Xanxicar Raid - Sunday 27th July



Sunday 27th July 6pm BST in Avalon City

1) The Brethren
2) Herfolge Boldklub
3) The Prodigy
4) Dragon Knights
5) ASq
6) Blade & Quill
7) Shadowlords Society
8) Ferus Legionis + Friends
9) Caballeros Pikones
10) Black Falcons
11) Legion of Darkness
12) Dark Predators
13) Guardians of Light

In light of people's waning interest in killing Golestandt, I think it's high time I added Xanxicar to my list of pwned mobs. It should be pointed out that he has never been killed on this server before. Info on Crystal Caves is shown below, and I've put in a couple of screenshots as well. The meeting point will be outside the entrance to the Crystal Caves, so as not to mess up the entrance for people exping there. Tactics will be exactly the same as my usual dragon raids, which I hope will work better than against Golestandt as his AE is PBAE and therefore less of a trouble to res groups. It looks like there will be more adds though, so add groups will be busier than in dartmoor.

One last note is that I'm going to try and go around all the named in AC as well after killing him, just to try and get some more drops, and for the sake of doing it, because no-one's done it before. This is not a raid for anyone seeking phat lewt or respec stones. If you want to do something that's never been done before though, get your guild to sign up.

Signups are as for Golestandt.

Crystal Caves: Your average Avalon group is not going to want to wander in here. There are three Elites as soon as you walk in, the center one being a roaming mob. If you’re a bit unlucky, you may get aggro the moment you walk in, and each of these monsters is nearly as powerful as Legion. There are only about eleven mobs here, total (ten Elites and Xanxicar, more if you count what Xanxicar calls for help), so it’s not a “hunting” zone.

Xanxicaran Elites: These are essentially level 75+ Reavers. They use Reaver chants, hit for massive damage, and take massive damage to kill. They drop ROG items on occasion as well.

Xanxicar: The destroyer of Avalon himself. This is one of the hardest bosses in the expansion, and the Dragon of Albion SI. I would suggest a raid of well over a hundred players to fight him.
General Tactics to use: Resurrection Groups, Debuffs, Zerging, Pet Spam.
Specific Tactics: Xanxicar is a Lightning dragon, and thus, get high energy resistances. He appears to be weak to Spirit damage, so smite and the like are effective. He calls for help at approximately 50% health, and throws much more frequently than Golestandt. His Breath Weapon is a PBAOE, making it horribly dangerous. He broadcasts that he is stomping the ground before PBAOEing, so run away when he does that if possible. His melee damage is low enough that you could keep him on a single tank if they were capable of getting his attention. After Xanxicar is killed, get the loot and run, or you’re in for a surprise. Like other high level monsters, pet spam is almost a must here, especially as the fight draws to a close. The call for help will often distract many of your attackers, and as such, you will need the pet spam to prevent him from regenerating.
Rewards: Two ROG items. Not nearly enough, in my opinion.

Xanxicar's Lair + Avalon City showing entrance to The Crystal Caves




anyone know if it drops sumthing good ?


Apparently the loot isn’t worth the effort, him dropping 1 to 4 items, and a bunch of rog off the super hyped up xanthian reavers

My alb pbaoe death spam sense is tingling


its drops a range of very high ROC drops so you could be lucky and gets drops BETTER then sidi or be unlucky and get nothing. But it drops MP RoC drops so I've heard which could be extremely nice.

LoD/SF/Justice alliance went in there with 40 people before and had a fantastic time. The entrance itself can be a bit of a pain, its got several mobs up there which are archers. Problems are that they spawn very quick and shoot/aggro through the floor so you have to kill them all before you go down the middle stairwell otherwise they will slowly pick you off. There are then a few more in a tunnel as you go down, no problem for a zerg obviously. Then next up are the elite.

Well for the elite we had 40 people and they roam in an area INCLUDING the zone entrance itself so you will port into combat pretty much. We were half way through buffing when they attacked us (2 of them)... 40 of us got one of them down by 10%. They7 have stupidly high hit points and can 1 shot casters and 2 shot tanks, much like a stronger 'wrath of mordred'. The hp's were literally close to that of legion :x Maybe we just got a bad high lvl spawn, i dunno but still very nasty. So we ported back and decided to do named ones also.

We found a very good named one inside the academy. As you go inside, look to your left....forward and left.......and go through that door. Then through the far left door and you will enter a library. First right door after there is a hidden named mob that dropped a VERY nice staff that temoedjin is now using...Is a full red glow and has 331DD charges (the equivalent to a direct pbaoe damage)...10 of em which I thought was nice :D Especially nice for an ice wizard who doesnt have a DD :p

Anyway, I'm sure you probably know all this anyways, just a warning about the first guards, although I don't think they would be too hard for 100 people


Originally posted by medowind
Apparently the loot isn’t worth the effort
Didnt you read the original post?

The purpose of this is not the loot, its just doing something different.

Maybe someone will get a decent item out of it, maybe they wont. But most of those attending will see (and hopefully kill) a few mobs they havent seen before. For some people thats enough reason to give it a try.

