Wtf Just Happend To Midgard!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I don´t know whether *you* did that, but I remember loooong threads back in the OF days and at the start of NF where Mids basically stated that they quit because Albs destroyed the game due to zerging yaddayadda. It used to be a stereotype quote back then, that´s what I was refering to.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
I couldn't get over how many albs were out and about last night. Killed one, three took its place. Out of curiosity what is the percentage break down of Excal/Pry? Is it 50% Alb, 30% Mid and 20% Hib? It certainly felt like that last night.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
because Albs destroyed the game due to zerging
You did. That's why they changed DF ownership to being based on towers rather than keeps because for the first few months of DF Albion just steamrolled everything on all servers. Of course Albs still have DF most of the time now, but then you still have the most players all the time. And some very overpowered ranged abilities, particularly Sorc mez and Scout range.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Well gratz with the relics :drink:

I logged of at 3.30 AM last count on albs was 47 took a tower and around 2 fg at hlid at that time albs hadn't any relics nor bled or glen. no other realm can defend when they come like this and to the question bout numbers from one yes albs r around 50% of server been so for 1 year+ just been pretty quite for a while. lvl 50 population is even more unballanced albs r nearly 55%.
btw hib and mid population is nearly the same now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Svartmetall said:
You did. That's why they changed DF ownership to being based on towers rather than keeps because for the first few months of DF Albion just steamrolled everything on all servers. Of course Albs still have DF most of the time now, but then you still have the most players all the time. And some very overpowered ranged abilities, particularly Sorc mez and Scout range.

LOL. 'Mythic changed the DF ownership because albs zerged everything!' xD


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Ame said:
LOL. 'Mythic changed the DF ownership because albs zerged everything!' xD
They did. Read the Herald patch notes. It's there in black and white.


"Now that the dust has settled a bit on New Frontiers, it is apparent that it is too easy for a dominant Realm to take all Relics and hold on to them..."

"We have made changes to alleviate the situation where a realm with few or no keeps cannot stage a comeback versus the realm that has all or most of the keeps and Relics..."

"We have made changes to alleviate the situation where one Realm can dominate in RvR by taking all or most of the keeps and Relics..."

"In order to help facilitate more of an ebb and flow over Darkness Falls access...we’ve changed the determining factor from having the most keeps, to having the most towers."

These changes were specifically made to address Albion's steamrolling of just about everything in NF.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
nice :) now i can play my mincer again xD <relic jumping ftw>


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

I wanna congratulate Albion players (especially Excal) for finding the sneakiest, lamest and most dishonourable way of playing RvR. Wait until the early hours of the quietest day of the year, make sure your cross-realmer spies are fully active, make intensive off-line arrangements and then just steam-roller the enemy realm in the usual Alb zerg fashion. I don't mention collusion with the Hibs, that would be too much even for varlets.
Before the cluster was forced on us, I've never seen 3 relics get robbed in one raid, nor have I seen Midgard lose 3 keeps. I therefore see it as the Excal Alb way of life. Ofc the method works, throw numbers at a problem and like money you're bound to succeed in a way. Dumb down NF in this way and soon there ONLY be Classic servers.
Success of that sort any decent player would prefer to do without though. But what can you expect of guys who go round in a group waiting for enemy xpers to engage mobs and then attack them? Alb'Hib lamers do it all the time.
This game has already been stacked by Mythic greatly in Albion's favour, so I wonder why they feel it necessary to do this sort of thing?

Character balance...don't make me laugh.:mad:

Whining, qq, call it what you will. Midgard will be back, even if we have to drug your ale to make sure you're asleep.:drink:

\/ to all lamers.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
mercury said:
I wanna congratulate Albion players (especially Excal) for finding the sneakiest, lamest and most dishonourable way of playing RvR. Wait until the early hours of the quietest day of the year, make sure your cross-realmer spies are fully active, make intensive off-line arrangements and then just steam-roller the enemy realm in the usual Alb zerg fashion. I don't mention collusion with the Hibs, that would be too much even for varlets.
Before the cluster was forced on us, I've never seen 3 relics get robbed in one raid, nor have I seen Midgard lose 3 keeps. I therefore see it as the Excal Alb way of life. Ofc the method works, throw numbers at a problem and like money you're bound to succeed in a way. Dumb down NF in this way and soon there ONLY be Classic servers.
Success of that sort any decent player would prefer to do without though. But what can you expect of guys who go round in a group waiting for enemy xpers to engage mobs and then attack them? Alb'Hib lamers do it all the time.
This game has already been stacked by Mythic greatly in Albion's favour, so I wonder why they feel it necessary to do this sort of thing?

Character balance...don't make me laugh.:mad:

Whining, qq, call it what you will. Midgard will be back, even if we have to drug your ale to make sure you're asleep.:drink:

\/ to all lamers.

This post made me laugh. :D


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
mercury said:
I wanna congratulate Albion players (especially Excal) for finding the sneakiest, lamest and most dishonourable way of playing RvR. Wait until the early hours of the quietest day of the year, make sure your cross-realmer spies are fully active, make intensive off-line arrangements and then just steam-roller the enemy realm in the usual Alb zerg fashion.

not like mids or hibs ever have done anything like this...

mercury said:
Before the cluster was forced on us, I've never seen 3 relics get robbed in one raid, nor have I seen Midgard lose 3 keeps. I therefore see it as the Excal Alb way of life. Ofc the method works, throw numbers at a problem and like money you're bound to succeed in a way. Dumb down NF in this way and soon there ONLY be Classic servers.

well, i have. as i remember mid was pretty hammered the first weeks of NF and it was quite alot of this ''you're ruining the game''-talk then as well. as i recall it. or wait, to be fair it was only 2 relics being snatch from mids but i'm sure if we have had more at that time it would have been gone as well.

mercury said:
Success of that sort any decent player would prefer to do without though. But what can you expect of guys who go round in a group waiting for enemy xpers to engage mobs and then attack them? Alb'Hib lamers do it all the time.

once again, it's not like mids never do this.

mercury said:
This game has already been stacked by Mythic greatly in Albion's favour, so I wonder why they feel it necessary to do this sort of thing?

