why not use the Freddyshouse Teamspeak server?TdC said:ooh almost didn't make it, something came up so to speak.
err, teamspeak? sounds good to me but someone will have to host the server. oh god, where's my mic?
kanonfodda said:was at work last night, otherwise I would have joined you
If you guys want to play in future, and need a server, let me know and I'll run up the clan server (we're not really using it atm, would be nice to get some use out of it).
if people want to try it, ip is (will be running UT, PM for password)
I've set it up with bonas pack 1,2 and innox. Also Teamspeak 2 is running as well.
DM with all maps, I'll also PM whoever asks the admin password.
With any luck, I'll be able to join you next time and offer a nice juicy target
Insane said:my eyes still havnt recovered!
good laugh anyhow, especially with wij spunking everyone with his green goo
Swift^ said:Couldn't make it.
Swift^ said:Wij is a great big dirty spammer tho.
No skill weapons for him.
kanonfodda said:No problem guys, I'm on here most days, so feel free to PM me for info, tdc, I'll PM you my email address, so you can get hold of me if you need to.
As for the server, she is pretty much waiting to be used (behave wij! )
with anyluck, I will be joining in next time, getting my arse handed to me
oh, if you have a preffered map rotation, mods etc, let me know and I will set it up.