Zerging, Adding, Stealth Zerging, ect.. & People complaing about it

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
Kalidur said:
there comes a time in a posters life when he knows he doesnt have a chance to win, so i bow down to your superior intellect....

Its a sad thing you accept the fact that you are wrong, yet you are still trying to be sarcastic. Let me tell you what... to me your point of "oh yeah I am skilled , I just grp to have fun" is bunch of bullsh**. You only have fun when you grp with your "buddies" because you kill more than you would kill when solo. Why don't you try and attack a full grp of 8 with your buddies and see how much fun that is? Oh wait because dieing is not fun. I guarantee you that if you would get raped by a grp of 8 stealthers during the time you play over and over again, that would not be so much fun would it? But of course like you said its all about having fun right, so who cares dieng over and over again and having 2k rps in like 5 hours of play. Give me a break...

Its just bunch of horsesh** that you can come here and say you just grp with your friends for fun. Stop trying to hide the fact that you only grp so that you can kill something for sh** other than being solo and get raped all the time. At least have some decency and respect for the people that try to solo and get a fair fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Pera said:
Its a sad thing you accept the fact that you are wrong, yet you are still trying to be sarcastic. Let me tell you what... to me your point of "oh yeah I am skilled , I just grp to have fun" is bunch of bullsh**. You only have fun when you grp with your "buddies" because you kill more than you would kill when solo. Why don't you try and attack a full grp of 8 with your buddies and see how much fun that is? Oh wait because dieing is not fun. I guarantee you that if you would get raped by a grp of 8 stealthers during the time you play over and over again, that would not be so much fun would it? But of course like you said its all about having fun right, so who cares dieng over and over again and having 2k rps in like 5 hours of play. Give me a break...

Its just bunch of horsesh** that you can come here and say you just grp with your friends for fun. Stop trying to hide the fact that you only grp so that you can kill something for sh** other than being solo and get raped all the time. At least have some decency and respect for the people that try to solo and get a fair fight.

and why on earth would i want to solo for, just to see that i can beat this guy, who the fuk cares.

If you solo and fuk up thats 1 dead, if your in an 8 man and fuk up thats 8 people potentially dead.

You know what i really think, it takes the least amount of skill to solo, you only have yourself to look out for, in an 8 man you have yourself to look out for + everyone else in your group, maybe some of those out there just cannot comprehend past thinking about 1 thing at a time, i for one like to have lots of things happening at once rather that just concentrating on what i'm doing.

Its eveloution DAOC style, you learn the game solo, but you truly master it in an 8 man group.

8 vs 8 take a hell of a lot more skill than 1 vs 1

So go back to your lonely little stealther camping the bridges and picking off the solo little caster with no brittle gards to 1 shot, you are oh so fukin skillfull, you must be shitting the stuff

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
It's clearly not about my way. Morals in game do not exisit. The orginal poster is right. Everyone has the right to play like he wants it as long as it is withing the boundaries of the game (e.g. no cheats and so on).

Just don't try to tell me it has to do something with my penis when I get outnumbered and beaten up and when I don't like it. I blame the game more than the players and still have enough good sides and friends in the game to play it.

I've played games where a single player has the chance to win vs 8 (Ravenshield, CTU member then insanity) if he is good and has the luck on his side.

I've played EVE where I was on top of the food chain and fought 3 vs 1 and won, I am considered as a good PvP'er there even though I stopped to play the game like a year ago (Space Invaders, Sally/Molly). That game has real PvP. You don't have to fight your enemies if you want to, you can outbuy them for example.

But this was mostly due to the DECEPTION level of the game and my skill and long time experience. DAoC is a PREDETERMINED game, you get outnumbered or meet the wrong class and the chances to die are big.

I'd prefer 1 vs 1, 4 vs 4, 8 vs 8 instances. No doubt. The RvR as you call it is for the weak, the carebears, zergers and people who can't stop for a second and analyze a situation in order to become better and improve. They are not interested in development, they are interested in RPs who compare RRs then, they are the e-peen guys, not me.

I rather die 100 times in a row having a good fight with zero RPs than gank 24/7 and I know when I played shit and when good, it has nothing to do with penis as you call it, you aren't Sigmund Freud and this is not sublimation.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
Kalidur said:
and why on earth would i want to solo for, just to see that i can beat this guy, who the fuk cares.

If you solo and fuk up thats 1 dead, if your in an 8 man and fuk up thats 8 people potentially dead.

You know what i really think, it takes the least amount of skill to solo, you only have yourself to look out for, in an 8 man you have yourself to look out for + everyone else in your group, maybe some of those out there just cannot comprehend past thinking about 1 thing at a time, i for one like to have lots of things happening at once rather that just concentrating on what i'm doing.

Its eveloution DAOC style, you learn the game solo, but you truly master it in an 8 man group.

8 vs 8 take a hell of a lot more skill than 1 vs 1

So go back to your lonely little stealther camping the bridges and picking off the solo little caster with no brittle gards to 1 shot, you are oh so fukin skillfull, you must be shitting the stuff

wow.. hats off to you, what your brilliant f***** mind cant comprehend is how is 1 vs. 1 any different than 8 vs. 8 or 32 vs. 32 ??? The problem is not equal numbers as you can't seem to understand... The problem is when its 8 vs 24. Does it matter how much fk*** skill you have? no. Does it matter how good you know the enemy and play your class? no. Its the same shit when its 1 vs. 3 and when its 8 vs. 24.

Can you understand now? How much fun do you have when you are out with your "elite" 8 man and get rolled by 3 fgs? Its the same problem stealthers have. You go out as solo more skilled than the rest and you get raped by 3. So whats next? I go out with 4 and they come back with 8? I go out with 8 they come back with 16?

You seriously need to think past "lonely stealther camping the bridge" and think "numbers". Or am I asking more out of you when I am suggesting you should think more logical?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Pera said:
how is 1 vs. 1 any different than 8 vs. 8 or 32 vs. 32 ?

knowing that separates the men from the boys....laddy

one day you'll understand until then i'll let you rant in your adolescent style..

Classes complement each other, but of course you cant do more than 1 thing at a time so i can understand your opinion.

But again there comes a time in a posters life when he knows he aint going to win, so once again i bow down to your superior intellect

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
He is going around and harassing people about their superior intellect while being an arrogant prick himself.

One day he will discover about emotional intelligence being valued quite high and come back and ask for forgivness. Meanwhile troll away.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
FH Code of Conduct said:
Add on my fight whinage.

Another annoying trend. The rules have nothing whatsoever that says a solo player cannot attack an enemy of his/her realm, so get over it. Threads of this nature will be closed without warning.

This thread is going nowhere, but watch out for the banstick if you are going to whine about stuff which is within the game rules.....
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