Character balance...don't make me laugh.:mad:

not like midgard is underpowered.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
i rolled classic, otherwise i would have wtfpwned every newbie alb there was xD


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
same crap different day mids/hibs always qq when albs take relics back even if they do start mid evening times cos they always finish early hours so they HAVE to be alarm clock raids never mind the fact of when they actually started.

I recall when mids took the relics not so long back alot of albs congratulated them. Albs have been trying for a while now to get merlins staff back i myself lead an attemp on fens started at 8pm gmt took tower lots of trebs hole in wall OMG 87 mids waiting inside like how the fuck etc etc.

Mids never even came out of the keep just the the sucky old whorecocks do the insta shit as per usual and u lot reckon albs got over powered chars u wanna take a long hard look at ur own realm first.

Anyway gratz to albs been a long time over due hope we get to keep em a while now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
10pm: Albs take keep 1.

"Yay, well done chaps, ok off to next one!"

11:30pm: Albs take keep 2.

"Wow, two keeps!"

2am: Albs take keep 3 after defening keeps 1 and 2.

"Fuck that was close. We really have to push onto the relics!"

"Urm...sorry but it's 2am..."

"You're right, we must all log off right now! Night chaps"


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 13, 2004
eggy said:
10pm: Albs take keep 1.

"Yay, well done chaps, ok off to next one!"

11:30pm: Albs take keep 2.

"Wow, two keeps!"

2am: Albs take keep 3 after defening keeps 1 and 2.

"Fuck that was close. We really have to push onto the relics!"

"Urm...sorry but it's 2am..."

"You're right, we must all log off right now! Night chaps"

+1 etc..


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
What's in a name?

Dafft said:
Me too,

He sounds like a narrow minded retard but thats my own opinion which your are entitled, tho it goes with the name....

\/ to all lamers

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Congratulations on the relics, but I think it's a little cheesy to do it between christmass and newyear, seeing as how many people aren't around to defend. Midgard is pretty deserted atm. :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Congratulations on the relics, but I think it's a little cheesy to do it between christmass and newyear, seeing as how many people aren't around to defend. Midgard is pretty deserted atm. :/

lol, looked at Brynja lately? :p


Loyal Freddie
Mar 10, 2004
Ahh this is like christmas presents again, keep it up whining mids you have made my day :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
drop it - big deal the relics go - another time soon Hibernia's will go.

What matters more is when we get 8.81 patch to bring some people back home - Classic has nerfed the whole game by the looks of it. Will hope to see you all in the Frontier next Friday and happy New Year folks.:)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
eggy said:
10pm: Albs take keep 1.

"Yay, well done chaps, ok off to next one!"

11:30pm: Albs take keep 2.

"Wow, two keeps!"

I had to log at 1 as i did have work the next day, only got bout 5 hours sleep but get it right they didnt have 2keeps until after i logged :).

Well done on getting the relics and we'll come get em back later on. :)

yeah so i screwed up the quote qq :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2004
Xarma said:
We got outskilled. :m00:

Yes, Like beeing a non alb makes you sooo more skilled :twak:

but hey its a new year so perhaps its true, i better recognize your skills and not log on till you getting your precious relics (and ours) back ?


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Jarod said:
Yes, Like beeing a non alb makes you sooo more skilled :twak:

but hey its a new year so perhaps its true, i better recognize your skills and not log on till you getting your precious relics (and ours) back ?

pissed but still concious so ill just say


god i love abusing fellow albs :) especially those Bulle reloaded slags. all frenchies imo :) dene in particulaer :0


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004
heh, welcome to what the US servers have went through for years..

Hell be thankful you're no on Kilibury cluster, Nothing like having 80+ albs in your frontier at 5 am taking all your keeps when you have 20 in NF alone


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2005
mercury said:
I wanna congratulate Albion players (especially Excal) for finding the sneakiest, lamest and most dishonourable way of playing RvR. Wait until the early hours of the quietest day of the year, make sure your cross-realmer spies are fully active, make intensive off-line arrangements and then just steam-roller the enemy realm in the usual Alb zerg fashion. I don't mention collusion with the Hibs, that would be too much even for varlets.
Before the cluster was forced on us, I've never seen 3 relics get robbed in one raid, nor have I seen Midgard lose 3 keeps. I therefore see it as the Excal Alb way of life. Ofc the method works, throw numbers at a problem and like money you're bound to succeed in a way. Dumb down NF in this way and soon there ONLY be Classic servers.
Success of that sort any decent player would prefer to do without though. But what can you expect of guys who go round in a group waiting for enemy xpers to engage mobs and then attack them? Alb'Hib lamers do it all the time.
This game has already been stacked by Mythic greatly in Albion's favour, so I wonder why they feel it necessary to do this sort of thing?

Character balance...don't make me laugh.:mad:

Whining, qq, call it what you will. Midgard will be back, even if we have to drug your ale to make sure you're asleep.:drink:

\/ to all lamers.

I say the same to you ! when BC grp and a few adders as usual took our power relic right before cluster with 1fg and abit at 6 AM lol :m00: don't be mad don't be paranoid don't be blue :( hibs took your relics too

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