Would this be a fair nerf to Remedy?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Xrystofer said:
cost 200 hp but when they str/con debuff u, u lose more than 200 hp ;)

okay..excluding the proc thing (as i dont think remedy should block procs at all) yes it costs ~200 HPs...str/con poisens take..i forget this tbh, but its like 4-500?

now..on first hit with assasin lets say im hit (without remedy up)...random assasin hits me for 200 dmg mainhand (not far fetched tbh farely low)..then str/con applies..my max hits r reduced by lets say 400 for arguments sake, now...seeing as i alrdy lost 200 HPs, and the str/con THEN aplies to max HPs, that's a diff of 200 HPs (the cost of using the ability in the first place IF ..that's IF i hit it intime.)

so all in all on the hits side of things, remedy tends to save me 200..maybe up to 300 HPs (think its nearer 200) yet it costs me 200 to use. (and this is if im only hit for 200 by the attacking assasin as first hit, any bigger hits and the HPs remedy save me decreases.)

what's left after the hit point whine side, is the weaponskill decrease..and THIS is the advantage. the bit that helps my char not get evaded so much.

so to me, this seems fair..i pop RR5 doesnt do F all HPs wise in most fights, BUT it allows me to hit my target without problems from str debuffing.

then, mythic fooked up and also made it block all procs.

and yes...its still only worth using versus TWO targets. omg omg omg.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
Funny, but u're contradicting yourselves now. I said Remedy is a rather small thing in the great scheme of the game. Remedy is OP against 2 classes, compare that to a Warlock who's OP against about 25 classes. At RR1, all the time. If you want balance, I would suggest a WL-change before Remedy :O

I am all for having Warlocks changed to be a functional class instead of a chamber dumping adding and leeching solo character.

Puppet said:
And having the Left Axe modifier removed !? LOL now tháts overpowered. What ur basically saying 'RR5 Shadowblades will have a 40% dmg boost compared to a medium LeftAxe spec'. Thats even more OP then Remedy is AND it works against all classes. Brilliant, once again Aza xD

Yeah, that RR5 suggestion would be overpowered. Just as Remedy is. Why do you think I suggested it? It would however not allow shadowblades as an assassin class to compete on equal footing with visible characters. That's an inherent fault in the way stealther games works against visible games. Something we can only hope Mythic adresses in upcoming patches.

You keep playing the old tune shades keep repeating when remedy is brought up: "Only useful against two classes!". Well, most RR5's are only useful against a few select classes. Sorcs SoI doesn't do much against other casters forinstance.
The deal is, that shades fights other stealthers more often than visibles. Hence it's an issue. If Remedy only was useful against 5 casters, this would not be an issue.


Jan 15, 2006
r5 abilities should only be usefull against classes which are superior to them.

casters need anti tank RA
like -90% absorb for sorcer is indeed a good RA
-90% evade for RM is also a good RA (if it worked)

Archers need an anti Assassin RA

Shades get an RA which is strong against their own kind therefor it should be replaced by something else


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
illu said:
Riiiiiiiiight.........the perma resists are up for 11 minutes, and you get them in 2 weeks time :> Also I'm sure your buffbots give resists no?

Remember though your resists are now 50% vs most who will have ~36% without aom. Still a little one sided, though you may have to try now ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Vladamir said:
Remember though your resists are now 50% vs most who will have ~36% without aom. Still a little one sided, though you may have to try now ;p

that and if he sticks with bot resists he could also have the parry line, 11% parry, 5DPS dmg add, 5 abs buff etc.

whilst others will have sacrificed this to get 15%ish lest sists.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Once again Neffneff, what prevents you from running 2 bots. Just as Mids are forced to do?

If you want 6 resists, run 2 bots.

In mids, we run 2 bots just to get the red haste you have with one bot.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
i wasnt whining bout the resists, i never have..if he wants to run with sists for first 10 mins of each run, then he can go right ahead.

was just pointing out that the comment of "well DR is inc so all can do the same" wasnt exactly true or fair.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
remedy this, remedy that, ask for infil/sb rr5 ra boost instead of trying to get the shade one nerfed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
oh and just cause u have to use 2 bots u have to do the resist buffs aswell? man even doing 3 resistbuffs on 1 bot is lame imo. i can do all 6 resistbuffs to if i wanted to, i could just use guild friar, but whats the friggin point in winning like that?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Carter said:
r5 abilities should only be usefull against classes which are superior to them.

casters need anti tank RA
like -90% absorb for sorcer is indeed a good RA
-90% evade for RM is also a good RA (if it worked)

Archers need an anti Assassin RA

Shades get an RA which is strong against their own kind therefor it should be replaced by something else
nah, casters shouldnt get shit


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Jergiot said:
oh and just cause u have to use 2 bots u have to do the resist buffs aswell? man even doing 3 resistbuffs on 1 bot is lame imo. i can do all 6 resistbuffs to if i wanted to, i could just use guild friar, but whats the friggin point in winning like that?