There is very little high level PvE content in the realm. Most people have seen more than enough of the content that does exist (Sidi, Krondon, Dragons, etc). This is something different and is worth a look purely for that reason.

My opinion anyway :)


I once led a raid down there with 80ish ppl we got zerged by 2 mobs (elite dudes inside) before we even got buffed up ect.

Looks like you will need 120+ ppl if the named one is harder.

Prodigy will be there.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Good luck! I look forward to reading the report! :D


fellowship gave it try short time ago...the elite guards after porting in are really a pain! move tight together and hurry, cause the respawn is quite fast...when you have 3 on you and another couple spawns behind, you get in deep shit :p


On a side note, what time on Sunday would this be?


6pm BST (thats UK time) - ive updated the first post appropriately
ive put down 12 guild slots but will expand this if there's sufficient interest


I'm also looking into doing a lot of smaller raids because there are a whole load of epic encounters in SI that haven't been done before, and I'd like to go around the whole lot if possible. (just fyi)


it wont be the only one, i want his head on the wall of my house

btw my next dragon preclaim will be a golestandt, then a xanxicar trophy :p


Epic encounter im most intrested in is that bitch in clifton who escapes from the lammias dungeon. Rare spawn and meant be realy hard. can only kill him at a certain time of the day.
Im told hes legion difficulty.



HG did a hunt there while i was with them, but no spawn :(

theres quite a long thread somewhere on VNboards full of information about him, not sure if anyone has "collated" :)P) it into a guide tho, id post a link but vnboards make me physically sick. too many yanks, too much whining


Colialt: Colialt is an extremely powerful lich, and probably comparable to Legion in difficulty. I’ve only killed him during Beta, so I don’t know what his item drops are. He has been imprisoned by the Lammias, but he grows powerful enough to free himself at midnight each night and attacks the Lammias. If you have high enough faction, you can fight on the side of the Lammias against his undead minions here and have an easier time overall. Otherwise, he will continue spawning minions and kill all the Lammias. The hard part here is that Colialt is totally invulnerable from Midnight to 6:00AM, at which point you have a small window to kill him. Again, this is easier if you can keep the Lammias alive, but that’s not completely necessary.


hmm , WF , not sure you know but is there a Named Marooned Viking on the beach coast near sidi ? the camp there is huge , all orange ~ purp aggro to lvl 50 , be a shame if there wasnt a spawn there.


Originally posted by villageidiot
The VNBoards Colialt thread

An interesting encounter, loot is apparently nothing TOO special (couple of 100% quality randomly generated items) - but its the waiting time on this thats the killer. Get say 3-4 groups together (he has to be killed very fast as discussed above) and hope for the spawn, which as anyone that hunts Gwyddneau knows could take 5 minutes or 5 hours. Patience definitely required.


I went to check out those vikings with a friend's minstrel once but got my ass kicked before I could get close... I want to know what's in that tower.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
I went to check out those vikings with a friend's minstrel once but got my ass kicked before I could get close... I want to know what's in that tower.

So that's where my con went :p


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
I went to check out those vikings with a friend's minstrel once but got my ass kicked before I could get close... I want to know what's in that tower.

There is a small cave undearneath the tower with a few purple Vikings in and a named one. Also a small pool of water where hard purple thing's spawn. I went there with 2fg and got wiped. He is supposed to drop nice loot also.


you can fight on the side of the Lammias against his undead minions here and have an easier time overall. Otherwise, he will continue spawning minions and kill all the Lammias. The hard part here is that Colialt is totally invulnerable from Midnight to 6:00AM

The other hard part is that someone in your raid is bound to be aggro to the lammia. Then once the lammia have killled the aggro person they go to work on the aggro person's group, which usually leads to another person 'helping' aggro'd group, again widening the lammia's list of targets. End result is a minions/lammia/albs 3-way furball, and that ends just as badly as you might think.

If you do a Colialt raid I strongly suggest you take the zerg through clifton on the way out - and kick anyone who attracts lammia aggro. We lost a coliait raid once due to not double checking everyone's faction.


There is a small cave undearneath the tower with a few purple Vikings in and a named one. Also a small pool of water where hard purple thing's spawn. I went there with 2fg and got wiped. He is supposed to drop nice loot also.

The vikings drop nothing - we killed them all on a guild raid.

The boat and tower are great settings for an epic encounter; but the mobs left something to be desired - the battle was unremarkable and the loot non-existant. :(

But then, what do you expect from bloody mids ;)


While you wait for Colialt spawn, go kill loads of undead in the neighbourhood to kill time and fix any lamnia factions.


If I were to do a colialt raid, I'd do what one guy suggested on the vn boards; take people there at a random time and set them up at some undead mobs nearby. The ghoul desecrators/liches on the western coast would probably keep them busy and raise their lammia faction nice and fast. One person waits for the spawn, then gets everyone back and we get stuck in.


SS killed the named viking twice (The Self-Proclaimed King Duergar..or something like that)

Got zip both times. Might have just been bad luck.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
One person waits for the spawn, then gets everyone back and we get stuck in.
Zone-wide broadcast at 7pm gametime if Colialt is spawning that night - since he cant be damaged till 6am game-time thats more than enough warning to get yourselves ready.

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