Would you come back if server population better?

Would you play on cluster of population was high again?

  • Yes

    Votes: 215 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 72 23.9%
  • I looooveee world of warcraft pvp!!

    Votes: 14 4.7%

  • Total voters


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

A casual player on cleric goes to get some RP, rezzing, maybe mission, but avoids direct fighting (no chance). He is farmed by a soloer.
Then the soloer tries to look for more poor clerics, but finds a scout duo buffed and gets killed.
The scout duo looks for soloers but faces an opted fg.
The opted fg looks for more victims, 2 scouts isn't enough for a day. But in their next fight the casual cleric brings friends out and adds on their fight, so this time they are farmed unfairly.

Of course it works with other setups as well. But soloers and fgs know how to moan.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ah, but servers that work are

Us classic
German servers

Each one has a community that knows what the other half wants and sometimes respects it.

Its only on dyvet that people whinge and report each ohter

No its not. I do only play ToA servers because (and this sounds crazy!) I LIKE ToA and all the toys it brings to RvR with artis and MLs. Now the whole thing is almost too beautifully easy with the exception of group steps but thats just because I am too damn lazy to do 'em.

Anyways, I digress. This kind of whinging exists on both Caerleon and Devon which are the two clusters KF play on atm. After five years I managed to get my first ever whine thread!

The game is as ever what you make of it. I enjoy soloing on my Thane these days, she's a low RR toon and gets beaten up by most things at the moment but I still have fun even when I get stealthzerged I can imagine that when I get the KF rvr group going I am going to hunt every one of those mooheads down.

Some genius wrote this:
VN Boards - NN! Lessons: Soloing 101 (10 steps to a better you!)
And thats definately fit in with the experience I've had in rvr be it solo, trio or 8v8.


Apr 27, 2007
It is very apparent that the only players left here - and visiting Freddys - are very long term ones. I think the reason for this really is that initially the game was great for die hard gamers but didn't keep working on enrolling newcomers. It soaked up all the people like you - and me - and then stopped. We still play after a few years which is a testament to how good this game is but I don't think anyone in their right mind wants to spend so long levelling up an alt and then having to pay for multiple accounts just to be realistically functional. I can see the attraction for this but you have to be pretty competent with computers etc and the expertize is a rarity. Personally I like to play on the US classic servers now as it is much more relaxing. You get burnt out playing here.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I like TOA but don't like running two accounts to play a game, that's an issue that was never and will never be properly addressed by Mythic/EA or GOA. These days I play on the US Classic server and frankly I'm loving it at the moment, the changes over there have really made things easier for people who play casually like me, I got a few hours to play my lowbie hunter yesterday and solo I managed to get him from level 24-35.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
With a couple of exceptions, I have very fond memories of the game and all the years OF and Pre-SI I spent in it. So, after a lot of forum reading and a hell of a lot of boredom I figured what the hell and renewed one of my lesser known accounts for a month...

The biggest thing that hit me wasn't the lack of population or the attitude of gamers, no it was the user interface...

I've spent a lot of time away from DAoC getting used to WoW, LOTRO and other MMOs and compared to them, the interface just seems unwieldy and uncomfortable. Other games just feel a lot easier to pick up and play, a lot more intuitive...

By the time I'd remembered how to rearrange my style bars, my ML bars, my RA bars, my quick binds, movement keys, recreated the macros I used to use etc I was knackered!!! And I hadn't even started on some of the old use macros. which I still can't remember / find out...


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
With a couple of exceptions, I have very fond memories of the game and all the years OF and Pre-SI I spent in it. So, after a lot of forum reading and a hell of a lot of boredom I figured what the hell and renewed one of my lesser known accounts for a month...

The biggest thing that hit me wasn't the lack of population or the attitude of gamers, no it was the user interface...

I've spent a lot of time away from DAoC getting used to WoW, LOTRO and other MMOs and compared to them, the interface just seems unwieldy and uncomfortable. Other games just feel a lot easier to pick up and play, a lot more intuitive...

By the time I'd remembered how to rearrange my style bars, my ML bars, my RA bars, my quick binds, movement keys, recreated the macros I used to use etc I was knackered!!! And I hadn't even started on some of the old use macros. which I still can't remember / find out...

The main thing about it I'd say is it's kind of like the old difference between dos and windows way back when windows first came out. Dos could do more, didn't use as much memory to run BUT people didn't want to learn how to use it. I can't blame anyone for it either. DAoCs interface has so many slash commands which are considered sort of essential whereby, if they had a budget to upgrade it in the long run, I'd get rid of a selection of the qbinds and either create buttons or seperate menus in order to make them.

/use2 2 5 2 for example wont be known by newer players. The whole master assist macro wont, even half of the emotes wont. Silly little things which could be made so so much better.

Short version : I agree ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Most probably not. I enjoyed my time in DAoC but have since then moved on to WoW.. OMG I miss DAoC PvP :twak:

I'm actually in favour of waiting for the release of Warhammer instead of returning to DAoC. For me Warhammer looks to be a sort of DAoC V2.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Plenty of action on Excal/Pryd atm. If you still have feelings for DAoC, then now is the time to return imo :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
In my oppinion the Leetist players are a big reason too leave the game alone especially now the pop is low. Earlyer it didnt matter that much as there were enuf RoG grps out and small grps and alot of noobs and not well equipped people online. There was always enough enemies in your catagory..
After being farmed again and again with new expansions hitting again and again so they fall even further behind and standing no chance at all vs leet people they quit and stopped paying subs. Not too forget people who dont have a bb, they are totaly rp cows rdy for the farm...
So after each expansion people left, leetists stayed. Item database crash with restoring characters REALLY WAS A FRIGGIN JOKE!!!!! ic alot of 6 monthhs but i know enough people where it took more then 8 months... So people leave....

