Zerging, Adding, Stealth Zerging, ect.. & People complaing about it

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well, we all know theres a large percentage of people who have no problem Adding on fights, Zerging or Stealthzerging. We also know we have alot of people who prefare not to do this, and get frustrated when they dont recieve the same treatment.

Yeah yeah ok whatever ill get to my point.

The arguement we here all the time, is that "I pay my subs, I decide how I play."

Every day more and more frequently im reading threads about the following:
<insert name> stole my encounter.
<insert name> emptied our house vault.
<insert name> had potions on cm for 5p instead of 5g.
<insert name> logged with loot.
<insert name> never finished trade.

these from the same people that say "I pay my subs I decide how I play".

So to those, Im not trying to get you to stop RvRing in whatever way, but realise that your excuse can be used in otherways too, and you have no right to complain if the way someone plays his game is by ruining your experience through the ways I just explained above.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Q_Q you pay to play with retards.. and if your a twat enough to give people access to your account or access to your house to steel stuff.. then your the fool...

ppl putting pot on for 5p and not 5g.. well iv done it to other ppl without relising.. and iv given them there money back :E easy mistake to make when you are putting them on your CM @ 5am. in the moring my advice is READ down the list b4 you buy. newbe :p

lol @ ppl complaining about ppl that never finished tradeing.. lession 1 there are wankers in there world. if u where walking down the street would you give someone 10k to hold on to for 2min while you walk your dog :E (crap example I know but im on my 7th class of booze teh brain isnt working all that well mm.. did it ever ?) anyway the answer is NO.. u wouldnt so why do it in a game :/

So xx logged with loot .. well dont grp with him again ! and why wasnt BG loot setup it was introduced for this very thing.. altho you are pritty screwed if it the leader of the BG that did it..

ohnoes "the rotten little elf" stole my encounter what will I do.. cry somemore ? it will be up again.. yes its a pain.. yes the person that stone it is most likely a fuckwit. there is nothing you can do about it.

Oh well im going back to my bottle of booze..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004

just think about it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
UndyingAngel said:
Q_Q you pay to play with retards.. and if your a twat enough to give people access to your account or access to your house to steel stuff.. then your the fool...

ppl putting pot on for 5p and not 5g.. well iv done it to other ppl without relising.. and iv given them there money back :E easy mistake to make when you are putting them on your CM @ 5am. in the moring my advice is READ down the list b4 you buy. newbe :p

lol @ ppl complaining about ppl that never finished tradeing.. lession 1 there are wankers in there world. if u where walking down the street would you give someone 10k to hold on to for 2min while you walk your dog :E (crap example I know but im on my 7th class of booze teh brain isnt working all that well mm.. did it ever ?) anyway the answer is NO.. u wouldnt so why do it in a game :/

So xx logged with loot .. well dont grp with him again ! and why wasnt BG loot setup it was introduced for this very thing.. altho you are pritty screwed if it the leader of the BG that did it..

ohnoes "the rotten little elf" stole my encounter what will I do.. cry somemore ? it will be up again.. yes its a pain.. yes the person that stone it is most likely a fuckwit. there is nothing you can do about it.

Oh well im going back to my bottle of booze..

Dude, wtf are you talking about?

Its a wierd topic, what im trying to say is..

Drawing a comparison between people who Add / stealthzerg, ect..

with people who Log with loot, dont finish transfers, steal encounters, empty guild vaults

You say that the above people are retards so I also assume you think the add'ers and stealthzergers are retards also

since all those groups of people simply play the game they want to, and dont give a crap if it ruins anyone elses game.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
Well, we all know theres a large percentage of people who have no problem Adding on fights, Zerging or Stealthzerging. We also know we have alot of people who prefare not to do this, and get frustrated when they dont recieve the same treatment.

Yeah yeah ok whatever ill get to my point.

The arguement we here all the time, is that "I pay my subs, I decide how I play."

Every day more and more frequently im reading threads about the following:
<insert name> stole my encounter.
<insert name> emptied our house vault.
<insert name> had potions on cm for 5p instead of 5g.
<insert name> logged with loot.
<insert name> never finished trade.

these from the same people that say "I pay my subs I decide how I play".

