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can we introduce Amotus to Bodhi or something?


Both your style of posts is what got him banned..random insults..calling someone a "fuck this or a fucking that" I think your the immature ones here..this board aint a dont have freedom to say what you want..if A mod dont like it tuff

Sparklehorse was just being a lary retard on the net...if he had said half of that stuff to my face I would slaped the monkey!

Like it or lump it!


I bet anyone that garry_glitter is sparklehorse with a new account.



Invert - if that's the case mate you should have been banned instantly.

TWICE you directly insulted him first - which makes you the one who provoked the flame - hence you should be outta there.

And as for slapping Sparky - ROFL! Mate - I swear that this is the truth. I'd give you 50 whole English pounds if you slapped him and continued to stand 30 seconds afterwards.

That's like 3 years worth of wages to you. It's not some kind of childish my dads bigger than your dad thing - but I know Sparky very well - and that bet stands solid mate!

Like I said to you in the other posts, there's no need to offend straight off. A lot of other people who replied to the posts just simply made good comments and ignored the rest. Unfortunately your small feeble mind does not seem to have the ability to do this. I feel pity for you mate.

Now before this carries on into a yawning flame match mate - just leave it. Admit that you can indeed be a bigger man than the child you are at the moment ad ignore this post. I dare you. I double dare you physical challenge to simply read this post and say "Hmf - well I don't care" - and not post some half hearted pathetic attempt at a slanderous reply.

tick tock tick tock.....



Originally posted by Amotus
Amen to that! lol

Quite frankly you lot
geez you have some serious issues :rolleyes:

do you not see the irony in your post?


Originally posted by -Warhawk-
I bet anyone that garry_glitter is sparklehorse with a new account.

Well, the sharpness award of 2003 goes to....


lol - I think we established that ages ago matey lol


OH AND THAT'S NOT A FLAME. Notic how I dindt call him a "fucking this" or a "fucking that"




These boards are used by all ages and whether you like it or not moderators have an obligation to protect the younger like minded kids amongst our population

Now Television blurs images out and radio does that magic little bleep thing or the weird reverse speech crap on most rap songs and we protect the boards from extreme language and general over aggression

These boards are for DAoC plain and simple, and it will do BW's business no good to have their general user populations parents ridiculing them for profanity and dodgy links and general aggression towards their users

Hence the need to ban repeat offenders and/or edit threads where needed

We take no pleasure in doing it, but without that the boards would no longer be daoc and would just become an anarchical free for all, which does the majority normal user base who wanna chat about nice things and daoc no good

Thats just my 2p I hope it clarifys the actions we do and sometimes why the minority loses out to the majority

If you have any issues then just PM me and I will see what I can do


Originally posted by Amadon

geez you have some serious issues :rolleyes:

do you not see the irony in your post?

Nah I just love waffling on - loves the look of my own text :D



Mate that is top dollar.

You seem like a real sound bloke and I totally agree with what you just said.

Thanks for delivering that in such a democratoc way :D


Originally posted by Amotus

Nah I just love waffling on - loves the look of my own text :D
best reason I've heard to post on here yet :D


Originally posted by Amotus

Invert - if that's the case mate you should have been banned instantly.

TWICE you directly insulted him first - which makes you the one who provoked the flame - hence you should be outta there.

And as for slapping Sparky - ROFL! Mate - I swear that this is the truth. I'd give you 50 whole English pounds if you slapped him and continued to stand 30 seconds afterwards.

That's like 3 years worth of wages to you. It's not some kind of childish my dads bigger than your dad thing - but I know Sparky very well - and that bet stands solid mate!

Like I said to you in the other posts, there's no need to offend straight off. A lot of other people who replied to the posts just simply made good comments and ignored the rest. Unfortunately your small feeble mind does not seem to have the ability to do this. I feel pity for you mate.

Now before this carries on into a yawning flame match mate - just leave it. Admit that you can indeed be a bigger man than the child you are at the moment ad ignore this post. I dare you. I double dare you physical challenge to simply read this post and say "Hmf - well I don't care" - and not post some half hearted pathetic attempt at a slanderous reply.

tick tock tick tock.....


Look I dont really care if sparklehorse is "ard" and dont dare me cos I dont respect you enouth to even take what you say into consideration.

