Who report my cleric <Siessa> for xrealm


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
necromania said:
ive been saying allmost from the start that i played daoc. GET SOME OTHER GM's. ive only been having a few problems with the gm's during the 1½ year ive been playing, but readin FH each about a incident a GM might have fucked up . is too silly..

and fyi ive actually been thinking the last fews months about stopping my sub. as i really dont think daoc will get better with those gm's and the current staff.. the patches can allways make the GAMe play better, but not the service you expect from Gamemasters..

Well have you ever read VN Boards? And the way that people there talk about getting banned? Saying they done nothing wrong etc. Then Mythic publicly state what happened. Stories are completely different because the banned player wants to make the company look bad and say "I didn't beat you by cheating btw, they wrong about me"

Now the difference is GoA rarely are willing to state publicly why someone was banned because they don't want to get involved in a public slanging match (and i guess they view it as breach of confidentialality even if the other person started the threads). This is the major difference. Infact this could well be why there alot less cheaters in Euro as opposed to US, less information available on how to get around it.

And you got a new GM about a month ago, and the others actually do their job fairly well, everyone makes a mistake at some time. They are willing to say "yes i made a mistake" at times,

They are more then willing to discuss punishments on accounts in private (had a discussion that actually lasted a number of days when they gave me a warning. Gave over my point of view, they acknowledged and stated their view and on request gave me information which would help me prevent from getting more actions against accounts).

They willing to discuss bugs within the game (spoke about a number of bugs with them and got their input as well as giving mine.) and also how they are trying to deal with the problem.

And if you only been here 1.5years then to be honest you cant really say much about the quality of the GMs. They are alot more visable then the old days when the only person you would ever see would be Kemor (good guy mind you) and you didnt see him often because he had to deal with other things as well (iirc it was something like 1 GM per server and that was it ingeneral).

Things have happened lately which have caused major problems. Maybe they could have been dealt with in a better mannor but at least they are being dealt with. You got a problem with them, then use rightnow and state your case in a non-abusive mannor and they will respond to you.

Ok im bored at work, but better get some more of this accounts work done before i leave the job tomorrow :p No more comment from me for at least... hmm, 10minutes


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Corran said:
Well have you ever read VN Boards? And the way that people there talk about getting banned? Saying they done nothing wrong etc. Then Mythic publicly state what happened. Stories are completely different because the banned player wants to make the company look bad and say "I didn't beat you by cheating btw, they wrong about me"

Now the difference is GoA rarely are willing to state publicly why someone was banned because they don't want to get involved in a public slanging match (and i guess they view it as breach of confidentialality even if the other person started the threads). This is the major difference. Infact this could well be why there alot less cheaters in Euro as opposed to US, less information available on how to get around it.

And you got a new GM about a month ago, and the others actually do their job fairly well, everyone makes a mistake at some time. They are willing to say "yes i made a mistake" at times,

They are more then willing to discuss punishments on accounts in private (had a discussion that actually lasted a number of days when they gave me a warning. Gave over my point of view, they acknowledged and stated their view and on request gave me information which would help me prevent from getting more actions against accounts).

They willing to discuss bugs within the game (spoke about a number of bugs with them and got their input as well as giving mine.) and also how they are trying to deal with the problem.

And if you only been here 1.5years then to be honest you cant really say much about the quality of the GMs. They are alot more visable then the old days when the only person you would ever see would be Kemor (good guy mind you) and you didnt see him often because he had to deal with other things as well (iirc it was something like 1 GM per server and that was it ingeneral).

Things have happened lately which have caused major problems. Maybe they could have been dealt with in a better mannor but at least they are being dealt with. You got a problem with them, then use rightnow and state your case in a non-abusive mannor and they will respond to you.

Ok im bored at work, but better get some more of this accounts work done before i leave the job tomorrow :p No more comment from me for at least... hmm, 10minutes

from my PoV its understandable that they wont release the reason in public WHY a person got banned as i wouldnt do it myself if i were a GM..

and maybe the gm's are willing to discuss bugs ingame and on support site. but ive tried several times, trying to discuss bugs with Xalin ingame. like when i for a while reportet 3 FG of hibs for Major bug abuse in poc. and none got banned. when i then asked Xalin ingame why they didnt get banned , all he did was " Have a nice day, cya" and logged off.. ZOMG thats good service.

when i then after a few days mailed to Rightnow with the chatlog and what happened around xalin and the bug abusers, i got NO reply, and i tried mailing them several times around that incident, STILL NO ANSWER!.

