You, your class and PvP


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Every MS warrior with good equipment does the same. Warrior definitely is not average DPS, in fact depending on crits, the burst damage can be huge.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
warriors are a very underated class i think most people think they hit like a wet fish ¬_¬


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Danya said:
Seen a lot of rogues who can't play their class TBH. It does seem to attract the skilless noobs who think that they'll r0x0r anyone they meet just by being a rogue. One who jumped me seemed to completely lose the plot when I blinked out of CS - it was like he had no idea WTF to do on a non-stunlocked opponent.

I love when they do this :p

Also when you counterspell a paladin's heal, and they just stand around doing nothing :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
after killing some rogue i went to shield+def stance, he come back and cold blood ambush me, for 400 dmg

"err, hi"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
k9awya said:
after killing some rogue i went to shield+def stance, he come back and cold blood ambush me, for 400 dmg

"err, hi"
lolyrofl irl


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tasslehoff said:
I love when they do this :p
Yup. He was literally running in circles behind me, I just thought "WTF?" and sheeped him. ;)

Had a rogue 4 levels down on me burn sprint trying to chase me from miles back last night, he caught up to me just as polymorph landed. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Fana said:
My warlock performs well enough in small skirmishes, and solo is pretty nice against some classes, less nice against others - having trouble with paladins and rogues (palas cause i cant kill them fast enough to prevent them from using all their abilities and heal lots etc, and rogues because i have virtually no defence against them if they come from stealth and i dont have sucubus up).

Performs really good in zergs as long as i dont get 10 sec freezelag etc but that has less to do with warlocks than with the game itself =.=

Main issue with the class is ofc the need for soulshards in pvp, and the lack of mobs to get them from in most popular pvp areas - so i have to either use only imp and no soulstone/healthstone etc, or farm tons of shards before i go pvp.

As playing warlock myself i dont have any probs with pallys 1vs1 asmuch i have meet them. Just get that slowing talent ability ( cba to check ze name ) and kite for win pet and some dots eating them. Usually i get low manaproblems fighting pallys - so need use lifetap + bandage + HP pot + HPstone, but thats not really big problem.
Rouges are allmost as lame as in daoc. They usually dare to jump when ur pet is on mob and u dont have many HPs. Killing them depends lot of enemie skilllevel. Some days ago lvl 60 rouge jumped on my 54 warlock when i had 53 mob fighting with my pet. Won easy without using any HP heals. After that lvl 53 rouge killed me 3 times in row in same exping situation. Used felthunter- so cant be sure how good was my option if i had succubus up there. The problem with rouges is, that they have OPd speedshout what kinda elliminates my slowing ability. Waiting to meet some of them with succubus :)

Soulshards - make them stackable , imo. Dont see point, whay it isnt done allready:eek:

Problem - petclasses are losing pets when riding. Blizz should fix it asap, just dont show pets when u riding and instapop them if u demount.

Generally - i love playing lock. Having so many tools to use mekes class damn enjoyable :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'm interested - how do you guys rate the average priest in PvP? I've seen no decent alliance ones yet, and one half decent horde. Most don't seem to know much beyond using fear and shield.

Secondly - what do you think of the new trinkets?

Mine doesn't always work when stunned. "you cannot use this ability when stunned" which miffs me a bit, since it's supposedly used for removing a stun effect.

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Priests can do ok depending on whether they get the jump and on their spec.

Along with the shield and fear, there's dispel (useful vs druids etc), dot, mindblast, mind flay (useful vs mages/palys), silence (vs mages etc)

We don't do massive damage but our survivability isn't bad if we are 1v1. Our problems come when faced with 1 v 2.

Also I've noticed that the trinket has hit us quite bad, especially vs mages. I can fear (he trinkets), He polymoprhs and I ?.... Silence and fear are on too long a cooldown vs a mage. He can chain cast polymorph/dps whereas we have an age to wait for fear/silence cooldown.

I must admit though that our survivability vs Rogues has imporved tremendously since I got the anti stun trinket. :clap:


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I know they can do ok, I play one, and massive damage? Easily achieved :p

But has anyone actually seen any decent priests in PvP? Myself excepted, priests are either clerics in PvP, or wannabe Mages (dishing out damage to anyone that comes near, usually by spamming SWP at anything that moves and hoping they die).

And do you usually get targetted first in PvP? Shadowform is great for saying "don't fuck with me" , but I regularly get taken down by 4 or 5 rogues keeping me perma stunned whenever there's a big fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
SilverHood said:
I'm interested - how do you guys rate the average priest in PvP? I've seen no decent alliance ones yet, and one half decent horde. Most don't seem to know much beyond using fear and shield.

Secondly - what do you think of the new trinkets?