At the end of the day Sparklehorse got banned for using excessive amount of foul language which is GG..

Your the sad pathetic one...constanly try to call people poor or demeane them by saying the are bottom of the carrer chain. I think you have some issues that you need seen to.

I am just an 18 year old student so yeah I do insult people and I never said I dident...but for somone who thinks of himself so highly surely you and your "buddy" can go one step further and not insult me "Unfortunately your small feeble mind does not seem to have the ability to do this. I feel pity for you mate.".

My mind is far from feeble infact my acceptance to oxford next year kinda proves that so jump off your high horse and take a look at yourself before judging others.


Try and keep it less personal guys and not so aggressive I don't wanna have to close it

I mean theres no need really is there



I knew it!

I knew he couldn't not post lol - I could just see him sitting there boiling with his finger over the reply button lol.


Understand what you're saying Lonewolf but I gotta be honest mate - Sparky's first posts on the forums we're never slanderous nor direct insults or attacks on anyone - that's why it escelated out of all proportion. Peopl like Invert360 feel the need to come on and abuse people when something does not even concern them.

Our second post on these forums was to let people know about our DAoC Tour - we posted links to our forums and the tour forums which I totally admit are completely unsuitable for young peoples eyes (and most older peoples too) lol :D They are totally litered with abusive language - but that is our outlet and is the was we choose to use our forums - our bag no one elses.

Anyway, as I said the post was about OUR TOUR... and this was Invert360's FIRST REPLY to us (inparticular Sparky):

"They are the most charming forums i have ever all sound like a bunch of scum inbread idiots who think its cool to swear every other word...

grow up

p.s spaklehorse you seem like the most unpleasent person alive...i think you should take a look at your attitude!"

Now there was NO need for that at all. And that is exactly my point Lonewolf. Sparky then fired back with insults albeit in a more fruitfully spoken way and he get's banned. What about banning Invert360 for a total deformation of character and unsolicited slanderous attacks????


I remind you that the thread topic was OUR TOUR not OUR FORUMS.

Other peoples responses:

"That Brian Eno track 'An Ending [Ascent]' is superb."

"Yep. Wonderfully mellow :)
Is this relevant? Sod it, this thread clearly needs more nice stuff =)"

You see what I mean. Some people overlooked the forums and just focused on the tour website.

I for one am now thinking of launching a complaint which I'll talk to you about in more depth later Lonewolf. Sparky gets banned and everyone says yeeha even though the DIRECT CAUSE of it was Invert360's abuse and direct slandering.

THAT, is fascism - and is wrong.

End of chat :D

Thanks for yur time.


Doubt with this post u'll go far... Well with your actions in general...


Originally posted by Sparklehorse on your forums
well chaps...ive been on to the barryworld forums today and it seems i am the most unpleasant guy in the world....

the time has come to stand up and be counted....your a c**t or ya one of them....

and as far as im concered...yeah we are a minority...but for f**k sake...1 of us is worth a hundred of them fucking c**ts....

and this is my home..f**k f**k..swear


I did the editting myself.

Oh, sounds so very much like the poor wronged party. People flame here, if it upsets you then hit the report this post button. don't start hammering these forums with language that would make Tarantino blush. Sparklehorse got banned because he'd only been here two seconds and was suddenly writing whole essays that consisted entirely of filth and swearing. We might take a lenient approach when a regular has a temper tantrum, but when someone turns up and just starts being obscene immediatly, no, we don't.

This forum is read by all age groups, and whilst some moderate swearing is allowed, being an all out arsehole isn't. Sparky didn't just fireback an insult, he went on a rampage. And as fair as I could see the provocation in no way matched up with his response.

If you want to launch a complaint, I suggest you find a supermod, because I've already discussed with a Supermod that I banned sparklehorse, and I don't recall hitting any issues. The locals were apprecaitive because they use these forums alot, and you don't, yet you come here and scream abuse and affect the ambience of this palce, as well you know.


For starters - what has anything we post on OUR forums got to do with anything on THESE forums?

Secondly, you're right we weren't and aren't regulars - but when we post on here and are instantly called "...a bunch of scum inbread idiots who think its cool to swear every other word..." do you honestly think we're gonna hang around to become regulars???

