You want a none-toa server on EU as US already got since 2 days now?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2005
Hiya there, US is getting a none toa server and i'm pretty sure most of you guys out there in EU want one aswell well write this to goa on right now or change abit on it if you like
Hiya dear goa, I've heard some news that US will get a non toa server, so called " shourded island " server , so i wounder will EU get one aswell?, i know several ppl that would start on it asap and i've asked the most mirc channel aswell most of the ppl that plays on the english servers would go over and play on the shourded island server so i wounder it wouldent be fair agains us if US get a server like that and we dont, please can you you make a shourded island server to us aswell, you most understand it wouldent be fair if they get one and we dont... we have all waited for a moment when you will make a non toa ( shrouded island ) server to us cost most of us enjoyed to play dark age of camelot most when there wasent any toa and it was most fun to play with shourded island with out artifact and when you just have planned darkness falls into the game so please i beg you ... put a shourded island server to us aswell... i beg you ... please take this up with your bosses we all would be realy happy if you could make same server for us else it wouldent be fair and you should treat your EU player as good as you treat your US player's and i'm almost sure there's pretty many ppl that will come back from world of warcraft if you make a shourded island server and not a toa server couse TOA and CATACOMBS was the reason why they left and started with world of warcraft aswell... and i know what i'm talking about i got big exerpeince of daoc and i know loads of ppl i've played dark age of camelot since it released 4-5 years ago so please atleast give it a try , my self and loads of others ppl are forced to stop playing on EU and start on US couse they will get a none toa server and that is what we want so we are getting forced to start on US couse you having no plans on give us a NONE toa server , you treat us unfair if you give US a none toa server but not EU thats what i'm calling bullshit then i'm off to wow again and i'm sure plenty of more is going to do that couse now its end of this if you dont do anything about this

Thats all i have to say to you, THANKS! and please listen to my advice and take it up with your bososes or what ever BYE

Please give me a answer on your plans if we got any chance at all to get a none toa server like US gonne get or do we have to start there or well getting forced ... i speak for all your customers when i say TOA is destroying the game ask any customers of yours

Lets make a future =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Thats all i have to say to you, THANKS! and please listen to my advice and take it up with your bososes or what ever BYE

Hehe I'm going to start calling my bosses "bososes"!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ofc, but if we ever get one it will be too late anyway so no point, thats the way of the game :>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
On a more serious note this time.

GOA knows that there are many customers not fully satisfied with TOA and that a classic server would be much appreciated. But it all comes down to investment vs profit.

The thing is, that Mythic already have 2 servers launched which will attract a lot of players from both US and EU. The server will be very populated almost 24/7 due to the vast difference in timezones. What does this lead to? That a lot of the EU customers going to US will be joyfull there since there will not be such a distinct primetime as it is today. So would these players move back to EU if GOA released a classic server here? Some would, but the majority would just stay put. So GOA would need to have the resources to put up a new servers to compete against Mythic over the EU customers who want to play on Classic. And the head start Mythic has now will be make it hard for GOA to make it all profitable. However if GOA would have relesed classic servers the same day, it would probably look a bit different.

EDIT: As far as Catacombs goes, it's still on the classic servers you know. And I don't think Catacombs was a major reason why many left.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
A poll has already been undertaken and finished by GoA and the result was not needing an SI serv.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I still want one anyway, could finally get rid of this ToA crap :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Seeing as I doubt this will ever happen with GoA, how do I go about starting up again on the US servers? I have a free 14 day trial account but I dunno what to do about getting Catacombs / Toa. :/ Help me peoples, all who help shall recieve pleasure !