Gm's can make a few mistakes, noone is 100% perfect. nor am i. but they gotta get their ass up from the chair and actually listen to us. instead of /ignore ALL the time.....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
necromania said:
from my PoV its understandable that they wont release the reason in public WHY a person got banned as i wouldnt do it myself if i were a GM..

and maybe the gm's are willing to discuss bugs ingame and on support site. but ive tried several times, trying to discuss bugs with Xalin ingame. like when i for a while reportet 3 FG of hibs for Major bug abuse in poc. and none got banned. when i then asked Xalin ingame why they didnt get banned , all he did was " Have a nice day, cya" and logged off.. ZOMG thats good service.

when i then after a few days mailed to Rightnow with the chatlog and what happened around xalin and the bug abusers, i got NO reply, and i tried mailing them several times around that incident, STILL NO ANSWER!.

Gm's can make a few mistakes, noone is 100% perfect. nor am i. but they gotta get their ass up from the chair and actually listen to us. instead of /ignore ALL the time.....

Ok, from what I know - GOA will only talk about the bannings to the people who do/do not get banned. They'll not discuss it with the person reporting it. This has been stated numerous times in numerous places (including replies to you).

I can understand them getting gradually less patient with you as you consistently fail to listen to them on that.



Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Darzil said:
Ok, from what I know - GOA will only talk about the bannings to the people who do/do not get banned. They'll not discuss it with the person reporting it. This has been stated numerous times in numerous places (including replies to you).

I can understand them getting gradually less patient with you as you consistently fail to listen to them on that.


what im trying to state with my crappy english IS: ppl getting banned for doing more then 3 emotes. when the same grp of hibs numerous times Bug abuse in PoC. and i report them with several screenshots. and nothing happens.. they didnt even recieve a mail from Goa. when i then ask xalin and the Rightnow support ask why nothing happened to them , they say " have a nice day. cya" and logs off.

i dont want the gm's to tell me they been banned for XX days cause of XX bug abuse.. just asked why goa didnt do anything about it ;)

hope you understand :D


Theons Greyjoy reply ::

As i say form the start i dont have any problem to ban my account , the only think i want to here was the guy that report me say ... look elear here your screenshot..here your friend to do this stuff...here he is the fault.. etc!!!

I ll not eat him lol :fluffle: ... as for GOA my reply to them was that i ll respec there choise but that not meens i can believe them or trust them...

So as both GOA at the peep not answer me about what proof they have to me is like hiding the truth.

Friend of me vs GOA+Stealthing reporter peep = 1-0 :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Versus_daoc said:
Theons Greyjoy reply ::

As i say form the start i dont have any problem to ban my account , the only think i want to here was the guy that report me say ... look elear here your screenshot..here your friend to do this stuff...here he is the fault.. etc!!!

I ll not eat him lol :fluffle: ... as for GOA my reply to them was that i ll respec there choise but that not meens i can believe them or trust them...

So as both GOA at the peep not answer me about what proof they have to me is like hiding the truth.

Friend of me vs GOA+Stealthing reporter peep = 1-0 :cheers:



Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
necromania said:
from my PoV its understandable that they wont release the reason in public WHY a person got banned as i wouldnt do it myself if i were a GM..

and maybe the gm's are willing to discuss bugs ingame and on support site. but ive tried several times, trying to discuss bugs with Xalin ingame. like when i for a while reportet 3 FG of hibs for Major bug abuse in poc. and none got banned. when i then asked Xalin ingame why they didnt get banned , all he did was " Have a nice day, cya" and logged off.. ZOMG thats good service.

when i then after a few days mailed to Rightnow with the chatlog and what happened around xalin and the bug abusers, i got NO reply, and i tried mailing them several times around that incident, STILL NO ANSWER!.

Gm's can make a few mistakes, noone is 100% perfect. nor am i. but they gotta get their ass up from the chair and actually listen to us. instead of /ignore ALL the time.....