You should take a serious look at your targetted "moderation" for you are simply complying with the masses who are causing more damage than any of us lot could hope to.

Sparky was swearing (I admit quite a lot) and received a ban - but 3 bans??? He got a ban for saying hallo just recently - that's pathetic - now you're not even giving him a chance. Yet, in one of your other forums someone is making jokes about Matthew Kelly and Peadophealia in general but no.... he's allowed to stay! You cannot justify his recent ban from the forums and you know it.

Get your priorities right mate, come down off your power tripping Mod Horse and just think about it will you. Your moderation ability is to be taken seriously - it's not an excuse for you to remove anyone you find "unpleasant".


Originally posted by Damini
I have a website!!

Yes you do.... and it's SHITE!


Originally posted by Amotus
For starters - what has anything we post on OUR forums got to do with anything on THESE forums?

ahh so you can link from there to here but we're not allowed to refer to your sanctum?

Secondly, you're right we weren't and aren't regulars - but when we post on here and are instantly called "...a bunch of scum inbread idiots who think its cool to swear every other word..." do you honestly think we're gonna hang around to become regulars???

When you crete an account and start posting like "a bunch of scum inbread idiots who think tis cool to swear every other word" I'll be quite glad if you don't hang around, thankyou.

You should take a serious look at your targetted "moderation" for you are simply complying with the masses who are causing more damage than any of us lot could hope to.

Of course, if you go down the pub and start a fight I'm sure the policeman chucking you out is doing far more damage to the pubs ambience and atmosphere.

Sparky was swearing (I admit quite a lot) and received a ban - but 3 bans??? He got a ban for saying hallo just recently - that's pathetic - now you're not even giving him a chance. Yet, in one of your other forums someone is making jokes about Matthew Kelly and Peadophealia in general but no.... he's allowed to stay! You cannot justify his recent ban from the forums and you know it.
Now, I don't know the ins and outs of this but I'm pretty sure he'll have been banned the second and third times because he was BANNED - i.e. go away you're not welcome.

Just because he picks a new username doesn't mean he's all of a sudden welcome.


What you say on your forums undermines your own "we're just innocent bystanders" stance, thats what it has to do with it.

I'm not on some power trip, I don't enjoy banning people. How many people have been banned in all the time that these forums have been up? TWO. Wow. We're obviously really trigger happy. There are many many people on these forums I find unpleasant and don't see eye to eye with, and I let them be. Sparklehorse over stepped a mark.

I'm not complying with the masses, and it obviously shows how unfamiliar you are with the forums if you think I am. We're not IP logging sparklehorse, so if he came back with a sensible name and didn't create a scene we'd never even realise. But, obviously, with such wonderful names as hitler_youth, Garry_glitter, muff_diver he sticks out like a sore thumb. I can justify his ban, and I already have.

I do like your maturity trump card though, glad we can continue this sensible discussion by bringing it down to the fact that my website is shit.


The reference from our forums to these was to show that Sparklehorse swears a lot. Indeed he does - as do we all. Go through OUR forums and count the amount of times I've said the word cun* on their - now flick back and count how many times I've said it on here.


Just because he swears on our forums does not mean he will hammer these with swear words. Like I said he did it at first though i think rightly justified.

Damini said... "as fair as I could see the provocation in no way matched up with his response". How can you say that? For starters you aren't Sparky and he may have taken that as a serious insult which affected him - you are in no position to state how much or little an insult has or has not affected someone. Secondly... "spaklehorse you seem like the most unpleasent person alive...i think you should take a look at your attitude!" I think is a bit of an insult don't you?!? The most unpleasant person alive??? FAAAAR to harsh for the odd flame.

it's turned into some kind of Western with you lot in your 'ole town' not liking folk 'from elsehwere' in and whenever someone gets slightly upset they just call the local sherriff who ships em outta town.

Small minded mentality over something which has trivial relevance in the grand sceme of things.

It's just a game.

This is just a forum.

Sad... :(


...also you said "so if he came back with a sensible name and didn't create a scene we'd never even realise".

He created an account called sparklegod and said hello - his post was deleted and he was banned.

Yep - I understand your unbiased thinking there.