Now only fixed groups ran and dont want the randoms cuz not up to date template, or no ml's , no high rr, not known as good player or no Vent/TS

So now the non leetist solo chars are useless and their group chars are useless because they dont get groups..... /qtd

And a REALLY big problem is the TOTAL BULLSHIT CRAP AVAILEBILITY of the game and advertisement!!!!!! I'm from the Netherlands and didnt have a credit card.. I had too goto fukking Germany too buy the game and expansions!!!! Later there were maybe 2 shops in the whole of Netherlands where you could buy the game... and i do mean 2 shops not chain of shops...

For the playerbase too get the huge buff it needs PUT THE GAME IN THE SHOPS ALL OVER THE GLOBE!!!! and make it ADVERTISE FFS!!!!
Also make it ezer for the newcommers too get up and running!!!

idea 1 for this including the advertisement and availebility boost:
Make a new server get the xp gaining lvl 24+ a biiiiiig boost!! it takes way too long too gain a level.. The leveling is alot more fun if u actually make a few levels in 2 hours instead of a few bubs!!!!!!!
Close the crap populated servers with a char swap too another existing server..

The new server is needed for the newcommers because there is no way in hell they can kill the rr8+ mass of players left in the game.... The lvling wont be a pain cuz its fun now u actually make progress and it does just take maybe 3 days too get too 50 instead of a month or more.....

This could work but wont happen as all the effort now goes too WaR and the game has gotten really complicated too master a class with all the abilities at ones disposal....

idea 2
Get the ability too copy 2 chars too another server so you have a descent starting basis on the newly joined server.

Wont happen as it would be way too much work for Mythic/GoA (whatever) too work through that stack of data swapping, just look at the dataswipe and the time it took them too help that....

In other words... The game is doomned thanks too
A. The Leetists
B. The incapability of Mythic/GoA in fixing problems and adressing their clients
C. The shit Availebility, advertisement and super unfriendlyness gameswise for newcommers of the game, so there was/is no fresh blood incomming and only people leaving

It's sad really because i did have tons of fun the first 2 years i played the game.... After that it was just hoping for it too get better while it just got worse, combined with the unwillingness too throw away the huge time invesment you made in the game stuck most people too the game...
There were TONS and TONS of early warnings and options for GoA/Mythic too act too prevent this decline in player base.... Did they listen????? NOPE!

I can only hope theyll do a mutch better job at WaR cuz DaoC is ruined :(
Not that ill even considder playing That game.....

My memories of DaoC will be the first 2 years wich were a blast, the latter 4 years is a butt whipe

thx everyone for joining me and yourselves in the Online gaming Revolution DaoC was for me. real big shame the incompetance of Mythic/GoA destroyed the brilliance and charme it once held..

Peace out <3 Ya'll


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I'm from the Netherlands and didnt have a credit card.. I had too goto fukking Germany too buy the game and expansions!!!! Later there were maybe 2 shops in the whole of Netherlands where you could buy the game... and i do mean 2 shops not chain of shops...

If you're a member of the ANWB / Route mobile, you can aply for a free credit card, (incase u goto forgein countries etc). Also you can buy the game at Dynabite, wich store is to be found all across holland. Also at minor gaming shops.

Phooka said:
Peace out <3 Ya'll

<3 you too :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
If you're a member of the ANWB / Route mobile, you can aply for a free credit card, (incase u goto forgein countries etc). Also you can buy the game at Dynabite, wich store is to be found all across holland. Also at minor gaming shops.

Got CC now, but still alot of people who need to go ask mam or dad or a friend too pay for them time and time again for resubs etc. a factor contributing too customer unfriendlyness of the game..



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
When this game started people where 5 year younger. People have changed and are longing for that first experience in MMORPG which is irreplacable. DAOC is a dieing game and looking back and wonder what would happen if population where viabl again is useless


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Its definetly the attitude of the english speaking players...

talking to my m8's that moved to US, they play the style of "if its red its dead" - an no one minds!

That depends tbh
On boss cluster, I can wander the island bridges as a visable solo and many groups will just run past me (granted there are warder zergs that run me over)
I could safely xp on the island (and indeed I have) and the chances of being ganked are remote

Duos/trios of mids will stand and watch me fight an alb without interfering

and the only people that will "add" on solo fights on the island are two guilds of ex-mordred players (who don't hide the fact they are out to grief), one of which has since found it difficult to get SC'ing/Crafting done because of their actions, one of them even posted a whine thread last week complaining that no-one would apply alchemy tincs he had bought to his boots because of his guilds actions in the "solo zone" :)

CSR's never interfere with players who like to duel/fight on the island
their attitude seems to be
"it's not harming anyone else, so let it be"
despite the fact that it's "organised dueling" via VN boards and people rezz the loosers of the fights all the time.

I guess it's kinda like the attitude that exists on the german cluster
people who want to play large scale RvR/siege etc do so
8mans who want to fight do so on the island
solo'ers who like to fight do so on the island within a specific area marked out around starlight lake

occasionally you will get arseholes that come to the solo zone to gank
but when that happens, everyone stops fighting and ganks the gankers

I see as much "omfg you are a dirty x-realmer such-and-such for not helping me kill that mid I added on " whine on boss forum as anything else.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
Damn.... It's been ages since i've been here.

Have'nt played in years, but would be back in a heartbeat! If old mates where playing, and the pop was as it was back then.

It still holds the best memmories for me.. 'cause of this game i've traveled the world, met people from allover and drank whole of hollands hertog jan :drink:

It was the best (read: BEST!) mmorpg ever. period!

I truly miss the people i knew ingame, hope youre all well.


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