Kalidur said:there comes a time in a posters life when he knows he doesnt have a chance to win, so i bow down to your superior intellect....
Its a sad thing you accept the fact that you are wrong, yet you are still trying to be sarcastic. Let me tell you what... to me your point of "oh yeah I am skilled , I just grp to have fun" is bunch of bullsh**. You only have fun when you grp with your "buddies" because you kill more than you would kill when solo. Why don't you try and attack a full grp of 8 with your buddies and see how much fun that is? Oh wait because dieing is not fun. I guarantee you that if you would get raped by a grp of 8 stealthers during the time you play over and over again, that would not be so much fun would it? But of course like you said its all about having fun right, so who cares dieng over and over again and having 2k rps in like 5 hours of play. Give me a break...
Its just bunch of horsesh** that you can come here and say you just grp with your friends for fun. Stop trying to hide the fact that you only grp so that you can kill something for sh** other than being solo and get raped all the time. At least have some decency and respect for the people that try to solo and get a fair fight.