Having just spent a weekend with an X-Box, here is my summary:
It's shit.
From what I saw, and played, anyone who has any hopes for this console for the first few months after launch will be hugely disappointing.
The thing is bigger than my fucking HOUSE, it's huge. It's about the size of a VCR, and the same weight. This is supposed to be a console... one thing I always find great about consoles is the ability to shove em in a rucksack and make off to your mates house for an evening. You'll need a JCB to transport this thing.
The controller is the most godawful thing I've ever held. I would rather hold two rotting penii in each hand than an X-Box controller. It appears like they never bothered testing the controller out and actually getting feedback from people. Buttons are out of place, it hurts your hands and after 10 minutes of playing Halo my hands actually started going NUMB.
Halo. Erm, Oh dear. Such high hopes for this game, and well, it's poor. Very very poor. The only explanation I have for Edge and IGNs huge scores are the fact they must have been reviewed by console gamers, and not people who've bothered playing an FPS in the last 10 years. It's bland, generic, boring and annoying. PLus the MAIN enemy in the game are little fucking dwarf like creatures that border on the annoyance levels of Daikatana's wonderful fucking frogs.
Project Gotham Racing is fairly decent. Playable, but nothing special. 2 player is fairly fun, although it really does look bad... PSX quality. Hello Anti-Aliasing, where are you?
It didn't take very long before I was requesting we fired up Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube.
It's shit.
From what I saw, and played, anyone who has any hopes for this console for the first few months after launch will be hugely disappointing.
The thing is bigger than my fucking HOUSE, it's huge. It's about the size of a VCR, and the same weight. This is supposed to be a console... one thing I always find great about consoles is the ability to shove em in a rucksack and make off to your mates house for an evening. You'll need a JCB to transport this thing.
The controller is the most godawful thing I've ever held. I would rather hold two rotting penii in each hand than an X-Box controller. It appears like they never bothered testing the controller out and actually getting feedback from people. Buttons are out of place, it hurts your hands and after 10 minutes of playing Halo my hands actually started going NUMB.
Halo. Erm, Oh dear. Such high hopes for this game, and well, it's poor. Very very poor. The only explanation I have for Edge and IGNs huge scores are the fact they must have been reviewed by console gamers, and not people who've bothered playing an FPS in the last 10 years. It's bland, generic, boring and annoying. PLus the MAIN enemy in the game are little fucking dwarf like creatures that border on the annoyance levels of Daikatana's wonderful fucking frogs.
Project Gotham Racing is fairly decent. Playable, but nothing special. 2 player is fairly fun, although it really does look bad... PSX quality. Hello Anti-Aliasing, where are you?
It didn't take very long before I was requesting we fired up Super Monkey Ball on the GameCube.