I would imagine having you spam a GM in game is about as enjoyable as having your foreskin cleaned with a wire brush. Your ramblings clearly show that you lack any clue about what a GM does.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
elbeek said:
I would imagine having you spam a GM in game is about as enjoyable as having your foreskin cleaned with a wire brush. Your ramblings clearly show that you lack any clue about what a GM does.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Muldini said:
I asked him not to since it wasnt the real owner playing nor was it xrealming, cleric can set up SoR + FoP whereever they want and try to duel some1

so lol, a solo cleric on a foh who thinks he can cope with a stealher is enough to get you banned now, lol ?

damn, i`ll have to be carefull next time i put gradi on aggramon bridge on a foh waiting for a stealher to pa-cd me (with the wizy waiting in the closest beno tower, waiting to add :p)

i am sure i had some stealhers cursing about that nerdy wiz who adds on ns / SB`s attacking his poor cleric :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I think the reason this topic is up is that Sakis (rl name of theons) wants to find out what happened. If you read what he says is that he's acknowledging that he did something wrong by lending the account to someone else, and he's not saying "OMFG GOA PRICKS BANNED ME FOR NO REASON &*#*#%@". He asks for an explenation from whomever reported him, just so he will know what happened .

If it was Sakis playing the cleric I'd be 100% sure that there's some mistake involved, as I know the guy irl, and despite playing opposing realms he never got 1 free rp from my characters, and he nerer even asked to get any (well he tried to kill salonice once after having fought 3 others but that ended in a humiliating way for his pala :p)

Sad part of the story is that he likes to play alb. He's done alb toons both in exca and pryd. Call it roleplaying, for arthur etc, but it's his decision and it's respected by my part. However now he feels kinda awkward and he's thinking of deleting his toons and rolling hib (I told him to just sell the account if he decides to change :p)

To put an ending to the story, it would be nice if someone could provide some information over to what has happened. It would be even better if the person that did the report could describe the incident.

Mind you, there is no blame towards the person reporting something. S/he saw something suspicious and did well to report it. S/he didn't make a judgement, just pointed out something that was happening, so really no hard feelings, you did the right thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Requiel said:
Sometimes it isn't possible to show the proof however. The most common reason for this is that we don't want the methods we use to catch people who cheat becoming common knowledge, because then it would make it easier for peopel to cheat without getting caught. The other reason which is more relevant in this case is that the proof we have isn't very much use to anyone but us. Unless you know how to interpret our technical log files and correlate them with certain GM tools that we have available to us, this proof is just lines of numbers and timestamps.

Erm, not to play the irritating one but there are some flaws in goa's way of thinking to be fair.
Compare it to this: you go to court because you accuse someone of god knows what.
Solicitor to judge: "o yes sir, he's very guilty therefor we had to terminate his account".
Judge: "so where is your proof on which you make your statement/accusation"
Solicitor to judge: "sir, we can't give you this because then everybody would know how to dodge certain things + you wouldn't understand it either"
Judge: "release the prisoner because there is lack of evidence."

i know this is a bit of a far fetched example, but what i'm trying to say is: though something might seem obvious to you it doesn't give a clear view for the accused person of a) WHY he's getting the punishment and b) HOW he can defend himself and proof his innocence or accepting he was indeed guilty of something. This last one goes onto the following:

Requiel said:
When they were able to prove their innocence or demonstrate why our decision was wrong, we reversed our decisions.

And how exactly are you expecting them to let them prove their innocence when you don't give out the proof as you stated above?

I know you said 'sometimes', but it's those occasions that mostly go round because those people never get to UNDERSTAND WHY they have been punished.

Now don't get me wrong here. Ban all those who honestly deserve it.
But the other side in explaining or making people understand why decisions have been taken isn't always happening 'because the proof can't be given'.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Thing is, in this case the only reason the account owner doesnt understand what happened is because he let others used the account. That means all understanding goes straight out the picture..

for instance...

I died to the same hib 6 times inside 30minutes. An alb could easily have reported it as RP farming seeing the same spam constantly (got PM from a couple albs infact and I just explained to them that I wont give up trying to beat them).