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Seeing as tho they have no reason to release a SI/Cata Server im going to hang around for clustering see what that brings *rolls eyes*

If its not worth playing at all im moving to the USA SI/Cata servers where I can feel more at home with running raids etc etc...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
There are two non toa servers on us, and both are full. They show 3k players and I'm unable to log onto them. Interest seems a big as when pvp servers were first launched.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Leel said:
There are two non toa servers on us, and both are full. They show 3k players and I'm unable to log onto them. Interest seems a big as when pvp servers were first launched.
And now look at the PvP servers. The US one is all but dead and the Euro one rarely sees more than 500 people on it. New servers are always popular as people go to see the shiny things and try new stuff. It's not how busy they are now that will show how popular they are, but how busy they are once the novelty has worn off.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Drp said:
i speak for all your customers when i say TOA is destroying the game ask any customers of yours
You aren't speaking for all Goa's customers and you sure as hell aren't speaking for me. As has been pointed out already, when Goa ran the same poll that Mythic ran, the interest in the non-ToA server was less than overwhelming so I don't really think you can claim you speak for everyone. I don't have a problem with ToA, there are things I'd like to see fixed but in general Mythic have been going the right way with fixing them lately. The ToA changes in 1.75 are excellent - grant credit commands, wider scroll drop options, no more pre-reqs etc. I'm concerned that Mythic will use the existence of a no-ToA server to stop doing this. If people complain about elements of ToA, they can point to the new servers and say 'if you don't like it, play there' instead of fixing the remaining issues.

Personally I think the new ruleset is stupid and will cause a lot more problems than it solves. Peopel going there because they feel they are too casual to compete on regular servers are in for a rude awakening.

Group buffs only? That means that every player there will have to have a buffbot this will actually increase the number of buffbots on the server.

Ranged concentration buffs? So keep takes will be near impossible as the defenders will be fully buffed and the attackers won't. Good luck feeding unbuffed and rez-sick attackers to a fully buffed lord defence team. Roaming RvR will be very limited as only the opted groups who have a live buffbot in their group (probably all mids as it's easier to fit an Aug Shaman into a group than a Enhance Cleric or Nurture Druid) will venture more than 5000 units from the nearest friendly tower or keep.

No ToA gear? There will still be uber gear that the haves will have and the have-nots will whine about. Give me the choice between farming blue mobs for a scroll or going on multiple all night 100 person plus Sidi raids for a chance to roll on a piece of class armour and I'll take the farming scrolls any day thank you very much. Ironically for those who are looking forward to only needing to get to 50 to be competitive in RvR, you'll need to do more pve to stand a chance. The best source of money will be DF again, all the LGM crafters will have been powerskilled by the uberguilds at first and they'll set the prices. It won't be cheap. You want a set of MP crafted armour with a decent SC template on it? Be prepared to spend weeks farming seals to pay for it.

By the time you are 50 and have your template done, the uberguilds will have RR6+ gank groups roaming that will roll you just as fast as they roll you now on regular servers. With very few exceptions active RAs are way more powerful than most artifact abilities and these guys will have RAs dripping from every pore and you'll feed them more.

Also NF and the NF RAs are balanced with ToA in mind. Taking ToA out of that equation will skew things massively. Who wants to play a caster when Nearsight can't be cured, there are no brittle guards, no bodyguard, no FoPs and Det and Charge are even more uber than they were in OF.

In short I really don't think it's going to be the casual player's nirvana that people seem to think it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 10, 2004
GoA made a poll asking if there was a need for a SI server??

HAHA well i think most ppl that left DAoC did it because of ToA and there aint reading FH or page.

:twak: :twak: :twak: :twak:


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Slusk said:
GoA made a poll asking if there was a need for a SI server??

HAHA well i think most ppl that left DAoC did it because of ToA and there aint reading FH or page.

:twak: :twak: :twak: :twak:

Aye, and they found WoW

Dont think you will get many of the oldies back that left because of ToA and are now on WoW

Personally, I blame the silly artifact leveling that happened before it was changed. If that patch had be used when NF was released, you wouldnt have lost that many to WoW


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
As a returning player. and having to level up to 50, get some master levels, farm some scrolls and do some artifacts before even daring to enter the frontier.... i say..... "you dont speak for me either - ill be staying put thanks"

Within the last week ive had loads of fun running nad helping others do ML! and 2 (3 this week and more next week) managed to get one artifact done, and another one tonight. Its not that hard :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004

As for the non-TOA server, no thanks. Its a dream if you ask me. It will be as frequented as the PvP servers after a couple of weeks.