...and of the guy who posts paedophile jokes? What of him?.... still posting away? More than likely as he is a 'regular'



We have new members joining up every day. What we don't have is new members joining up every day with names from Viz and going on insult and flame rampages.

You're obviously intelligent enough to compose an argument, yet you reduce this discussion down to insulting my website and comparing this to a Western. Cheap tricks. You're only arguing for the sport. If thats how Sparklehorse is going to respond any time he's flamed, then he shouldn't be posting here. It's not my issue if someone insulting him wounds him so deeply he needs to swear and rampage, my issue is making these forums readable for other people. He didn't report the thread, he went all out swear spasm. The issues why he did react so strongly are between him and his psyche.

You can quite easily differentiate between new people joining up and new people joining up and causing trouble. You can difderentiate from someone reacting appropriately and someone over reacting and then crowing back on his own forums about it.

The fact that you chose not to, purely so you can ride _your_ high horse while telling me to get off mine is amusing.

And when you ban someone, you BAN them. If he chooses to come back incognito then maybe we'd be none the wiser. But you don't ban Alfred only to see Alfred2 register that same hour, and then laugh about and smile and welcome them to the fold. You know that as well as I do. Stop arguing for the sake of it.

Also notice I havent banned you, despite the fact I think you are rude and argumentative. Doesn't that also blow your whole thesis out the water?


love peace empathy

i love love me...come i am a cuddly teddy bear



The only rude point I have made was a slight degradory reference to your website, which what I should have said was from a professional poit of view it neither encompasses the target audience, nor reflects the content in an adequate and functional manner. It is also displeasing to the eye from an aesthetic point of view.

As for being argumentative and you not banning me. The reason I have not been banned is because I have done no worng. Posting on these forums is indeed the whole point is it not, and that is simply what I am doing. I am not flaming nor I am provoking others too, I am also not directly targettin anyone for abuse etc etc. THAT is why you have not, and can not ban me!

It take 2 people to argue and for every post I make you are batting one back - this reflects my argumentative state within yourself resulting in you being as "argumentative" as I.


lots of huggs for everyone

i love u

lets be friends
lets all play as one big huggin family

lots of love the teddy bear


p.s can i have ur real address so i can put u on my xmas card list?


ffs why has everyones posts gone all long, and who the smuck is this sparklehorse guy, he sounds quite uber but... lets be honest, i own him.

plz keep posts down to 3 or 4 words


and to everyone that says i rock, they right


When someone comes in initial being aggressive and down right disruptive its pretty hard to lose that image so you are penalised from the start

Its like the bad kid in school everyone had one in their class, and when things went bad or summin bad happened he was usually the one picked on because simply it was expected of him

When Sparkle or whatever his name is comes in and makes posts for no apparent reason like "hello" and "hurrah" all he is aiming to do or appears to be doing to an outside view is goading people into making a negative response

Its like when a kid is told to shutup in class by the teacher and then he decides he will tap someone with a ruler alot to get their attention the teacher tells him off again and the usual response is "I didn't say anything"

The fact of the matter is that the person is still attempting to disruptive but in a passive manner in the hope that the person in authority will react badly and therefore he can hold his hands up and say BUT BUT i didn't do anything when indirectly that is exactly what he was aiming for, an attempt at making himself look innocent when really he was attempting to get an aggressive response to respond to

At the end of the day I am a very tolerant mod, but like Damini said some things do cross the mark and its just a fact in this society that a regular well recognise user can make controversial comments and jokes when someone who is not trusted makes the same comment people are gonna take it the wrong way

Sad but true and like everyone in society u have to conform or be ridiculed, take goths as a extreme example

Hope that makes sense work hurts my brain alot


Precisely, the reason you have not been banned is because you have done nothing to warrant it; we do not ban people simply because they are a) new or b) because a mod takes a personal dislike to them.

So I didn't ban sparklehorse as "an excuse for you to remove anyone you find "unpleasant", as you suggested before.

Dr. Mangler

Re: Re: Re: Hm..

Originally posted by Karam_gruul

fuckin idiot

Originally posted by katani

maybe thats why you cant get moddage or whatever ?

Well said.. I agree, If Karam can´t use proper language he shouldn´t be a Mod. just a fact...
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