WoW is so much fun =). No high RR gank grps, no master levels, no artifacts, no insane CC, Soloing is a viable option if you are just in for a couple of hours and wanna do something (instead of 0.3 xp on lvl 44 soloing in daoc =).
The gfx in screenshots do not give the game sufficient justice. Easy too find towns, ingame map (oki daoc have that too now, but rember the old /loc system =), guards that give you excakt location, virtualy no way of gimping yourself (talents perhaps too some degree but I was a real wow noob and finding info on talents was not hard). I have not have so much fun in a mmorpg in ages.
And though I have not been that much in rvr yet, it feels more like Battle Grounds in daoc than RvR in emain. AkA pure fun =) not ffs assist, ffs u not rr7, ffs etc etc etc
The gfx in screenshots do not give the game sufficient justice. Easy too find towns, ingame map (oki daoc have that too now, but rember the old /loc system =), guards that give you excakt location, virtualy no way of gimping yourself (talents perhaps too some degree but I was a real wow noob and finding info on talents was not hard). I have not have so much fun in a mmorpg in ages.
And though I have not been that much in rvr yet, it feels more like Battle Grounds in daoc than RvR in emain. AkA pure fun =) not ffs assist, ffs u not rr7, ffs etc etc etc