Edit: FH put the spaces into my first "sentence". They are ofcourse not meant to be there.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
chretien said:
as only the opted groups who have a live buffbot in their group (probably all mids as it's easier to fit an Aug Shaman into a group than a Enhance Cleric or Nurture Druid) will venture more than 5000 units from the nearest friendly tower or keep.

I dont think so. If you are familiar with RvR you will no for the last year the standard rvr spec for hib and alb has been a nurture/enhance with spec with just enough heal line for spread. If a grp has a druid/cleric in them they should have buffs, I dont think this seperates 'opted' groups from normal groups

chretien said:
No ToA gear? There will still be uber gear that the haves will have and the have-nots will whine about. Give me the choice between farming blue mobs for a scroll or going on multiple all night 100 person plus Sidi raids for a chance to roll on a piece of class armour and I'll take the farming scrolls any day thank you very much.

Do you know what you are talking about? Virtually all the templates for the new servers are being done thru SI/EPIC quests and Cata/Darkspire drops + 99% crafted. No SIDI gear in my template nor on anyone else i know. These templates are easily retrieved in a normal full group.

chretien said:

Why the big essay mate? why not just see how it goes first? Most people see it as a fresh start from the existing servers where every man and his dog is rr7+ and a new 50 has little chance in RvR. I have fully TOAed and ML'ed enough characters and I know that it WILL be quicker on the new server than it is now. Fundamentally the difference between a rr3 epic equipped and rr6 cata equipped character is a LOT less than the difference between a rr3 character and a rr10, ml10 fully artifacted toon.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
I have as many of you played this game since it was released. and thats alot of time. more time then any mythic or goa developer has spent playing. If we spent that time at a university instead we would have been engineers or doctors instead. Its alot of daoc experience and mythic/goa should hire me instead or at least listen to me, since im right.

I think its against the nature of the game to have servers with different rule sets. The game will be changed later and adapted to customers that whine on the servers where a majoroty of those loud players play.

The game would rise again and attract enormous amounts of new players if mythic stopped listen to the loud costumers and adapt after the current playerbase. Instead they should focus on making a great game better and to make the current game more balanced. adding expansion is great but "less is more". If there is a better and fair balance between different classes and realms in game then there will be more payed accounts. After balancing the game new and old costumers will start play and there will be alot more new players.

And please try to market the game better. almost every player now in EU that has started after beta has been reqruited by another player. almost NOONE else knows this game even exist here. Im tired of beeing refered to playing counterstrike or WoW.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
chretien said:
I'm concerned that Mythic will use the existence of a no-ToA server to stop doing this. If people complain about elements of ToA, they can point to the new servers and say 'if you don't like it, play there' instead of fixing the remaining issues.
Mythic used to have one way of fixing stuff - add more shit over shit to make the old shit look like chocolate. Now they have discovered another way - remove the shit so the chocolate will look like shit again. Things such as interupting-code and how much it sucks is way easier to spot on non-ToA server - who knows, maybe this will open Mythic's eyes to grab on the base code and sort out the stuff they should have done ages ago. "If the engine is broken the car will suck no matter how many times a day you wash it", or something :cool:

... it's more likely that Mythic dont put any effort on these servers so they'll flop though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Saggy said:
Mythic used to have one way of fixing stuff - add more shit over shit to make the old shit look like chocolate. Now they have discovered another way - remove the shit so the chocolate will look like shit again. Things such as interupting-code and how much it sucks is way easier to spot on non-ToA server - who knows, maybe this will open Mythic's eyes to grab on the base code and sort out the stuff they should have done ages ago. "If the engine is broken the car will suck no matter how many times a day you wash it", or something :cool:

... it's more likely that Mythic dont put any effort on these servers so they'll flop though.

Wise words. :worthy:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Tears said:
As a returning player. and having to level up to 50, get some master levels, farm some scrolls and do some artifacts before even daring to enter the frontier.... i say..... "you dont speak for me either - ill be staying put thanks"

Within the last week ive had loads of fun running nad helping others do ML! and 2 (3 this week and more next week) managed to get one artifact done, and another one tonight. Its not that hard :)

As another returning player I have to say all this ToA crap is pissing me off, even with your excellent raids helping to ease the pain. There are alot of good points made in this thread for both sides but the most fun I have ever had in this game was playing the Gorre test server for NF and perhaps also playing the Dark Ages shard with some mates. What most people crave is RvR action and to be competetive even to a small degree, what ToA did was move the goal posts and make life generally much harder for the average player. It forced more PvE on them and for a longer time frame than ever before, it denied them the chance of action (competetive action at least) until they could catch up with the time investment that the 'uberguilds' were able to put in to equip themselves. Again there are pro's and con's to that but no one can deny it put an awful lot of people off this game and the numbers show it.