Mine doesn't always work when stunned. "you cannot use this ability when stunned" which miffs me a bit, since it's supposedly used for removing a stun effect.
Some things which show "you cannot do this while stunned" are not actually stuns. I find with with blink also - it'll break you out of any true stuns, but not out of break on damage stuns like gouge or sap.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
i hate blizzard. i have pretty much given up my priest in solo pvp now. i find myself constantly getting chain stunned or just beaton to a pulp by rogues now. esp now it would seem most are cpl rank and have the loverly trinket making my fear definably useless. my shield helps a little but tbh most melee classes can take it down kinda fast and then mince thru me while im trying to cast other spells. before the honour system i would rely on fear giving me enough time to get off 2or 3 channeled mind flays along with my dot doing a lil dmg.
my warlock friend says the same. being a squishy cloth wearer means i get completely minced now if a melee get within range.
i have found 1 way of just being able to beat em which is when i hit fear gives me a few seconds to run opposite direction and i just stay slightly out of melee range spamming my dot untill they die but this is long boring and doesnt always work. warlocks mages druids an shammys are all pretty fair game 1v1 still. but dont meet many who run 1v1. mostly just rogues.
the most obvious solution to this would be to constantly run duo with a warrior or mage or run in a group. but i like to solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i think casters are meant to go down pretty quick vs mele classes in mele range


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
SilverHood said:
I'm interested - how do you guys rate the average priest in PvP? I've seen no decent alliance ones yet, and one half decent horde. Most don't seem to know much beyond using fear and shield.

Secondly - what do you think of the new trinkets?

Mine doesn't always work when stunned. "you cannot use this ability when stunned" which miffs me a bit, since it's supposedly used for removing a stun effect.

As a warlock i both win and lose against priests, but i definetly dont fear them in anyway - with soullink active there is just no way that a priest will kill me before i kill him unless he is very tricksy, and few are. With curse of tounges on him and a pet hitting him while im feared i wont take that much damage etc, while he will suffer full damage from me while i fear him :)

The new trinket... well, as a warlock i have it harder against some classes, but on the other hand mages are even less of a problem. All in all it doesnt affect my game that much - rogues and paladins are still my main concern etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
stubbyrulz said:
i think casters are meant to go down pretty quick vs mele classes in mele range
never said they arent meant to. im saying there is no way we can stop them getting in range with all the immune to fears. well for priest and warlock anyway. i know im not meant to be a power caster like a mage is but standing no chance of even getting away from a melee class either is frustrating. im so tempted to give up my priest and carry on playing my rogue whos just hit 40 who was orignally just playing to lvl up to give a guildie company. either that or i could start from scratch again and lvl up a mage or warrior or summat which doesnt sound to enticing atm.

tbh i would just be happy if they had made the trinket need a higher rank as imo its probly 1 of most usefull rewards ur gonna be able to get.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
By the day honor system was out i played a lot of pvp. So here are my evalutaions for all the classes against a rogue :)

Rogue vs Mage = If u succeed to land cs/ambush u can kill a mage prety quick. If u miss or if he uncovers you it becomes difficult.

Rogue vs Priest = You need to manage well your energy and save your combos for kidney shot the moment he will use power shield. It is not so easy as many ppl might think.

Rogue vs Warlock = i havent fought much against a warlock and i might be wrong but with "will", i have never lost.

Rogue vs Druid. The same goes here as with the priest. U need good managing of energy and combos. Unbreakable root ftw.

Rogue vs hunter = no comment... hunters need seriously some love

Rogue vs Warrior = Warrior all the way :p. A well equiped warrior with reaper cant be killed. Overpower is evil :x

Rogue vs Paladin = I have never met a solo pally so tbh i cant say for sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Mithradir said:
Rogue vs Mage = If u succeed to land cs/ambush u can kill a mage prety quick. If u miss or if he uncovers you it becomes difficult.

You cheapshot mages ? :p


Loyal Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
No most of the times i do ambush but i am dagger spec. You can effectively attack a mage with cs also though. After blink he become vulnerable on next stun.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
i rock everything with my mage, damn OP char :( i should go back and play my sorc in daoc


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Priest can stand his ground v any class tho trinket has made it harder, pallies is a never ending fight small chance u will not be added on b4 is over, warriors are canon food for a priest, well played druid forget it if enervate is up unless he is so stupid not to heal till he is on 30%, wl can be triky special with felhunter, mage u kill in less then 15 sec unless he sprints away with swiftness potion, rogues can be done if u are prepared with pots +dragonbreath and dont forget to use inerfire, ofc if u sitting down and give up 100% crit is 99% game over. Btw run speed on boots to piss of pallies :O


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Any warlock acheived higher than Standing 15 on their server? :D

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