I'll belive your foolishness when you start not using your Spec AF and do charges instead. Idiot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well i agree with jerg, i dont use the buffs either and never have. or infact, i think one or two runs i did matter buff (and matter only) because i wanted to kill a warlock :p i failed horribly anyways though.

can understand why people do the buffs tho, and for a slash user its not a big deal anyways :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
well i agree with jerg, i dont use the buffs either and never have. or infact, i think one or two runs i did matter buff (and matter only) because i wanted to kill a warlock :p i failed horribly anyways though.

can understand why people do the buffs tho, and for a slash user its not a big deal anyways :D

Good you had the last part with. Was almost about to ask if you didn't use the druid haste either. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Azathrim said:
Good you had the last part with. Was almost about to ask if you didn't use the druid haste either. :)

you can get haste on charges and potions though ;) id take the alb bb over hib or mid (duh) ones, and buy a barrel of hastepots. nice and cheap, and doesnt ruin my item timer


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
All this talk of Remedy being Oped is fair enough , but as neff said it only makes a difference against 2 classes in daoc .

That being said after i stopped playing my ns 15k from rr4 i must say any time i have come up against high rr infs/sbs i usually won ... and zomg i didnt use oped remedy :eek6: Nuxo/Shatterhand/Yog but to name afew

But the biggest bullshit is that hib only get token elf/luwi nightshades ... and with 1.81d inc Blades/slash is becoming a much better option , givf fucking Celt shades already , 320 str w/o augs with str as 100% of your wepdamage is teh suxx :(

Anyways nvm remedy Purge+Battler use2 = win , But how can u win if u are a skinny elph who can barely hold a Malice axe ?:p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
remedy works against everything that has a weapon with an offensive proc on it. obviously its most effective vs malice and legendaries, but more classes then just assassins use those


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
remedy works against everything that has a weapon with an offensive proc on it. obviously its most effective vs malice and legendaries, but more classes then just assassins use those

<Has nightmare about infernalchaos debuffing his target with a heat lgm staffzorre > :(


Loyal Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
I have the ultimate solution to remedy, but until Mythic pull their fucking finger out for game balance - i ain't saying jack shit. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
i think to modify the reuse timer from 5 min to 15 min that doesn't effect anything. As a stealther you don't find hard enemies in 1v1 twice in 15 mins mostly. Sometimes it even takes more then 20 mins to find some rr5+ enemy, and it pointless to use abailites in low rrs mostly. Like fz, it was also longered to 15 min reuse timer and i still got fz-ed all the time by hunters or rangers :)

I hope darkness rising will balancing the classes a bit, i've heard that you can get some hp boost with the champion levels, that would be really nice, but i'm not sure.

Anyway infi rr5 ability is only useable in keep fights to double PA siege operators, or BS+PA them if they don't have dmg shield on. It's really a good stuff on keep fights but there are not much keep fights where you can find a solo siege operator to kill, you mostly get added/zerged/warlocked inside keeps.

sb rr5 ability is total useless. i've heard that some sb got warned because he ported up to the oil operator inside a tower. If thats not permitted, then whats it for then ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Punishment said:
All this talk of Remedy being Oped is fair enough , but as neff said it only makes a difference against 2 classes in daoc .

That being said after i stopped playing my ns 15k from rr4 i must say any time i have come up against high rr infs/sbs i usually won ... and zomg i didnt use oped remedy :eek6: Nuxo/Shatterhand/Yog but to name afew

But the biggest bullshit is that hib only get token elf/luwi nightshades ... and with 1.81d inc Blades/slash is becoming a much better option , givf fucking Celt shades already , 320 str w/o augs with str as 100% of your wepdamage is teh suxx :(

Anyways nvm remedy Purge+Battler use2 = win , But how can u win if u are a skinny elph who can barely hold a Malice axe ?:p

Good one :D
If celt NS becomes a possibility ill come back too daoc ;)

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