Xest's theory of bowitivity!



Well, I decided to use my respec last night, the one left over from when GOA screwed up respecs. I now have the following:
39 Blades
36 Pathfinding
35 Celtic Dual
33 Stealth
27 Recurve Bow

When I respecced, I did a couple of tests, the lowest bow can go to is 12, it automatically specs it this high for you so was unfortunately unable to test lower, however, the crit shot cap at 12 bow spec, with +4 RR, +5 on bow thus 21 recurve is 905. I know also that with 47 recurve including items your crit shot is 1002. This means that roughly, for every point in bow you gain an extra 3.7dmg. This also fits in that at 71 recurve (I always thought 70 was max you could get with RR and items, but keep seeing otherwise) you'd crit for around 1090dmg, which seems in line with most people's claims. This also kind of points to the idea that if you could have 0 recurve bow, at lvl50 you could crit for about 827dmg. Which leads me onto the next paragraph.

Most people are under the very false impression that bow scales from 1dmg to 1090dmg or whatever, this is clearly not the case, bow in fact appears to scale from 827dmg to 1090dmg (1090 - 827, divided by 71 the highest spec possible does indeed give 3.7 backing up my previous theory somewhat. Also note at 27 bow spec +9 I get a 961 crit shot, this again pretty much falls in line with the 3.7dmg per point theory). Now that I've proven the point of bows highest and lowest damage, and what you get for each spec I'll move onto the arguments against leaving bow low with my counter-arguments as to why I feel the arguments aren't particularly valid:
Argument 1: Ok so there's not a lot of damage difference Xest, but without high bow spec you'll suffer massive variance!
Reply: Although this is often claimed by many, I originally had 50 recurve bow dropping to 37, when I did so I really noticed no difference in variance at all, the same so far seems to be the case with my 27 spec, although nowhere near as well tested as I only changed yesterday lunch time. Also some facts, at 37 spec my damage cap was 1002. I can remember capping at 1002dmg on: A level 49 cleric with thrust arrows. A lvl45 minstrel with Thrust arrows. Tons and tons of lvl50 mages in epic. Various lvl50 scouts. One keep seige I crit for 1002 on 13 out of 14 successful crit shots on mages. So then, why do I think variance hasn't seemed to have been an issue? The answer?, dexterity. Dex is rediculously easy to get, I have +75 on my armour - you get overcapped in dex on your epic, your PF buffs give you a load and I also have aug dex 2 from MoP. I beleive my dex, with only self buffs, no external buffs is something like 298 (300 is where it stops doing anything). Now I wont pretend to be an expert on the whole variance thing and how it's effected by stats, but from what I know and have learned this seems to be the only explanation I can think of, providing of course the common idea of variance even really exists in the form people beleive, for bow at least. EDIT: Oh, almost forgot, bow quality probably plays a large part in this alongside the dex. The test used a 16.5dps 99% quality heavy recurve bow as did all the above crit shot claims I made
Argument 2: You'll miss more with low bow!
Reply: Totally invalid, bow spec has no effect on miss, fumble or anything of the sort.
Argument 3: You'll shoot slower!
Reply: Again, totally invalid, bar the exception in the paragraph below about crit shot. Bow spec has no bearing on fire speed.
Argument 4: I don't like you Xest, so your test is completely wrong.
Reply: Kindly FOAD.

Okay so the question some of you will be asking is, "Xest, you have told us speccing bow doesn't seem worth it, so why did you even spec past 12?", the answer is simple, and many know it already, but at 27 spec you get the last crit shot ability, this lets you get your crits off faster, for reference at 12 bow my crits took 7s, at 27 they take 4s.

So for my conclusion, I personally don't feel spending ALL those extra spec points in bow to take it higher is in the slightest bit worth it. The gains you can get in melee (I'll have 50 blades, 50 celtic dual and a 7dps damage add from pathfinding with my spec, RR and items) far outway the minimal bow damage gain. As a side note I can outmelee any Mid/Alb class bar zerkers with a large degree of success.

Okay, well I've presented a couple of arguments, facts, opinions, I'm sure there are many more, which is what I hope this thread will provoke, to find out if there really are any major disadvantages to low bow. I know also many tests of this sort have been done before, but these were done without being arsed to read any previous ones, so hopefully will provide unbiased results and an unbiased viewpoint. Yes I also know this is something some people have known for a long time already but I don't care, if they have then they should be happy with the fact I've provided more data to back them up.

Also, I know I've concentrated on crit shot here, but some people only use crit shot as I do. The theory holds the same for normal shots, simply divide the crit shot damage by 2. Please note resists and absorb and so on will effect all the figures listed here as usual, but this should give you an idea of what to expect.