Personally I don't like ToA, never have and never will, that's just my personal preference. A choice of a non-ToA server would be fantastic for me but I realise it probably isn't practical for GOA considering the current player numbers, there is nothing wrong with me hoping in vain though ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Leel said:
There are two non toa servers on us, and both are full. They show 3k players and I'm unable to log onto them. Interest seems a big as when pvp servers were first launched.
But we all know how that ended up :p
Would have received a non-Toa server with open arms if they asked around toa release or a few weeks after, but now I simply can't be bothered even lvling something without having to do any toa kit :x They're just too late, main reason for me, and I'm sure a lot of others.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
You're all starting to sound like the Americans... I really see no logic in your statements about "Look how well it went for the Dreds!!". What the heck is up with that? I keep reading it on VNBoards and think to myself that it's just their usual whinyness. But then I come here and read the same, odd reason.

Are you really serious when comparing these new servers to Dreds? So when Mythic releases a new expansion that would meet a lot of the hopes many people have had about the game you would say "Very many will hate the new expansion! You know how it went with ToA!".

Don't you realise that these are two completely different servers? The reason so many left the Dreds was probably mostly because of:
1) The neverending greifing.
2) The sense of being in a realm and fighting for it dimnished to near extinction.
( 3) Too many different nationalities. This is absolutely not a racist comment, it's just the fact that people got very annoyed by the fact that main chats were mixed with Swedish, Spanish, French and German, and nobody had any respect to anyone.) - only applies in EU.

You surely must see a difference?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
chretien said:

still spouting the same blinkered crap i see, i was gonna point out where u had gone wrong in ur essay, but Ballard saved me the trouble and blew u away

:cheers: Ballard :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
cHodAX said:
What most people crave is RvR action and to be competetive even to a small degree, what ToA did was move the goal posts and make life generally much harder for the average player. It forced more PvE on them and for a longer time frame than ever before, it denied them the chance of action (competetive action at least) until they could catch up with the time investment that the 'uberguilds' were able to put in to equip themselves. Again there are pro's and con's to that but no one can deny it put an awful lot of people off this game and the numbers show it.

Personally I don't like ToA, never have and never will, that's just my personal preference. A choice of a non-ToA server would be fantastic for me

agree 110% !


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Install a server with the patch pre TOA and I'd be a happy bunny.


I want Relic Raids not Relic Campaigns.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
NeonBlue said:
still spouting the same blinkered crap i see, i was gonna point out where u had gone wrong in ur essay, but Ballard saved me the trouble and blew u away

:cheers: Ballard :drink:
No he didn't. He disagreed with me and he used some wrong comparisons to inflate his points. Time will tell which of us is right. However my concerns about the new server are still valid. It's not a proper fix and there's a good chance it'll be used as one.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
chretien said:
No he didn't. He disagreed with me and he used some wrong comparisons to inflate his points.

LOL !!

"Virtually all the templates for the new servers are being done thru SI/EPIC quests and Cata/Darkspire drops + 99% crafted. No SIDI gear in my template nor on anyone else i know. These templates are easily retrieved in a normal full group"

"Most people see it as a fresh start from the existing servers where every man and his dog is rr7+ and a new 50 has little chance in RvR. I have fully TOAed and ML'ed enough characters and I know that it WILL be quicker on the new server than it is now. Fundamentally the difference between a rr3 epic equipped and rr6 cata equipped character is a LOT less than the difference between a rr3 character and a rr10, ml10 fully artifacted toon."

These are not wrong comparisons, nor are they inflated, infact they are a pretty damn sensible and still blow your points away !

take off your blinkers and you might actually see the common sense in them yourself !

