it may be the wrong section. but most people read this section so, move it if you want to.
how was your first day in DAoC?
who was your first character?
was it hard to lvl?
tell everyone about your noob days.
first time in rvr?
would be fun to read.
I'll start.
I couldn't wait to get my DAoC account, first character I made was a skald with 10str 10con 10charisma (charisma?) so I could get out of tight situations with enemy players lmao, so I'd be good at talking and singing:q called him Skeggi
xp'ed around, till I got to lvl 7, was so hard, cause I was killing grey cons in vasudheim 24/7 :E I weared what most mids would know what is:x a vasudheim uniform aka mix of leather and cloth armor was the pwn.
joined my first guild with some randoms, a guy called Baeren or the gm there, it was called Bears or Fate. met a guy called jon after a while
the warrior that specced 30 30 30 30 30 in everything, the first 50 on mid. he was a god...
you know you got this map with the first daoc acc you bought. and I sat looking at it often, and you see on the map that fort atla is quite big xD so I'm like omg fort.. atla... swam from vasudheim and down to fort atla, then myrkwood
where I met on the most scary mob for every low level char... njessi...
that was good old days xD oh yes, I thought everyone was rvring in Raumarik mountains:q not lucky with that one tho.
my friend gizor and I sat talking about places and stuff back in the days ingame, went to he's house one day, and told him I've been fucking muspelheim!
and he is like, OMG YOU'VE BEEN THERE? yea took screenshot and everything, he asked if it was covered with ashes and lava and stuff, yes I told to him, apparently my graphics card was so shit that everything in vale of mularn turned into the colors of the rainbow x<
" I took down a hill cat the other day!.... solo! " omg...
thought rvr was in raumarik, wtf... heard that people should be standing side by side charging into eachother at the rivers there, more or less got omg wtf pwnd by mobs...
^ fits in the rvr section yea?xD
how was your first day in DAoC?
who was your first character?
was it hard to lvl?
tell everyone about your noob days.
first time in rvr?
would be fun to read.
I'll start.
I couldn't wait to get my DAoC account, first character I made was a skald with 10str 10con 10charisma (charisma?) so I could get out of tight situations with enemy players lmao, so I'd be good at talking and singing:q called him Skeggi
joined my first guild with some randoms, a guy called Baeren or the gm there, it was called Bears or Fate. met a guy called jon after a while
you know you got this map with the first daoc acc you bought. and I sat looking at it often, and you see on the map that fort atla is quite big xD so I'm like omg fort.. atla... swam from vasudheim and down to fort atla, then myrkwood
that was good old days xD oh yes, I thought everyone was rvring in Raumarik mountains:q not lucky with that one tho.
my friend gizor and I sat talking about places and stuff back in the days ingame, went to he's house one day, and told him I've been fucking muspelheim!
" I took down a hill cat the other day!.... solo! " omg...
thought rvr was in raumarik, wtf... heard that people should be standing side by side charging into eachother at the rivers there, more or less got omg wtf pwnd by mobs...
^ fits in the rvr section yea?xD