Now very finally, what experiment would be complete without formulae! So here they are:

Approximate ranger crit shot damage = 827 + (Bow skill x 3.7)
Approximate ranger normal shot damage = (827 + (Bow skill x 3.7)) / 2

Thank you for reading Xest's theory of bowitivity.


Sigh. Shoud've guessed intelligent responses would be too much to ask for on BW :p



Maby you should make note on the vn boards..


Falc AKA xest,

THis is extremely interesting reading, but can it be translated for hunters?

i have 44 spear already, and my beast craft 33, 44bow and 29 stealth. I dont think us hunters have much to gain by dropping our bow for improved spear or BC especially.

our insta cast pets, which i cant wait for to be honest, wont get any benifits from Higher BC cos we wont have the time to buff them when jumped. well the speeeeeedy run away spell may be nice. and possibly even the self dex/quick but i thinks its only +8 and its a hel of alot more points to spec.

The 50 spear style i have no idea about but i doubt its much cop to be honest.

More stealth? hmm i spose could up it to 34 or so to be inline with Assanis (+11 items +rr5 or whatever gives near 50 limit- combined with camo- could have quite interesting effects)

We lack the damge add your path finding spec gives.
We have evade 2 (rofl) and no other deffense at all.

Im going to have a look on charcter builder and see what i come up with, im suspecting Hunters will be aloowed a full respec with the up coming insta pet patch..

hmm looked at char.bulider

29 bow
34 stealth
44 spear
43 bc - (everything but the last self dex/qwik buff)
that would give me effectivley
im only rr3

43 bow- very easy to cap bow-
im guessing midgard bow is prolly about 3.2 per point as opposed to 3.7 (maybe less)
god id like to have tested this out wasted my respecs already



Spear specced hunters are the ones that hurt.


I wouldn't be able to apply it to Hunters E4, it may well be the same for them, just lower basic damage that 827 perhaps? Hunters will get respec in 1.56, probably 200 respecs in fact knowing GOA :) so if you do remember to, why not check out your damage at 12 bow and so on and run the numbers or give me them to run through quickly for you?


44>50 spear not gonan make much difference is it really- yes i hurt alot if its not evaded blocked missed BTed Missed.

yeah ill try and do what u have done to test damage caps etc ill stay in touch :)


Hi ... what about speccing pathfinding to 46 for xtra dmg add...and dropping CD ..which can be made up with SC items..just a thought



39 Blades = For the style
35 CD = For the % of hitting with 2 weapons
36 Path = For the last damage add
33 Stealth = For decent stealth
27 Bow = For last crit shot...

Well this seems quite nice... If you plan to solo alot. Ranger is very suitable in groups aswell, with high melee spec, group buffs, you'll hit fast, deadly and last long. (If you aint gimped Luri or Elf ofc ;) )

I would rather go something along the lines...
39 blades
33 CD
46 Path
0 Stealth <-- Tadaa.

With the current Emain infestation of Buffblades and Gimpfiltrators, I'd rather go something like that. You hit hard and fast in melee, 9 DPS self damage add, hit hard with bow. Stealth is rendered basicly useless in groups. NSs are for scouting if anything. Group Ranger, not solo. :)


But but... kr0n.. solo ranger is teh fun :)


just a question, arent 70 the highest spec lvl possible to get ?
+11 items +9 rr


That was always my assumption too Xorta. Just as I say, I repeatedly bump into claims of it being +11, so not sure either way which is correct. Shouldn't effect my calculations at least tho either way, just means highest ranger damage cap is gonna be rounded to I guess 1086 instead of 1090. Personally I'd be inclined to agree that the highest you can get is 70.


it is 70 now, previously you could attain rr11 and get +10 from that (misteblinde did it) but in the last patch notes rr11 was removed and rr10 was made the maximum.


*queue classic scene from 'This is Spinal Tap'*

No.. but.. these go up to 11!


Originally posted by revminster
But but... kr0n.. solo ranger is teh fun :)
Yeah of course. I know its VERY fun to fight against Buffblades and such, evading 80%, infiltrators evading 80%, DF you... Must be fun :(


That's why when I go solo I use a buffbot kr0n, kinda amusing how badly buffed SBs/Infs do when the fights fair ;)


Never though of weapskill, now did you :rolleyes: (Regarding bow spec).


Been through the weaponskill issue a few times, it doesn't seem to effect bow, even when I had 50 +14 bow spec evade, blocks etc. on arrows were still exactly the same, this seems to be the experience for all other archers also.


falcon and e4 please shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
it is 70 now, previously you could attain rr11 and get +10 from that (misteblinde did it) but in the last patch notes rr11 was removed and rr10 was made the maximum.

Sure that wasnt Mistwraith ? ;) since mistblinde is a gimp thane


Tbh dont like or rate your spec at all....

Like I have said b4 even a ranger with 50 weapon skill 50 CD and 40+ path will still SUX in melee....

