Note: This isn't an open beta, it's a 7-day test where they let 100k people storm some of their servers. The game will be completely playable during the test, though I presume the lag will be 'orrible
Those 100,000 people won't be allowed to go to any server they wish. They are only allowed on 1 server for those people that are taking part in the 7 day stress test.
I'm glad Blizzard did that because when I was in the Lineage 2 closed beta it was great, then when Open Beta came it was horrible. Open Beta testers don't care about people or the fact there "BETA TESTING" they just want to play a free game and they don't care how they act towards people.
I for one won't be playing World of Warcraft because it will contain way too many immature people. Give it a year after release then maybe I will think about it again.
WoW will have its mix of mature and immature players like most mmorpgs, there will just be alot more of each group since theres so many more warcraft "fans" out there
The way I see it if you wait for the Euro release you won't have to deal with as many (i'd be a fool to think any game won't have its share of retards) idiots and fanboys. Chances are 99.99% of those people will be tripping over each other (and most likley calling each other names as well ) to get it imported from the states.
I want to try WoW, but i'm not so desperate yet that i'm not willing to wait a few extra months in order to play with a playerbase I have a feeling i'd probably prefer. Its better than playing state-side atleast
I don't believe they will give away more keys. Blizzard only allowed the release of 100,000 keys. If Blizzard has plans to do another stress test after this week of stress testing they will announce it on there website not on Fileplanet.
It's a bit like when Fileplanet allowed people to download the open beta of Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War which i've downloaded and taken part in. Fileplanet said there was no more open beta accounts left, but Relic said they may allow more people to take part in the open beta at a later date.
So you should really be checking out the Blizzard FAQ and the forums.
aye, I signed up and got a message saying that they were out of keys but that they will contact me once they get the next bunch. That was three days ago - well, yesterday the key was in my mail.
They probably didnt get all of the 100.000 keys at once
Still waiting for the application mail (got the game and the key)
Heres some more anonymous ways of surfing (changing proxy is by far the easiest tho) for all you secret squirrels out there;
Tres bizzare. Im in the UK and have a sub with fileplanet registered in the UK. Went streight on the day it was announced and got my key streight away. Not sure if it has anything to do with me being on Aol or not, possibly could be.
Starting tomorrow, September 2nd at 12:00 noon PDT, stress test beta participants will be able to create their World of Warcraft accounts and begin playing the game. Their participation will help us optimize our account-creation and server infrastructure, and enable us to deliver the best online experience possible when the game launches later this year. We want to thank everyone who applied for the stress test beta, and we look forward to seeing the new testers online tomorrow when the stress test beta starts.
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