Now if I was reported for this - Conversation with GoA could basically go as follows:

GoA: YOu account has been suspended for X-realming/RP farming on xxx

Me: I believe that the situation you refering to is my numerous deaths to "Bob". In this case I would like to advise you the following... I went to the area and died to him in a fair fight as you be able to see from your logs. I went back to get revenge however i continued to die to him simply because my class cant stand up against them well. As it was a challange, and i learning each time new tactic to get closer to winning i continued to go back. As you will be aware if you look at chat logs you probably also see me cursing in /gu about keep dying to him. If this is not the situation you are refering to please give me more information so I can explain.

GoA-a: We will look into what you have said and take it under advisement.
Goa-b: That was not the situation, we refer you to XXX time/event.


Ok so just a breif example, but the fact I was playing the toon all day would allow me to know what are the likely problems they see, and also how the situation came around. IF i didnt play it myself, I would not know of possible situations that caused it or how the situation came about.

GoA do make it tough to get to an answer in this case. But the fact is if you were playing toon yourself it wouldnt have been a problem.
(note: though i may use other peoples accounts, I only use them in situations where they wont be causing a problem- ie PvE or standing idle at a keep thus preventing problems in first place)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Oboy said:
yeah sure banning ppl for emoting is the right thing to do :wanker:
Banning for excessive spam is. Sure, getting banned over three emotes is retarded, but some people used to spam several pages full of /rude, which is hardly nice.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Was playing the cleric at that day .... and the only motion was /slap coz they was adding .
Think prob that some pps cant handle that some of albs got some respec and dont want adds or adding at soloers ...
class realm rank no matter ... . some pps get satisfied with solo even if they dieng ... at least the try to do somthink and learn the char better ...
The only think that i dont get how can a swe ip and a greece ip was from same loc to x-realming ... and tho i dont know that guy .. even at irc or msn or anythink
So i come to 1 think if i see some one solo il add him and il report him for x-realming and u all must do ...
That idea want to give as RvR .
Hmm RvR wrong name ... istans adding xrealming , better name ..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
elbeek said:
looking at your sig I am surprised anyone would lend you an account tbh.

like most lan friends/players i think the trading accs to healp each other in mani y thinks ...
i used vaskez to do artys when he was of game and some time rvring in grp .. what that means .... ban ?? suspendet coz i hade friends acc or char in and had fun in game ? ....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
arelir said:
like most lan friends/players i think the trading accs to healp each other in mani y thinks ...
i used vaskez to do artys when he was of game and some time rvring in grp .. what that means .... ban ?? suspendet coz i hade friends acc or char in and had fun in game ? ....

None in here got Banned only becose of account trading... It was becose of someone with a friend account did someting we was not supose to do, and the owner now is having trouble figuring it out, becose we was not playing hes account atm.

If the owner of the account was playing, he will know for sure what we did at that day of the ban/suspendet...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Straef said:
Banning for excessive spam is. Sure, getting banned over three emotes is retarded, but some people used to spam several pages full of /rude, which is hardly nice.

yeah like its hard to program in a delay wich only alows u to do a emote every 5 seconds or something. Mythic dont ban for this and dont seem to have a problem with it, Goa´s stance should be the same.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Oboy said:
yeah like its hard to program in a delay wich only alows u to do a emote every 5 seconds or something. Mythic dont ban for this and dont seem to have a problem with it, Goa´s stance should be the same.
Well, Mythic would be the one to implement a delay, which they won't, seeing they aren't bothered. I do agree, however, that introducing some sort of delay would be a good idea.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Oboy said:
yeah like its hard to program in a delay wich only alows u to do a emote every 5 seconds or something. Mythic dont ban for this and dont seem to have a problem with it, Goa´s stance should be the same.

Once again. It's not about emotes.

I'll say it again as, for some reason this message hasn't sunk in despite me making this point in every single one of these threads.
It isn't about emotes. Emoting is not a bannable offence. You do not get banned for using emotes. It's not the fact that you are emoting that gets you into trouble. I really don't know how to make that point any clearer.

