


Having just spent a weekend with an X-Box, here is my summary:

It's shit.

From what I saw, and played, anyone who has any hopes for this console for the first few months after launch will be hugely disappointing.

The thing is bigger than my fucking HOUSE, it's huge. It's about the size of a VCR, and the same weight. This is supposed to be a console... one thing I always find great about consoles is the ability to shove em in a rucksack and make off to your mates house for an evening. You'll need a JCB to transport this thing.

The controller is the most godawful thing I've ever held. I would rather hold two rotting penii in each hand than an X-Box controller. It appears like they never bothered testing the controller out and actually getting feedback from people. Buttons are out of place, it hurts your hands and after 10 minutes of playing Halo my hands actually started going NUMB.

Halo. Erm, Oh dear. Such high hopes for this game, and well, it's poor. Very very poor. The only explanation I have for Edge and IGNs huge scores are the fact they must have been reviewed by console gamers, and not people who've bothered playing an FPS in the last 10 years. It's bland, generic, boring and annoying. PLus the MAIN enemy in the game are little fucking dwarf like creatures that border on the annoyance levels of Daikatana's wonderful fucking frogs.

Project Gotham Racing is fairly decent. Playable, but nothing special. 2 player is fairly fun, although it really does look bad... PSX quality. Hello Anti-Aliasing, where are you?

It didn't take very long before I was requesting we fired up Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube.


Awww man, I really wanted Halo to be amazing :(

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by D0LLySh33p
Awww man, I really wanted Halo to be amazing :(

you can still try it out for yourself, this is just someones view at the end of the day:)



I spent the weekend with a PS2 recently and thought that was shit too.

Ah well. I can always go back to my tried and tested DC for quality games.


The PS2 *is* shit, minus a couple of borderline exceptions.


Eh, PS2 shit? Hmmm, halo must be amazing by all accounts then.



I've spent the last year with a PS2. The first 6 months were just a big Tekken fest, with a few PSOne games thrown in, altho the late night Madden 2001 sessions were always good for a laugh. Now that the good games are flowing, PS2 is officially the be all and end all for console gaming. Gamecube is OK for the hardcore console gamer to have something to feel superior about (no idea why, as apart from RE and the Ninty games, most fo the games are PS2 ports), and Xbox is good for people who enjoy stick pencils in their eyes and other forms of self mutilation.

But then, I don't suppose my viewpoint matters as I must be a casual gamer, mainly due to the fact that I think Sony have done more for gaming in the past 5 years than Nintendo, Sega and MS combined. I am very proud to say however, that I have never owned a copy of FIFA, as ISS is far superior imo.


Originally posted by Wazzerphuk
The PS2 *is* shit, minus a couple of borderline exceptions.

eg GT3, GTA3, THPS3, FFX, MGS2, Tekken Tag, ISS Pro Evolution, Devil May Cry, Agent Under Fire...

where "borderline" == "fucking amazing".

How many games do you want to buy, exactly?

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by Stu-

eg GT3, GTA3, THPS3, FFX, MGS2, Tekken Tag, ISS Pro Evolution, Devil May Cry, Agent Under Fire...

as compared to Supermonkeyball...:D title says it all really

i mean wtf:confused:


i dont know wtf you guys are expecting or waiting for, total immersion reality machines it seems. There are some ps2 games that are cutting edge at the moment, gta3 for one which has the most astounding and freeform gameplay of any game so far, not to mention thps3. As for the xbox, it takes at *least* 6 months after a consoles release before games that truly make the most of it's hardware are built. Halo was always going to be shit. No game can live up to the hype of what the sensation gorged nothing-is-good-enough gamers of today want.

Sir Frizz

what about the revolution of the PSX? that had cutting edge games when that came out, yes they got better as the console aged but still, the games on release date were quality, Destruction Derby anyone?