So to those, Im not trying to get you to stop RvRing in whatever way, but realise that your excuse can be used in otherways too, and you have no right to complain if the way someone plays his game is by ruining your experience through the ways I just explained above.

Ermm... if you add on fights in rvr you are a scammer and untrustworthy person? :eek7:

Yes that makes sense :twak: Perfect sense :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Oh and just as an FYI, most people "adding" dont use the argument that they pay their subs and will play how they want - they use the argument that this is a *realm* vs *realm* wargame, not counterstrike.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Fana said:
not counterstrike.

don't understand how you can compare the 1vs1 game to counterstrike, how do you think? cause i don't fucking get it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
kivik said:
don't understand how you can compare the 1vs1 game to counterstrike, how do you think? cause i don't fucking get it.

The comparison is there because the "elite" 8 vs 8 teams wish for a kind of playstyle that is prevalent in CS and other team vs team games - i.e. you start with equal numbers in a set arena where you duke it out without outside interference. A playstyle which daoc was not designed or intended to support since in this game you can and will get outside interference in your team vs team fights. Its not a flame of CS type games or "elite" teams, its just an observation about how daoc plays compared to a true Team vs Team game.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2005
well i agree that all people pay their accounts and have right to play their way as long as it dosnt crash with the rules of agreement. And i totaly agree RvR is Realm versus Realm not Gank group versus Gank group. But on the other hands middle to long solo fights is the part of RvR i enjoy most! even if i loose them so i wish the groups would let people finish solo fights before they kill the winner :p. Some people do this and if I am in a group i respect soloers. I am not saying that 2 stealthers who groups shouldnt hit me at the same time because they are grouping. I am not saying that big groups should let me live when they see me alone because i am in NF and must accept that. What i am saying is that it is REALY frustrating getting killed in a 1 on 1 fight by a FG or 5 scouts when both me and the opponent is on 20 % hp.

And to the trading tricks witch were mentioned about selling pots to 5 p , thats the marked both IRL and ingame, be careful and about not finishing trade: dont trust people so easy.

People wo logg with Loot and steal enconters: well report them here at FH and spam in every channels in game so we know what kinda people they are.
Things like that is something i wish wasnt happening , both cowardly and dishonourable and if too much it makes the game suck. Cant realy say i have seen this much tbh.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Fana said:
The comparison is there because the "elite" 8 vs 8 teams wish for a kind of playstyle that is prevalent in CS and other team vs team games - i.e. you start with equal numbers in a set arena where you duke it out without outside interference. A playstyle which daoc was not designed or intended to support since in this game you can and will get outside interference in your team vs team fights. Its not a flame of CS type games or "elite" teams, its just an observation about how daoc plays compared to a true Team vs Team game.

I wasn't talking about fg vs fg, I was talking about 1 vs 1. Now tell me how you compare 1 vs 1 with CS.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
kivik said:
I wasn't talking about fg vs fg, I was talking about 1 vs 1. Now tell me how you compare 1 vs 1 with CS.

You're right, 1 vs 1 isn't counterstrike... it's playstation.

<3 Tekken <3

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
What's with you people comparing FPS games to DAoC?

Realm vs Realm my arse. Realm vs Realm is a container for a lot of different play styles.

I for once prefer to not waste all my shit vs 3 stealthers to just run away and wait for 15 minutes to have a slightly chance again.

I also don't like ganking people 3 vs 1, be it DAoC or a FPS game. I bet some of the wankers in DAoC would even gank the same dude in opposite team 8 : 1 all day long in a FPS game if they would get RPs for it.

I value being honourable and sharing respect for enemies much higher than this dumb roleplay shit.

Bunch of fucking carebears, keep on stealth zerging.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
What's with you people comparing FPS games to DAoC?

Realm vs Realm my arse. Realm vs Realm is a container for a lot of different play styles.

I for once prefer to not waste all my shit vs 3 stealthers to just run away and wait for 15 minutes to have a slightly chance again.

I also don't like ganking people 3 vs 1, be it DAoC or a FPS game. I bet some of the wankers in DAoC would even gank the same dude in opposite team 8 : 1 all day long in a FPS game if they would get RPs for it.