If there was a timer on emotes, the people who are currently spamming emotes would spam something else such as /y. As I said earlier in this thread, the only way to prevent this from a coding point of view is to put a timer on everything you do and that would hugely inconvenience the large number of mature and sensible players just because a small minority have a problem comprehending the CoC. It's a far better use of resources and a far better solution for the vast majority of players to make it clear that this behaviour is not tolerated and deliver a slap to those who overstep the mark.

Everytime that you log in, you are reminded of the CoC and you choose to agree to it's provisions. If you aren't willing to play under those restrictions then click on 'decline' when you log in.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Requiel said:
Ok firstly, you are innocent until proven guilty on our servers. That's why we haven't banned every single person who plays.

Do you even expect an answer?

Requiel said:
Everytime that you log in, you are reminded of the CoC and you choose to agree to it's provisions. If you aren't willing to play under those restrictions then click on 'decline' when you log in.

And make you jobless?

Once again, I do accept the CoC every time I log in, nevertheless theres nothing wrong with trying to improve it by having discussion about stuff, just like this ban.

To not write it all again since some1 brought it to the point already:

Your ruleset may make ur life easier, it may prevents others from finding other "tricky" stuff to get around it and it may ban the wrong one simply because they ain't able to explain what you found because you dont tell them what you found.

This - in my opinion - is just unfair and should be changed.

To everyone coming up with "if you dont like it just quit": This is only a game, and if stuff I dont like reaches some point I just will quit it, theres no hard feelings or anything but once again, no reason not to try to improve things.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
This thread must close .... ther is nothink to say in it ...
All know that gm do mistakes , goa and loosing costumers form those S$#@s
BB D a o C ...

gl rest have fun


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Requiel said:
Once again. It's not about emotes.

I'll say it again as, for some reason this message hasn't sunk in despite me making this point in every single one of these threads.
It isn't about emotes. Emoting is not a bannable offence. You do not get banned for using emotes. It's not the fact that you are emoting that gets you into trouble. I really don't know how to make that point any clearer.

If there was a timer on emotes, the people who are currently spamming emotes would spam something else such as /y. As I said earlier in this thread, the only way to prevent this from a coding point of view is to put a timer on everything you do and that would hugely inconvenience the large number of mature and sensible players just because a small minority have a problem comprehending the CoC. It's a far better use of resources and a far better solution for the vast majority of players to make it clear that this behaviour is not tolerated and deliver a slap to those who overstep the mark.

Everytime that you log in, you are reminded of the CoC and you choose to agree to it's provisions. If you aren't willing to play under those restrictions then click on 'decline' when you log in.

The french logic strikes again
ofc its about emotes as they do something(rude,rofl,laugh etc) and the enemy player can see this. If someone just spam /y lknglksdf the other player would just see "playerX yells something in a language you dont understand". THat woudnt cut the cake for the spammers.

And its very easy to add in a good system that dosnt tolerate spamming, many irc networks and channels have it and it dosnt make any problems for the serious ppl chating there.

Banning ppl for this is just retarded and will decrease the population on the servers even more. And i cant see any resson or argument why GOA CoC and GM guidelines is differant from Mythic. Its the same game and differant CoC will just degree the quality of patches and stuff as mythic develops for there CoC not retarded GOA's.

Btw im gonna report the fish merchant and the cat in camelot for spamming, cant bloody chat in /bc while standing close there. Will we get a holiday from them 3 days then?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
arelir said:
The only think that i dont get how can a swe ip and a greece ip was from same loc to x-realming ... and tho i dont know that guy .. even at irc or msn or anythink

Only thing that makes sense tbh. Cus judging by your english he'd have a very hard time understanding what you want him to do and where to go. :twak:

To all the other muppets accusing GoA of malpractise; Plz get your head out of your ass and actually think a sec about what you are going to type. There's no doubt in my mind that 99% of the bans and warnings are only given if there's enough evidence to sustain it. I'm sure he knows what he did wrong, but won't admit it to the guy that he borrowed the account from.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Oboy said:
And i cant see any resson or argument why GOA CoC and GM guidelines is differant from Mythic. Its the same game and differant CoC will just degree the quality of patches and stuff as mythic develops for there CoC not retarded GOA's.

May or may not be related, but can you see why cheating got out of hand in the US ? Or why in % terms the loss of numbers in the US is greater than in Europe ?


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