Indeed. The birth of a console is NO excuse for godawful games accompanying the launch. The PSX had great titles, the GameCube has great titles. It's not hard. Both the PS2 and the X-Box have utter tripe on launches. Just because the console has only just been launched, it doesn't mean the developers haven't been working on the games for months and years.

And another thing, games don't have to utilise the hardware fully for it to be a good game. Super Monkey Ball is possibly the most fun and entertaining game I've *ever* played, and I'm sure as hell that that only uses a tiny portion of what the Cube can do

Sir Frizz

but the second generation games on the PS2 ARE good:)


Imo the PS2 has the strongest software lineup at the moment since, well, the PlayStation :)

I also think the Initial PS2 lineup was a bit unfairly mocked. SSX, Fantavision, Timesplitters and Tekken Tag were all good games, much better than the jaded Dreamcast fanbase would have you believe.


SSX is decent. However it's a snowboarding game with as much sense of speed as travelling in a reliant robin, and snowboarding is meant to be a fast paced adreniline rush sport - none of that is carried into the game.

Fatavision I never played.

Timesplitters was abysmal, anyone who says anything different is clearly retarded.

Tekken Tag is reworked old pish. I'm a great beat 'em up fan, and TTT bored me to death.


/me points Wazz to jaded Dreamcast owner comment.


Seems to me that any one who disagrees with you bodhi is going to be a jaded DC owner :rolleyes:


Having just had my ps2 fixed, i have been able to play many of the new releases (Resident Evil - VeronicaX , GTA3 , GT3 ) and imo i am hugely impressed. It has lots of games which are in production ( FFX , Devil May Cry) which promise to be excellent. I can see the ps2 becoming a worthwhile accesory, as it is begining to roll out now :D


Originally posted by FusY
has lots of games which are in production ( FFX , Devil May Cry) which promise to be excellent.

They were in production but both are finished.

Devil May Cry is available in PAL now and FFX is available in NTSC format, soon to have it's European release.


FFX is due for release in April 02, not long to wait, but it should be wicked ;)


Bet bodhi starts sucking up to sega when VF4 arrives to the ps2 to show tekken how its done,i would mention rez too but bodhi is far too single minded to understand that game.


Probably not no, as going by the orevious iterations of Virtua Fighter, Tekken 4 has nothing to worry about.

Man where DO these lamers come from?


Originally posted by Bodhi
Probably not no, as going by the orevious iterations of Virtua Fighter, Tekken 4 has nothing to worry about.

Considering it was virtua fighter than spawned tekken i think sega knows how to better it

and virtua cop that spawned time crisis,daytona then came ridge racer

And if you want to go by previous versions,........tekken tag,nuff said

Sir Frizz

hmmmm, moderators starting flame wars, what is the world coming to?:rolleyes:


Originally posted by the-frizz
hmmmm, moderators starting flame wars, what is the world coming to?:rolleyes:

1:Don't moderate this forum

2:That wasn't a flame

3:If i'm the first person you've saw argueing with Bodhi take a look over these forums and several others as well.


Originally posted by jreal

And if you want to go by previous versions,........tekken tag,nuff said

Yes nuff said. Mainly as Tekken Tag is the finest beat em up I have played.

Before the "hardcore gamers" scoff at this, my logic is simple. Tekken Tag Tournament is the best version of Tekken (altho I did miss Tekken Ball from Tekken 3 :)), and Tekken is the best beat em up series on the face of the planet. Why?

Virtua Fighter - Nice idea, shame the series lost its way.

Soul Calibur - Nice idea again, but the weapons spoilt the balance too much imo.

Street Fighter - Good 8 years ago.

Mortal Kombat - ditto

Dead or Alive - Heh. Don't make me laugh.

Sir Frizz

Originally posted by jreal

1: Don't moderate this forum


2:That wasn't a flame

you call "single minded" not a flame? Or atleast provocing it into one?

3:If i'm the first person you've saw argueing with Bodhi take a look over these forums and several others as well.

completely irrelevant, i said "moderators"

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