder but before i start to make something (mostly potions in my case atm) i go to the alch table and press the craft icon on the item i want to make and i see what ingredients i need, pretty simple actualy.

So iam happy with the clustering, a second chance to play my beloved Shadowblade again and so far i like it and having fun again.

So GOA you did a good job saving Glastonbury players and give them a chance to enjoy their characters again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
whats funny is that many of people complaining were inactive before the cluster, and just decided to reactive cuz if the cluster with german. and now their complaining lol, its rediculoous...and weak


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005
Jox said:
germans speak english, english peps dont speak german...

Lol, hello mr. Twat! IMO that's pretty harsh preassumption without knowing the actual facts.

You were trolling, right? Right???


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005
RS|Phil said:
Stop reasoning with us and go program a multi-lingual server database!

Aye, I really am amazed how limited and unscalable solution the game system designers have actually done.

Just as a question... Why have they done it the way they've done it?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
The language thing is not that bad you do need to get used to some of the words and it take a little effort but after like years of playing I am betting your still pretty committed to the game.

Some translations are here:

Although we have had a few corrections to that list:


Cold Kälte
Body Körper
Energy Energie
Heat Hitze
Matter Materie
Spirit Geist
Thrust Stoß (or Stoss)
Slash Schnitt
Crush Schlag


Strength Stärke
Dexterity Geschicklichkeit
Quickness Schnelligkeit
Intelligence Intelligenz
Piety Frömmigkeit
Constitution Konstitution

Power Pot = machtessenz
End Pot = ausdaueressenz


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Try doing some quests see how u get on translating each piece of the quest muhahaha forget it.Whats gonna happen if exc/pry population drops u all gonna be happy merging with german servers ?? i think not.Its ok if your rvr or pvp you dont need to know much of the language but pve u got no chance.What do the french and other europeans feel ? like i said keep it up GOA u have been killing the game since day zero u might finally do it. I've read already that more people have left the game watchout exc/pry :england:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I'd have to agree questing is a nightmare if you can't speak any German (like me) but as it stands, 99% of the Glastonbury population were level 50, pure RvR anyway, and the ones that are levelling alts probably have about 4 or 5 level 50s and some idea where to go on each quest anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
They should of made it a bit easier for English language people got problems with rent paying/scaling walls etc so you need change you update to german why could they not left Glastonbury Zone on same language basis it not a classic English server now but 2 German servers :(

Struggling like hell with glastonbury now looks like Goa kicked English users on there right in the teeth.

Looks like I have stop playing there by changing update to german affects if I want to play on Excal/Pryd Cluster as well and before merger although there weren't many on it was dam fun.

Thought it be a good thing but seems Goa never really thought the transaction out for English people.Seems Cluster it let them get on with it etc but I liked glastonbury 7 lvl 50's on there now going to waste. :(



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
They should of made it a bit easier for English language people got problems with rent paying/scaling walls etc so you need change you update to german why could they not left Glastonbury Zone on same language basis it not a classic English server now but 2 German servers :(

Struggling like hell with glastonbury now looks like Goa kicked English users on there right in the teeth.

Looks like I have stop playing there by changing update to german affects if I want to play on Excal/Pryd Cluster as well and before merger although there weren't many on it was dam fun.

Thought it be a good thing but seems Goa never really thought the transaction out for English people.Seems Cluster it let them get on with it etc but I liked glastonbury 7 lvl 50's on there now going to waste. :(


Well, doesn't address the language problems but you could create a second drectory for DAoC - one for TOA Cluster and one for Classic Cluster.

I really hope you stick with it - it gets easier, fast. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
I appreciate your point however the choice we were facing was to either close Glastonbury in which case everything you did would then be wiped out or cluster it. Clustering with a ToA server wasn't an option, as we had a lot of feedback indicating that players would be strongly against being moved to a regular server. Clustering with a US server was impossible. The only realistic option to allow Glastonbury players to keep on playing their characters was a cluster with Salisbury. We knew it wouldn't be universally popular but we felt it was fairer than simply shutting down the server.