You cant fix whats already broken and in my view TOA has been broken since release, so whilst these new servers wont fix that, they have a good chance of making ALOT of ppl happy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
NeonBlue said:
LOL !!

"Virtually all the templates for the new servers are being done thru SI/EPIC quests and Cata/Darkspire drops + 99% crafted. No SIDI gear in my template nor on anyone else i know. These templates are easily retrieved in a normal full group"
Most artifacts are doable in a normal full group with very few exceptions. A lot of the nicer ToA stuff that isn't doable in a full group - MLx.10 drops for example are normally buyable from CMs and don't require the character who uses them to have done a single second of extra PvE to equip and use. Also while most of the templates may well have been done using SI quested items and Cata drops, it won't be long before the uber guilds running around with Sidi weapons and armour are raising the bar to what everyone feels is 'needed for RvR'. It's what happens. Look at the templates for the really successful RvR players pre-ToA, those templates will be coming back with some substitutions for Catas gear - Darkspire jewellery etc. When people are still being rolled by uberguilds, they'll decide that the gear these guys are carrying is what gives them their edge and as a result they'll think they need it too. What I said about crafters is true too, funnily no-one could think of a way to 'blow me away' over that.

NeonBlue said:
"Most people see it as a fresh start from the existing servers where every man and his dog is rr7+ and a new 50 has little chance in RvR. I have fully TOAed and ML'ed enough characters and I know that it WILL be quicker on the new server than it is now. Fundamentally the difference between a rr3 epic equipped and rr6 cata equipped character is a LOT less than the difference between a rr3 character and a rr10, ml10 fully artifacted toon."

These are not wrong comparisons, nor are they inflated, infact they are a pretty damn sensible and still blow your points away !

take off your blinkers and you might actually see the common sense in them yourself !

You cant fix whats already broken and in my view TOA has been broken since release, so whilst these new servers wont fix that, they have a good chance of making ALOT of ppl happy.

Ballard said:
Fundamentally the difference between a rr3 epic equipped and rr6 cata equipped character is a LOT less than the difference between a rr3 character and a rr10, ml10 fully artifacted toon.
So the difference between a RR3 and a RR6 is less than the difference between a RR3 and a RR10? Fancy! That is an overinflated comparison.

Talking of blinkers how about your blinkers? How about all the people who claim that you need to do more PvE to be RvR ready since ToA than you did in SI? The only characters that required more PvE as a direct result of ToA where those who were already 50 when ToA arrived. All the rest required exactly the same amount - level to 50 getting the items you need for your final template en route. The only thing that changed was the items you needed to get were in ToA zones rather than from SI quests or in epic dungeons and you had the option of getting some nice xp while also getting new abilities on ML raids as well.

If you want to argue against ToA from a balance point of view, I can understand it (and that's the one big problem that I have with this server - it'll distract people from fixing the remaining issues in ToA), but arguing that it increases the amount of PvE required is plain wrong.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
I agree Chretien :)

When I started, It was just after ToA was released.

When I dinged 40, I started doing the quests/mls which needed to be done for Brittle Gaurds and ended up with some nice stuff which i couldnt use, although I swapped them with a guildie for some armour :)

Ebon Hide, Acient Copper Knecklace and Search for Seven Coins were the quests I looked forward to. They gave me nice exp(which helped a lot), and nice items which I still use today

Artifacts were a pain to start with, but once you have the credit for them, it seems to get easier.(All of my artis I got help from my guilds to do)

The only people that seem to lose out are those without a guild

If it went to a si/catacombs server, sidi items will be constantly wanted, thus leading to bitching and arguments etc

There are so many variations now with peoples armour thanks to toa and catacombs, and you dont get 1000 people all looking the same(apart from the odd battler/malice/som infil ;) )

Scroll farming is a pain, but whilst your farming scrolls that you need, say Ceremonial Bracers one, a few yards away are the mobs that drop Winged Helm scrolls. So in the end you end up with either the scrolls or the money to buy them off the CM's :)

And anyone that cant kill a bluecon with a char(apart from Infils i guess) is either lazy or need to practise more(I thought I couldnt farm and make money in ToA without a BB, but Roadie and Elitestoner told me you could and made some suggestions on where to farm)

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