I value being honourable and sharing respect for enemies much higher than this dumb roleplay shit.

Bunch of fucking carebears, keep on stealth zerging.

Who fucking cares what you like to roleplay (yes being honourable and shit is roleplaying in a fucking game.)
Sure if you ask it kindly Ill let people do their 1vs1 thing but the moment they act greedy or just sad (like you do) i will happely ruin their 1vs1 (which will improve mine because killing people is one of the reasons i play this game).

and yes like it or not, this game is Realm versus realm and the majority likes that, its a minority who likes your "Hi, lets all wait in a que so we can do fair an honourable 1vs1 all day long!!"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
You missed the point calo, what Manisch was saying is that the people who use 'its a realm vs realm game' as an excuse for constant adding etc are the roleplayers. What they need to realise is that it's not vital to destory every enemy out there on sight, and that by leaving the occasional 1v1 or 8v8 fight until its over will NOT mean the destruction of their homelands, rape of their wives, murder of their children and the demise of the great King Arthur (long may he live).


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Void959 said:
What they need to realise is that it's not vital to destory every enemy out there on sight, and that by leaving the occasional 1v1 or 8v8 fight until its over will NOT mean the destruction of their homelands, rape of their wives, murder of their children and the demise of the great King Arthur (long may he live).

spot on :)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Calo said:
Who fucking cares what you like to roleplay (yes being honourable and shit is roleplaying in a fucking game.)
Sure if you ask it kindly Ill let people do their 1vs1 thing but the moment they act greedy or just sad (like you do) i will happely ruin their 1vs1 (which will improve mine because killing people is one of the reasons i play this game).

and yes like it or not, this game is Realm versus realm and the majority likes that, its a minority who likes your "Hi, lets all wait in a que so we can do fair an honourable 1vs1 all day long!!"

I don't act greedy or sad. I never said anything to someone who added on my fight, I don't say how people shall play. I usually back off though because there is no point in outnumbering someone in a way that will mean insta-death to him, it is not challenging, it has no sport, it is just stupid RP farming from people that are not able to succeed on their own and that is sadly the majority of the players in every game, hence carebears!

I even critisized the FG I ran in when the farming of random zergs took overhand and said that this is not what I am looking for.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Void959 said:
You missed the point calo, what Manisch was saying is that the people who use 'its a realm vs realm game' as an excuse for constant adding etc are the roleplayers. What they need to realise is that it's not vital to destory every enemy out there on sight, and that by leaving the occasional 1v1 or 8v8 fight until its over will NOT mean the destruction of their homelands, rape of their wives, murder of their children and the demise of the great King Arthur (long may he live).

rep :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
its mainly newbs and dickheads that add. with a few guilty nice people who use the MMRPG excuse.

imo anyway.
Dec 31, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
What's with you people comparing FPS games to DAoC?

Realm vs Realm my arse. Realm vs Realm is a container for a lot of different play styles.

I for once prefer to not waste all my shit vs 3 stealthers to just run away and wait for 15 minutes to have a slightly chance again.

I also don't like ganking people 3 vs 1, be it DAoC or a FPS game. I bet some of the wankers in DAoC would even gank the same dude in opposite team 8 : 1 all day long in a FPS game if they would get RPs for it.

I value being honourable and sharing respect for enemies much higher than this dumb roleplay shit.

Bunch of fucking carebears, keep on stealth zerging.

well said :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
censi said:
its mainly newbs and dickheads that add. with a few guilty nice people who use the MMRPG excuse.

imo anyway.
Ill remember that next time you, vipr and Thesa gank me while solo on Brynja you massive great big hypotcrit.

Ill add on anyone, an enemy is an enemy as far as I am concerned, want to play in private get a fucking room in a motel 6 with a pack of kleenex and some KY, and adding isnt rollplay, its gameplay, live with it and cut this "honourable" shite, heres a newsflash, in Iraq they dont stop shotting cause they are 10:1 ffs.

Manisch Depressiv said:
Bunch of fucking carebears, keep on stealth zerging.
You are the carebear, booing cause of adds, what a crock.
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