You could off offered a transfer to excalibur/prydwen for those that wanted to stick with the english speaking community, you never know it might of even increased the number on the english cluster :)



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
They should of made it a bit easier for English language people got problems with rent paying/scaling walls etc so you need change you update to german why could they not left Glastonbury Zone on same language basis it not a classic English server now but 2 German servers :(


Simple solution to paying rent is:

/bountyrent [personal] or [guild] [housenumber]


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
They should of made it a bit easier for English language people got problems with rent paying/scaling walls etc so you need change you update to german why could they not left Glastonbury Zone on same language basis it not a classic English server now but 2 German servers :(

Struggling like hell with glastonbury now looks like Goa kicked English users on there right in the teeth.

Looks like I have stop playing there by changing update to german affects if I want to play on Excal/Pryd Cluster as well and before merger although there weren't many on it was dam fun.

The only 'Glastonbury zone' is housing. Everything else is a shared zone, there's only one Classic, one SI, one Catacombs, one Frontier etc for the classic cluster. Climb walls isn't particularly useful in the housing zone and having different server languages for different zones of the cluster opens up a host of technical problems for no real benefit to anyone.

As Oldleaf said, and as I explained in another thread, you can make a copy of your DAoC folder so that you don't need to keep repatching when you play on different language servers. Change one to German and keep the other in English.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Requiel said:
The only realistic option to allow Glastonbury players to keep on playing their characters was a cluster with Salisbury.

And to keep it as a english server

Theres way more germans speaking (or atleast understand) english better then theres english speaking players that speak (or understand) german. German isnt a international language like english is, thus alot less ppl acually speak/understand it.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Allakazam walkthroughs still work for all epics and Champion levels. You just have to realise that the names are the same and the description and instructions different. :<

I cannot speak a word of German but I have epic 6 and CL 1-3 on my Zerker. Just use the Engilsh alakazam walkthrough and a bit of common sense.....


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Well what a discusion lol. The server GM says had no choise but to cluster with the German server because the server was dying. The easy solution ofcource, instead to find out what the problem is and fix it.
Then you have some muppets rush to agree with him but some others dont like the idea and in the end a pank who call everybody who disagrees fucking idiots. If you want my oppinion I will say that this easy solution will bring the game one more step closer to death. And my suggestion is dont listen to the little muppets get ur arss to work and find a solution that can help the game in total instead of temporary and not helpfull solutions .


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
happily waiting for the announcement

"due to the outrage in the community glastonbury and salisbury have been unclustered and glastonbury characters deleted and the server closed down"

that would make you happy wouldnt it?!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Imo who doesnt like it in german its free to leave they were gona leave anyways couse this kind of ppl always run away when things get tough.
My respects to all of u who continue playing and r willing to make a small effort to adjust to the new conditions and especially to those few who were still active before the clustering idea came out.
Its time for ppl to realise that a succes of a game doesnt depend only on the producers of the game but also on the ppl who play it and in order for a game to work we players need to lend a hand too,not just whine and complain or wait for the miracle thats gona save us all,after all ,if most of u havent have left for us classic or other servers but stayed and try to cope with the situation now we woulndt be in this here arguing about this.
As for the solution to bring back daoc to full glory i said it before and gona say it again,we need new players and lots of them ,which needs lots and lots of advertising,couse daoc its not based on a well known and popular universe like wow,ddo,warhammer,star wars etc.,its not made buy a well known compay like blizzard,sony,lucas etc. and it has almost no advertising,look at all the game magazines,game sites etc. full of wow banners and commercials ofc ppl will choose wow or other mmo over daoc.
Since mythic r a small company they cant afford that kind of advertising atm.
I hope the money from ea and from warhammer will change this and give daoc a new chance,but that wont happen until after warhammer is out.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
NAHKRI said:
Since mythic r a small company they cant afford that kind of advertising atm.
I hope the money from ea and from warhammer will change this and give daoc a new chance,but that wont happen until after warhammer is out.

News Flash Mythic are now owned by EA rofl and as for people running away etc although Glastonbury is now German it has put me off from playing as language barrier is there and I don't understand a fucking word of it so it ok for Requiel to come on here and say all you got to do update this update that frigging Bullshit end of day all I see is German.

I have held off from joining friends who gone to US Servers but way Goa is ruining what is left for English users then I am starting to see why these people left.


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