You kill things with your bow, and you use melee ONLY if forced to (ie zergging or jumped)

Stay away from the pack and fire as many arrows at as many cloth wearers as you can....

If tanks run at you run the other way (which takes them out the battle)

Kill with BOW.

those 35 points you have spent in CD are a real waste... I cant be assed to explain how CD works as u prolly already know... but I would much rather be averaging about an extra 50 damage a bow shot than being able to slap someone a bit harder with my handbag....

To many Rangers trying to be tanks it just dont work m8...

just my thoughts...


I was thinking going like this with my Hunter;

38 Bow
35 BC
44 Spear
34 Stealth

Maybe abit less into bow more into stealth or vice versa. The lowest I would probably take bow is 36, (which it is at now) which would give me 36 stealth (50 with +11 and RR5). I think I'm kinda scared about dropping bow that low because whenever I tell anybody about my plans to keep bow at 36 they always think I'm joking or something ;)

I'm starting to notice the effects of having low bow now though, without spellcrafted or epic armour my bow is only 36+3 (2 items 1 RR) and when critting 40+ mobs I don't get double damage very often, more like 1/4 extra damage where as when I kept bow at my level I would always get double damage on yellows and low oranges.

Are there any other Huntes out there with lowish bow specs who can give me some cap figures + usual damage variance?



My ranger is going to be :

38 Bow
39 Pierce
36 Pathfinding
30 Stealth
25 CD

An archer? For me it's a type of class that is supposed to be doing most of it's damage from range.
If i want to be good in close combat and be able to stealth i make a Shade, ok fumbling, missing, PBT, blocking, evading all the stuff that can stop u from landing a hit, but face it u do hit and i dont want to hit like a NS with it's supah DD-s .
38 bow - i want to go over 50 with all the + from items and rr . Just feels right to spec bow high as i am playing the class to do some damage if i do happen to hit the target o_O

IMO 30 stealth is enough, it takes me few seconds to notice a lvl 50 ranger with 40 stealth from 600-sh range, with my warden and rangers ARE NOT mean't to stand next to u, they stand far, use the bloody bow and try to hit u . A assassin will see u if u get too close, and 50 stealth aint saving me there.

i am not planning to assassin hunt alone and thus dont feel the need to bias my spec towards melee, i feel 25 cd +11 +rr is by far enough and 39 +11 +rr in pierce should make my lil luri able to beat at least a mage in melee o_O

ok 20 more or something post to go for personal avatar - doh
/em looks around for threads to flame

[edit]few typos found[/edit]


Originally posted by censi
Tbh dont like or rate your spec at all....

Like I have said b4 even a ranger with 50 weapon skill 50 CD and 40+ path will still SUX in melee....

You kill things with your bow, and you use melee ONLY if forced to (ie zergging or jumped)

Stay away from the pack and fire as many arrows at as many cloth wearers as you can....

If tanks run at you run the other way (which takes them out the battle)

Kill with BOW.

those 35 points you have spent in CD are a real waste... I cant be assed to explain how CD works as u prolly already know... but I would much rather be averaging about an extra 50 damage a bow shot than being able to slap someone a bit harder with my handbag....

To many Rangers trying to be tanks it just dont work m8...

just my thoughts...
As I say I can outmelee everything from other realms bar friars and zerkers. I fail to see how you can call that gimped damage output? Do you have any logs/stats to demonstrate issues with ranger melee compared to rediculous miss rates, fumbles and so on making 75%+ of bow shots completely void anyhow? I think you should try ranger melee for slating it tbh.

As it goes the new spec is working wonders, the bow difference is completely unnoticeable in practice but I'm duel weilding far more often, duel weilded 176 +21dmg add and 165 +19dmg add last night on a lvl50 inf with 1.5spd ;)


fraid i have to agree with xest. rangers melee skill is incredibly good, and to take bow up so far for a measly few points of damage is just not worth it to me

a melee ranger will out melee just about everything, as a shade i know how cd works, and i know as a shade that its more practical to put things in other stats.

but i also play a melee ranger, so i can see it from both ends, never slate anyones spec before u try it.


i'd like some one to do this for my cross bow :)


Oki i wanna see ur duel with shield/weapon spec tank , with dual wielding BM and with a warden for start to get the impression.

I did duel a ranger, sorry but this was nothing but rangers ownage, he started with crit shot followed with one normal shot( toal of 700 damage to me(meaning i had 800HP left), i >>DIDNT use PBT<< and i got him down to point where it was last hit will kill, i would have possibly died cause he swinged first and i swinged second after but i used IP second before, he didnt and he died, this person may have been unlucky but i cannot see how u can beat a shield/weapon tanks without druid buffs in straight melee . And i only got 5% base chance to block + 21+4 parry and Mastery of Parry 2, once again, i didnt use PBT so... . Let's get these duels going o_O.

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